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Update Highlights 2.10

Update Highlights 2.10

15 июль 2020, 22:5815.07.20

1) The arena is broken because the game designers didn't have the foresight to know making barriers based off tiers is a bad idea. Other games don't do this for a reason. It is very obvious that players get better over time. This is why Bronze is now like Gold used to be. You are implementing the same problems in 3v3 arena by tiering the rewards. Stop this. It will be bad for everyone (Plarium's pocket included) in the long term. You don't even need foresight to understand this--it is happening in your classic arena right now. Again--this doesn't take amazing prediction powers, it just takes one look at what is currently happening. You are p*ssing away your marketing budget. You get a bunch of new players-->they enter the arena and see what the competition is-->they quit. 

A) Please fix Bronze and Silver arena. I know it's "being worked on", but it needs to happen fast or all those new players will start to quit.

B) Change the tier requirements for Great hall. It was a cute idea to try to be different, it doesn't work. Players will always feel as if they are getting screwed by this system moving forward. Arena will always get more difficult over time. Not giving your new players any chance to catch up is bad for the long term health of the game.

C) Change the missions for arbiter to not require a progressively difficult moving target (arena). See above.

D) Don't repeat your mistakes in 3v3...Please don't double-down on bad design decisions. It won't work.

2) Balance patch? There are about 20 broken champions. There are lots of garbage legendaries. Bystophus, Candraphon, etc are worse than many epics. Meanwhile, Rotos, Siphi, etc. are broken. Please make some sort of attempt to balance the champions. A legendary champion should be slightly better than an Epic. Similar in abilities--but perhaps with slightly greater stats. 

3) New Content? 3v3 wasn't new content. Are there any plans to release new content? We can't call 3v3 new content, and the bazaar isn't new content if it is repeating the same mistakes of regular arena. Please? New content? Any plans for this?

16 июль 2020, 11:3716.07.20
16 июль 2020, 11:40(отредактировано)
So once again you can spend a entire year playing. And still wont get any hero that your saving up for. Just like you wont get a single banner for a specific faction  no matter how much energy you spend trying.  Oh and you most likely won't be able to collect the gear needed to out fit several heroes for for the 3v3 arena if your a new player. So why not just lock it up behind a player level 75 cap?  I think that I finally am going to just walk away even though I preregistered to play the game.
16 июль 2020, 17:1516.07.20

Rebalance the classic arena !

17 июль 2020, 00:0017.07.20
GreenKnight said:

We do see a rise in difficulty in Arena and understand the current situation, but the present change wasn't the result of some massive bug but a result of players' activity in the game.

 Currently, we see a couple of obvious causes of this problem:

 1. Increase in arena activity as a result of tournaments. Which caused a rise in competitiveness and push for some of Gold IV players into the lower tier and, as a result, made promotion to gold tier itself harder. The chain reaction of this change made silver more competitive than ever. Everyone becomes better and stronger with time, and going through Arena helps us realize the weak points of our teams and improve. Our development team is working on flattening the curve of the difficulty spike.

If you narrowed the possible cause to the arena tournaments, why not remove them and restore the arena events. 
17 июль 2020, 06:1517.07.20
We just want battle pass 2!!!! 
17 июль 2020, 10:0017.07.20
does there come any rework off bad lego champions like brystophus and teela :D ? 
GreenKnightCommunity Manager
17 июль 2020, 10:5417.07.20


Roadmap - update - what happened to the roadmap i.e Void Tower

There will be a more detailed update on what we are working on and details on the Void Tower's current state in the near future. Stay tuned to our newsletter so you do not miss it.

Battlepass? When is this happening

Sadly, it is still undergoing testing, which involves gathering new data, so it is impossible to speed up the process any further. We will post any new information in our biweekly reports.

Duplicates? This is a longstanding issue raised by the player base. What is the plan to address this?

There are a couple of possible mechanics currently under consideration, but it continues to be a work in progress.

So once again you can spend a entire year playing. And still wont get any hero that your saving up for. Just like you wont get a single banner for a specific faction no matter how much energy you spend trying.

