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Wrong Tournament Rewards

Wrong Tournament Rewards

Hello all! This is a follow-up update regarding the situation with the incorrect rewards in the XP Tournament. 

Seeing that, indeed, the whole issue has turned out to be quite acute, we have decided to return the troops lost in the battles within the period the wrong numbers were being displayed as a reward in the Tournament (that is, 12:00 PM UTC, December 27 through 10:00 AM UTC, December 28). The troops will be returned to your Catacombs in the nearest future. 

Once again, we apologize for making this mistake and taking a lot longer than we should have to correct it. Hopefully, this additional remedy step will help you to get back on your feet.

30 груд. 2021, 15:0830.12.21
30 груд. 2021, 21:2530.12.21

I agree that the proposed fix is about as massively unbalancing as imaginable.  If it's possible to restore all the troops lost during a certain period, isn't it also possible to just reset all accounts to the time right before the tourney started?

30 груд. 2021, 22:4730.12.21

What kind of drugs do you take ??? ... pay out a BG bank ??? Really now ??? Are you kidding me ??? Really now ??? The problem was the league event rewards ??? Really now ??? If there is a problem, treat the problem !!!! You don't pay out a BG Bank !!! Then you could have left the 150,000 sapphires .. It would have been cheaper for you ...

   Do you get more than a million troops back from the bank within 24 hours? what I need years for ??? Really now ??? What about the payouts? what about the earned Xp?

   Are you getting that back? No!

you're breaking the game ... That's a cheek ... Something stupid! What nonsense here ...

31 груд. 2021, 00:2531.12.21

It looks like there might be a problem. People who did offense BGs are getting troops back but not those who did defesive BGs. 

31 груд. 2021, 01:2031.12.21

I will wait to comment to see if my "billions" of troops show - so far infirmary emptied of troops then reappeared afer reset.  We shall see.  Dare I ask about the troops I revived during this period???

31 груд. 2021, 01:2431.12.21
31 груд. 2021, 10:04(відредаговано)

I will wait to comment to see if my "billions" of troops show - so far infirmary emptied of troops then reappeared afer reset.  We shall see.  Dare I ask about the troops I revived during this period???

u see how mutch troops i get back 1 bilion for free . i understand that u should get the loses back but u cant lose bilions in bgs in 1 day without noting return from the bgs and the difrence is not bilion of troops.

31 груд. 2021, 03:0131.12.21
31 груд. 2021, 09:56(відредаговано)

Giving out compensation that is greater than the average player will grow to in their entire playing time. Still sitting hear scratching my head how any1 at Plarium can think that is sensible. I guess they are lucky these things are pixels otherwise they would have just bankrupted the company.

Perhaps the more overarching problem here is mistake, on mistake, compounding mistake

- Manual error in setting up the league event (hey everyone makes mistakes)

- No checking / review / sign-off to catch mistakes (bad processes / weak management)

- Then horrible decision to provide a small pennance gift which was bound to feel like a slap in the face for the people that really played the first day of the event hard (basically indifference to the customers)

- Then a totally rediciulous over-reaction that now compensates people for all the troop loaded to BGs, not losses. resultsing in a handful of lucky player growing by billions overnight unbalancing the game (utter incompentence, showing they have no ideas how their own game works)

- And then finally we learn even that wasn't done right as it appear there was no compensation for defensive BGs (further incompetence and most worryingly absense of mngt review and checking despite by now the issue being so big that senior figures in Plarium would have been aware and involed in the resolutions)

This all at a time when we can hardly play the game for a giant arrow which won't go away and a daily quest that is impossible to complete (both of which should never have made it off the drawing board, let along past the first 2 mins of play testing).

From the teamspeak conversations I just had 2nite there are some major leagues considering pulling all their players / community out of this game to play a game where the developer understand what they are doing and cares enough to want to understand (beyond just counting money).

31 груд. 2021, 16:3431.12.21
31 груд. 2021, 16:38(відредаговано)

It is quite obvious that management has no clue how this game works, as proven by these fixes. I am barely affected by this, being on decently friendly terms with leagues benefitting most, except I think it is utterly **** unfair to give these kind of free troops to any side in a game without thinking about (or understanding?) the consequences. Still quite unaffected as I am, I do consider quitting, because this is sadly not the first bad mistake being made, and all these mistakes have eaten away my confidence for this game.

I mean seriously, letting people buy thousands and thousands of sapphires and packages for next to nothing because you have a lousy currency system going on that was seriously abusable and then doing nothing, absolutely nothing, to fix that issue when you found out was bad enough.

Then we have the fact that this game is currently being overrun by bots, real bots, with hundreds of accounts being played by one or two persons and even when they are reported nothing is being done about it.

Add this latest really big tournament mistake and these "solutions" and I can just ask myself, why am I playing this anymore? I am rather addicted, but even I have to draw a line somewhere.

31 груд. 2021, 18:2131.12.21

No sign of these promised troops. Are they really real troops, or are they please start spending again troops ?

