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(News) Mountain King Buff

(News) Mountain King Buff

28 серп. 2019, 11:0028.08.19
28 серп. 2019, 11:00(відредаговано)

Hello guys! Thank you for all of your comments. First of all, I would like to say that we have all the champions that are now underperforming collected in a list and we will be buffing them gradually with almost every new patch. The reason why we buffed this one so fast is that he had just been released, so we decided to go ahead without putting it off for later. 

Secondly, more Dwarves are coming, of course. We will take into account your feedback.

28 серп. 2019, 21:0828.08.19

Thank you Cirilla. Can you perhaps give us an update on which champions are on the list, and a priority level or something? That would be awesome, and maybe put me at ease. I currently have 2 underperforming legendary champs that I’ve posted about, and I never hear any feedback. Thanks!

28 серп. 2019, 22:5628.08.19
I hope this isn’t the last of the dwarf changes.  There is only one AOE skill across rare to legendary champs which is plain crazy.  Their skills are not strong enough to be used as is and nobody in my alliance has found a use so far except for the rare void in CB and even that isn’t great.  It’s crazy how bad they are overall not to mention the Mountain King.  Compare it to Royal Huntsman for ex who gets a 50% increased attack on critical on A1 and ignores 100% defense A3 plus has an AOE attack with defense down. Every skill is better on RH and many don’t use the RH except for arena if they don’t have stronger champs.  I would love a reason to build any of the dwarves other than a possible faction war and not even sure rewards will justify that either.
30 серп. 2019, 00:5030.08.19
Invit amis
30 серп. 2019, 10:3130.08.19
Hey-hey! I am afraid, we cannot reveal the details about what exact champions are going to be re-balanced and what the priority specifics are. But I can say that there will be so many more buffs than nerfs. And of course, Dwarves are no exception. It is just that there are not so many of them in the game, for now. We are going to be adding more, you will see.
1 верес. 2019, 08:2601.09.19

Sethallia & Black Knight 

- the mighty keepers of the Vault could use some changes aswell

3 верес. 2019, 12:0003.09.19
I got him and I love him besides the fact that his damage isn't great compared to the stats I have on him maybe its the crit damage but he has 50k hp and 4k attack and only hits 20-30k a2
4 верес. 2019, 02:0904.09.19
So Mountain King will remain a useless legendary? Is that what they are saying? Sad, he was a cool designed character, he is incredibly underwhelming. so sad.
4 верес. 2019, 13:3004.09.19
Hello guys! Mountain King will be re-balanced even more, you will very soon see it yourselves. A lot of other champs are waiting for their turn, as well. All we need is just a little bit of patience :)
5 верес. 2019, 13:1905.09.19
5 верес. 2019, 17:55(відредаговано)
Cirilla said:

Hello guys! Mountain King will be re-balanced even more, you will very soon see it yourselves. A lot of other champs are waiting for their turn, as well. All we need is just a little bit of patience :)
This girl makes me want to hug her.
10 верес. 2019, 19:2310.09.19
10 верес. 2019, 19:28(відредаговано)

Player J said:

If you wanted to buff the Mountain King, you should have gone a few steps further.

  • The M.King A1 = Attack 1 enemy 

The M.King is a KING!

The M.King is a LEGENDARY!

You gave him an A1 skill which common hero’s have.

Don’t you think the Dwarf King should have an A1 which elevates him past a commoner?

The Royal ascension should have bestowed upon the King an A1 will a Description.

The A1 could of had a 1 of the following Description’s:

  • Block Revive
  • Decrease Defense 
  • Weaken

Out of the above 3 skills, I like the Block Revive description the best.

It would match his kit beautifully.

It would make him a single target Assassin!

Hey, nothing wrong with a King who can take out people, you don’t want to get on his bad side!

  • The M.King A2 + A3 = Very good skills on really long Cool Downs

The Base Cool down’s should have been 4 with the ability to book them down to 3 turns.

