Nemanja said:
My Lords,
I think new upgrades are OK. Why wouldn't we have stronger troops for same price in res. We have to upgrade scrolls once more. So what? What shall we do when we max everything. Nothing. From my point of view this is only another task.
We send you out to climb a mountain. When you reaceh the top, we place another mountain on top of it, so you can climb again. Yeah that sounds like good game play and content, doesn't it?
Add content to the game, give us MORE diversity in things to do. Not give us the same ...... again and again and again. Specially not something that favors coiners a great deal.
and when yourself say things like "So what? What shall we do when we max everything. Nothing." That means this game is lacking severe in content of things to do. its like not just upgrade scrolls once more time, its upgrade 32 arts 12 more times. 384 upgrades. I know not everyone want to upgrade everything like worthless dwarf units and such. But some players is deep into "achieve" and completionists. So its a sense of achievement to fullfill all the arts to level 20. Then get hit with this? If they wanted to change unit stats they could done so very well without add all these levels to do so.
To keep players vested and imersed in their games Plarium does an awfull job at doing so. Just saying.