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Update: Weapon Rebalance

Update: Weapon Rebalance

🆕 🤩As announced earlier this month, we've made some changes to several Weapons. Here's the lowdown:

- Arc Torrents: The Optimal Range of all variants of the Arc Torrent has been increased to 0-30m and the Max Range has been set at 30m across all Ranks. The Max Range can still be enhanced with the "Arc Torrent Range" Implant, however there will be Damage falloff outside the Optimal Range. The Damage Per Magazine stat has also been adjusted for all variants.

- Disc Launchers: Damage past the Optimal Range has been decreased. Splash Damage now deals less Damage when enemies stand further from the point of impact and Splash Damage won't deal bonus Damage to the sides and rear of Mechs.

- Nade Launchers, Cryo Launchers, Miniguns and Chain Guns: The Damage Per Magazine stat has been increased for all of these Weapons, so they're deadlier than ever!

You can find more details in our previous Forum post right here 🔗

These changes are part of our ongoing work to make Mech Arena fun and competitive for all. So try those Weapons and let us know how you find them out there in the Arena!


Feb 29, 2024, 11:3802/29/24
Mar 1, 2024, 05:3703/01/24
Mar 1, 2024, 13:27(edited)

What an absolute bulshit decision you have made to change things after I have paid for it!!! I will no longer be playing this game and purchases I have made for the past 3 years I want all my money refunded!!! 

After requesting refunds and placing a bad review on playstore the administrator of the game has blocked me from entering the game 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

Mar 1, 2024, 05:4703/01/24

The latest update has completely ruined my attitude towards the game, we can say goodbye...

Mar 1, 2024, 05:5103/01/24


"Pay serious cash for NEW WEAPONS or LOSE EVERY GAME! Hahahaha."

Face it people, they're laughing at us.

Mar 1, 2024, 05:5603/01/24

The most offensive thing too is that they equip their bots with the best mechs and weapons, so you're not even losing to real people.

Speaking of bots, I get pissed every time I see the bot named "quit blamin lag" since this game is laggy as hell.

It's literally like a big middle finger to all of us.

"We know we have network issues, tough luck."

Mar 1, 2024, 06:0503/01/24

When you decide to return things to what they were, be sure to send out an email so we can start paying again.

Mar 1, 2024, 07:3003/01/24

Большое спасибо. От души подгадили с нерфом Arc torrent 12. Игра должна приносить удовольствие,  а не разочарование. 

Mar 1, 2024, 09:4203/01/24

I dont know where to start )) 

This kind of "rebalance" is not first time, i play this game for 2 years,  i hardly geatherd 2x Long Arms 12 on my Ares, at that time they were fine.. but sudenly a game "rebalance" was made and all Mechs HP was risen so much that those Long Arms became like a toy.. but OK with that, i started to collect A coins for Arc Torret and 2 month ago i had 2x Arc Torret 12 on my Surge.. and yes, i played well.. BUUUUT now, again, a new 'rebalance" and again the same, and now i have only 1 mech with "normal" weapon, the railgun.. thats it, no more Arcs, no more DL, thats it..

Dear Players... i know what you feel right now )) and im sorry for that (( i liked this game so much..

Dear game Managers, who had the idea about these changes, "rebalance" and who accepted this idea, i have advice for you )   -     take this game, rollllll it nicely and put it in YOUR ....! you know where )) 

Mar 1, 2024, 11:1403/01/24

Співпрацівники, які вигадали ось ці зміни, "щоб зробити гру цікавою" - мають бути звільненими. Ваші останні оновлення й так виглядають сумнівними засобами заробити та вибити з гравців більше донату. Ви не робите її цікавіше. Ви плюєте на гравців у грі, де все доволі дорого, на їх час та гроші. І, що дивно - так вважають більшість гравців, подивіться на реакцію спільноти, почитайте коментарі.

Ці зміни нам підносять з настроєм радості, приправлені смайликами щастя. Коротко, що треба розуміти, коли цікавишся ставленням компанії Пларіум до своїх клієнтів.

Такі зміни не можуть запроваджуватись до тих пір, доки у гравця не буде можливості легко змінити озброєння, наприклад, продавши його, і повернувши усі ресурси, які були затрачені для розвитку. Інакше, ви вважаєте нас за бидло, яке легко можна доїти. Огидно

Mar 1, 2024, 11:2503/01/24

Okay. You're nerfing ARCTORRENT and DISKLAUNCHER, my two main weapons.

I've been playing this game for more than 2 years, and when I find an interesting offer, I spend money.

Of course, the owners of this game can change whatever they want, but their strategic services have missed the mark.

The new generation isn't embracing this game, and the market is becoming increasingly tough and difficult.

If you lose players who can inspire others, you lose customers and prospects.

I'll definitely still play this game occasionally because I have friends there.

But I'll never spend anything again.

