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So many lvl 60 legendary, fully ascended in bronze 3...something wrong with arena or just me

So many lvl 60 legendary, fully ascended in bronze 3...something wrong with arena or just me

OracleCommunity Manager
30 апр. 2021, 11:5230.04.21

Hi! The fact that you see those Legendaries in Bronze 3 means that despite having those Champions, for some reasons, those players can't advance further or were defeated in higher Tiers. From that, you can assume that those accounts don't harness those Champions to full their extent. If so, there are decent chances you can beat them as well. However, it would be safer to say so if we could see your Collection of Champions.

Also, I would like to remind that we're actively preparing some changes for the Arena matchmaking algorithm that will make progression through Bronze and Silver Tiers a bit easier. We cannot provide you with a certain date for now, but more news are likely to appear in the next few weeks

30 апр. 2021, 12:0430.04.21
30 апр. 2021, 12:04(отредактировано)

Hi! The fact that you see those Legendaries in Bronze 3 means that despite having those Champions, for some reasons, those players can't advance further or were defeated in higher Tiers. From that, you can assume that those accounts don't harness those Champions to full their extent. If so, there are decent chances you can beat them as well. However, it would be safer to say so if we could see your Collection of Champions.

Also, I would like to remind that we're actively preparing some changes for the Arena matchmaking algorithm that will make progression through Bronze and Silver Tiers a bit easier. We cannot provide you with a certain date for now, but more news are likely to appear in the next few weeks

The reason those players can't advance further is, mostly, because your matchmaking ensures that the only teams they get to face are other full-legendary teams. They aren't down there because they can't beat teams that are reasonable for people in the first month, it's because they don't even get to see those teams.

I made it into or close to silver with a terrible team in my first few weeks, and peaked (until recently) midway to S3 within the first month. Again, that's not because I could beat those teams, because I wouldn't have a prayer of doing so, but because the matchmaking ensured that I didn't have to. It wasn't until I started opening the shards I'd been told to save for 2x events that I started seeing those legendaries, because that's when my player power spiked up.

You'll have to forgive me if I'll believe it when I see it in regards to your promises of improvement, because so far all I've seen are poor justifications for the most god awful approach to a PvP-adjacent feature I've ever seen. I'm finding my faith in very short supply.

30 апр. 2021, 12:5130.04.21
30 апр. 2021, 13:02(отредактировано)

The reason those players can't advance further is, mostly, because your matchmaking ensures that the only teams they get to face are other full-legendary teams. They aren't down there because they can't beat teams that are reasonable for people in the first month, it's because they don't even get to see those teams.

I made it into or close to silver with a terrible team in my first few weeks, and peaked (until recently) midway to S3 within the first month. Again, that's not because I could beat those teams, because I wouldn't have a prayer of doing so, but because the matchmaking ensured that I didn't have to. It wasn't until I started opening the shards I'd been told to save for 2x events that I started seeing those legendaries, because that's when my player power spiked up.

You'll have to forgive me if I'll believe it when I see it in regards to your promises of improvement, because so far all I've seen are poor justifications for the most god awful approach to a PvP-adjacent feature I've ever seen. I'm finding my faith in very short supply.

This is pretty accurate

My second account (now inactive) cruised into silver without facing a single level 60 due to matchmaking.

However when/if my mature account slides into bronze the matchmaking system will ensure i have a hell of a time getting out of it due to player level/power and the opponents i am given will be nothing like the opponents in my second account.

30 апр. 2021, 17:3430.04.21
Rufus Shinra

First of all having a legendary or many in a team doesn't make it superior to a classic f2p team like High Kathun, Apoth, WarMaiden, Kael ( provided it's properly built ) 

An announcement will be made after the release of patch 4.20 for the upcoming arena fix which should also come in teh month of may , so hopefully things should be better soon. 

Properly built meaning speed meta.  Ruining arena and making us speed gimp 3 teams for tag team in order to compete.  Bad for players good for plarium's bottom line.  Additionally, there is no way (besides delving deep into team dynamics) to tell if a team is going to wipe you without being able to garner one attack.

Time to do something about the speed meta that dominates arena.

30 апр. 2021, 19:0930.04.21

So you have gold medals wich probably means you are playing for quite some time now. And you cannot beat those teams?? Iam playing not even 2 months and iam beating those. What is your team? What is your roster? There might be some user errors instead ;) 

But yeah as a newer player I cannot tell but reading all the comments the past months it seems arena is getting quite a bit harder for newer players yeah.

