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The Stoneheart Unit’s Ability has been changed

The Stoneheart Unit’s Ability has been changed

Dear players, 

We are unconditionally sorry for the inconvenience and lack of warning regarding the changes we made to the Stoneheart Unit’s Ability. Indeed, adjustments were essential in order to improve the bonus calculations. In the future, the improved formula will be perfectly combined with other bonuses and will not cause an imbalance.

We would like to thank you for your understanding.

Dec 2, 2022, 17:0112/02/22
Dec 2, 2022, 17:2912/02/22

To improve what ? You just messed up the stonehearts ability to make it harder for f2p players. 

You helped the coiners thats all. 

congrats great job 

ps ( greed is a bad advisor )

Dec 2, 2022, 19:0412/02/22

I see nothing there that helps free to play at all... again...

outstanding work however at separating folks from their money

Dec 2, 2022, 19:2512/02/22

Years ago, you gave us the Divine Spirits and after many many players spent endless hours and many spent endless saphs,,, they by your instruction were the first line of defense for a players castle. Then you came up with the brawl and made the Divine Spitits worth points and gave no option to players but to bubble up...Then in your wisdom and compassion for players we came up with the Sorcery Spell protection using the upgraded Beast Riders,, and of course you had to upgrade the base unit to level 20 and the chance to level 20 and the percentage to level 20 AND after all of that,,, you Plarium say oh no this is out of balance,,,we must take away from many many players THAT that they spent endless hours and effort to achieve.....I think you are quite cheap and dishonest,,, this is motivated by your love of more more more money,,,,,,,,,,,,You guys are sad,,,,,,, I feel for the thousands of players who have to endure your NONSENSE...Put it back the way it was

Dec 2, 2022, 19:3112/02/22

I definitely don't like this move but how does it make it harder for free players specifically?  To me it seems like a lot of it is just intended to make fireballs useful again against players with high sorcery shield chance.  Maybe it makes the prophetess more important too.

Dec 2, 2022, 20:0812/02/22
Dec 2, 2022, 22:47(edited)

dont be too negative guys, otherwise u might get a ban. As we all know plarium is just like some countries in the world which live in an dictatorship. They think they will get more money with these changes well i allready spoke to a few top players and spenders and they told me that if they changes are not turned back that they will quit from the game. probably thats the reason why they did the changes as they no longer want to work for all of us!!!!!!. 

Dec 2, 2022, 20:0812/02/22

How about details on the change, so we do not have to go and check everything.

Dec 2, 2022, 20:0812/02/22

It could be a good time to move on from Plarium. 

Dec 2, 2022, 22:3612/02/22

Total mess.

Anyone who understood Augur mechanics work knew this was going to be a mess when we got teased with increased rank champs a few months ago.

Not understanding what a rank 8 Augur was going to do was clueless - doesn't anyone at Plarium know how any of the mechanics actually work anymore?

But now it's finally dawned on you, the response is not to adjust so we return to a world similar to how things were with rank 7 champs - it's been to nerf the calculation to a point where SH troops are virtually useless and unusable, regarless of what level champ you might eventually be able to get to now or in the future.

This impacts, castle warfare, beacon attacks, FB's- a HUGE amount of gameplay. None of which you will have thought a second about.

And enjoy a world where no one needs to defend forts anymore. Like that makes any sense at all...

It all looks completely clueless, it appears Plarium long ago lost any idea how this game actually plays. It's really really sad.

Dec 3, 2022, 01:0312/03/22
Dec 3, 2022, 01:27(edited)

I refuse to ever spend another penny, and suspect that Plarium is playing with fire by their bait and switch tactics. Terrible awful folks deciding that the FB protection needs to be messed up. I guess the FB sales plummeted so they think they know how to fix it.

Dec 3, 2022, 03:4612/03/22

What kind of nonsense is this? Only it has become 100 times worse for ordinary players, just close the game and don't mock people.

Dec 3, 2022, 03:4612/03/22

Totally unacceptable.  You spend months building you strategy to work with these units and you completley, without notice, up end everything.  Time to look for another platform.  Disgusting.

Dec 3, 2022, 03:5712/03/22

I've been collecting horsewomen for a whole year, and what's the use of them now? All in vain.

Dec 3, 2022, 06:1012/03/22
Dec 13, 2022, 10:34(edited)

Special Ability Bonus worked correctly for very long time, you introduced level 8 Champions and there was a bug with those only. Instead of correcting a bug you decided to break the game and reduce normal Augur abilities to ridiculous amount. This is not corrected this means all upgrades, time and money went down the drain.
This is not the first time that Plarium ruins game mechanics but this time it's last straw.
On Facebook you can silence the comments, here too but internet is not Facebook and Plarium can't control all the comments and feedback. I really do hope this gets corrected in next 2 days or you will be losing hundreds of players, me included. And of course I will leave reviews everywhere about my experience, my friends will do the same. 

Dec 3, 2022, 08:5612/03/22
Dec 3, 2022, 08:58(edited)

I realy loose fun.  

The most loyal players, little by little, anger.

All own strategies are destroyed with one swing.

Frustration is high, close the game (that's what you want)

Many days and hours for upgrading  are wasted.  

Dec 3, 2022, 10:1212/03/22

2 years he worked with errors and 2 years you earned on it. Thank you . need more stone? meaning? you will correct the indicators in it in the future. and just shut up. is this news to you? or so how do you say the players asked??? whoever pays the money dances. your developers have forgotten how to play. there was only business and nothing game. but just like that, players will not incur money for something that is not interesting. -100k per month you already have. and in other games like raid I will give info.

Dec 3, 2022, 13:4312/03/22

I had everything pumped to the maximum and the chosen redhead is 8, but the indicators are far from such, the chela apparently had a glitch in the game, and he boasted.

Dec 3, 2022, 14:1712/03/22

Btw for a long time it's clear Plarium don't invest the resources into this game to understand it and therefore be in a position to make updates that add value - more often than not they actual break things.

I have made the offer before. But I would be more than happy to sit on a player board that reviewed the development ideas so your highly experienced players could tell you what updates ideas would break the game, long before the ideas got off the drawing board.

Dec 3, 2022, 19:2912/03/22
Dec 3, 2022, 21:08(edited)

im consider to quit aftrer 7yrs of playing this sucks plarium!!!

Dec 3, 2022, 20:4612/03/22

true words smurf...:)

Dec 5, 2022, 14:1412/05/22
Dec 13, 2022, 10:38(edited)

It is a terrible change... as well as fortress to level 30. All of them make a divide between coiners leagues  and us, mere mortals, even worse. The problem is if you can't compete without spending thousands of $$ not even individually but as a league - why to continue? And what all these coiners will do when us, quit?

Also did you notice there are no any comments from Managers or Moderators ?
