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So many lvl 60 legendary, fully ascended in bronze 3...something wrong with arena or just me

So many lvl 60 legendary, fully ascended in bronze 3...something wrong with arena or just me

5 май 2021, 15:3405.05.21
Rufus Shinra

First of all having a legendary or many in a team doesn't make it superior to a classic f2p team like High Kathun, Apoth, WarMaiden, Kael ( provided it's properly built ) 

An announcement will be made after the release of patch 4.20 for the upcoming arena fix which should also come in teh month of may , so hopefully things should be better soon. 


I have NEVER seen ANY game say they are going to make their PVP better and it actually get better. It usually gets WORSE.

5 май 2021, 16:0905.05.21

 So while this was originally about  Legendary and fully ascended teams.

generally, those  teams are higher power ranking obviously the person posting this  should be  seeing higher ranking IE gold tier at least a couple of times I would assume from the gold medals he has.

But the real Question is how can  one get  a full list of teams that are a minuium of 40k power above yours. Is it  punishment for not focusing on the arena . Or is it simply a screw you to the FTP  people looking to advance the game.


5 май 2021, 16:2305.05.21

 Boy the more I read the more pointless it seems to even play this game How much cash do you have to spend to get a damn lego wtf  .    

5 май 2021, 17:5305.05.21
Player J


Based on the heros you have, I think you might need to redesign your team.

You might need to make a Speed Nuking Crowd Control Composition.

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun ----> Turn Meter Fill

2nd move: Dhukk ---------> AOE Def Down

3rd move: Dark Elhain ----> Increase Attack + AOE Nuke

4th move: Sensechal ------> AOE Provoke

I made DE to 6*60 full assention/booked/skilled with currently following stats


After several runs with following team:

1. HK

2. MS  

3. Zavia

4. DE

Afer couple of arena tests output is as follows:

- For fights which i was defeted, there was no interruption and my team had speed synergy

- Based on my current opponents in S2 DE cannot kill all/most of opponents alone

- Teams with TP above 30k are unkillable

- Winable opponents ratio didn rise in comparation to my previous team

- As DE cannot kill 2-3 opponents with her A2 need to have second nuker

- 40% of opponent teams has 15-30% team shields ( thats why MS is main debuffer)

- in 70% of fights team wins speed test

- both new and old teams win/loose same battes (esspecially lose)

-  No chance to go beyond S2

- Win/lost ratio stays on 50/50 ish

- also on average roll 60% of enemy teams has revivers (Scyll or Douches), that why i have Zavia as usualy reviver dont want to die first

- additionaly just leveled up and see more +70k teams in each roll

DE is a very good nuker, but not enough for my S2 :D

Will contionue with her and see...

Yes i tried also following team (similar to sugessted without Sensechal)

HK > Dhukk > DE > Zavia - for most of the teams 3x aoe didnt kill opponents in first turn, below my Dhukk and Zavia stats





5 май 2021, 17:5805.05.21

I made DE to 6*60 full assention/booked/skilled with currently following stats


After several runs with following team:

1. HK

2. MS  

3. Zavia

4. DE

Afer couple of arena tests output is as follows:

- For fights which i was defeted, there was no interruption and my team had speed synergy

- Based on my current opponents in S2 DE cannot kill all/most of opponents alone

- Teams with TP above 30k are unkillable

- Winable opponents ratio didn rise in comparation to my previous team

- As DE cannot kill 2-3 opponents with her A2 need to have second nuker

- 40% of opponent teams has 15-30% team shields ( thats why MS is main debuffer)

- in 70% of fights team wins speed test

- both new and old teams win/loose same battes (esspecially lose)

-  No chance to go beyond S2

- Win/lost ratio stays on 50/50 ish

- also on average roll 60% of enemy teams has revivers (Scyll or Douches), that why i have Zavia as usualy reviver dont want to die first

- additionaly just leveled up and see more +70k teams in each roll

DE is a very good nuker, but not enough for my S2 :D

Will contionue with her and see...

Yes i tried also following team (similar to sugessted without Sensechal)

HK > Dhukk > DE > Zavia - for most of the teams 3x aoe didnt kill opponents in first turn, below my Dhukk and Zavia stats





Just to give you an Idea. I had my High Khatum at 254 speed to climb to Silver 1.