The way you have it now the lowest a person can get his skills is 4 turns.

A 4 Turn Cool Down is a really long time.

The game introduced the Demon Spawn Legendary Cruetraxa which ignores 50% defense on her Default skill.

The skill never has a Cool Down.

If the M.King was ignoring 100% defense, I would understand why you want the Cool Down very long.

The issue is it is only 50%.

You have released other hero’s with same 50% with no Cool Down’s at all.

Yeah, I think dropping the skill cool down lower or at least letting players use Tomes to get it lower would have been best.

  • The M.King last skill is redundant and not really useful.

You see most players use a hero who increases Atk by 50%.

It adds nothing to the fight for the M.King to buff himself by 50%.

The passive should have buffed the M.King Crit Damage.

The passive would of contributed in making the M.King a very formidable 1 on 1 Foe.

The M.King can only hit 1 person at a time.

The M.King will light up anyone he hits.

There isn’t anything wrong with that.

I think the above changes I’m saying could have helped him be better.

It would have kept his 1 Target theme.

It would have made him a Force to be reckoned with.

Having a hero that is an assassin in Arena or Dungeon’s can be useful.

I think having Block Revive on the M.King A1 will make Ice Golem Tournament mildly tolerable.

Stupid minions never die - Revive forever!

I would rather suggest these skills all on s single target:

A1) Remove 1 buff and decrease Attk by 50 for 2 turns

A2) Cracks armor -  def down by 50 for 2 turns -  3 turns cooldown 

A3) Ignores def 100 - buffs crit for 2 turns - 4 turns cooldown

Passive gets enraged every turn by 10% attack and 4 crit dmg up to 50% and 20%

12 верес. 2019, 10:1512.09.19
12 верес. 2019, 10:17(відредаговано)

So I just pulled a mountain king from an ancient shard last night. I was super excited, my second EVER legendary I've pulled. Geared him up with some nice 5* lvl 12-16 gear focused on ATK/HP with some nice crit bonuses and is now level 50 and I must say I am absolutely astounded by just how useless he is. No legendary should be in the gear I have equipped him with, at the level he is and provide nothing to any team.

My defence heroes hit harder with more versatility, my support the same, and these other heroes actually offer utility with team buffs and enemy debuffs. Mountain king has NO buffs or debuffs, relies ONLY on single target damage and his damage is just pathetic, you would think a legendary hero with a purely single hit single target mechanism would hit like a steam train. Think again. 

I went from super excited, to absolutely bummed out. Can't believe out of the entire legendary pool I pulled one of the newest ones, simultaneously one of the worst heroes in the game. Many rare champs do what he does, but much better. What makes this worse is he was only recently BUFFED because of how bad he was when released in to the game. I really hope Devs look in to this and re-equip the Mountain King with a toolkit that lives up to his name and status because I can't recommend him for anything. Personally I think his ENTIRE kit needs a redesign to make him useful. 

12 верес. 2019, 20:3812.09.19
GranTorino said:

So I just pulled a mountain king from an ancient shard last night. I was super excited, my second EVER legendary I've pulled. Geared him up with some nice 5* lvl 12-16 gear focused on ATK/HP with some nice crit bonuses and is now level 50 and I must say I am absolutely astounded by just how useless he is. No legendary should be in the gear I have equipped him with, at the level he is and provide nothing to any team.

My defence heroes hit harder with more versatility, my support the same, and these other heroes actually offer utility with team buffs and enemy debuffs. Mountain king has NO buffs or debuffs, relies ONLY on single target damage and his damage is just pathetic, you would think a legendary hero with a purely single hit single target mechanism would hit like a steam train. Think again. 

