Old system rare reward pay u back almost all you have loses during the previous position you spend, with this new system it totally change the unit you gonna get during the big reward.
A big reward of old system reward you back with Phalanx or cavalry and never pay you with Light and Heavy
In new system the guarantee pay you alot light and heavy, and decrease in the big reward unit
when there is a big reward of 1000 Mounted peltast and 200 agema, in this new system it only reward you 700mounted peltast and 120 agema, where is the 300 mounted peltast and 80 agema go?
it simple, from various attempt of position that reward you with random type of unit of various type, each time it pay you, they decrease the bank deposit unit and start stocking in new fallen unit amount, till the end when you get big reward you actually gotten 20-30% of lower unit from various complete and the final reward payout gonna be decrease significantly.
YES it still a fully payout but come with various lower unit along.
want to use them to weaken the position they return 30% of the number you send......almost toke you 4-6 time sending the same class just to weaken the bar.........Time added in already take out 10-14 minute just to ensure this unit send and kill every single persian till none return. actually it not even helping us to save time instead it increase our time just to weaken an position......