So many ways of improving (by Plarium) on the system like mission quest requirements, matchmaking on account power (excl vault units), removing inactive accounts etc. Really interested in seeing the change Rufus Shinra is talking about.

I stopped for a while.  As u can see i have some gold medals that means i was doing ok then and now i cant even survive bronze 3😂😂😂  i believe it must be inactive  accounts.

I mean, in the end of day its just a game, i am ok with it.   However it could be an issue to new players

30 апр. 2021, 20:0230.04.21

Hi! The fact that you see those Legendaries in Bronze 3 means that despite having those Champions, for some reasons, those players can't advance further or were defeated in higher Tiers. From that, you can assume that those accounts don't harness those Champions to full their extent. If so, there are decent chances you can beat them as well. However, it would be safer to say so if we could see your Collection of Champions.

Also, I would like to remind that we're actively preparing some changes for the Arena matchmaking algorithm that will make progression through Bronze and Silver Tiers a bit easier. We cannot provide you with a certain date for now, but more news are likely to appear in the next few weeks

i mean i don't know whether those accounts were fully extended or not.  but i think "fully extend" shouldnt even be a conversation for bronze.  

30 апр. 2021, 20:0630.04.21

Hi! The fact that you see those Legendaries in Bronze 3 means that despite having those Champions, for some reasons, those players can't advance further or were defeated in higher Tiers. From that, you can assume that those accounts don't harness those Champions to full their extent. If so, there are decent chances you can beat them as well. However, it would be safer to say so if we could see your Collection of Champions.

Also, I would like to remind that we're actively preparing some changes for the Arena matchmaking algorithm that will make progression through Bronze and Silver Tiers a bit easier. We cannot provide you with a certain date for now, but more news are likely to appear in the next few weeks

Here is my arena team.  not very good one however i believe it should be at least in silver.  i could be wrong tho


30 апр. 2021, 20:1930.04.21
30 апр. 2021, 20:20(отредактировано)

Mr Wilson, I would venture you overstate the importance of luck/rng.

I always say gear > champs, and it is not even close.  

You can get good gear with only time or money, but intelligence/strategy/optimization  are pretty critical unless you are gonna spend a crapload.

if u said is right then why even bother to have champion ranked bro?

and also legendary can also have good gear.  so i don't think this is right comparison tho

30 апр. 2021, 20:3630.04.21
Blade finch

if u said is right then why even bother to have champion ranked bro?

and also legendary can also have good gear.  so i don't think this is right comparison tho

Your arena team above is an example of what is most important and what is not.

1. Team Synergy/Comp

2. Gear

3. Champion Level

4. Legendary/Epic Champs

Your team graded:

1. F

2. C/D (I don't know your gear, but guessing sub-par based on power)

3. B (A 50 is fine for arena, but not that one)

4. A 

So this a bronze team IMO.

30 апр. 2021, 20:3830.04.21

The issue is assuming that people with good champions can't also do the exact same thing you're doing. Yes, you may run into a team full of legendaries by a player with no clue how to use them, but that's not going to be the norm. Winning a fight against that team means nothing in the long run, because on average you'll face people who aren't hopelessly incompetent. While skill isn't irrelevant, Raid doesn't have the strategic depth required for it to be a deciding factor over getting lucky with champions and gear. All other things being equal, your cookie-cutter SH/WM/HK/starter will get slaughtered by a team of legendaries by virtue of raw stats alone, unless you start relying on best-case scenarios.

102 days in, I'm in the middle of G1 with 60 medals to my name at the moment, and I can tell you without a doubt that the only reason for that is a) Serris and b) Candraphon (perhaps also c) Minaya to a lesser extent), and there was no skill involved in getting them and I would argue very little in putting the team together. Although, technically, I suppose you could call manipulating my player power to get through bronze/silver skill if you want, but I'd disagree.

Yes.  I  agree and also in the end of day,  its bronze we r talking about ffs.  Its will be absolutely no  problem if this is in gold but this is bronze right?   Tell me if im wrong😁

30 апр. 2021, 20:5930.04.21

Your arena team above is an example of what is most important and what is not.

1. Team Synergy/Comp

2. Gear

3. Champion Level

4. Legendary/Epic Champs

Your team graded:

1. F

2. C/D (I don't know your gear, but guessing sub-par based on power)

3. B (A 50 is fine for arena, but not that one)

4. A 

So this a bronze team IMO.

well, my gears r lvl16. and i was in gold. 

I get it,  its not perfect set up but again this is bronze we r talking about here. bronze  should be entry lvl to arena and if u think  its normal for a team with  3 lvl60 fully ascended legendaries with an epic cant even survive in entry lvl,  well, i believe ur standard is too high.

