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Your feedback is needed!

Your feedback is needed!

Nov 6, 2015, 22:4411/06/15
I dont like the new change at all. I cant see my whole castle on the screen without scrolling up and down. I am giving you a "F" on you r latest update ! Personally i think it suck`s. change it back. also you should change the pvp back to weekends only again instead of almost constant Pvp. Players need a chance to rebuild.
Nov 7, 2015, 11:2811/07/15
Nov 7, 2015, 11:28(edited)

Why do I have to leave the game in order to access Support or the Forum? If I click on the drop down Community and click Forum or support it asks me if I really want to leave the game. Why?

Sorry, did see the post above. This is a repeat.
Nov 7, 2015, 11:5911/07/15

Hi Hi,

Nov 7, 2015, 17:3711/07/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:55(edited)
ok, it is conplicated.
Nov 7, 2015, 19:1411/07/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:48(edited)

I don't really mind anything so far. :3

Nov 8, 2015, 18:3511/08/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:57(edited)
dam game is laggier then ever i had to change brousers just to log on played for months untill the last patch it wasnt as bad now i may just have to go to other free  sights ....not palarium they let me relax and play they dont piss me off
Nov 8, 2015, 19:1511/08/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:58(edited)
i hate change
Nov 9, 2015, 00:5211/09/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:58(edited)

I get flash is blocked - tried all usual tricks  , I can't get into log-in screen

tried on two different computers.

windows vista and windows 10

click play now - next thin is screen shows Flash is Blocked

I can't get into game
Lord OberonCharacter
Nov 9, 2015, 09:2711/09/15
May 18, 2016, 09:29(edited)

Lords and Ladies, please keep in mind that this topic is for your feedback regarding our website

If you are experiencing technical issues with Stormfall, please take them with Plarium Helpdesk directly for a quick assistance and resolution.

Thank you!

Nov 10, 2015, 03:4511/10/15
Nov 10, 2015, 03:47(edited)

Using the forum now I have graphical issues most of the time. I wonder if anyone else has them.?

Here is an example: 

On most pages I can get rid of the visual glitches by scrolling up and down to the top & bottom of page. On this page, I cannot get rid of it, so therefore cannot see or access the content there.

Apart from that, the forum seems ok.
Lord OberonCharacter
Nov 10, 2015, 09:0911/10/15
Nov 10, 2015, 09:09(edited)

Wyz, try clearing your's browser cache, this might help with these graphics issues: 

Nov 10, 2015, 09:2711/10/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:08(edited)
Crtl + shift + delete @Lord Oberon
Nov 10, 2015, 15:4511/10/15
It's really, really annoying the scroll bar at right only activates at the top right corner instead of anywhere along the right hand side. It's just crazy to design it that way.
Nov 10, 2015, 20:4211/10/15
I would like to see the quest icons from the bottom left corner of the screen rise up under the top left quest icons so I  don't have to scroll down to open them.
Nov 11, 2015, 01:1211/11/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:04(edited)
I can't zoom out and see my whole castle, I hate this, might have to quit playing this game, bring back zoom in and out feature please!!!
Nov 11, 2015, 01:4511/11/15
Nov 11, 2015, 02:05(edited)

1. I am very new to this and I would like to sound off about a couple things first the top and bottom of the castle screen sucks.. there really needs to be more info in the ? page some of the icons and things are simply not explained well ...

2. Adding friends isn't as rewarding as it claims it will be after getting 3 friends I was so disappointed with the reward, I don't believe I will be adding more..friends and at least one of them spent real money here.

3.The system of gems really needs to be looked at .. seems there are so few Sapphires in game . and such a push to sell them! Almost everything that would entice a new player is a ridiculous cost which can only be bought with GEMS! ... Granted your in it to make a profit,I can see that, but there should be more opportunities to earn them so people can  buy stuff or at the very least a gold equivalent. Especially when everything worth having is Gem driven..

