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Wrong Tournament Rewards

Wrong Tournament Rewards

Hello all! This is a follow-up update regarding the situation with the incorrect rewards in the XP Tournament. 

Seeing that, indeed, the whole issue has turned out to be quite acute, we have decided to return the troops lost in the battles within the period the wrong numbers were being displayed as a reward in the Tournament (that is, 12:00 PM UTC, December 27 through 10:00 AM UTC, December 28). The troops will be returned to your Catacombs in the nearest future. 

Once again, we apologize for making this mistake and taking a lot longer than we should have to correct it. Hopefully, this additional remedy step will help you to get back on your feet.

30 груд. 2021, 15:0830.12.21
30 груд. 2021, 15:4430.12.21


I will probably be one of the few for whom this solution does not suit.

This solution ruins the balance of the game, far more than it could have ruined 150,000 sapphires. As?

Now I'll explain it to you.

Suppose a player has lost 100,000,000 (100 million) of attack in battlegrounds. He scored a lot of points. With those points, the top 10 leagues have reached the maximum reward. Would they have reached it anyway? Maybe yes.

The first clan will take 10,000 sapphires + 100 designs (1000 sapphires) = 11,000 sapphires.

You have returned 75% of normal units (and maybe) between 50 and 100% of stoneheart units. = 75,000,000 attack points.

The "lucky" players (who until a few hours ago were the "unlucky") therefore find themselves with 75 million in the catacombs, + 90/95 (even if we are pessimistic 85) million attack (from the battlegrounds, removed the tax). So, they end up with an attack of 160 million (at worst) to 190 million (at best, if you revive 100% of the stoneheart). So, players have nearly doubled the units they spent, which will likely not be just 100 million, but some players a lot more. Additionally, they will get 11,000 sapphires (11,000 * 150 players = 1,650,000 sapphires) and the maximum rewards. This, if this is the system, could be a HUGE disadvantage between those who played that day and the others. I don't remember if there was also a battleground or PvP tournament, in this case it would have been even worse. Finally, it occurs to me that there is also the weekly ranking of stoneheart and non-stoneheart battelgrounds. Those who played that day will have a huge advantage, to the detriment of other players who "didn't exploit that bug" (unknowingly).

Now my question is: has this update been thought of? Was the Balur bank "emptied", at least without units of that period (to limit the damage)?

In any case, this decision is the worst (in my opinion) you could have chosen. You have created a HUGE imbalance between those who played and scored in that period (making the already wealthy players richer) and widening the gap between coniers and non-coniers.

I hope I have misunderstood this update and thought enough, but I doubt.

I hope it will be read as soon as possible and I apologize for any errors / misunderstandings due to the translation.

30 груд. 2021, 15:5430.12.21

To my mind this is a fair and just conclusion to the whole farce. While we thought that the prizes were high, everyone went hell for leather to score points, egged on by the league marshal. As such many many troops were expended in the process. I echo what another member said 150k saphires compared to what was lost is tiny, those who sit in their leagues and get the minimum required each comp will scream how unfair this is. Those of us who contribute to each league quest will be happier than before.

30 груд. 2021, 16:3630.12.21
30 груд. 2021, 23:53(відредаговано)

Thank you for listening and correcting this mistake - It makes things right for those that spent many troops and hours scoring in this event (coiner and non-coiner)  A much better way to start my day versus when I first found out the rewards had been nerfed after pulling a BG all nighter!

All the active leagues max league events routinely (that is how we grow) and the solution corrects the issue for those that were most impacted by the reward change.

Now I can can go back to enjoying the game I have played with friends for years!

30 груд. 2021, 16:4130.12.21

It gets even better for people who did multiple rounds of bgs.  In an old post plarium said the tax on normal bgs was about 3%, so we'll go with that.  Let's say somebody had 10,000 dragons, and sent them all at bgs they'd get around 9700 back (although maybe as different unit types but the same res value).  What if they sent them again?  They'd get 9409 back.  So each time they lost 3% in exchange for xp and points.  

Then let's say they did that a bunch more times.  If plarium then goes in and restores ALL their losses, they'll get

10,000 + 9,700 + 9,409 + 9126 + 8852 + 8587 + 8329 + 8079 + 7837 + 7602   ...etc. dragons back

So an account that did bgs until it ran out of troops will end up with more than 10x its original army.  TBH it would probably be less game unbalancing if they just gave every player who logged in that day 150k saphs. 

Btw I'm saying this as someone who did a bunch of bgs that day and stands to benefit from it (although probably not to the same degree as some others who really hammered the bgs).  

30 груд. 2021, 17:0130.12.21

It gets even better for people who did multiple rounds of bgs.  In an old post plarium said the tax on normal bgs was about 3%, so we'll go with that.  Let's say somebody had 10,000 dragons, and sent them all at bgs they'd get around 9700 back (although maybe as different unit types but the same res value).  What if they sent them again?  They'd get 9409 back.  So each time they lost 3% in exchange for xp and points.  

