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Why can't Kingdom bullies be punished ?

Why can't Kingdom bullies be punished ?

19 окт. 2018, 09:2919.10.18

Why can't Kingdom bullies be punished ?

Imagine seeing car on the very crowded road going in opposite direction. That car would be wrecked before it gets fined right ?

Now imagine Plarium makes it indestructible (shield) and nonpunishable (there is no rule which forbids player to do whatever he wants as long as he doesn't cheat). That road becomes 1 desolate place and Plarium loses players who don't want merely to change kingdoms because they could find another lunatic in any kingdom.

Plarium needs to make some sort of regulations, even if it has to be - reporting directly to developers for ill treatment of players in the game. Because when first bans occur, those cases will become ever so rare.

We have one crazy guy in kingdom 520 who is ruining game for everyone else - he is attacking with his small clan tiles of medium and small players from every clan, whether it is KVK, KVKR, CVC or non event. So..... please Plarium, make some regulations and do something about this. We are losing comarades who don't wanna play anymore and you Plarium are losing your clients.

19 окт. 2018, 10:4419.10.18
19 окт. 2018, 11:06(отредактировано)

Frustrating, or annoying , as it is for you, and the other players, it is very unlikely that Plarium will do anything about this.

First it is not against the rules,secondly it is  a war game, and this is how this type of game is supposed to work.

Though because of the way  the game has changed, and can be played, some kingdoms have decided not to use tile hits.

It is not impossible to avoid tile hits, or to minimise the loss if you are tile hit.

It is also possible to shield the tile for 1 - 3 hrs ( they may be stackable, I never tried this) if you have a domain guard.


This strategy may not work , because he is too good a player, and likes to play the game this way, but the only chance I think you have is for all the clans to unite against him.

The better players in the bigger clans may be able to get him to see reason, if they do the same thing to him and his clan.

Unfortunately  you will have to persuade these to help you, if they are not being bothered it may be of  no interest,or little concern to them, as it seems he is only attacking weaker players.

19 окт. 2018, 11:3019.10.18
19 окт. 2018, 11:38(отредактировано)

I understand what are you saying, but this is very peculiar situation when some rules must exist for abuse. Rules are applied and changed not only in RL but in games also, Plarium isn't very different from that and it must be flexible and react to anything which can harm their project.

We are not different from other kingdoms in terms of agreements that are not in the book, we applied all good stuff we could, non hitting policy during CVC or KVK even when same kingdom clans are at war, purge 1 or 2 hours before KVK and other useful stuff... However, this small clan and his leader is using this non regulative field. Not only they attack every member from every clan no matter how big clan was, but they are actually asking for compensation in resources - they are blackmailing us so that some clan wouldn't be attacked.

We can't do anything about that. They can get zeroed by us, which happened before but is hard to do bcs of quick shielding and they usually don't harvest themselves. Still, it is futile since their only purpose is to make troops for this kind of tactic. They exist to bully and ask to be payed for attacks to stop. And we are not talking about small amounts of rss and hurt ego.

Whole kingdom is affected by it, all clans possible. We are losing events and people are leaving the game.

I think that even in war games there must be rules. LIke not hitting below belt and similar stuff.
19 окт. 2018, 12:2119.10.18

Well it is very important for no one to pay them rss so they are not attacked ... and well maybe try some tile traps ... and yes bullies are a pain in game just as in life ...

Not sure what kind of rules you would suggest that would "work" ...
19 окт. 2018, 12:4719.10.18
19 окт. 2018, 13:05(отредактировано)

CIM said:

Well it is very important for no one to pay them rss so they are not attacked ... and well maybe try some tile traps ... and yes bullies are a pain in game just as in life ...

Not sure what kind of rules you would suggest that would "work" ...

Something like.... if there is arranged peace among all clans, you couldn't shield up if you attack someone from your kingdom for 1 minute, for second attack 5 minutes, 3rd - 10 minutes and so on. I know it can affect those who have reserve towns with rss packs  (who don't like to give percentages but instead to collect all with attacks) but it shouldn't be harmful if that kingdom has already peace between events.