Now iam in Silver 3 and often I dont even get to go first. Probably need like 270 (which raises my speed requirements for the other champions as well to not get interrupted). Next to that there is often a 30% team lead for the opponent and they seem to have ventured into the defensive three of masteries to get Cycle of revenge

5 май 2021, 18:5705.05.21
5 май 2021, 19:04(отредактировано)

Tanthil, i think its just a matter of gear for you

Nothing seems badly made, just needs better gear, for example i use zavia too, and have nearly 5k attack and 200 crit damage, and i still struggle to nuke when i go first at times, i have to avoid certain tanky teams

So just endless runs of dragon/spider/fireknight or whatever kit you need to improve.

I cant win a single match at the moment in attack as i am losing the speed race every time (283 speed lead), ironically im now in gold two from defensive wins....no i dont understand that either.

5 май 2021, 19:1305.05.21

Yes, i fully expect that now is a matter of gear, but top notch gear and fully dedicated champs just to keep up in silver it is just madness. At least i have DE as dedicated arena champ now ( Kael will go to farming/dungeons/campign). 

Sadly no 'reach gold 1' mission completion anytime soon, (despise grind of 2600 silver medals are couple of missions away)

5 май 2021, 19:4605.05.21

Yes, i fully expect that now is a matter of gear, but top notch gear and fully dedicated champs just to keep up in silver it is just madness. At least i have DE as dedicated arena champ now ( Kael will go to farming/dungeons/campign). 

Sadly no 'reach gold 1' mission completion anytime soon, (despise grind of 2600 silver medals are couple of missions away)

I have limited my online time on the game to less than an hour a day now and honestly? i feel kind of guilty about cvc but its much better

Its just pixels and the immense amount of grinding required to compete even in the middle tiers- is more than i am willing to do, and i will always pick a new car or an extra trip to disneyland for the kids over buying shards - and the prices really are daft enough to make the comparison 😂

5 май 2021, 21:0405.05.21


What is your Madam Serris build?

What is the Masteries on your Dark Elhain?

5 май 2021, 21:2005.05.21

you need CD gloves on nuker

5 май 2021, 21:3205.05.21

DE Maseries as per HH guide:


MS stats as follows MS is full but sill 5* (lack of resources):


Use 5* CR gloves on DE, cannot change now do 5*CD as i will loose 50% of CR, 

I know i have some flaws on gear (only 3*CD amulet)

5 май 2021, 22:0605.05.21

CD gloves are better, but i found it really hard to get the crit rate from substats while keeping attack highish and speed high enough to not be cut in. Ive got it on exactly two characters, my arena nuker and my coldheart.

You can try searching through your gear to see what has crit rate on it as a substat, the filter actually works quite well.

6 май 2021, 00:0606.05.21


I think you are confused.

The team I told you to build 2 days ago isn't designed to get you to Gold 1.

The team is designed to help you maintance Silver 4 Rank.

The below team I told you to build is Arena Defense Team.

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun ----> Turn Meter Fill

2nd move: Dhukk ---------> AOE Def Down

3rd move: Dark Elhain ----> Increase Attack + AOE Nuke

4th move: Sensechal ------> AOE Provoke  

This set up can help you stay in Silver 4 to get Arena Reward Chest.

This is the plan!

The reason you are not reaching Gold 1 is because of the below issues, remember?

1st issue - Madam Serris - The AI plays her badly most times (In Arena Defense)

2nd issue - Your team is lacking Speed Aura - 23% or higher is recommended for Gold

3rd issue - Your team is lacking Turn Meter Fill - 30% or higher is recommended for Gold

4th issue - Your team is lacking Increase Attack Buff

5th issue - Your team isn't Speed Tuned.

You responded to me with the below comments, remember?

1st issue - Madam Serris - The AI plays her badly most times

I use Dhukk in Defence arena instead MS (6*/booked,skilld,mastered, he was my debuffer before MS)

2nd issue - Your team is lacking Speed Aura - 23% or higher is recommended for Gold

No proper champ in roster

3rd issue - Your team is lacking Turn Meter Fill - 30% or higher is recommended for Gold

No proper champ in roster 

4th issue - Your team is lacking Increase Attack Buff

No proper champ in roster 

5th issue - Your team isn't Speed Tuned  

For any team i fought so far (S2-S4) none interrupted my team


We fixed the 1st issue!

- You put Dhukk in Arena Defense.

- You keep Madam Serris in Arena Offense.

We didn't fix 2nd issue!

You have No Proper Champ in Roster.

We didn't fix 3rd issue!

