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Update: Weapon Rebalance

Update: Weapon Rebalance

🆕 🤩As announced earlier this month, we've made some changes to several Weapons. Here's the lowdown:

- Arc Torrents: The Optimal Range of all variants of the Arc Torrent has been increased to 0-30m and the Max Range has been set at 30m across all Ranks. The Max Range can still be enhanced with the "Arc Torrent Range" Implant, however there will be Damage falloff outside the Optimal Range. The Damage Per Magazine stat has also been adjusted for all variants.

- Disc Launchers: Damage past the Optimal Range has been decreased. Splash Damage now deals less Damage when enemies stand further from the point of impact and Splash Damage won't deal bonus Damage to the sides and rear of Mechs.

- Nade Launchers, Cryo Launchers, Miniguns and Chain Guns: The Damage Per Magazine stat has been increased for all of these Weapons, so they're deadlier than ever!

You can find more details in our previous Forum post right here 🔗

These changes are part of our ongoing work to make Mech Arena fun and competitive for all. So try those Weapons and let us know how you find them out there in the Arena!


Feb 29, 2024, 11:3802/29/24
CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 15:5203/04/24
Andrew Linn

its an absolute joke. a lot of us players spent a lot of money maxing these weapons out and now they have just been nerfed for no reason. and not even an offer of some sort of in game compensation for us. i wont be wasting money on anymore weapons just for them to be weakened in future. why are plarium intent on ruining this game ?? 

Hello! Firstly, the aim of the rebalance is to make the Weapons meet their Grades and Classes, as some of them are kinda out of these borders, which damages the overall game balance. Nevertheless, they won't be dramatic - we'd recommend you to give it a try and maybe test some various strategies and tactics. We designed this Update in such a way that the Content remains efficient and relevant but requires an unusual approach to use! In these terms, we, on the contrary, are trying to keep the game developing further.

Secondly, these changes are not that dramatic. By choosing the strategy appropriate to their Classes, you will find out that they remain super efficient and cool! 😉

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 15:5603/04/24

I ve lost too much time in upgrading torrent and disc launcher, it's a shame! Many players have choose those weappons for the stats damages, and they are in play for a long time... where is the compensation? I have now a useless stuff!

Hello! We understand your despair but don't give up! Try to use your Arc Torrents and Disc Launchers in some unusual ways - you will find out that the changes we made don't affect them much if you are using them according to their Classes

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 15:5803/04/24

Solo eso faltaba, disminuir el daño del Arc Torrent y asi seguir con la politica de ir dejando obsoleto a todas las armas y mech para hacerlo "más divertido" Se estan equivocando muy mal. Tienen que ver otra forma de ir ganando dinero. 

Consideraremos sus comentarios; ¡gracias! (via Google Translate)

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 16:0703/04/24

"These changes are part of our ongoing work to make Mech Arena fun and competitive for all. So try those Weapons and let us know how you find them out there in the Arena!"

You take us for idiots, don't you? On top of that, you want us to believe that all your garbage is for our good? You are achieving the opposite and you are ruining our work and investment to maximize those weapons. Now they are pure garbage and useless, so where is our compensation?

Don't have any more great ideas please, you're pretty much screwing up the game already.

Hello! According to our plan, all the Content must be in its place. Since the time Arc Torrents and Disc Launchers were released, the game has changed a lot, and these Weapons have gotten out of their boundaries. Although these changes weren't dramatic, they helped us to set ATs and DLs to their Classes and Grades 

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 16:1503/04/24

Again total disrespect of resource and effort spent by players to acquire and upgrade weapon in mech arena. 

first rebalance you make my upgraded lv.6 longarm useless because all mech suddenly have super HP.

Buy and switch to arc and Disc launcher (which is barely powerfull enough in 10k sp) spent alot of time to level it up just to be nerfed again in the 2nd rebalance.

All this proves only one thing, none of your items are worth buying since you dont have any respect for your players. 

Hello! We don't rebalance the Content often as it's always developed considering the balance of the game. If any changes are coming, we inform the community in advance and make them in a way to make the rebalanced Content remain relevant and effective. 

Longarm is an Uncommon Weapon. It mustn't be as powerful as a Legendary one. Nevertheless, having a proper strategy, it can be compatible at any level (I know this from my personal experience).

The same goes with Arc Torrents and Disc Launchers. We cut the points that made them out of Grade/Class boundaries, but kept them compatible and effective

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 16:1603/04/24

운영진들 마음대로 특정 무기 능력치를 낮추는건 이해할수가 없네요.

오랜기간 시간과 돈을 투자하며 아크토렌트와 디스크런처 무기에만 집중적으로 투자하고 키운 유저들도 많을 건데 그 유저들이 지속적으로 이 게임을 할까라는 의문이 드네요.

무기셋업 뿐만아니라 그와 연관된 조종사,스킬배치강화가 무의미하게 되어버린것 같아 이와같은 조치는 합당하지 않다고 봅니다.

결론적으로 말하자면 원래대로 무기능력치를 돌려놓으세요.