Then let's say they did that a bunch more times.  If plarium then goes in and restores ALL their losses, they'll get

10,000 + 9,700 + 9,409 + 9126 + 8852 + 8587 + 8329 + 8079 + 7837 + 7602   ...etc. dragons back

So an account that did bgs until it ran out of troops will end up with more than 10x its original army.  TBH it would probably be less game unbalancing if they just gave every player who logged in that day 150k saphs. 

Btw I'm saying this as someone who did a bunch of bgs that day and stands to benefit from it (although probably not to the same degree as some others who really hammered the bgs).  

in fact, that's what I wrote above 

30 груд. 2021, 17:0730.12.21

 "we have decided to return the troops lost in the battles, within the period the wrong numbers were being displayed as a reward in the Tournament"

I hope that this means troops lost from "BattleGrounds" + troops  lost in PvP battles + troops lost in the Hamlets + troops lost for whatever reason (during the period the wrong numbers were being displayed...)

 "The troops will be returned to your Catacombs in the nearest future"

"nearest future" = a day, a week, a month.   Would like you to have been more specific with return date.


30 груд. 2021, 17:1030.12.21
30 груд. 2021, 17:16(відредаговано)


I will probably be one of the few for whom this solution does not suit.

This solution ruins the balance of the game, far more than it could have ruined 150,000 sapphires. As?

Now I'll explain it to you.

Suppose a player has lost 100,000,000 (100 million) of attack in battlegrounds. He scored a lot of points. With those points, the top 10 leagues have reached the maximum reward. Would they have reached it anyway? Maybe yes.

The first clan will take 10,000 sapphires + 100 designs (1000 sapphires) = 11,000 sapphires.

You have returned 75% of normal units (and maybe) between 50 and 100% of stoneheart units. = 75,000,000 attack points.

The "lucky" players (who until a few hours ago were the "unlucky") therefore find themselves with 75 million in the catacombs, + 90/95 (even if we are pessimistic 85) million attack (from the battlegrounds, removed the tax). So, they end up with an attack of 160 million (at worst) to 190 million (at best, if you revive 100% of the stoneheart). So, players have nearly doubled the units they spent, which will likely not be just 100 million, but some players a lot more. Additionally, they will get 11,000 sapphires (11,000 * 150 players = 1,650,000 sapphires) and the maximum rewards. This, if this is the system, could be a HUGE disadvantage between those who played that day and the others. I don't remember if there was also a battleground or PvP tournament, in this case it would have been even worse. Finally, it occurs to me that there is also the weekly ranking of stoneheart and non-stoneheart battelgrounds. Those who played that day will have a huge advantage, to the detriment of other players who "didn't exploit that bug" (unknowingly).

Now my question is: has this update been thought of? Was the Balur bank "emptied", at least without units of that period (to limit the damage)?

In any case, this decision is the worst (in my opinion) you could have chosen. You have created a HUGE imbalance between those who played and scored in that period (making the already wealthy players richer) and widening the gap between coniers and non-coniers.

I hope I have misunderstood this update and thought enough, but I doubt.

I hope it will be read as soon as possible and I apologize for any errors / misunderstandings due to the translation.

Well I guess the  squeeky wheel gets the grease those that didn't voice their concerns before didn't get them addressed.  

 I will add much abuse has been heaped on those that have been working extremely hard to relay the concerns of the players. Unforunately when posting get abusive or break forum rules  they get removed and thus that concern does not get seen. 

Please  please I would rather every concern gets addressed. so what I ask is please post  within the rules so your voice doesn't need to be silenced.  

I know  not all will be happy with this result but I find that repairing losses to those that acquired them under the preception of what they would earn for thier whole league. such a selfless endevour should be rewarded so any added bennifet they get I think they have earned

30 груд. 2021, 17:2830.12.21

Please define what Battle means - PVP and Battle grounds would be the common understanding all players have

AlinaCommunity Manager
30 груд. 2021, 17:3830.12.21

All battles, my Lords and Ladies - PvP, Battlegrounds, etc. 

All the troops will be back tonight. Unfortunately, it's not possible to send an in-game message to everyone due to some technical reasons. So, we rely on the post above and our mods. 

30 груд. 2021, 18:0730.12.21

thanks for responding quickly

30 груд. 2021, 18:2930.12.21

If this goes ahead you will break the game. 

How can you be this monumentally stupid.

BG's are resouces in, resources out. People who played the BG's that day will get virtually all their troops back naturally (probably already have). 

The tax (the difference between what you put in and what you get out) is about 3/4%. So people will get troops back from your "remedy" that are 30 times more than they actually lost. Some lucky people ar going to grow by billions.

This is going to utterly unbalance the game. I can't honestly think if a more stupid solution if I tried. Amazing. Unbelievably stupid.

To Grim - you must be laughting so hard at this. You are about to be showered with billions of free troops - no wonder you are supporting this as if its a good idea - lol. This might make Thunder Struck a serious serious force on the server.