You have No Proper Champ in Roster. 

We fixed 4th issue!

You are using Dark Elhain who Self Buff  

You told me the 5th issue isn't a huge factor!

You are not having interruption issues at the moment.

Based on the above information, we can conclude you have done nothing wrong Tanthil.

The issue here is not You.

The issue here is not Arena.

The issue here is Shard Pulls.

Look at your Roster!

You have no Arena Specialist!

Look at the reasons, you are not reaching Gold 1!

"No Proper Champion in Roster"


Some people are talking about your gear being bad.

The truth is you are not fighting Platinum Arena Players.

You are fighting Silver Arena Players.

Your Gear is bad, but the people your fighting against has bad Gear too.

The Bad Gear cancels out with each other.

I feel your issue is a Champion issue.

How do you get Champions? 

From Shards. 


If I was you Tanthil, I would do 3 things:

1 - Classical Arena Rank Preserveration

Get your Arena Defense team built so you can't drop to Bronze 4

You want to try and maintain your Arena Rank.

You want to get those Silver 4 Arena Chest Rewards.

2 - Farm Dungeons & Farm Clan Boss ---> This is a Double Benefit

Shards can drop from Dungeons & Clan Boss.

Gear can drop from Dungeons & Clan Boss.

You need these Shards to get an Arena Specialist Hero.

You need these Gears to get even better Arena Stats for your Hero.

3 - Start thinking about seperating your Nukers & Good Champions for Tag Arena

Let me explain what I mean by this.

You have been trying to use Zavia + Dark Elhain on the same team in Classical Arena.

The problem is if you do the same approach in Tag Arena.

Who will be your Nuker for Team 2 + Team 3?

You are putting all your good champions in 1 fight.

Than you will have garbage heros in the other fights which will cause you to lose.

Arena Nukers are suppose to stand on their own 2 feet.

Arena Nukers are the back bone of your team success or failure.

Arena Nukers shouldn't have help from other Nukers to kill people.

Arena Nukers who can't kill people by themselves are considered garbage and no one uses them.

Everyone knows Zavia & Dark Elhain are Powerful Arena Nukers.

They don't need help.

They need the Arena Stats + Arena Support.

Now think about your Tag Team for a min:

Team 1 - Might be Zavia as the Nuker helping her team win the fight.

Team 2 - Might be Dark Elhain as the Nuker helping her team win the fight.

Now you need to start asking yourself questions:

What team will Dhukk go in?

What team will High Khatun go in?

Who will be the Nuker in Team 3?

These things are important because you can get an Ancient Shard from Tag Arena.

You need those Ancient Shards, Void Shards, & Sacred Shards.

You need more Hero's on your Roster - This is what is holding you back.

You get Hero's from Shards - You need to think about all the places which give you Shards.

Than you should focus on them.

Image pulling Gorgorab from a Shard?

Image pulling Lyssandra from a Shard?

You would probably reach Gold 1 instantly.

You have bad gear? Who cares

These Arena Giants would carry you to Gold 1 with your bad gear on them.

These hero's play for keeps. 

6 май 2021, 10:5306.05.21

@Player J 

1. Yes, set DEF arena with HK, Dukk, DE, Zavia

2. I amended tag arena (has no issues to win all tags in 7/10 tag attack, have similar setup for defence tag arena

3. With DE starting to see difference in attack arena, maybe at some point will get to S4

4. And overall is a matter of have luck to pull proper champs to progress to G1

5.  I tuned my champs as much as possible to your suggestions and there is slight progress :)

6 май 2021, 11:2806.05.21

@Player J 

1. Yes, set DEF arena with HK, Dukk, DE, Zavia

2. I amended tag arena (has no issues to win all tags in 7/10 tag attack, have similar setup for defence tag arena

3. With DE starting to see difference in attack arena, maybe at some point will get to S4

4. And overall is a matter of have luck to pull proper champs to progress to G1

5.  I tuned my champs as much as possible to your suggestions and there is slight progress :)

Zavia is now broken - she wont use catalyst in arena and she doesnt use it in spider even if the spider is covered in poison

If you intend to carry on playing you will need to build another nuker for defence.

6 май 2021, 16:0806.05.21

Yeah - The game said they was changing Zavia AI.

Their use to be a very powerful Arena Set up for Zavia.

I wonder if it still works.