There is an RNG element to the game, so it is harder to get a specific banner or a character. Champion Fragments is a mechanic that will add a possibility for every player to obtain a specific character by gathering those fragments without relying on luck. However, gathering all 100 fragments will be a challenge.

If you narrowed the possible cause to the arena tournaments, why not remove them and restore the arena events.

While it is one of the triggers that caused the Classic Arena's current state, its removal may result in further complications. We are currently analyzing data and gathering details on all factors that contribute to the spike in difficulty to improve on arena matchmaking and not just temporarily delay the problem.

Have a nice day and stay healthy!

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
17 июль 2020, 10:5917.07.20
17 июль 2020, 11:00(отредактировано)

Hi again.

JOSLIN2 your post was deleted because it was in the incorrect topic. Such questions should be posted in Technical Support, Account Issues topic. Please contact our technical support team and further deliberate on the matter to resolve this issue.


I hope the situation will clear up shortly.
Have a good one.

17 июль 2020, 11:0317.07.20


19 июль 2020, 23:3619.07.20

Hi, I've been playing now for a little over three weeks and the only issue I've run into is classic Arena.   The progression mission for classic arena should either be removed or serious long lasting fixes be made to classic Arena.

The first fix is to program a bot that would lock players back out of classic Arena if they haven't taken part in any offensive matches for 7 days. When we were new players we couldn't do Arena.  Inactive players should just be locked back out of it if they aren't playing.

The second fix is to tier lock inactive players.If the hypothetical inactive player was EVER in gold or silver tier then they should just be locked into gold tier one or silver tier one.  Once again....a bot can do this Plarium doesnt have to pay anyone.

The third fix has been addressed above partly by not letting level 60 champs into bronze and locking those teams into silver tier one but I would go a step further by not allowing epic or legendary champs into bronze tiers and allowing no legendary champs into silver tiers.

Those are my three reccomendations for fixing Arena...and Devs please fix this soon before your new players quit because they can't progress into bronze tier 3.....I've been stuck in bronze tier two for two weeks now.......
20 июль 2020, 04:5720.07.20

surely plarium is getting sick of seeing the same comment fix the classic arena, can we get some sort of idea whats happening here in terms of the developers etc trying to sort the broken classic arena

i need to get back to gold 3 to keep the arbiter missions going, i was happily in gold 4 not far off plat then the change and bamn silver 1, ive been back into gold 1 then drop out again.

the current setup for arena needs fixing and should be at the top of the to do list because its so out of whack its not funny

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
20 июль 2020, 14:4020.07.20


R0stam said:

Hi, I've been playing now for a little over three weeks and the only issue I've run into is classic Arena.   The progression mission for classic arena should either be removed or serious long lasting fixes be made to classic Arena.

The first fix is to program a bot that would lock players back out of classic Arena if they haven't taken part in any offensive matches for 7 days. When we were new players we couldn't do Arena.  Inactive players should just be locked back out of it if they aren't playing.

The second fix is to tier lock inactive players.If the hypothetical inactive player was EVER in gold or silver tier then they should just be locked into gold tier one or silver tier one.  Once again....a bot can do this Plarium doesnt have to pay anyone.

The third fix has been addressed above partly by not letting level 60 champs into bronze and locking those teams into silver tier one but I would go a step further by not allowing epic or legendary champs into bronze tiers and allowing no legendary champs into silver tiers.

There is a system in the game that locks out inactive players after a certain time passes. We are currently working on the acceleration of the process overall and additional rules for this system. However, we do not consider adding level lock into the Classic Arena.

The current state of the Classic Arena is not a result of a particular bug. This shift of the Arena difficulty caused by competition. So we are working on improvements in the Arena system overall, to resolve this issue and prevent its reappearance.

 The Arena related missions issue should be fixed after the difficulty curve is restored, but other options are also under consideration.

Have a nice day and stay safe.

22 июль 2020, 11:0222.07.20

GreenKnight said:

There is a system in the game that locks out inactive players after a certain time passes. We are currently working on the acceleration of the process overall and additional rules for this system. However, we do not consider adding level lock into the Classic Arena.