30 груд. 2021, 18:5330.12.21

Hello :-)
Nothing happens, the troops can always be recovered by manufacturing more :-)
So thank you for everything you do for us :-)
Greetings to the entire Plarium team :-) 


30 груд. 2021, 19:1630.12.21
30 груд. 2021, 19:34(відредаговано)

i never talk on the forum but i need to ask u plarium what are u drinking. my opinion u need to change u pills right away becose this what i see is unbelivable. i played the bgs on that day on 1 of my alts  and like evryone know u send to the bgs till u get payout yep u lose some % on tax. i play and get payout few times at the end i end up in + 20-30 mil. and score arownd 5-6 mil. exp. points. yep i can agree i may lose some on tax when i play the bgs but that will not be near what i get from u back . let me show u what u send me back all troops i lost in the bgs on that day are u crazy.  Screenshot by Lightshot (prnt.sc) and this is the alt in league stats. Screenshot by Lightshot (prnt.sc)  this is 1 bil. in troops  and if u look the power of the troops is weak becose is a alt on good castle with evryting upg. i alot more. so what is goin on to give bilions and bilions of troops for free when evryone know that in bgs u can lose some amount on tax if u play them more u gona lose more but u cant lose bilions in 1 day dont have that many bgs to send u troops. u cant return evryting that is in infirmary becose when u send u troops in bgs is like u sending them in a bank and u lose some % on tax but u return all the troops. i can agree that u need to give players that played  alot that day someting some % but not all the troops back . and alot of players can be angry at me for tipeing this but this is what is fair not to give bilions of troops for free. u just do someting without understand what u doing and not listen to evryone i dont know who in plarium have this brliant idea let return evryting back. i am 1 of the player that play that day and score 5-6 mill exp. points that normaly will not do if the rewards where not that good and i can agree to return % of the troops that i lose on tax that day but not all the troops that is not fair to give bilions of troops for free just becose i play that day. just tink if i continue to play i can get not 1 bilion free troops but alot more. u need to find solution but this is not solution some players that play the game for years  dont have 1 bilion offence and u give it for free in 1 day. i tink u make alot biger problem then solved with this 

30 груд. 2021, 20:0230.12.21

We lost more at bgs than we took out as usual but played for the rankings with those high rewards because worth it in the beginning, we were able to revive a lot of lost units. Now that these are returned is a good thing and the balance will be restored as before this wrong event. More good arrangements were possible such as a 95% revival as in time of the beacon massacres or setting the logarithms of battleground so that there are better and more payouts. but I think this presentation of this compensation is ok and I am curious what me and my friends will get in return, Thanks

30 груд. 2021, 20:0730.12.21
30 груд. 2021, 20:08(відредаговано)

Plarium, if you're listening - this is the worst idea ever. Literally. Just freeze the tourney and go back to the original sapph rewards. Returning everyones troops is a very, very, very, very bad idea. 

30 груд. 2021, 20:1530.12.21
30 груд. 2021, 20:22(відредаговано)

This is going to be adding billions of troops back to those who only lost a few million of troops.

This is not the right fix. Figure out a different solution.

30 груд. 2021, 20:3730.12.21

So, there was a mistake done, which was followed up by a bad decision, which is now to be followed up by a terrible decision? I do not really understand how you can think that 150k sapphires would be "unbalancing" while you at the same time think that restorings everyones lost troops without taking away their gains is not. Now that decision will show itself to be truly epicly unbalancing, which you tried to avoid right? :)

Now you even got the code for BGs and such, you know what they are supposed to give/take. Restoring a percentage of all troops lost, say 5%, now that would be more close to the truth and not totally game breaking.

30 груд. 2021, 20:4130.12.21

Kinda funny that the Marshals of the 2 leagues that exploited the Argentine currency MISTAKE for many months now speak out about game breaking.   So nice to see you both are so concerned about fairness and the integrity of the game now!

30 груд. 2021, 20:5030.12.21
31 груд. 2021, 13:20(відредаговано)

Kinda funny that the Marshals of the 2 leagues that exploited the Argentine currency MISTAKE for many months now speak out about game breaking.   So nice to see you both are so concerned about fairness and the integrity of the game now!

atlist players pay for those troops this troops are not few milion here whe talk about bilions of free troops. 

i stated that alt haveing total 2 bilion now i have 3 bilions. so that is bilion free troops. and to u information plarium knew about argentina and did noting for mounts. even if i play for mounts  bgs i will never lose 1 bilion troops. 

30 груд. 2021, 21:0230.12.21
30 груд. 2021, 21:16(відредаговано)

To put some numbers to quantify how messed up this is (not my account btw someone kindly passed me the info - clean account that did nothing in the event but BGs and only on that day):

Tournament XP:


Troop Gain Due to Plarium reinbursement:


So the gain was approx 50m troop power per 100m XP earned. People may use more or less bonuses hits but gives a rough rule of thumb.

On that basis, league gaining the most on server 1 would be getting 40bn troop growth (75m XP in tournament by 10 UTC - there is screenshot of tourni in another thread). 

That is just one league. Across the whole top 10 the free troops being gained would be 170bn.

Lets be clear 170bn randomly distributed to whomever happened to do the most BG work on day 1 of the event, ends this game as a meaningful strategy (and it was only just hanging with the crazy pay to win nature as it was).