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Update: Weapon Rebalance

Update: Weapon Rebalance

🆕 🤩As announced earlier this month, we've made some changes to several Weapons. Here's the lowdown:

- Arc Torrents: The Optimal Range of all variants of the Arc Torrent has been increased to 0-30m and the Max Range has been set at 30m across all Ranks. The Max Range can still be enhanced with the "Arc Torrent Range" Implant, however there will be Damage falloff outside the Optimal Range. The Damage Per Magazine stat has also been adjusted for all variants.

- Disc Launchers: Damage past the Optimal Range has been decreased. Splash Damage now deals less Damage when enemies stand further from the point of impact and Splash Damage won't deal bonus Damage to the sides and rear of Mechs.

- Nade Launchers, Cryo Launchers, Miniguns and Chain Guns: The Damage Per Magazine stat has been increased for all of these Weapons, so they're deadlier than ever!

You can find more details in our previous Forum post right here 🔗

These changes are part of our ongoing work to make Mech Arena fun and competitive for all. So try those Weapons and let us know how you find them out there in the Arena!


Feb 29, 2024, 11:3802/29/24
Mar 1, 2024, 21:0403/01/24

This latest update is the worst. Earlier it was better than this, at least you got the range, but you don't even get that. People spend money to buy weapons, but all the money goes waste.

Mar 1, 2024, 21:0603/01/24

Ive dropped THOUSANDS on this stuff with Plarium. They can do whatever they want --its theirs--but they are breeding hate and discontent by taking away WHAT WE PAID FOR. My wallet will be closing soon, Im guessing

Mar 1, 2024, 21:0803/01/24

This si backstabbing and greed at its worst. Ive paid THOUSANDS to Plarium only to have what I PAID FOR taken away. SHame. This sentiment is shared by many many players throughout the web COMPLAIN to GOOGLLE PLAY

Mar 1, 2024, 21:2203/01/24

I have Myna with all the Arc implants.  You must enable free implant removal so implant parts can be repurposed to weapons we will continue to use.  At your current rate of 4k acoins to recover 100% of maxed out legendary implants you have not only decreased the value of our current investments at this point but you will cost us further expense to repurpose implants.  How about listening to your base and doing the right thing?

Mar 1, 2024, 23:0703/01/24

your "Pay to Win" tactics are here again!!!! Sacrifice the game for the money as much as you can and once and for all, so I don't keep wasting time and money on upgrading weapons that are going to be modified later so that players have to buy the new weapons.

Mar 2, 2024, 02:2303/02/24

This is just plain bullshit. 

Minigun was OP and you have strenghtened it? 

Arc torrent was ok gun, and you made it absolutely useless, you will be loosing player cause of this bullshit. 

Its stupid beyond limits. 

I will Never spend a dolar on this game anymore. 

Mar 2, 2024, 10:0303/02/24

De la merde. Remboursé.

Plus 1 euros dans le jeu.

Encore les discs de loin la zone d'impact était vraiment bizarre,   cela faisait plus bug qu'autre chose

Mar 2, 2024, 10:3903/02/24
1 this game and the developers who spoiled this game. I spent time and money to max my weapons and mechs and these cheaters all ruined to nothing, i want my money back!!!  Greedy F.u.cking basterds!!!

Mar 2, 2024, 21:1703/02/24

No me voy a andar con rodeos, las modificaciones de Arc Torrent y Disc Launcher son una tremenda mierda. No tenéis respeto, ni consideración por los jugadors que llevan mucho tiempo jugando Mech Arena, sea P2W o F2P. Si vuestro objetivo es fidelizar y atraer a nuevos jugadores vais muy mal, de esta forma, degradando armas y reduciendo capacidad de juego, sólo lograreis que pocos jugadores paguen por vuestras nuevas armas y mech's, que cada vez sean menos, y que los que están hartos de vuestras abusivas estrategias de comercialización y marketing abandonen el juego. 

A la persona que propuso estos cambios deberían despedirlo porque está gestionando y proponiendo cambios que van en contra de los intereses de quienes lideran Mech Arena. 

Espero que pronto restablezcan el juego al status anterior, e incentiven el crecimiento del juego con otras iniciativas que atraigan jugadores, y no que los desanimen.

Al menos yo, si no veo que se restablezcan las armas a como estaban antes, no me esforzaré más en Mech Arena, os regalaré menos horas de conexión, buscaré otras alternativas en el mercado del juego online donde pueda invertir tiempo de ocio y entretenimiento , y por su puesto no recomendare el juego a mas nadir, ni valoraré positivamente la experiencia de jugar Mech Arena.