31 груд. 2021, 18:4831.12.21

No change here either 

31 груд. 2021, 18:5031.12.21
31 груд. 2021, 18:53(відредаговано)

Haven't seen my troops Yet !!!


Dec 30, 2021, 17:38 Yesterday

All battles, my Lords and Ladies - PvP, Battlegrounds, etc. 

All the troops will be back tonight. Unfortunately, it's not possible to send an in-game message to everyone due to some technical reasons. So, we rely on the post above and our mods.   

When is tonight ???

Must be some "other" technical reason my troops have not returned

And we rely on the post above and our mods, to speak on behalf of Plairum in a truthful manner.

31 груд. 2021, 20:4631.12.21

ANy update on how far along Plarium is in the process of fixing things?

31 груд. 2021, 20:5531.12.21

It seems only those who did O BGs got troops back. Nobody in Plarium at work so we have to wait until monday

1 січ. 2022, 02:4901.01.22
1 січ. 2022, 03:05(відредаговано)

This is ridiculous! by trying to fix the reward issue you now create a bigger issue with this restoring lost troops. People who played battleground on the day didn't lose their troops for nothing they got them back/or most of it as pay outs from bg anyway 

1 січ. 2022, 09:4701.01.22

We need 10-20 developers moved in emergency to Stormfall to fix this mess.

I suspect they need to:

- roll back whatever messed up broken fix they did on Thursday (which seems to have compensated some ppl with billions and others with nothing)

- enage the player base to determine an appropriate way to compensate those who played hard on the first day of the tournament (btw that means respected people from the player base not the kiss backside mods who largely know little about the game, rarely represent the player on any given issue and seemingly fed Plarium misinformation to encourage the current situation because "it benefited them").

- then implement that fix - QUICKLY and WITHOUT ANY FURTHER MISTAKES

This is a crisis point. It's - "no cost is too much to fix it". What is at stake now isn''t anything to do with the tournament it's whether Plarium are fit for purpose to run a game (let alone whether they should be allowed to charge for it).

1 січ. 2022, 11:4301.01.22

On the first day of the tourney, I turned in 6m points this cost me over half of my troops. With no massive payouts to offset this. Would I have hit so hard without the nice rewards, no I would not. It's not about what Plarium does or does not do to make this up, the whole contest was a compete debacle. Giving back the lost troops was a complete cop out. (I have not got any back and I lost 200k troops that day.) Those who are bleating about massive troop gains obviously do not do b/gs. I am a b/g player and on the whole take a massive hit every time I do them. Perhaps the so called gains are just in reality taking the player back to base. The return of troops has been offered, so lets have them, should I gain a few so be it, I spent pretty much all day on the game just to see the rewards I was going towards change the next day. 

1 січ. 2022, 12:0701.01.22

Perhaps the ideal solution would have been "sorry we understand that people have put in a lot of time effort and mony into a null contest, we are therefore resetting the game to 1 minute before the contest and refunding any cash spent during this 24 hours." With perhaps a gift sent to each player in proportion to the time spent playing that day.

1 січ. 2022, 12:2601.01.22

Everyone who works in Plarium Company should change their drug dealers .... 

This is the worst possible solution, a Plarium could come up with! As many of the players will gain tremendeous amounts of troops for nothing and they shuld only to compensate a -% of troops lost in BGs taxes, instead of giving all losees! It would be better if you didn't change the rewards for the xp tournament!

2 січ. 2022, 11:4002.01.22

I guess I must be missing something here. Plarium tried to pretend it was 'concerned' about a 'game imbalance' caused by a erroneous tournament reward of 150,000 Sapphs (per qualified league member). Their response has been a series of poorly-conceived 'corrections' that have exponentially compounded the damage done by the initial error. Indeed, mathematically, the "Return All Troops" solution is so erroneous - it would appear to be the product of a corporate suit that has never played the game any game) - and does not understand it at all. No concern at all for the few remaining paying customers who - as witnessed here - are not so stupid as to overlook that they are not even getting courtesy reach-arounds from the Plarium folks as this proceeds.

That this thread is filled with comments from gamers who do understand the arithmetic should be cause for Plarium's owners (? Aristocrat Gaming) to seriously re-evaluate Plarium's current employee roster.

What I find especially preposterous, is that Plarium has shot the pooch pretending concern over 150,000 Sapphs - as they turn their heads away while their employees operate back-door pawn shops fencing millions of sapphs weekly - stolen from Plarium's own servers. The very folks who frequent the pawn shops are same ones most likely to be employing the bots and the Flash & JAVA scripts to automate their BGs and such. ie: they will be the ones benefiting most from this 'return all troops' approach.

As a league recruiter, the loss of new accounts in Plarium games is nearly shocking. The franchise is dying. Now it's employees attempt to add insult to injury with this botched tournament and a massacred response to customers. Are they trying to actively end this game?

2 січ. 2022, 16:1502.01.22

still awaiting on my troops being returned has anyone received their lost units yet