재조정의 목적은 무기가 등급과 클래스를 충족하도록 만드는 것입니다. 무기 중 일부는 이러한 경계를 벗어나 전체 게임 밸런스를 손상시키기 때문입니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 드라마틱하지는 않을 것입니다. 한 번 시도해 보고 다양한 전략과 전술을 테스트해 보시기를 권합니다. 우리는 콘텐츠가 효율적이고 관련성이 높지만 사용하려면 특이한 접근 방식이 필요하도록 이 업데이트를 설계했습니다! (via Google Translate)

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 16:1703/04/24
Jack Burton

I realize rebalance needs to be done but the changes are ridiculous. 

Like nerf arc torrent for one thing. Not damage, range and add fall off damage and have it still arc but hit for nothing.

Wish I never bothered to save up for it now. At least I only started playing a month ago so it's an easy UNINSTALL decision for me. 

Hello! Now Arc Torrents perform exactly like an Epic Close Quarters Weapon. Try a new strategy - use them like a short-length Weapon and you will find out that they remain super effective! 😉

Mar 4, 2024, 16:3203/04/24

stupid update

Mar 4, 2024, 18:2003/04/24

козлы вы после этого

Mar 4, 2024, 19:3803/04/24

Hello! Now Arc Torrents perform exactly like an Epic Close Quarters Weapon. Try a new strategy - use them like a short-length Weapon and you will find out that they remain super effective! 😉

Worse than fragment gun... so not epic worth

Mar 4, 2024, 19:4103/04/24

Hello! Firstly, the aim of the rebalance is to make the Weapons meet their Grades and Classes, as some of them are kinda out of these borders, which damages the overall game balance. Nevertheless, they won't be dramatic - we'd recommend you to give it a try and maybe test some various strategies and tactics. We designed this Update in such a way that the Content remains efficient and relevant but requires an unusual approach to use! In these terms, we, on the contrary, are trying to keep the game developing further.

Secondly, these changes are not that dramatic. By choosing the strategy appropriate to their Classes, you will find out that they remain super efficient and cool! 😉

how do disc launcher compare to buffed mini guns now?

I would need to spend 13k acoins to change the implants in my pilots to use different weapons. 

Mar 4, 2024, 22:3103/04/24

Just had my first experience with seeing a Particle Beam 10 in use. Strangely enough it looks like an Arc Turrent in action but has way better range and damage. We see that this whole update was to sell more product to consumers while making older weapons obsolete. I'm done, uninstalled.

Mar 5, 2024, 01:5303/05/24

The aim of the rebalance is to make the Weapons meet their Grades and Classes, so it's unlikely that the Weapons will be reverted back. But don't give up on them - we made the rebalance with the intention of keeping Arc Torrents and Disc Launchers efficient and competitive!


FIFY: The aim of the rebalance is to make you buy new weapons and mechs at $100 a pop, so it's unlikely that the Weapons will be reverted back.

Shorter: Hahahahaha. I can't believe you wasted all that time and money on old weapons.

Mar 5, 2024, 02:0603/05/24

Hello! According to our plan, all the Content must be in its place. Since the time Arc Torrents and Disc Launchers were released, the game has changed a lot, and these Weapons have gotten out of their boundaries. Although these changes weren't dramatic, they helped us to set ATs and DLs to their Classes and Grades 

"Although these changes weren't dramatic, they helped us to set ATs and DLs to their Classes and Grades "

Garbage. DLs are legendary but now nearly useless.

Mar 5, 2024, 03:3603/05/24

Hello! Now, Arc Torrent is in its place as it remains super effective for short-range battles. I'd recommend you change your strategy of using it and you will find out that it remains rad! 😎

you are blind or you think that we are stupid? this is a total waste of time. Everyone have to install this garbage "game" on your family's smartphones, then rank with one star on the store and uninstall it. 

Mar 5, 2024, 15:2203/05/24

Hello! According to our plan, all the Content must be in its place. Since the time Arc Torrents and Disc Launchers were released, the game has changed a lot, and these Weapons have gotten out of their boundaries. Although these changes weren't dramatic, they helped us to set ATs and DLs to their Classes and Grades 

I agree with Warlord, the arc torrent is fine but you have destroyed the disclaunscher, now it is completely unusable.

Mar 5, 2024, 15:2403/05/24

"Although these changes weren't dramatic, they helped us to set ATs and DLs to their Classes and Grades "

Garbage. DLs are legendary but now nearly useless.

I completely agree, thinks we are all stupid, I will no longer buy items in this game unless disclaunscher is restored 

Mar 5, 2024, 16:3403/05/24
Mar 5, 2024, 16:34(edited)

I've contacted Palarium about nerfing weapons like this, and yes, they nerfed the older weapons to screw you over and force you to spend another $100 on each new weapon. It has nothing to do with "fair or balancing". I've been reaching out to Google play about fraudulent activities after items have been purchased and seeking counsel for intentional misleading of spending money only to devalue it after on purpose. 

Worst update ever.

Mar 5, 2024, 18:5103/05/24

Palrium employees have stated it's sole purpose is too devalue old weapons, thus invalidating all purchases made to force players to buy. It's a shitty bsiness  tactic. Reach out to Google play and report them for taking money and then changing terms of what you've purchased. Most people have spent hundreds on the game. I'm reaching out to counsel too for refunds of everything spent on the game.

Fuck you Palrium.

Mar 5, 2024, 21:5103/05/24

This is without a doubt bullying! Some of us have spent money perfecting our weapons and now it was all for naught. I may as well go back to War Robots. I want a damn refund.