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Why can't Kingdom bullies be punished ?

Why can't Kingdom bullies be punished ?

3 фев. 2019, 14:3803.02.19
what kingdom u in now yellow k?
4 фев. 2019, 04:1304.02.19

If we could get DOMAIN shields into clan stores this would help smaller towns with bully tile hitters

4 фев. 2019, 09:5204.02.19
Thyre said:

what kingdom u in now yellow k?
Gone to 134 with couple of friends.
4 фев. 2019, 19:3004.02.19

I suspect many kingdoms encounter this sort of thing.  A stream of bad reputes seems to achieve something and some gentle ridicule on Common Chat also.

Keeping a focus on kingdom development - KvK, KvKr, CvC, special equipment availability - may be good.  The outsider wants attention I should say and if he or she is just a peripheral nuisance that will somewhat diminish the satisfaction they get from their behaviour.

Worth remembering the person is almost certainly a child - in mental age if not in years.

I can't see anything wrong with migrating to a more congenial kingdom although, for myself, a kingdom which did not offer any challenges might be a bit dull.
5 фев. 2019, 15:2705.02.19

John said:

I suspect many kingdoms encounter this sort of thing.  A stream of bad reputes seems to achieve something and some gentle ridicule on Common Chat also.

Keeping a focus on kingdom development - KvK, KvKr, CvC, special equipment availability - may be good.  The outsider wants attention I should say and if he or she is just a peripheral nuisance that will somewhat diminish the satisfaction they get from their behaviour.

Worth remembering the person is almost certainly a child - in mental age if not in years.

I can't see anything wrong with migrating to a more congenial kingdom although, for myself, a kingdom which did not offer any challenges might be a bit dull.

Bad reputes - checked. He was more under bad reputes than anyone in this game with good one.

Ridiculing on public chat - checked. There was no player who didn't say something fitting for the bully.

Only CVC's were safe.

He is grown man of his 48 years, but acts like a brat, I'll give you that.
7 фев. 2019, 00:5307.02.19

We have had a couple.  One called himself Twoman and migrated to us when the kingdom was just emerging from the early competitive phase and was starting to co-operate.  He or she was by far the biggest town at that point.  What s/he liked was going onto Common Chat to sound off and tile hitting.  Happily s/he was pretty indolent so the tile hitting was not pursued very assiduously.

S/he left for pastures new after a couple of months and I imagine s/he went to a young kingdom where s/he could again tell herself/himself that s/he was king of the castle.

So one hope for getting rid of such nuisances is simply for the people in the host kingdom to grow in the natural course of things and to outgrow the pest.  Once their influence starts looking rather ordinary, even small, they leave.

I suppose that does mean being in an active, successful kingdom.  But whether a kingdom is active and successful just depends on the people playing there.
7 фев. 2019, 12:0607.02.19

Everything about him was already said in previous pages. He was 500m influence when he started tile hitting 6 months ago or more. In 4 months he grew to 60b strength and his tactic didn't change a bit. He hits everything and everyone every possible day. 

His short term goal is to be holder of POP and terrorize kingdom even more. Currently can't since he needs at least 1 more strong town to achieve that.

30 март 2019, 09:2030.03.19

Simon P Gruber said:

Firstly I feel really sorry for your clan and kingdom, idiot bullies with deep pockets are real problem (not only in game, but RL also), but don't go crazy with ideas.

Yellow K said:

 Something like.... if there is arranged peace among all clans, you couldn't shield up if you attack someone from your kingdom for 1 minute, for second attack 5 minutes, 3rd - 10 minutes and so on. I know it can affect those who have reserve towns with rss packs  (who don't like to give percentages but instead to collect all with attacks) but it shouldn't be harmful if that kingdom has already peace between events. 

This one is UTTER nonsense. If I won't be able to shield up straight after attacking I'm quitting this game. And I'm not be only one, that's beyond nonsense. And in one minute after first attack I would be burned to the ground. This is NOT Farmville, but WAR of clans. 

There are better methods, than banning shielding up straight after attack. As CIM said you should NEVER EVER EVER pay ransom to bullies, that's basic common sense - if you pay once they will be always coming back for more easy rss. And the only thing they fear is to KOS by all kingdom clans. Again and again and again. This can take weeks, months, but it might wear them off.

And if that won't work there are drakkars in bank packs - sail away to other kingdom. 

Last, but not least - technically your idea is impossible to implement btw because of "if there is arranged peace among all clans" fraze - there's NEVER peace between ALL clans; there are players NOT in any clan actively playing; there's no authority one can declare kingdom peace to; every kingdom-wide peace is individual and informal agreement between players (ancient words: gentleman's agreement); and so on, and so on. 

Good luck with chasing them, but IMAO too many rules and regulations will kill off not only this game, but everything in real life.

If you attack, you should not be able to shield for at least an hour or more. That would make some balance in game where not only deep pocket attackers are allowed to play.
14 май 2019, 11:1014.05.19

The kingdom I was in was like that when I started two years ago and I just pointed out in personal pms to the tile hitter the folly of attacking own kingdom players - it just weakens the kingdom - players spend rss on replacing troops instead of feeding the rss into their respective strongholds. It took a while but we have no tile hitting in our kingdom now. In fact it is becoming rare that a player gets attacked even when their shield drops for any reason. It means we can spend hours farming ghost towns without a shield between kingdom events.

If a player is attacked for no good reason the attacker is usually kicked out of what ever clan they are in for a few days by mutual consent by the clan leaders, and no other clan wants them either.

Remind them too - Plarium wants everyone to fight each other all the time - it costs real money to keep fighting all the time (hence all the fighting  competitions).