The current state of the Classic Arena is not a result of a particular bug. This shift of the Arena difficulty caused by competition. So we are working on improvements in the Arena system overall, to resolve this issue and prevent its reappearance.

 The Arena related missions issue should be fixed after the difficulty curve is restored, but other options are also under consideration.

Have a nice day and stay safe.

Current arena state is due to sudden shift in devs mindset about that thing.

'we cannot have everyone in g4' - so they 'improved' matchmaking to force some players down ranks. New players get short stick here.

Older settings were - fight what you can win ... eventually will be in g4, like whole community given enough time.

Current one looks more like - 'there are too many players in g4 now, you will have full list of opponents you cannot win so you cannot progress'

22 июль 2020, 12:2022.07.20

GreenKnight said:


R0stam said:

Hi, I've been playing now for a little over three weeks and the only issue I've run into is classic Arena.   The progression mission for classic arena should either be removed or serious long lasting fixes be made to classic Arena.

The first fix is to program a bot that would lock players back out of classic Arena if they haven't taken part in any offensive matches for 7 days. When we were new players we couldn't do Arena.  Inactive players should just be locked back out of it if they aren't playing.

The second fix is to tier lock inactive players.If the hypothetical inactive player was EVER in gold or silver tier then they should just be locked into gold tier one or silver tier one.  Once again....a bot can do this Plarium doesnt have to pay anyone.

The third fix has been addressed above partly by not letting level 60 champs into bronze and locking those teams into silver tier one but I would go a step further by not allowing epic or legendary champs into bronze tiers and allowing no legendary champs into silver tiers.

There is a system in the game that locks out inactive players after a certain time passes. We are currently working on the acceleration of the process overall and additional rules for this system. However, we do not consider adding level lock into the Classic Arena.

The current state of the Classic Arena is not a result of a particular bug. This shift of the Arena difficulty caused by competition. So we are working on improvements in the Arena system overall, to resolve this issue and prevent its reappearance.

 The Arena related missions issue should be fixed after the difficulty curve is restored, but other options are also under consideration.

Have a nice day and stay safe.

some time i think all this arena clasic is bug :)

few minuts ago i was match, and wining, but... update. after update go fight  vs. same team with same team... and single oponent blow hit me with 480k dmg... prety nice lottery. nad ofc. lose. 

cuz of this is lottery, is prety not fun game.

and what kind of gensius... call it "new content" TAG areana is still arena, but jsut 3 meches in row. but even then is easier to lose :/

Bazar prices are prety nuts...

lets say i can win 10 set, 10 bars/win, mean 300 bars day...

24000 bars / 300 - is mean 80 perefect days to get one gold bar... mean gold shard. hmmm not worthy...

he when wrote this,  i lose vs. tem with 67k force (but with lissandra/kiel on  lv. 49) my tem 188k force :) nice balladce

22 июль 2020, 13:1322.07.20

Wow seriously you guys make all this big talk about character shards and then you go lock them to be character specific then you only offer one epic that has a better version available for fusion. Why not tie the character shards in to being faction specific and offer 13 different heroes one for each guild for a entire month but only allow 2 or 3 to be purchased. That way those of us who have only one or two viable candidates for a faction can start expanding their ranks to advance. For example my ogre faction has exactly 3 stars dwarfs have O while orc and 4 others are over 30. Why is this because I have 2 actually usable ogers and zero dwarfs besides a single bulwark

22 июль 2020, 13:1622.07.20

sire1985 said:

GreenKnight said:


R0stam said:

Hi, I've been playing now for a little over three weeks and the only issue I've run into is classic Arena.   The progression mission for classic arena should either be removed or serious long lasting fixes be made to classic Arena.

The first fix is to program a bot that would lock players back out of classic Arena if they haven't taken part in any offensive matches for 7 days. When we were new players we couldn't do Arena.  Inactive players should just be locked back out of it if they aren't playing.