Or plain reporting those bad players, whatever to help solving problem. We are really struggling and we need solution for this.
19 окт. 2018, 13:0719.10.18
Not such bad rules necessarily ... but one can stay unshielded forever and tile and tile and tile ... just need to have in town enough troops for a march to tile ...
19 окт. 2018, 13:1019.10.18
And well our clan has been targeted before ... solutions ... have hyperfarms so you do not depend on farming for resources ... realize that they are like enemy kingdom so do what you do for enemy kingdom tiling (watch tiles) ... and well during cvc you are away from them ...
19 окт. 2018, 13:1219.10.18
CIM said:

Not such bad rules necessarily ... but one can stay unshielded forever and tile and tile and tile ... just need to have in town enough troops for a march to tile ...
He will be hit eventually if at least 2 users are against him. One to watch on tile he is attacking, other on his town when troops are returning. If he suffers losses in many of his endeavours, if he can't have resources in town to train his troops, he will come to his senses and stop doing what he is doing.
19 окт. 2018, 13:1219.10.18

Hello everyone ! 

I am one of those "medium and small players"  who get constantly attacked. 

I agree with you : we are not playing Farmville. Vikings is a fighting game, fair enough. You have to understand that we are not talking about one or two hits per day. It can go up to twenty or more attacks per player per day. I have lost over 2.5M troops since this has begun (not a neutral amount for a small player). 

This is a fighting game once again. You attack, you win, you loose. There is a big difference from one hit that can zero a player and 100 or more hits that can prevent the player to ... play. That is bullying.  

We have discussed with this clan and we always get the answer : pay us and we'll stop attacking. That is blackmail. We have asked the Kingdom oldest players to discuss with them. Same answers. We have tried traps (town & yielding). They have been zeroed. We have "named and shamed" on the common chat. 

We are loosing not only events due to this clan but players. After a 20 hits day, I basically just login in the morning, get the daily bonus and come back the next day. 

Rules should be implemented. I have read the T&C and there is nothing about bullying. On my opinion, Plarium needs to implement rules to prevent it.

19 окт. 2018, 13:1619.10.18

CIM said:

And well our clan has been targeted before ... solutions ... have hyperfarms so you do not depend on farming for resources ... realize that they are like enemy kingdom so do what you do for enemy kingdom tiling (watch tiles) ... and well during cvc you are away from them ...

Not every player is the same. Although there are many players who like to fight, mines are placed on maps with purpose, and we need to accept the fact that there are many players, especially small ones, who like to harvest or they see it as bonus thing (especially lvl 7 mines or Uber mines).

KVKR has a prize - lvl7 mines, KVK also - Gold of the Gods. Why should we reject prizes that we won ?
19 окт. 2018, 14:5219.10.18

Firstly I feel really sorry for your clan and kingdom, idiot bullies with deep pockets are real problem (not only in game, but RL also), but don't go crazy with ideas.

Yellow K said:

 Something like.... if there is arranged peace among all clans, you couldn't shield up if you attack someone from your kingdom for 1 minute, for second attack 5 minutes, 3rd - 10 minutes and so on. I know it can affect those who have reserve towns with rss packs  (who don't like to give percentages but instead to collect all with attacks) but it shouldn't be harmful if that kingdom has already peace between events. 

This one is UTTER nonsense. If I won't be able to shield up straight after attacking I'm quitting this game. And I'm not be only one, that's beyond nonsense. And in one minute after first attack I would be burned to the ground. This is NOT Farmville, but WAR of clans. 

There are better methods, than banning shielding up straight after attack. As CIM said you should NEVER EVER EVER pay ransom to bullies, that's basic common sense - if you pay once they will be always coming back for more easy rss. And the only thing they fear is to KOS by all kingdom clans. Again and again and again. This can take weeks, months, but it might wear them off.

And if that won't work there are drakkars in bank packs - sail away to other kingdom. 

Last, but not least - technically your idea is impossible to implement btw because of "if there is arranged peace among all clans" fraze - there's NEVER peace between ALL clans; there are players NOT in any clan actively playing; there's no authority one can declare kingdom peace to; every kingdom-wide peace is individual and informal agreement between players (ancient words: gentleman's agreement); and so on, and so on. 

Good luck with chasing them, but IMAO too many rules and regulations will kill off not only this game, but everything in real life.

19 окт. 2018, 20:2319.10.18

Simon Says said:

Firstly I feel really sorry for your clan and kingdom, idiot bullies with deep pockets are real problem (not only in game, but RL also), but don't go crazy with ideas.

This one is UTTER nonsense. If I won't be able to shield up straight after attacking I'm quitting this game. And I'm not be only one, that's beyond nonsense. And in one minute after first attack I would be burned to the ground. This is NOT Farmville, but WAR of clans. 

There are better methods, than banning shielding up straight after attack. As CIM said you should NEVER EVER EVER pay ransom to bullies, that's basic common sense - if you pay once they will be always coming back for more easy rss. And the only thing they fear is to KOS by all kingdom clans. Again and again and again. This can take weeks, months, but it might wear them off.

