If you wanted to buff the Mountain King, you should have gone a few steps further.
- The M.King A1 = Attack 1 enemy
The M.King is a KING!
The M.King is a LEGENDARY!
You gave him an A1 skill which common hero’s have.
Don’t you think the Dwarf King should have an A1 which elevates him past a commoner?
The Royal ascension should have bestowed upon the King an A1 will a Description.
The A1 could of had a 1 of the following Description’s:
- Block Revive
- Decrease Defense
- Weaken
Out of the above 3 skills, I like the Block Revive description the best.
It would match his kit beautifully.
It would make him a single target Assassin!
Hey, nothing wrong with a King who can take out people, you don’t want to get on his bad side!
- The M.King A2 + A3 = Very good skills on really long Cool Downs
The Base Cool down’s should have been 4 with the ability to book them down to 3 turns.
The way you have it now the lowest a person can get his skills is 4 turns.
A 4 Turn Cool Down is a really long time.
The game introduced the Demon Spawn Legendary Cruetraxa which ignores 50% defense on her Default skill.
The skill never has a Cool Down.
If the M.King was ignoring 100% defense, I would understand why you want the Cool Down very long.
The issue is it is only 50%.
You have released other hero’s with same 50% with no Cool Down’s at all.
Yeah, I think dropping the skill cool down lower or at least letting players use Tomes to get it lower would have been best.
- The M.King last skill is redundant and not really useful.
You see most players use a hero who increases Atk by 50%.
It adds nothing to the fight for the M.King to buff himself by 50%.
The passive should have buffed the M.King Crit Damage.
The passive would of contributed in making the M.King a very formidable 1 on 1 Foe.
The M.King can only hit 1 person at a time.
The M.King will light up anyone he hits.
There isn’t anything wrong with that.
I think the above changes I’m saying could have helped him be better.
It would have kept his 1 Target theme.
It would have made him a Force to be reckoned with.
Having a hero that is an assassin in Arena or Dungeon’s can be useful.
I think having Block Revive on the M.King A1 will make Ice Golem Tournament mildly tolerable.
Stupid minions never die - Revive forever!