I went from super excited, to absolutely bummed out. Can't believe out of the entire legendary pool I pulled one of the newest ones, simultaneously one of the worst heroes in the game. Many rare champs do what he does, but much better. What makes this worse is he was only recently BUFFED because of how bad he was when released in to the game. I really hope Devs look in to this and re-equip the Mountain King with a toolkit that lives up to his name and status because I can't recommend him for anything. Personally I think his ENTIRE kit needs a redesign to make him useful. 

Bet he hits harder than Ma’Shalled. Just sayin...
12 верес. 2019, 21:0812.09.19

DeepSea8494 said:

GranTorino said:

So I just pulled a mountain king from an ancient shard last night. I was super excited, my second EVER legendary I've pulled. Geared him up with some nice 5* lvl 12-16 gear focused on ATK/HP with some nice crit bonuses and is now level 50 and I must say I am absolutely astounded by just how useless he is. No legendary should be in the gear I have equipped him with, at the level he is and provide nothing to any team.

My defence heroes hit harder with more versatility, my support the same, and these other heroes actually offer utility with team buffs and enemy debuffs. Mountain king has NO buffs or debuffs, relies ONLY on single target damage and his damage is just pathetic, you would think a legendary hero with a purely single hit single target mechanism would hit like a steam train. Think again. 

I went from super excited, to absolutely bummed out. Can't believe out of the entire legendary pool I pulled one of the newest ones, simultaneously one of the worst heroes in the game. Many rare champs do what he does, but much better. What makes this worse is he was only recently BUFFED because of how bad he was when released in to the game. I really hope Devs look in to this and re-equip the Mountain King with a toolkit that lives up to his name and status because I can't recommend him for anything. Personally I think his ENTIRE kit needs a redesign to make him useful. 

Bet he hits harder than Ma’Shalled. Just sayin...

I can neither confirm nor deny, but to put it in to perspective I can say that my mountain king is of stronger stats than my Doompriest, however my doompriest, a support champ, hits harder on her A1 than Mountain King does with ANY of his skills.. 
15 верес. 2019, 05:3715.09.19
I reached 60k hp, 3400 attack, 150% crit damage, and I don't even know how to describe how garbage he is. I mean, if you want to make him completely useless in everything except single target damage, why is his single target damage lower than most of my aoe champs??? At 47k power, I think I built him properly, but he's completely put to shame in every possible way by every other attack champ I use... even if he was doing double his current damage I would only use him in Dragon and Potion Keeps. Not even arena, because he has no buffs, no debuffs, and no aoe? Uhhh.. yeah. I knew what I was getting into, but I decided to build him and even complete his masteries just to prove how weak he really is. The only thing I didn't do is waste tomes on him for an extra 18% average damage across all his skills... anyway, it appears Plarium is aware of this trash can of a champion, so my only point is to highlight just how worthless he is. Please no one build him until he receives MASSIVE buffs. I'm talking at least DOUBLE the damage output. Because even after killing 2 opponents in a round, his damage is 50% lower than my AOE champs! I hope no one ever has the misfortune of pulling him as their first attack legend.
15 верес. 2019, 05:4015.09.19
DeepSea8494 said:

GranTorino said:

So I just pulled a mountain king from an ancient shard last night. I was super excited, my second EVER legendary I've pulled. Geared him up with some nice 5* lvl 12-16 gear focused on ATK/HP with some nice crit bonuses and is now level 50 and I must say I am absolutely astounded by just how useless he is. No legendary should be in the gear I have equipped him with, at the level he is and provide nothing to any team.

My defence heroes hit harder with more versatility, my support the same, and these other heroes actually offer utility with team buffs and enemy debuffs. Mountain king has NO buffs or debuffs, relies ONLY on single target damage and his damage is just pathetic, you would think a legendary hero with a purely single hit single target mechanism would hit like a steam train. Think again. 