And if that won't work there are drakkars in bank packs - sail away to other kingdom. 

Last, but not least - technically your idea is impossible to implement btw because of "if there is arranged peace among all clans" fraze - there's NEVER peace between ALL clans; there are players NOT in any clan actively playing; there's no authority one can declare kingdom peace to; every kingdom-wide peace is individual and informal agreement between players (ancient words: gentleman's agreement); and so on, and so on. 

Good luck with chasing them, but IMAO too many rules and regulations will kill off not only this game, but everything in real life.

I was asked for possible solution and gave one that was on top of my head different than permanent ban.

Now about your criticism... I know that this is not Farmwille, but as I explained before, mines exist as part of it whether it's called war of clans or not, and they come as a prize in 2 of 3 cases, in other words - you just can not neglect it.

Second, if KOS abbreviation means kill on sight, we already tried to hunt them down, we had successful attacks in several occasions, but they regenerate fast and can attack with just 50K T1 if needed. As I explained before - normal people are fed up with it and don't have patience for such situations anymore. Those who should be weared off are actually enjoying themselves.

Third, about drakkars... I understand that they are made for moving, but such action has several bad implications: we are talking about large community who should succumb to minority and move somewhere. Seems to me same as giving them rss. Since we are community, we like playing with each other, which means we should move together somewhere, which also means that nobody can stop rogues to follow us around.

Fourth, for the first time since I play this game, we are talking about things that could help small towns in distress. Other changes were made mainly for big spenders and I don't want to get into talk are they good or bad, only that they exist as such. I understand that my proposition has some holes and I am not insisting on it, but give us at least chance to acquire 1,2,3, official warnings from Plarium itself, which would lead to ban of those game destroyers.

I wish you all game without such situation as we have. Since we 520 have it, it means it is probable to happen elsewhere too. Constructive solutions could help us all in the long run.

20 окт. 2018, 00:5920.10.18

Is it possible to starve him/them into submission?

 Without ransom payments  if they are not yielding  how do they get the resources to build?

Are they hyper farming , have big towns,   buying resources?

It costs bonuses to be constantly be porting around the kingdom, and dropping shields and re-shielding.

Are you all wanting to go to a tile and then leave the game?  A risky business especially with their behaviour.

If you only  send 1 March and watch for any attack  you should be able cancel before you get hit.

 If you only send a few troops you don't risk so much loss, though you wont yield as much. 

If it isn't cost effective to hit you it may help solve things.

Drastic , but everyone could stop playing so there's nothing to hit. 

Of course its possible you cannot beat him if he is so dogged to be a nuisance.

20 окт. 2018, 01:4520.10.18

This is a very interesting question. Let me look at it another way. Let's say that you are a small to medium clan  and you see a different way to play that is fun for you, within the rules of the game, and also irritates other players that have persecuted you in the past - why not do it? Yielding resources is only one part of the game, you don't have to do it and there will always be a risk. No, I'm not from kingdom 520 and I don't do this but not everybody wants to play the same way and that's what makes the game interesting.

I do not think that Plarium will do anything about it for two reasons.

First, the players are playing within the rules of the game. There are quite a number of situations where players make use of something within the game to gain advantage over other players but Plarium seem reluctant to change the rules - the only one I recall is the rule about having to stay in a clan for a day now.

Second, with the introduction of the Sanctuary of the Aesir, Plarium is encouraging more fighting because you need to kill to summon some of the Aesir. True, they have to be from enemy kingdom but it encourages people to tile hit to get Soul Shards.

20 окт. 2018, 03:2020.10.18
I had wondered if this was the motivation for the introduction of shards.. get people fighting, so they have tp spend more real money.
20 окт. 2018, 06:5120.10.18
20 окт. 2018, 06:53(отредактировано)

I understand all your arguments and I appreciate your replies. 

Please remember they are attacking all clans on the map. Not just one, but all. The leader of that clan said to me once that K520 needs to get rid of the dead meat that prevents us to win KvK(R). So the casus belli is not like someone did something wrong to them. This clan decided out of nowhere to harass every single clan.

We thought it will last for couple of weeks. We had wars between clans in the past, there is no like absolute power to decide peace for the whole kingdom. Wars have been sorted out in days, this thing is going for months now. 

Starving them to death ? Tile hitting them in return ? Been there, done that. We have even "occupy" their SH for a week with all clans united to prevent them from yielding. They simply buy resources at the bank. 

