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Update: Weapon Rebalance

Update: Weapon Rebalance

🆕 🤩As announced earlier this month, we've made some changes to several Weapons. Here's the lowdown:

- Arc Torrents: The Optimal Range of all variants of the Arc Torrent has been increased to 0-30m and the Max Range has been set at 30m across all Ranks. The Max Range can still be enhanced with the "Arc Torrent Range" Implant, however there will be Damage falloff outside the Optimal Range. The Damage Per Magazine stat has also been adjusted for all variants.

- Disc Launchers: Damage past the Optimal Range has been decreased. Splash Damage now deals less Damage when enemies stand further from the point of impact and Splash Damage won't deal bonus Damage to the sides and rear of Mechs.

- Nade Launchers, Cryo Launchers, Miniguns and Chain Guns: The Damage Per Magazine stat has been increased for all of these Weapons, so they're deadlier than ever!

You can find more details in our previous Forum post right here 🔗

These changes are part of our ongoing work to make Mech Arena fun and competitive for all. So try those Weapons and let us know how you find them out there in the Arena!


Feb 29, 2024, 11:3802/29/24
Feb 29, 2024, 23:0402/29/24

The range of Arc Torrents weapons, even with a gold fully pumped implant, has been reduced from 65 meters to 45 meters, which means you broke the implant for the range, as well as damage from both is now not even enough for a light mech, the update is just terrible, return it as it was, otherwise you will lose most of the audience.

Feb 29, 2024, 23:0802/29/24

What the flaming fuck waffles is this shit?! You crippled one of the only decently balanced weapons in the game (Arc Torrent) and boosted two of the most utterly broken bullshit guns (Chain and Mini gun already had damage Too high). Meanwhile, you failed to compensate the people who spent $$$ on leveling the guns you just crippled. That's an outright, blatant, scam.

Feb 29, 2024, 23:2502/29/24

There is not one good review of the changes, only negative ones. People invested money in these weapons and implants, spent their time and nerves to make his weapon one of the best. But Plarium didn't care about our efforts and expenses, and does it make any sense to buy their products now?, I think not. If you do not return everything as it was, I will delete the game in three days. And I hope many people will leave a review in the Google store before deleting the game.

Feb 29, 2024, 23:2502/29/24

Que mala noticia en los cambios en esas armas... he tardado mas de un año y medio en mejorar esas armas a nivel de 5 estrellas. Y ahora todo el esfuerzo fue en vano. Es como para desintalar la aplicacion... hasta dinero heinvertido. 

Mal mal mal

Feb 29, 2024, 23:2602/29/24

Нет ни одного хорошего отзыва об изменениях, только негативные. Люди вложили деньги в это оружие и имплантаты, потратили свое время и нервы, чтобы сделать его оружие одним из лучших. Но Plarium было наплевать на наши усилия и расходы, и есть ли смысл покупать их продукцию сейчас?, Я думаю, нет. Если вы не вернете все как было, я удалю игру через три дня. И я надеюсь, что многие люди оставят отзыв в Google Store, прежде чем удалить игру.

Feb 29, 2024, 23:3002/29/24

The changes they made are totally absurd.  Nobody asked for them, many players took too long to improve those weapons and today they are nerfed?? 

 It is understood that they are looking for real money from players, but the community is not willing to spend dollars or euros just to buy weapons or mechs.  

Do they want to lose users??  Forward.  Keep making absurd changes that do nothing to improve competition, much less fun.

It's a shame Plarium... users will start uninstalling your game.

Mar 1, 2024, 00:1403/01/24

Their changes are out of place, they never respect the players we have been with from the beginning with Plarium. 

A total lack of respect and empathy for all of us who enjoyed the game.  

I already tried the changes and now an Ares with Arc Torrent 12 at the maximum, became paper, not even with implants did it increase its power.  Don't tell us that putting implants improves the mech and the weapon....IT'S FALSE!!!!!  Now a Cheetah with Pod Gun 6 eliminates an Ares with Arc Torrent 12???  WTF!!!!  

And coincidentally his bots don't get closer than 40 meters to avoid Arc Torrent damage.

Mar 1, 2024, 00:2403/01/24
Mar 1, 2024, 05:47(edited)

Once again you nerf the crap out of older weapons/mechs that players have been upgrading for (sometimes) years.

You're not fooling anyone, you're doing this because you want players to buy the newer weapons/mechs.

Then you'll nerf the hell out of them.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Screw this.

Mar 1, 2024, 00:2803/01/24

They never bothered to correct the flaws in the matchmaking in quick games and tournaments.  

Players with 1500 power, earning up to 15,000 points in the Grandmaster tournament???  5v5 tournament with 4 mechs in your hangar???  and 8,000 points earned???  

It is understood that it depends on the skill of each player, but how is it possible to win 15,000 points in a tournament having M.D., Paragon, Lancer and Puma in the hangar and all with only one weapon installed??  

They program the bots to be much smarter, more intelligent and skilled than a real player, and their programmers have not found those traps of the players when they lower the level of the hangar to enter the tournaments???.