I'm not going to beat around the bush, the modifications to Arc Torrent and Disc Launcher are terrible. You have no respect or consideration for players who have been playing Mech Arena for a long time, whether they're P2W or F2P. If your goal is to retain and attract new players, you're doing a terrible job by degrading weapons and reducing gameplay capacity. This will only result in fewer players paying for your new weapons and mechs, diminishing player numbers, and causing those fed up with your abusive marketing strategies to abandon the game. The person who proposed these changes should be fired because they are managing and proposing changes that go against the interests of those leading Mech Arena. I hope you will soon restore the game to its previous status and encourage its growth with other initiatives that attract players, rather than discourage them. At least for me, if I don't see the weapons restored to how they were before, I won't bother playing Mech Arena anymore. I'll spend fewer hours connected, look for other alternatives in the online gaming market where I can invest leisure time and entertainment, and of course, I won't recommend the game to anyone else, nor will I positively rate the experience of playing Mech Arena.

Я не буду обходити гостро, модифікації Arc Torrent та Disc Launcher - жахливі. Ви не маєте поваги або уваги до гравців, які грають в Mech Arena вже давно, незалежно від того, чи вони P2W, чи F2P. Якщо ваша мета - зберігати та привертати нових гравців, то ви дуже погано це робите, погіршуючи зброю та зменшуючи можливості гри. Це лише призведе до того, що лише кілька гравців буде платити за ваші нові зброю та механізми, що число гравців буде зменшуватися, і ті, хто втомився від ваших агресивних маркетингових стратегій, покинуть гру. Особу, яка запропонувала ці зміни, слід звільнити, оскільки вона керує та пропонує зміни, які йдуть на шкоду інтересам тих, хто керує Mech Arena. Сподіваюся, що ви швидко повернете гру до попереднього статусу та спонукатимете її зростати за допомогою інших ініціатив, які привертають гравців, а не відлякують їх. Принаймні для мене, якщо я не побачу, що зброя повернеться до попереднього стану, я більше не збиратимусь грати в Mech Arena. Я буду проводити менше часу в грі, шукати інші альтернативи на ринку онлайн-ігор, де я можу витрачати вільний час і розваги, і, звичайно, не буду рекомендувати гру нікому, і не буду давати позитивну оцінку досвіду гри в Mech Arena.

Mar 3, 2024, 06:4803/03/24

Take back the changes you made in discs and arcs. We spend hours and money to update them. Maybe I will stop playing Mech Arena if u keep the changes... Thx!

Mar 3, 2024, 11:4703/03/24

The changes you made to disc launchers and arc torrents are crap. I hope you bring the discs and torrents back soon as before. Whoever thought of these changes, I hope he loses his job and ends up in poverty.  


Mar 3, 2024, 11:4803/03/24

Even the official content creators can't stop saying it, plarium is destroying the game they built up so well

Mar 3, 2024, 11:4903/03/24

No me voy a andar con rodeos, las modificaciones de Arc Torrent y Disc Launcher son una tremenda mierda. No tenéis respeto, ni consideración por los jugadors que llevan mucho tiempo jugando Mech Arena, sea P2W o F2P. Si vuestro objetivo es fidelizar y atraer a nuevos jugadores vais muy mal, de esta forma, degradando armas y reduciendo capacidad de juego, sólo lograreis que pocos jugadores paguen por vuestras nuevas armas y mech's, que cada vez sean menos, y que los que están hartos de vuestras abusivas estrategias de comercialización y marketing abandonen el juego. 

A la persona que propuso estos cambios deberían despedirlo porque está gestionando y proponiendo cambios que van en contra de los intereses de quienes lideran Mech Arena. 

Espero que pronto restablezcan el juego al status anterior, e incentiven el crecimiento del juego con otras iniciativas que atraigan jugadores, y no que los desanimen.

Al menos yo, si no veo que se restablezcan las armas a como estaban antes, no me esforzaré más en Mech Arena, os regalaré menos horas de conexión, buscaré otras alternativas en el mercado del juego online donde pueda invertir tiempo de ocio y entretenimiento , y por su puesto no recomendare el juego a mas nadir, ni valoraré positivamente la experiencia de jugar Mech Arena.