30 апр. 2021, 21:1530.04.21
30 апр. 2021, 21:16(отредактировано)

Your arena team above is an example of what is most important and what is not.

1. Team Synergy/Comp

2. Gear

3. Champion Level

4. Legendary/Epic Champs

Your team graded:

1. F

2. C/D (I don't know your gear, but guessing sub-par based on power)

3. B (A 50 is fine for arena, but not that one)

4. A 

So this a bronze team IMO.

Dude,  what  i try to say to u is that arena is away to hard  in bronze now.   Now we even talk about  "perfect  team  setup" in bronze?   seriously?   and  arena  literally unlocked at lvl 11  if u don't remember ....  how could those new guys even do arena if my team can't even make it?  

and  if u r right and  im wrong  then it leads to another question which is  whats  the  point  to  unlock  arena  at  lvl11??🧐

30 апр. 2021, 21:1730.04.21
30 апр. 2021, 21:22(отредактировано)

Your arena team above is an example of what is most important and what is not.

1. Team Synergy/Comp

2. Gear

3. Champion Level

4. Legendary/Epic Champs

Your team graded:

1. F

2. C/D (I don't know your gear, but guessing sub-par based on power)

3. B (A 50 is fine for arena, but not that one)

4. A 

So this a bronze team IMO.

Its not just about unoptimised teams.

Since i stopped actively playing and refreshing every 15 mins to find fights ive dropped 4 tiers in a few weeks from g2

My team is apoth (turn meter)  into battlesage  (attack up) into draco (debuff) into zavia (nuke)  with zavia in savage and 4.5k attack, 200 crit damage, all champs properly speed tuned and between 282 and 230 speed.

I have loads of player power which influences matchmaking and it looks like im freefalling into bronze (just fallen into s2) - a quick peek at opponents shows no change in opponents from when i was in G2.

S2 looks no easier at all than G2 - i could probably have kept position in gold, but who wants to spend all night refreshing to find poorly composed opponents?

Now, my speeds are not amazing, but they arent bronze either.  Lower tiers are a mess.

30 апр. 2021, 21:2130.04.21

Is a old game, this happen to everygame.

Begginig 0% have 60, leg, ascend. Now 90% have, so, make numbers.

Yea,  i totally agree with u.   iam cool with it 

30 апр. 2021, 22:0130.04.21
Blade finch

Here is my arena team.  not very good one however i believe it should be at least in silver.  i could be wrong tho


I don't get the strategy of your team. Without speedbuff and speedaura you probably go second, Skatorsis removing debuffs, Hope removing enemy buffs, Robar def debuff, Bloodtwin killing somebody. Sounds good, but how do you survive the first hit? Skatorsis has 20k hp, is that enough in a shield set to protect the others?

1 май 2021, 10:0901.05.21

lol check up bronze 1....not a chance you can progress...hehe i give up on arena

1 май 2021, 10:2501.05.21

How does your team managed to go to gold (rethoriclal)? My account is 3 months old and my team will never reach G1, (stuck in S2-S3)


1 май 2021, 12:0801.05.21

How does your team managed to go to gold (rethoriclal)? My account is 3 months old and my team will never reach G1, (stuck in S2-S3)


That is a properly composed team (turn meter into debuff and then two nuker)

Curious what your speeds are? i just tried a fight and with 282 speed i didnt get to go first (s2)

1 май 2021, 12:5401.05.21

HK -264, MS-209, K-205, Z-203

Right now on 7 of 10 opponets per roll cannot win in S2/3 (since my PP rose by 50k over last week)

1 май 2021, 14:2301.05.21

HK -264, MS-209, K-205, Z-203

Right now on 7 of 10 opponets per roll cannot win in S2/3 (since my PP rose by 50k over last week)

I have a couple of million player power so sympathise, mine are all between 282 and 230 speed and i dont go first most of the time

It was watching g4/plat videos that attracted me to the game, watching them try to expose flaws in the defences. At g4/plat there is definitely a tactical aspect to the game

However plarium have ensured that 90% of champions are utterly worthless, you can tell they have been added purely to dilute the pool because they dont even bother to create individual models, several trash champs are exactly the same model as warpriest with different hair colour for example. 

That means unless extremely lucky, or a whale or having played for years then your options are very limited and there is no tactics in your game, many will still need to use their arena champs in other areas of the game as well meaning you cant go all out for arena spec

TLDR- the potential for tactics in the game exists, but plarium flooding of champ pool with useless champs ensures that tactics of any sort are whale only.