4. Could you stop with the 99.00 awesome deal thing screaming in my face every time I log in !!!.. Your ploy to get me to spend a little money worked but holy crap does it need to be in my face every damn time i log in???? Less deals for 99.00 and more middle range deals would increase your sales.. Seriously I know people spend money on this but your gonna catch more 20.00 deals than you are a ridiculous sum of money deal  like 99.00 and above....does anybody really blow 700.00 on this?  I think your loosing out. 

5 Last but not least I happily purchased a Gem deal with more than a few creatures and in one battle ( a low level fight) all of my newly purchased not so uber monsters were dead... Are you really that desperate to get my money that you have to kill off the stuff i bought the first day? No offense but I feel cheated. I like the game, but some aspects are a little disappointing. Oh and while we are on it a couple of my purchased boosts where screwed by lag .. that is a system issue but when I am paying for it ,... it should work better ..

Lord OberonCharacter
Nov 11, 2015, 10:0311/11/15
May 18, 2016, 09:29(edited)

Thank your for the detailed feedback JDIXIELEA. Although it should have been posted somewhere in the Game Discussions. As I mentioned, this thread is about the site

 there really needs to be more info in the ? 

What info would you like to see there? We can add more info there, but we'd like to know more about what we should post there, as we don't want to put a lot of text there, that no one will read.

Adding friends isn't as rewarding as it claims it will be

The idea is that the friends that you add become your allies and you could form a League together. This is supposed to be the ultimate reward. The items are just a little incentive. 

The system of gems really needs to be looked at .. seems there are so few Sapphires in game

Sapphires are luxury items and therefore they are scarce. At the same time a persistent lord or lady is able to collect enough sapphires to purchase some goods and items that can make life easier.

Could you stop with the 99.00 awesome deal thing screaming in my face every time I log in

We are working to decrease the number of pop ups, so hopefully, you won't see a lot of them soon. 

all of my newly purchased not so uber monsters were dead

Units are supposed to fight and die in battle. This is their ultimate purpose. However, their longevity depends solely on their master's will. Avoid sending the units that you treasure the most to battles the outcome of which you do not know for sure.

Nov 11, 2015, 13:0011/11/15
Nov 11, 2015, 13:10(edited)

Lord Oberon said:

What info would you like to see there? We can add more info there, but we'd like to know more about what we should post there, as we don't want to put a lot of text there, that no one will read.

Thank you for the reply I do see your points and to clarify I cannot find at a quick glance, what the various bars mean on my profile stats, perhaps I am missing something?

Nov 11, 2015, 13:2511/11/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:46(edited)

If you are referring to those stats ^

  1. First is offensive points (Units killed by your offense when raiding/sieging/)
  2. Second is raiding points (How many resources you have recovered from raiding enemies)
  3. Third is defense (Units killed by your defense when defending allies/castle/settlement/beacon etc)
  4. Last is battleground points (Points gained from killing Balur's minions in battlegrounds) 

It is important to note that all but raiding points are linked to your experience gained through combat as well. Although it is not in the first image you can see the pvp points I received for defending is equal to the defense ranking I get... Which in turn is the 3rd bar on stats 

Nov 11, 2015, 18:4411/11/15
Nov 11, 2015, 18:45(edited)

It seems many are upset because they have to scroll up and down...

1. When game is played in fullscreen: everything is visible(+), you can zoom in and out(+) but you can't do other things in the browser(-).

2. When game is removed from fullscreen: things are not visible up and down(-), you cannot zoom(-) but you can do other things in the browser(+)

I play fullscreen most of the time so scrolling - not an issue with me...

Now, people are complaining about scrolling problem...

Why not change the (-)s in point 2 into (+)s = problem solved!

I'll tell you...

Let the "game area"(castle etc) of the screen a little shrinked;

With the top, bottom, left, right tabs of the game remaining intact and always visible on screen;

AND add a zoom option to zoom into the "game area" to view buildings closer...

People using less resolution display settings might see their city even smaller but game tabs will always be visible to them. Zooming out might even improve overall game performance...

It could be tried... :)

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