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Why can't Kingdom bullies be punished ?

Why can't Kingdom bullies be punished ?

5 авг. 2019, 11:1105.08.19
xyz said:

Thanks for the support.

Right now the new one, that just spawned and harvested once from. it takes me longer to get there and back than I spend on the tile, is now occupied by one of these bully boys, he is on about 7 others besides, and his team mates on about another 5. 

Of course I have no proof , just a feeling that these tiles wouldn't  even be here if not for me. 

I am near the edge of the map, and had  scout around, not big enough to use the watchtower, and I can find nothing else round about.

If this is the case you absolutely need to move right next to the tile ... you should get relocations by buying the "retreat, huge coffers" ... you get a 3 day peace treaty and a relocation (plus two other useless things) for 4100 gold ... it is the cheapest way to stay shielded and you also get the relocation ...  2 relocations a week adds up ... and they are very useful after fury wins.
7 авг. 2019, 14:2907.08.19

We have the same problem in our kingdom, and for those that say this game aint Farmville, you are correct.. partially.  Resources and farming are a HUGE element in this game.  One of the greatest rewards in this game is for winning Fury and lvl 9 resource tiles.  That in itself substantiates the above point!

We have 3 rougue players in our kingdom who's sole mission is to have everyone either quit the game or move to another kingdom.  They have tile hit 1000s of times... zeroing in on the weak and growing, newer players.  

Personally, i believe the disparity between troops without hero and shaman vs troops with those boosts is far to great.  There is very little cost to the attacker to tile hit.  Why not have a limit on the number of tile hits a player can make over a certain time period?  Maybe make it only limited in non event times - ie. kvk, cvc, etc.?  Or create a new currency for tile hits... a token that is needed for each hit, and the costs go up with each hit?  

We have numerous players that have quit the game over this, and more to come.  This has gone on for several months with no end in sight and it severerly changes the game for so many by so few.  

7 авг. 2019, 18:4407.08.19

In theory,moving right next to a tile should help, but experience tells me that this is not the case, because unless you have a spare march,(and even if you have ??) by the time you have returned home, and can resend,another player will have occupied the tile. 

Again we return to the obtaining of "extras" to facilitate game play

Though the recent changes have made it easier to play for free or to take part for free, apart from its entertainment value and time passing element, there is little merit in attempting to try to compete,as its virtually impossible to do so without limited time and funds.

The recent,and not so recent changes, have just extended the length of the game and anyone starting now can never expect to hold much sway against those that have been playing since its early/earlier inception.

They have a head start, and you are always going to be playing catch up.

The game is what it is, how the player perceives it is another matter, but as stated it is a farming game, if this was not the case, why would players go to the trouble to collect resources?

If it was really a fighting game, which many suggest it is,or want it to be, then they could facilitate this aspect,but they choose not to.

I know why some tile hit, or attack weaker players and non shielded  live or dead towns, and I could probably speculate with a high degree of accuracy as to why others do it.

As far as I see it, the battles are not fighting, the majority are always shielded, the rest setting traps hoping that someone will fall in to,which is strategy not fighting, or porting around the kingdom tile hitting,which again isn't fighting.

7 авг. 2019, 21:4607.08.19
tanski said:

We have the same problem in our kingdom, and for those that say this game aint Farmville, you are correct.. partially.  Resources and farming are a HUGE element in this game.  One of the greatest rewards in this game is for winning Fury and lvl 9 resource tiles.  That in itself substantiates the above point!

We have 3 rougue players in our kingdom who's sole mission is to have everyone either quit the game or move to another kingdom.  They have tile hit 1000s of times... zeroing in on the weak and growing, newer players.  

Personally, i believe the disparity between troops without hero and shaman vs troops with those boosts is far to great.  There is very little cost to the attacker to tile hit.  Why not have a limit on the number of tile hits a player can make over a certain time period?  Maybe make it only limited in non event times - ie. kvk, cvc, etc.?  Or create a new currency for tile hits... a token that is needed for each hit, and the costs go up with each hit?  

We have numerous players that have quit the game over this, and more to come.  This has gone on for several months with no end in sight and it severerly changes the game for so many by so few.  

