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Wrong Tournament Rewards

Wrong Tournament Rewards

Hello all! This is a follow-up update regarding the situation with the incorrect rewards in the XP Tournament. 

Seeing that, indeed, the whole issue has turned out to be quite acute, we have decided to return the troops lost in the battles within the period the wrong numbers were being displayed as a reward in the Tournament (that is, 12:00 PM UTC, December 27 through 10:00 AM UTC, December 28). The troops will be returned to your Catacombs in the nearest future. 

Once again, we apologize for making this mistake and taking a lot longer than we should have to correct it. Hopefully, this additional remedy step will help you to get back on your feet.

30 груд. 2021, 15:0830.12.21
5 січ. 2022, 21:2805.01.22

I have to say, as a neutral player in all this, the sense of entitlement is amazing. Nobody should have gotten any troops back. The fact that any of you did is like winning the Plarium lottery. 

Anyone complaining that they didn't get enough free troops back that they willingly killed knowing they wouldn't get enough sapphs to revive those troops...

It's like complaining that you got handed the keys to a new sports car, but you don't like the colour. 

Just be grateful for once that Plarium made a crazy decision and you made out from it. 

You are right of course, I got back my 32k dragons, plus a gain of 8k dragons. During the first day of the comp I lost much more in def than I did in off, for what I thought were cracking prizes. Plarium made a promise to return all troops lost, not just the off, this hasn't been done this my friend is why I am upset and for no other reason. I have had that upgrade divine equipment to level 1 daily quest again HAS ANYBODY ELSE RECEIVED IT 6 TIMES, it's a joke, Plarium isn't fit for purpose.

6 січ. 2022, 14:1706.01.22

Have got zero returned units from the accounts where defencive bgs were played on! Lets hope it wont take forever to recieve my troops back. 

Please check your offence  should of increased as The reimbursment is paid back in only offence from what I was told.

6 січ. 2022, 14:2906.01.22
6 січ. 2022, 18:12(відредаговано)

New release ::

Hello! This is a follow-up to the previous update about the situation with the incorrect rewards in the tournament. 

Previously, we informed you about returning the troops that you had lost in PvP and PvE battles up until the mistake in the rewards balance was fixed - both off and def. However, only the off troops were returned in the end. The reason is simple: returning both might have also affected the game balance in an unpredictable way. 

We are very sorry for sharing inaccurate info with you the first time. It was a case of miscommunication, for which we very much apologize.


6 січ. 2022, 17:5706.01.22

Hi Wesley!

I know its payout in offence but i havent got anything returned. I played 12 accounts that day and pushed them hard at the day the exp event started. 1 Account i played offence bgs on and got a return of troops, but the other 11 accounts i only played defence bgs and none troops where giving back to me not in offence troops or whats o ever! I am starting to believe Plarium has skiped me over or something. Hope that i explained myself better then before. Hope that Plarium does something.



6 січ. 2022, 19:0206.01.22

I have sent you a support link in PM  if anyone else needs one please contact me. 

Also Please be aware Orthadox Christmas is the 7th of January support staff maynot be available until Monday  (sorry for the inconvenience)