I went from super excited, to absolutely bummed out. Can't believe out of the entire legendary pool I pulled one of the newest ones, simultaneously one of the worst heroes in the game. Many rare champs do what he does, but much better. What makes this worse is he was only recently BUFFED because of how bad he was when released in to the game. I really hope Devs look in to this and re-equip the Mountain King with a toolkit that lives up to his name and status because I can't recommend him for anything. Personally I think his ENTIRE kit needs a redesign to make him useful. 

Bet he hits harder than Ma’Shalled. Just sayin...
And no, Ma Shallad hits harder  has more utility, and has an aura. Sorry man. You're in the wrong thread.
15 верес. 2019, 18:0015.09.19

Kodendark said:

DeepSea8494 said:

GranTorino said:

So I just pulled a mountain king from an ancient shard last night. I was super excited, my second EVER legendary I've pulled. Geared him up with some nice 5* lvl 12-16 gear focused on ATK/HP with some nice crit bonuses and is now level 50 and I must say I am absolutely astounded by just how useless he is. No legendary should be in the gear I have equipped him with, at the level he is and provide nothing to any team.

My defence heroes hit harder with more versatility, my support the same, and these other heroes actually offer utility with team buffs and enemy debuffs. Mountain king has NO buffs or debuffs, relies ONLY on single target damage and his damage is just pathetic, you would think a legendary hero with a purely single hit single target mechanism would hit like a steam train. Think again. 

I went from super excited, to absolutely bummed out. Can't believe out of the entire legendary pool I pulled one of the newest ones, simultaneously one of the worst heroes in the game. Many rare champs do what he does, but much better. What makes this worse is he was only recently BUFFED because of how bad he was when released in to the game. I really hope Devs look in to this and re-equip the Mountain King with a toolkit that lives up to his name and status because I can't recommend him for anything. Personally I think his ENTIRE kit needs a redesign to make him useful. 

Bet he hits harder than Ma’Shalled. Just sayin...
And no, Ma Shallad hits harder  has more utility, and has an aura. Sorry man. You're in the wrong thread.

False. This is a M. King thread. I’m comparing him to other champs that actually need a buff. Tell me where Ma’Shalled has utility? I can tell you where M. King has some utility. Arena, and Campaign. 

His A1 seems lame, I get it. No buffs/debuffs, just a “hits 1 time”. A2 ignores 50 percent defense. Useable against tanks and champs with defense buff in arena. A3 ignores shield and Block Dmg buffs. Obviously a counter to Roschard.

Clearly built for arena. All his dmg is based on HP/ATK. Don’t know if you read that. So he seems like a kind of hybrid tank/dps guys. 

I don’t own him, or I would build him and try him out in arena. I’ve faced 2 in arena so far, max lvls and ascended. And each M.King 1 shots my Kael with their A2 and that’s with Skullcrusher’s 50% ally protection. 

Watch some YT videos on how to gear him and give him a shot before you cry for ANOTHER buff.


16 верес. 2019, 03:5016.09.19

DeepSea8494 said:

Kodendark said:

DeepSea8494 said:

GranTorino said:

So I just pulled a mountain king from an ancient shard last night. I was super excited, my second EVER legendary I've pulled. Geared him up with some nice 5* lvl 12-16 gear focused on ATK/HP with some nice crit bonuses and is now level 50 and I must say I am absolutely astounded by just how useless he is. No legendary should be in the gear I have equipped him with, at the level he is and provide nothing to any team.

My defence heroes hit harder with more versatility, my support the same, and these other heroes actually offer utility with team buffs and enemy debuffs. Mountain king has NO buffs or debuffs, relies ONLY on single target damage and his damage is just pathetic, you would think a legendary hero with a purely single hit single target mechanism would hit like a steam train. Think again. 

I went from super excited, to absolutely bummed out. Can't believe out of the entire legendary pool I pulled one of the newest ones, simultaneously one of the worst heroes in the game. Many rare champs do what he does, but much better. What makes this worse is he was only recently BUFFED because of how bad he was when released in to the game. I really hope Devs look in to this and re-equip the Mountain King with a toolkit that lives up to his name and status because I can't recommend him for anything. Personally I think his ENTIRE kit needs a redesign to make him useful. 