Thank you for calling in. There are many Kingdoms with same problems, and loss of players should be something that concerns creators of this game.
10 авг. 2019, 05:5110.08.19

We have nap in our kd, but like many of you, someone decided they didn't like it.  Now we have to play as if we are at war 24/7.  They jump in, and jump out for a month to grow more in another KD, then they come back, and bully the smaller clans, and developing players. Their plan is probably to take over the KD one day.  They only unshield to hit players off tile. 

In my clan the strategy has been to develop a few players as hyper farms, and banks, so the smaller players don't have to rely on farming, but they don't get the materials and gems to develop the gear they need. 

I agree that Plaribugs should provide some way for a KD to get together to punish rogue players - beyond bad reputes.  Exiling them would be nice, or maybe if you block a player in your home kingdom, they can't interact with you in any way - including attacking you. 

10 авг. 2019, 11:1210.08.19

Engelsklærer said:

We have nap in our kd, but like many of you, someone decided they didn't like it.  Now we have to play as if we are at war 24/7.  They jump in, and jump out for a month to grow more in another KD, then they come back, and bully the smaller clans, and developing players. Their plan is probably to take over the KD one day.  They only unshield to hit players off tile. 

In my clan the strategy has been to develop a few players as hyper farms, and banks, so the smaller players don't have to rely on farming, but they don't get the materials and gems to develop the gear they need. 

I agree that Plaribugs should provide some way for a KD to get together to punish rogue players - beyond bad reputes.  Exiling them would be nice, or maybe if you block a player in your home kingdom, they can't interact with you in any way - including attacking you. 

So sorry that this is happening.

I really like your suggestions, they seem very reasonable, maybe even best so far.

31 авг. 2019, 04:5331.08.19

I'm pretty sure there is no solution to people who are willing to buy success.  Don't know why they think buying victory is meaningful, but a game that allows unlimited buying of power should simply be abandoned. 

But most current mmorgs allow this.


The ideal way to play is to reset the map periodically so established players don't have an edge over newbies except for game skill.  And for the developers to find a business model that is fair to everyone.

As long as money dominates the game, the ONLY solution is find another game.  Try elvenar. At least strong players can't terrorize others.
8 сент. 2019, 00:1708.09.19
Yеllow said:

Imagine seeing car on the very crowded road going in opposite direction. That car would be wrecked before it gets fined right ?

Now imagine Plarium makes it indestructible (shield) and nonpunishable (there is no rule which forbids player to do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't cheat). That road becomes 1 desolate place and Plarium loses players who don't want merely to change kingdoms because they could find another lunatic in any kingdom.

Plarium needs to make some sort of regulations, even if it has to be - reporting directly to developers for ill treatment of players in the game. Because when first bans occur, those cases will become ever so rare.

We have one crazy guy in kingdom 520 who is ruining game for everyone else - he is attacking with his small clan tiles of medium and small players from every clan, whether it is KVK, KVKR, CVC or non event. So..... please Plarium, make some regulations and do something about this. We are losing comarades who don't wanna play anymore and you Plarium are losing your clients.

This is not Plarium's problem to resolve. Believe me, I feel for you. Over the past month we've had 3 different players go rogue and start tile hitting between events.  As a clan (we have 1  league of odin clan and a handful of semi-active middle of the road clans who dont do anything but farm) we have dealt with these players but the current one is especially difficult. He seems to be the only one in his clan who is active. He doesn't farm. His shield only drops long enough to send out a tile hit. So we either dont get to farm in between events or we lose troops. Its frustrating, but its still not plarium's issue to resolve.
3 июль 2023, 15:3503.07.23

I've been in the game about 4-5 weeks. 

Tyle hit about 20 different occasions. 10-15 times per occasion. 

Lost over 50 trillion in resources and near 10 t in troops. 5 t lvl 8 troops.

But what's ridiculous is enemy had 20% less troops & lvl 1 and/or 2.

If this is a War Game, give new players a fair go to defend, if not attack.

I've attacked for revenge. Same troops lvl's & amounts per player (rematch),  and I get smashed again. BS in anyone's book.

And there is no practical tutorial. And I think the game directions/info is very limited. 

I believe it is not new player friendly at all.

I feel new players are nothing but rss and influence and rewards (from the game administrators) for those who pay for power.

Seems Its not war. $greed$.

If not the case ? 

Why have over 80% of our clan members become inactive ??

Only played until tyre hit.

19 июль 2023, 19:2019.07.23



That's just utter Bull