P.S. It has now got to the stage in our kingdom where players arrange other clans to hit certain troops on a tile between events so they can heal or train more troops during the next cvc for extra points in cvc.

16 май 2019, 13:3416.05.19
Sorry to ruin your 69 replies but I love to tile hit aswell, but, i try to save all my tile hitting for CVC or KVK but idiots want to tile hit their own kingdom instead of just having peace on days where there isnt kvk or cvc,, the kingdom i just moved from has peace on tiles and they win their kvks and dig the lv 7-9 tiles with full marches. Sorry but your kingdom just has an idiot parasite in it.
16 май 2019, 17:4916.05.19
Given that you seem to have both read and counted the previous comments, your response would seem to both contradictory in content and the crux of the subject.
21 май 2019, 06:5021.05.19
Exactly! You have a sheild for a reason, use it
23 июнь 2019, 11:2123.06.19

Guy's , First off all its a war game, getting hit comes with the it. If ya can't take the heat, well this game isn't yours. The guy play's it at he should.

NO excuse for bullying, but think how boring it is if ya have too sit there and wait before ya can do or hit some1. DAMM guy's, this is not Farmvile, still Farmville is getting dangerous as well, they have wolfs that can kill your chickens and  if ya can't take it find something else, like MY Little Pony,

Tc wingers
23 июнь 2019, 21:1423.06.19

Skyhawk there are no rules about how to play, though there are implied ones.

Long term, it makes sense to play for the kingdom,it may take time to realise this, letalone achieve it,though even when this is appreciated, there are those that are selfish enough to put themselves or their clan above everyone else in the kingdom.
19 июль 2019, 02:2419.07.19

"We have discussed with this clan and we always get the answer: pay us and we'll stop attacking. That is blackmail. "

Bullying; If a player attempts to blackmail another player, the player attempting blackmail is expunged from the game. That person may not start a new village. The village of the offending player remains. It houses no troops, all resource buildings are maximized ant the village is open to be raided by others at will and at no danger.

4 авг. 2019, 08:5704.08.19

Ironically, I got into Kingdom where everything was peaceful until last couple of months - we have to deal with another rogue/bully.

Now, I think I have a solution to this problem. Question is will Plarium listen to that proposal. It is very doable and easy to make.

Reputes already exist, but in current state small players can't defend from bullies with bad reputes. Therefore bad reputes for fighting need to be much much stronger.

Clan that holds Place of Power should have control over Kingdom power as long as he holds it. If a bully wants piece of that, he would need to invest.

Why this action needs to be done ? Because in the end, only small and medium players are affected by bully attacks. Big players don't give a damn or they just can't do nothing except allocate bad repute - which is not enough by all means when small and medium players are attacked in tiles or at their cities.

4 авг. 2019, 12:5004.08.19
4 авг. 2019, 12:53(отредактировано)

This isn't the only type of bullying or selfishness that happens, and peoples personality and this kind of the game tends to bring out the worst in some players. 

What about high level players hogging all the high level tiles?

This was bad enough before ,when you only had them in the forest, now what with the redistribution of the tiles throughout the kingdom, especially now there are level 8  and 9 tiles,the big players move to where the weaker players are  where they make it difficult to yield from tiles or kill all the level 1 invaders and then if the kingdom wins fury, they teleport in  take the ones that are supposed to be for the weaker players, send out multiple marches and sit on the tiles for hours even stealing the one you were taking miserly amounts from,if you haven't  progressed very in the game and you have  little to spend on it,you don't have the luxury of multiple marches, nor masses of teleports and even if you did they just follow you.
4 авг. 2019, 14:2504.08.19
xyz said:

This isn't the only type of bullying or selfishness that happens, and peoples personality and this kind of the game tends to bring out the worst in some players. 

What about high level players hogging all the high level tiles?

This was bad enough before ,when you only had them in the forest, now what with the redistribution of the tiles throughout the kingdom, especially now there are level 8  and 9 tiles,the big players move to where the weaker players are  where they make it difficult to yield from tiles or kill all the level 1 invaders and then if the kingdom wins fury, they teleport in  take the ones that are supposed to be for the weaker players, send out multiple marches and sit on the tiles for hours even stealing the one you were taking miserly amounts from,if you haven't  progressed very in the game and you have  little to spend on it,you don't have the luxury of multiple marches, nor masses of teleports and even if you did they just follow you.
Well that is bit selfish I guess. They are hunting obsidian and gold nuggets, bcs rss shouldn't be problem for them.
4 авг. 2019, 16:4404.08.19

Thanks for the support.

Right now the new one, that just spawned and harvested once from. it takes me longer to get there and back than I spend on the tile, is now occupied by one of these bully boys, he is on about 7 others besides, and his team mates on about another 5. 

Of course I have no proof , just a feeling that these tiles wouldn't  even be here if not for me. 

I am near the edge of the map, and had  scout around, not big enough to use the watchtower, and I can find nothing else round about.

4 авг. 2019, 18:5804.08.19
xyz said:

Thanks for the support.

Right now the new one, that just spawned and harvested once from. it takes me longer to get there and back than I spend on the tile, is now occupied by one of these bully boys, he is on about 7 others besides, and his team mates on about another 5. 

Of course I have no proof , just a feeling that these tiles wouldn't  even be here if not for me. 

I am near the edge of the map, and had  scout around, not big enough to use the watchtower, and I can find nothing else round about.

It's slightly better situation than to have tiles, but not being able to harvest them completely bcs of tile hitter. Many tiles will be there for our next CVC opponent to use them for our demise.