You are not blind, they just don't want to see

Mar 1, 2024, 00:3203/01/24

The range of Arc Torrents weapons, even with a gold fully pumped implant, has been reduced from 65 meters to 45 meters, which means you broke the implant for the range, as well as damage from both is now not even enough for a light mech, the update is just terrible, return it as it was, otherwise you will lose most of the audience.

Totally agree.  I have an Ares with Arc Torrent 12 and even with implants, the mech became paper.  The changes are rubbish

Mar 1, 2024, 00:3603/01/24

This is completely bs I been playing for years and this happens way to much we players invest way to much time and money in these weapons/Mech just to you all nerf them and try to sell more new weapons/Mech to make the extra money just so you all can do it all over again and again I think we should be reimbursed with acorns/credits that we least put into them if you are nerfing them making them junk like the way you all do I'll be leaving a 1star bad review on this game now untill the issue is fixed  

Mar 1, 2024, 00:3703/01/24
Jason Ponder

What the flaming fuck waffles is this shit?! You crippled one of the only decently balanced weapons in the game (Arc Torrent) and boosted two of the most utterly broken bullshit guns (Chain and Mini gun already had damage Too high). Meanwhile, you failed to compensate the people who spent $$$ on leveling the guns you just crippled. That's an outright, blatant, scam.

They sold you a Ferrari and now they tell you to bring it to the mechanic because he is going to put a VW engine in it....and they are not going to refund the price you paid for a Ferrari even though your car now travels at a maximum of 100 km when before you ran 250 km

Mar 1, 2024, 00:4003/01/24

Просто ужас! 

Столько лет игры выкинули на помойку! 


Mar 1, 2024, 00:4403/01/24

There is not one good review of the changes, only negative ones. People invested money in these weapons and implants, spent their time and nerves to make his weapon one of the best. But Plarium didn't care about our efforts and expenses, and does it make any sense to buy their products now?, I think not. If you do not return everything as it was, I will delete the game in three days. And I hope many people will leave a review in the Google store before deleting the game.

Come and buy the powerful Chain Gun and Mini Gun.... In a few months we are going to nerf it and we are going to leave it as a Chinese shooter for 5-year-old children.  For now, spend your money (which is not from Plarium)

Mar 1, 2024, 00:4403/01/24

Come and buy the powerful Chain Gun and Mini Gun.... In a few months we are going to nerf it and we are going to leave it as a chinese shooter for 5-year-old children.  For now, spend your money (which is not from Plarium)

Mar 1, 2024, 01:0603/01/24
Landa Sam.

Nadie pidio estos cambios, LOS DESARROLLADORES NO TIENEN NI IDEA DE LO QUE LA GENTE QUIERE, sera mejor que antes de hacer cualquier cambio importante, por lo mejos hagan una encuesta.

Tienes razón amigo.....pero sabes que ??? La encuesta ya la hicieron.....entre los desarrolladores solamente y en ucraniano...así qué....ya valimos reata

Mar 1, 2024, 01:5103/01/24

what the actual frick, you guys broke the game and made my arks and discs really bad you suck

Mar 1, 2024, 02:3203/01/24

무기 능력치를  왜 낮추나요 

한무기를 성장하기  해서 비용과 시간을 투자해서 해서 성장시켰는데...

무기가 좋아도 하는 사람의  능력에 따라서 실력에 차이가 나는건데...

그러면 무기를 처음부터 만들때 공평하게 했을건데.. 다른 무기보다 실력이 좋은 사람이 한다고해서 능력치를 깍아 버리면 투자하는 사람은 뭐가  나요

보상환불을 주던가요 시간노력 투자한 사람은 뭐가 되나요?

무기 능력치를 다시 복원해주세요 

아니면 무기 반납할테니까 시간과 투자한비용을 돈으로 환산해서 주세요 

Mar 1, 2024, 04:2403/01/24
Mar 1, 2024, 07:45(edited)

Thanks for another update. ChainGun is finally usable, that's nice but I have mixed feelings regarding the rest. I felt the DL nerf was fair but the Arc Torrent nerf was too harsh. 

The splash damage on DLs needed a nerf because players would die in less than 1 mag without being able to return fire. Only the bonus to side & back damage was removed from the Splash which is fine. Direct hits with the Disc still do bonus back & side damage and direct hits within optimal Range does the same damage. So you can still curve the bullet & get nice hits. Just like with the EM nerf the DLs are still very viable.

I could understand nerfing the Arc Torrent Range but nerfing the damage was a bit uncalled for. Especially since the newer legendaries getting buffed were starting to take the spotlight anyway. 

What I don't understand is how the Arc Torrent has falloff damage outside of optimal if now, after the update, the Optimal range is the same as the max range. Range implants also Improve the optimal range. So optimal range & max range with implant should be 49.8. Past 49.8 you'll be out of range so please explain how there is any falloff damage to the Arc Torrent now? (Range implants for all other weapons are working fine improving optimals so why is the AT Range implant getting singled out?)

It's always better to improve the stats of your newer products instead of nerfing existing favorites.