Bet he hits harder than Ma’Shalled. Just sayin...
And no, Ma Shallad hits harder  has more utility, and has an aura. Sorry man. You're in the wrong thread.

False. This is a M. King thread. I’m comparing him to other champs that actually need a buff. Tell me where Ma’Shalled has utility? I can tell you where M. King has some utility. Arena, and Campaign. 

His A1 seems lame, I get it. No buffs/debuffs, just a “hits 1 time”. A2 ignores 50 percent defense. Useable against tanks and champs with defense buff in arena. A3 ignores shield and Block Dmg buffs. Obviously a counter to Roschard.

Clearly built for arena. All his dmg is based on HP/ATK. Don’t know if you read that. So he seems like a kind of hybrid tank/dps guys. 

I don’t own him, or I would build him and try him out in arena. I’ve faced 2 in arena so far, max lvls and ascended. And each M.King 1 shots my Kael with their A2 and that’s with Skullcrusher’s 50% ally protection. 

Watch some YT videos on how to gear him and give him a shot before you cry for ANOTHER buff.


Lmao, this thread is about MK, not Ma Shallad. Feel free to cry for another buff to Ma Shallad on the Ma Shallad thread ty. And yeah, maybe those skills would be useful for 1 shotting kael in arena, but any decently built Roshcard will shrug it off like nothing. And I'm sorry about your luck, but the vast majority of competitive players in 3199 arena use skullcrown, not kael. Literally any force attack champ with aoe can 1 shot kael as well as half of his team mates in one attack, plus usually added debuffs like stun or def down on top of it. Tell me how MK is good for arena again? What arena rank are you btw? 

     I'm not attacking you man, but I don't take kindly to people coming into threads for champions they don't have, to redirect attention to their own legendary who they want buffed.  FYI, I have him fully geared, full masteries, and level 60. I've tried multiple gear sets that work well on other attack champions, and his stats should cause him to hit a lot herder than he does. Please just go to the appropriate thread and post there, this place is for people who have suggestions on how to improve Mountain King, who just like Ma Shallad, is under consideration by Plarium to be buffed again. Go be productive and follow the threads relevant to you, let us focus on the balance of MK here. Ty. Glhf.

16 верес. 2019, 10:4416.09.19

Kodendark said:

DeepSea8494 said:

Kodendark said:

DeepSea8494 said:

GranTorino said:

So I just pulled a mountain king from an ancient shard last night. I was super excited, my second EVER legendary I've pulled. Geared him up with some nice 5* lvl 12-16 gear focused on ATK/HP with some nice crit bonuses and is now level 50 and I must say I am absolutely astounded by just how useless he is. No legendary should be in the gear I have equipped him with, at the level he is and provide nothing to any team.

My defence heroes hit harder with more versatility, my support the same, and these other heroes actually offer utility with team buffs and enemy debuffs. Mountain king has NO buffs or debuffs, relies ONLY on single target damage and his damage is just pathetic, you would think a legendary hero with a purely single hit single target mechanism would hit like a steam train. Think again. 

I went from super excited, to absolutely bummed out. Can't believe out of the entire legendary pool I pulled one of the newest ones, simultaneously one of the worst heroes in the game. Many rare champs do what he does, but much better. What makes this worse is he was only recently BUFFED because of how bad he was when released in to the game. I really hope Devs look in to this and re-equip the Mountain King with a toolkit that lives up to his name and status because I can't recommend him for anything. Personally I think his ENTIRE kit needs a redesign to make him useful. 

Bet he hits harder than Ma’Shalled. Just sayin...
And no, Ma Shallad hits harder  has more utility, and has an aura. Sorry man. You're in the wrong thread.