I'm not going to beat around the bush, the modifications to Arc Torrent and Disc Launcher are terrible. You have no respect or consideration for players who have been playing Mech Arena for a long time, whether they're P2W or F2P. If your goal is to retain and attract new players, you're doing a terrible job by degrading weapons and reducing gameplay capacity. This will only result in fewer players paying for your new weapons and mechs, diminishing player numbers, and causing those fed up with your abusive marketing strategies to abandon the game. The person who proposed these changes should be fired because they are managing and proposing changes that go against the interests of those leading Mech Arena. I hope you will soon restore the game to its previous status and encourage its growth with other initiatives that attract players, rather than discourage them. At least for me, if I don't see the weapons restored to how they were before, I won't bother playing Mech Arena anymore. I'll spend fewer hours connected, look for other alternatives in the online gaming market where I can invest leisure time and entertainment, and of course, I won't recommend the game to anyone else, nor will I positively rate the experience of playing Mech Arena.

Я не буду обходити гостро, модифікації Arc Torrent та Disc Launcher - жахливі. Ви не маєте поваги або уваги до гравців, які грають в Mech Arena вже давно, незалежно від того, чи вони P2W, чи F2P. Якщо ваша мета - зберігати та привертати нових гравців, то ви дуже погано це робите, погіршуючи зброю та зменшуючи можливості гри. Це лише призведе до того, що лише кілька гравців буде платити за ваші нові зброю та механізми, що число гравців буде зменшуватися, і ті, хто втомився від ваших агресивних маркетингових стратегій, покинуть гру. Особу, яка запропонувала ці зміни, слід звільнити, оскільки вона керує та пропонує зміни, які йдуть на шкоду інтересам тих, хто керує Mech Arena. Сподіваюся, що ви швидко повернете гру до попереднього статусу та спонукатимете її зростати за допомогою інших ініціатив, які привертають гравців, а не відлякують їх. Принаймні для мене, якщо я не побачу, що зброя повернеться до попереднього стану, я більше не збиратимусь грати в Mech Arena. Я буду проводити менше часу в грі, шукати інші альтернативи на ринку онлайн-ігор, де я можу витрачати вільний час і розваги, і, звичайно, не буду рекомендувати гру нікому, і не буду давати позитивну оцінку досвіду гри в Mech Arena.

Completely agreed

Mar 4, 2024, 01:5303/04/24

fak this game! 

Mar 4, 2024, 13:3403/04/24
Mar 4, 2024, 13:34(edited)
Titan XV

I don't know what has happen to Mech Arena!! They first blocked the ways that F2P players can get acoins and now they rebalanced arc and discs which were some of the best F2P weapons that we can get our hands on!!!

Plarium is fucking up as usual, my dream was to become one of their official content creators, but now as I have seen this crap I no longer want to have anything to do with plarium... as to the person that came up with these changes, they should be fired and put into jail.

Mar 4, 2024, 14:3203/04/24

Okay the DL's splash damage nerf was called for.... But why the Arc torrent nerf? It is not an endgame weapon. Hell it isn't even a mid-endgame weapon since there are better weapons available for that stage in the game. Arc torrent imo is an early to midgame weapon. Unbelievable how you justify changes in this game. Seems more like you nerf old weapons to sell new weapons if people want to stay competetive. Hope this open players eyes.....

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 15:3603/04/24


こんにちは! 接近戦用の武器なので、短距離戦で効果を発揮するように作り直しました。(via Google Translate)

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 15:3803/04/24
Mar 4, 2024, 15:38(edited)

The changes you made to disc launchers and arc torrents are crap. I hope you bring the discs and torrents back soon as before. Whoever thought of these changes, I hope he loses his job and ends up in poverty.  

The aim of the rebalance is to make the Weapons meet their Grades and Classes, so it's unlikely that the Weapons will be reverted back. But don't give up on them - we made the rebalance with the intention of keeping Arc Torrents and Disc Launchers efficient and competitive!

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 15:4003/04/24

Es una vergüenza lo que hicieron. Solo para favorecer a los que gastan dinero en el juego, tarde mucho tiempo en mejorar esas dos armas con las que podia hacer frente a los rivales mas completos. Espero vuelvan a como estaba antes. 

¡Hola! Las armas siguen siendo poderosas si las usas según sus clases. ¡No los cambiamos mucho, pero nos abre nuevas vías de desarrollo en el futuro! (via Google Translate)

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Mar 4, 2024, 15:4303/04/24

Update arc torrent is worst u guys have ever done the weapon is useless now what is this s**t

Edited: explicit language is prohibited

Hello! Now, Arc Torrent is in its place as it remains super effective for short-range battles. I'd recommend you change your strategy of using it and you will find out that it remains rad! 😎