Mar 1, 2024, 12:5103/01/24

Fk yu plarium, yur business model is borderline a scam and definitely bad business. In the videogame world yall are constantly engaging in market manipulation. Yu create a weapon, make it valuable by restricting resources (every update seems to take away more and more ways for us to make acoins) and then once everyone invests into it you crash its value by remodeling the weapon/ mech with a legendary variant, effectively devaluing everyones purchase and then yu just force the new content down peoples throats. Yur fall back statement is always "the option to spend is your own, yu can get by as a ftp" but realistically yu cant. Once yur hangar is above 7k sp theres only like 6 viable loadouts. Turn the clock back a year and end game hangars were varied with juggernauts, stalkers, lancers etc. Now its only ever bastions, eclipses, nomads, surges and hemlocks. 

My advice to anyone who is like me who has spent money and feels guilty about giving up the game cuz yu feel like yu wasted money....just cut yur losses. The devs are far to greedy to make an enjoyable experience. I dont see a single positive comment here and that wont change a thing for these corrupt devs. This update isnt anything new, just the latest effort in a constantly ever degrading game experience.

Mar 1, 2024, 13:1803/01/24
Mar 1, 2024, 13:56(edited)

Nerf old weapons to force people to buy new ones... very bad move Plarium.

As I live inside the EU I requested a refund according to the EU customer protection laws which stand well above your TOS. 

I can only encourage everyone to stop spending, and leave a negative review in your appstore.

Mar 1, 2024, 13:3003/01/24

For me the Update means 2 out of 5 Mechs are pretty useless now.

DL 12 was only playable because of the splashdmg. Now its more close quaters then anything else.

DL16 would take 3 to 6 months to max IF you could get it without paying. Means I and think 80% of the players are out...

Arc now 45 m max range are you kidding? There is SO many damge and SO many stun and disable in this game that you stand barely an chance to even get that close. Max useable in FFA but all in all you need to pay for Nomad since the other mechs with the speed needed are way too weak. If you don't have Nomad or whatever specific ONE mech or loose

I worked 1,5 years for the setup and now Ithink of just quitting the game.

For me the and many others in Clan GMBH/PMBH this "balance" means to loose 40 to 50 percent of the strength ingame.

Good for cashgamer, ABSOLUTE CRAP for EVERYONE else

Good job guys

Mar 1, 2024, 13:4403/01/24

Люди, зачем оставлять комментарии здесь?, они все равно нас не слышат. Их уши забиты вашими деньгами , вам нужно оставлять отзывы в Google Store. Возможно, когда их игра перестанет загружаться, они поймут, что нельзя обманывать игроков.

Mar 1, 2024, 13:4503/01/24

People, why leave comments here?, they still can't hear us. Their ears are full of your money, you need to leave reviews in the Google Store. Perhaps when their game stops loading, they will realize that you can't cheat the players.

Mar 1, 2024, 14:1303/01/24

If you buy goods in Europe and they turn out to be faulty or do not look or work as advertised, a seller must repair or replace them, reduce the price, or give you a refund. On this page, you will find all essential information about guarantee and warranty rules in the EU, Norway, and Iceland.

Directive (EU) 2019/771

When shopping in the EU, Norway, or Iceland, you are always entitled to a minimum 2-year guarantee at no cost, regardless of whether you buy the goods online, in a shop, or by mail order. The 2-year guarantee is your minimum right EU-wide. This rule have been laid down in the Directive (EU) 2019/771

Mar 1, 2024, 15:0703/01/24

А теперь объясните мне чем игра стала интересней если для того чтобы поменять диски и арки (которые теперь стали бесполезны) на мехе, мне надо снимать прокачаные импланты, ставить другие и качать, вкладывая деньги раз за разом? Думаю у игроков нет такого интереса, а есть интерес если они в ложили во что-то деньги так именно этим и пользоваться, а не чувствовать себя обманутами мошениками.

Mar 1, 2024, 15:0903/01/24

And now explain to me how the game has become more interesting if in order to change the discs and arches (which have now become useless) on the fur, I need to remove the pumped implants, put others on and pump, investing money over and over again? I think the players do not have such an interest, but there is an interest if they have invested money in something, so that's what they use, and not feel cheated by scammers

Mar 1, 2024, 15:5303/01/24

People, why leave comments here?, they still can't hear us. Their ears are full of your money, you need to leave reviews in the Google Store. Perhaps when their game stops loading, they will realize that you can't cheat the players.

you are right.. lets go to Play Google )))

Mar 1, 2024, 18:5703/01/24

For F* sake... why did you nerf the only balanced weapon u F*. You stupid F*. that was the most BS move you ever done. how stupid are you to F*Up the weapon that people already spent money on to upgrade u F*Boys. your supervisors are bullshit scammer.. this will be ur downfall.. i guarantee it.. you keep this up ull lose your long standing players just like war robots.. you stupid f*

Mar 1, 2024, 21:0303/01/24

If you buy goods in Europe and they turn out to be faulty or do not look or work as advertised, a seller must repair or replace them, reduce the price, or give you a refund. On this page, you will find all essential information about guarantee and warranty rules in the EU, Norway, and Iceland.

Directive (EU) 2019/771

When shopping in the EU, Norway, or Iceland, you are always entitled to a minimum 2-year guarantee at no cost, regardless of whether you buy the goods online, in a shop, or by mail order. The 2-year guarantee is your minimum right EU-wide. This rule have been laid down in the Directive (EU) 2019/771

This should be sent to ALL European players somehow