False. This is a M. King thread. I’m comparing him to other champs that actually need a buff. Tell me where Ma’Shalled has utility? I can tell you where M. King has some utility. Arena, and Campaign. 

His A1 seems lame, I get it. No buffs/debuffs, just a “hits 1 time”. A2 ignores 50 percent defense. Useable against tanks and champs with defense buff in arena. A3 ignores shield and Block Dmg buffs. Obviously a counter to Roschard.

Clearly built for arena. All his dmg is based on HP/ATK. Don’t know if you read that. So he seems like a kind of hybrid tank/dps guys. 

I don’t own him, or I would build him and try him out in arena. I’ve faced 2 in arena so far, max lvls and ascended. And each M.King 1 shots my Kael with their A2 and that’s with Skullcrusher’s 50% ally protection. 

Watch some YT videos on how to gear him and give him a shot before you cry for ANOTHER buff.


Lmao, this thread is about MK, not Ma Shallad. Feel free to cry for another buff to Ma Shallad on the Ma Shallad thread ty. And yeah, maybe those skills would be useful for 1 shotting kael in arena, but any decently built Roshcard will shrug it off like nothing. And I'm sorry about your luck, but the vast majority of competitive players in 3199 arena use skullcrown, not kael. Literally any force attack champ with aoe can 1 shot kael as well as half of his team mates in one attack, plus usually added debuffs like stun or def down on top of it. Tell me how MK is good for arena again? What arena rank are you btw? 

     I'm not attacking you man, but I don't take kindly to people coming into threads for champions they don't have, to redirect attention to their own legendary who they want buffed.  FYI, I have him fully geared, full masteries, and level 60. I've tried multiple gear sets that work well on other attack champions, and his stats should cause him to hit a lot herder than he does. Please just go to the appropriate thread and post there, this place is for people who have suggestions on how to improve Mountain King, who just like Ma Shallad, is under consideration by Plarium to be buffed again. Go be productive and follow the threads relevant to you, let us focus on the balance of MK here. Ty. Glhf.

Hit the nail on the head Koden. That's exactly why I won't comment on the performance of Ma Shallad - I know he's bad from the community, but don't own him so cannot make comparison between him and MK. What I can do is comment on just how terrible MK is since I do have and tested him, and I imagine you would be hard stretched to find a worse legendary hero than he across the board.

People talk a lot about 'well you've built him wrong. You need the right gear on him' etc etc. This logic is a fallacy. You can gauge the performance of a hero in mid tier gear and use it to make accurate estimates on the performance before giving that same hero the best gear you find possible. I and the rest of the community who own him have gauged Mountain King as TRASH of the highest degree no matter what gear is on him I think the developers also know and agree to this as they have said they will be buffing him again. ANY hero with the right build and gear can perform well so to suggest as such is counter productive unless you have a specific set up in mind that common sense and/or math couldn't work out. I will reiterate previous statements though - Realistically, MK needs an entire kit redesign to be worth any salt. Alternatively (and unfavorably) the base damage of his physical skills need to be HUGELY increased to give him a worthy damage output. Right now, you could set his base attack at 3000 and he would still suck so there must be an issue with the scripting of his skills.

One last thing - 'My Kael gets 1 shot by him in the arena' as an argument is ridiculous. Needn't be said that he is a rare with low base hp and defence and can get 1 shot by just about any AOE hero with mid tier gear. P.S. - I still find it hard to believe. 

I understand you want to see Ma Shallad buffed, but don't come to this thread to try and downplay the issues on a hero you don't have in order to speed track responses for your own issue. Especially to those of us who have tested and reached actual conclusions with Mountain King.

19 верес. 2019, 14:3019.09.19
19 верес. 2019, 14:33(відредаговано)

I thought Dwarves were natural sprinters?  So why nerf his speed down to 85...

I'm sure we all love his other stat increases, but really, if you'd listened to all the comments, we wanted his skills reworked.

Will test and see how he performs now.

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