Every hired developer has to work, or something is wrong with employer.
Hard work doesn't mean good/excellent work. It depends of knowledge and will.
I don't care do they job on hard, easy, smart or stupid way: I care about their results. Or better I care of Plarium's results.
That is what hurts me and make unhappy in last year. We complain about Plarium implementations in this game.
As your customers, we demand/ask for some proxy who will represent us and keep our rights, in Plarium.
You, and other titled forum accounts, AREN'T our representatives.
Every contract should have protectors from both sides. In this case, Plarium ignores that. Because of that you can ban me at any time when you want, delete our posts because you haven't answer on them, ignore our requests, loose our time and money.
Because of that fact, you can whatever you want.
Just ask yourself, until when?