The second fix is to tier lock inactive players.If the hypothetical inactive player was EVER in gold or silver tier then they should just be locked into gold tier one or silver tier one.  Once again....a bot can do this Plarium doesnt have to pay anyone.

The third fix has been addressed above partly by not letting level 60 champs into bronze and locking those teams into silver tier one but I would go a step further by not allowing epic or legendary champs into bronze tiers and allowing no legendary champs into silver tiers.

There is a system in the game that locks out inactive players after a certain time passes. We are currently working on the acceleration of the process overall and additional rules for this system. However, we do not consider adding level lock into the Classic Arena.

The current state of the Classic Arena is not a result of a particular bug. This shift of the Arena difficulty caused by competition. So we are working on improvements in the Arena system overall, to resolve this issue and prevent its reappearance.

 The Arena related missions issue should be fixed after the difficulty curve is restored, but other options are also under consideration.

Have a nice day and stay safe.

some time i think all this arena clasic is bug :)

few minuts ago i was match, and wining, but... update. after update go fight  vs. same team with same team... and single oponent blow hit me with 480k dmg... prety nice lottery. nad ofc. lose. 

cuz of this is lottery, is prety not fun game.

and what kind of gensius... call it "new content" TAG areana is still arena, but jsut 3 meches in row. but even then is easier to lose :/

Bazar prices are prety nuts...

lets say i can win 10 set, 10 bars/win, mean 300 bars day...

24000 bars / 300 - is mean 80 perefect days to get one gold bar... mean gold shard. hmmm not worthy...

he when wrote this,  i lose vs. tem with 67k force (but with lissandra/kiel on  lv. 49) my tem 188k force :) nice balladce

The Gold bars at the bottom of the screen in tiers for 3v3 is what you will receive at arena reset.

22 июль 2020, 13:4622.07.20

ohh thank you,  i didin't spoty it before... it speed up :)

23 июль 2020, 04:4623.07.20

GreenKnight said:

We do see a rise in difficulty in Arena and understand the current situation, but the present change wasn't the result of some massive bug but a result of players' activity in the game.

 Currently, we see a couple of obvious causes of this problem:

 1. Increase in arena activity as a result of tournaments. Which caused a rise in competitiveness and push for some of Gold IV players into the lower tier and, as a result, made promotion to gold tier itself harder. The chain reaction of this change made silver more competitive than ever. Everyone becomes better and stronger with time, and going through Arena helps us realize the weak points of our teams and improve. Our development team is working on flattening the curve of the difficulty spike.

Also, we are aware of the increasing difficulty of the Arena related quests.

 There can be, and most likely are, some other reasons in recent difficulty spike, and we are working on identifying them, and applying practical solutions. Any change to the Arena will significantly affect it. Our development team is working on solutions that will improve our current balance and matchmaking for the Classic Arena.

I can add a significant cause to your list:  You made the Arena much more difficult with the OP rewards you gave the people who tested 3v3 Arena.  I made it to G3/G4 a couple of weeks before the 3v3 Arena test began, and I made it into G4 every week for 7-8 weeks straight, but when the 3v3 Arena test ended and all those active Gold Level Players returned with all of the Op gear you rewarded them with they kicked players like me out of G3/G4.  I have been stuck in G2 for weeks on end.  

I have been stuck at the Gold 4 Mission for 3-4 weeks now, and I do not see any way past it since I do not have any of the Top Tier Arena Legos to help boost my Tier.  I can win plenty of battles in G2, but I cannot make it out of the middle of the tier.

Super frustrating that this is keeping me from completing the Arbiter Mission since I spent so many weeks in G4 before I needed to be there, but now when I just need to make it there for one battle, I cannot even make it to G3.   

23 июль 2020, 14:1323.07.20

2.1 is again "nothing new".  Bazar pricing and restrictions prevent it from being something interesting to the "masses".  

Whales, enjoy your patch (again).
23 июль 2020, 20:4123.07.20
23 июль 2020, 20:42(отредактировано)
Why do some accounts already have the allocated 630 gold bars that are bonus for weekly Bronze tier one placement?