Leader: Arbiter - Speed Aura 30%

1st move: Arbiter ------------> Turn Meter Fill 30% + Increase Attack 50%

2nd move: Madam Serris ---> Remove Enemy Buffs + Decrease Defense 60%

3rd move: Taurus ------------> AOE Poison 4x Stacks

4th move: Zavia -------------> AOE Nuke + AOE Poison Explosion

The above set up is a very powerful set up I have seen people run in the past.

This is why I was telling Tanthil to not use Zavia till he had a set up for her.

No idea if the AI will do all those moves.

It might be a Manual only Arena team now.

6 май 2021, 16:1206.05.21
Player J

Yeah - The game said they was changing Zavia AI.

Their use to be a very powerful Arena Set up for Zavia.

I wonder if it still works.

Leader: Arbiter - Speed Aura 30%

1st move: Arbiter ------------> Turn Meter Fill 30% + Increase Attack 50%

2nd move: Madam Serris ---> Remove Enemy Buffs + Decrease Defense 60%

3rd move: Taurus ------------> AOE Poison 4x Stacks

4th move: Zavia -------------> AOE Nuke + AOE Poison Explosion

The above set up is a very powerful set up I have seen people run in the past.

This is why I was telling Tanthil to not use Zavia till he had a set up for her.

No idea if the AI will do all those moves.

It might be a Manual only Arena team now.

Her catalyst proc is completely broken

Essentially it only goes off if every single target has poison applied and if she applied it herself

Tested it on spider / dragon and i think i have finally worked out what is going on.

If just one spiderling is missing a poison she wont use catalyst

If the only poison on a target has been applied by a different champ she wont use it

6 май 2021, 17:3006.05.21

Being ascended, legendary, high player power in the grand scheme of things doesn't mean much. I agree arena is a bit rough at the moment especially for newer players, but at the same time a well tuned arena team will beat a high player power gaggle of maxed champs almost everytime. I was having this same discussion with clanmates as I was playing on my alt who's also in Bronze III almost Bronze IV as I just fought a 137k fully ascended team of epics and legendaries with my 79k team and won. It's possible to win, it just isn't a cake walk as it was a month ago. Keep grinding some gear and the arena wins will come with or without a huge rework to the system. 

I am sorry to disagree abouit Arena being a "Cake Walk" a month ago.  I have had the Progress Mission to earn 50 Silver medalions for around 2 months.  How many have I earned in that time ???  Try for a big fat ZERO.  I DID manage to make it into silver one time about 3 months ago, but now have been pushed back to Bronze 1 where it seems I will be staying as long as I decide to continue playing this abortion.

6 май 2021, 17:5406.05.21

1. If you cannot advance out of bronze 1 you have a very difficult time building your Great Hall. 

2. If you cannot build your Great Hall you cannot advance in Arena, above Brutal in Campain or above mid level in dungons.  

My teams have all 5 and 6 star L-16 gear.  I cannot gain more 6 star gear without advanceing.  I HAVE fully upgraded all of my scroll attributes by getting the scrolls through Gems.  Speaking of which, is the ONLY way to refresh often enough to get a team or two I can beat in Bronze 1 or 2.  When you need to spend 50 gems to win one or two Great Hall medallions it seems a bit of a drag.

When I first started playing this game I felt it would be an interesting change from Might and Magic X, World of Warships, or Guild Wars, but I am finding mtself trying less and less to advance.  Yes I still go into Arena for Daily and Clan quests but rather than spend megga amounts of gems I simply lose and stay at the bottom of Bronze 1.

7 май 2021, 18:3907.05.21

Hi! The fact that you see those Legendaries in Bronze 3 means that despite having those Champions, for some reasons, those players can't advance further or were defeated in higher Tiers. From that, you can assume that those accounts don't harness those Champions to full their extent. If so, there are decent chances you can beat them as well. However, it would be safer to say so if we could see your Collection of Champions.

Also, I would like to remind that we're actively preparing some changes for the Arena matchmaking algorithm that will make progression through Bronze and Silver Tiers a bit easier. We cannot provide you with a certain date for now, but more news are likely to appear in the next few weeks

As explained, at this time it is too difficult for new players (2-3 months) like me because always match with 1-year enemies or older enemies with strong champions in bronze 3-4 even 2. Then , over time it may becomes more difficult than its current situation for newbies. 

I dont know the situation of Bronze 3-4 Arena battles 1-1.5 years ago, whether it was easier than now? If it was easier than now, it is not unfair for newbies now.