And keep bullying players. During Kvk, Kvk(R), CvC ... Harassing players for all clans. I got 11 hits yesterday, maybe double for my clan. I don't have access (obviously) to other clans stats. And that is them being on a "good" day (from our point of view).  

So Plarium is happy with these paying customers. They fight (to get shards or whatever reason), they pay to get bigger. They harass players. Plarium is loosing potential customers who just stopped playing, because it is no longer fun to play. Which is the first reason everybody join in the first place. Fun. 

20 окт. 2018, 07:4020.10.18

I don't see how tile hitting players during KvK(R) will help "get rid of the dead meat that prevents us to win KvK(R)" so your problem chief is wrong there.

Tile hitting during KvK is another matter. You were tile hit 11 times yesterday during KvK. If the enemy had hit those tiles you would give away more points than you would gain from successful yields. As I said before, yielding is only one part of the game. There are strategies to win without yielding. Sure, you won't win everything but then one never does.

What you call "bullying" is exactly what happens in the first month or two in every kingdom and many paying players are lost yet the game is not changed.

20 окт. 2018, 09:0120.10.18

There's no good solution for this. If rouge clan is spending real money Plarium is not going to do anything. I'm aware, that rest of 520 is spending some money too, but to be rouge one requires deeper pockets. 

I like to farm rss tiles myself, ain't spending hundreds of pounds to buy packs and need materials same time, so permanent tile hitting is a real bummer. RSS tiles are part of the game, but Plarium is not going to do anything if bullies are spending real money, that's company's policy - 'Rip 'em off"

Except stopping paying ransome and KOS them there's no useful option. They are having fun obviously ruining game for others, getting kills and free rss, not breaking any rules. If you said war with them made no difference IMAO it's time to put sails on masts and go somewhere else. It's not the greatest option, meaning leaving ppl behind, risking rouges will follow or finding even worst ones.

20 окт. 2018, 13:5420.10.18
20 окт. 2018, 13:56(отредактировано)

xyz said:

Is it possible to starve him/them into submission?

 Without ransom payments  if they are not yielding  how do they get the resources to build?

Are they hyper farming , have big towns,   buying resources?

It costs bonuses to be constantly be porting around the kingdom, and dropping shields and re-shielding.

Are you all wanting to go to a tile and then leave the game?  A risky business especially with their behaviour.

If you only  send 1 March and watch for any attack  you should be able cancel before you get hit.

 If you only send a few troops you don't risk so much loss, though you wont yield as much. 

If it isn't cost effective to hit you it may help solve things.

Drastic , but everyone could stop playing so there's nothing to hit. 

Of course its possible you cannot beat him if he is so dogged to be a nuisance.

Well I guess they pay something minimal for minimal purposes, bcs it is small clan with 5-10 members who engage attacks and same amount who don't, where only leader is with1,5B influence and rest of them are from 50m-250m influence. I was wondering myself how do they survive being minimalistic and spending so much on tile hits (it can be costly per day session), maybe answer lies in fact they are not growing at all.

One of their users was innactive for 7 days. I thought that I was the only one who payed guard from that town to see time of losing shield, I didn't expect 5 different clans doing the same when we all surrounded him that night. Should put things into perspective how watched they are. Still, we can't make them stop. They don't act like normal people and don't have normal goals or feelings.

If someone told me that after 1 year (exactly how our kingdom is old now), we would still be playing like in the beginning, like we still need to learn processes and rules of the game, I would not engage myself so much into this and would look at it as totally opposite thing for what games are made - FUN. I wouldn't log in ever more and have 1 single moment of regret.

21 окт. 2018, 00:5621.10.18
21 окт. 2018, 00:58(отредактировано)

It would seem that you are presently in a no win scenario.

That only 5 towns behave like this would suggest that it might be only one person.

If its  5 or 1 player with hyperfarms, the ransom resources asked for wouldnt really be needed.

I would suggest if you havent already done so that you set up hyperfarming,and then if the need is still there,only yield from the special tiles with 1 march with minimal troops, that you watch and recall if you see an attack coming.

21 окт. 2018, 13:0221.10.18
We loose checkpoints in rss yielding competitions, we loose our troops and small players, we loose KvKs... And it is still not all our troubles. The uncontrolled player goes off on us, on every aktive player of our kingdom. I've blacklisted him. I don't see it, but he goes on to write such words about our players, which I never use neither in the game, nor in RL. It's just unbelievable, that he's still not banned for ever. It's time to change smth.