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Your feedback is needed!

Your feedback is needed!

Nov 16, 2015, 10:1611/16/15

blackcat said:

i have not been able to get into my castle for 13 days now can you reset my castle ?

My Lord, if you are unable to access your castle for some reason, please take this issue with our Helpdesk using this link:

Our technical specialists will assist you.

Nov 17, 2015, 11:0811/17/15
Lord Oberon said:

In my humble opinion we need to start seeing some sort of element of educing a players rank or level or points when they are raided or attacked. This will ensure more active participation on the game as some players just sit and do nothing... it's becoming boring and there's like now way of actually reducing or 'winning' the game... Server 2?? When is Balur attacking - we waiting and it's getting boring to say the least... bring in new elements please

Nov 18, 2015, 01:1611/18/15

Dear Lord Alexs52165,

I see that you have found your way to the Game Tutorial section where you can find various tips & guides.

There are further helpful at pages like:

I hope that some of these will prove useful to you and help you to further learn about and enjoy the game.

Nov 18, 2015, 01:2311/18/15

Lord`s & Ladies,

There are many posts here that are still off topic and perhaps are best answered & posted elsewhere.


Nov 18, 2015, 17:4511/18/15
Nov 18, 2015, 17:54(edited)

Players should know about the new design of page that :

They dont need to log out of the game if they want visit the friend requests or their  profile, you just chose small screen and then press on your name NEAR the bell NOT on the bell

thank you :)
Nov 26, 2015, 00:2011/26/15
I think you should reward players that have spent $1000 dollars then $5000 then $7500 american dollars with you should receive  special rewards!  I have spent over $8000. and have not much to show for my loyalty to the game.
Nov 27, 2015, 18:1211/27/15

bubba66 said:

I think you should reward players that have spent $1000 dollars then $5000 then $7500 american dollars with you should receive  special rewards!  I have spent over $8000. and have not much to show for my loyalty to the game.

You my Sir, deserve a clown nose....


Ever thought about what else you can get for 8k USD ? lol...   Could given me a 36 year Subscription to like SWTOR, or like 140ish Tripple A tittles.

Hey you could get a reasonable car for that cost, or a downpayment on a good car....

Dec 2, 2015, 10:2912/02/15

Lord Dave, 

As Mehnslayer mentioned this topic if for the feedback on the Plarium web-site, not the game. However, we're thankful for your post and the points you've raised. 

1. Reduce the size of the menu banner so the screen fits once again. It took practically no time to screw this up, why has it not been fixed yet?

We've received feedback similar to yours about this menu and we'll consider improving it.

2. Put a scroll bar on the the shards so it doesn't take three clicks to combine a couple of shards.

We've already started working on it. Hopefully it will be implemented in one of future updates on the game.

3. Give Marshals the same option to remove defensive troops in the beacons as offensive troops.

This is being considered, but we're not yet convinced that Marshals should be able to remove all units from the beacons. What if someone's units get removed without consent?

4. When you are using league chat the screen timeout should not keep popping on.

This will be looked into, but this could me more complex than it seems because of technical limitations imposed by the game engine.

5. Relics should be traded on the market.

Sadly, we're still having to deal with alts and it's possible this feature would be abused by the multiple account players. 

6. Castle walls should not block buildings or the ability to move the buildings. 

What do you mean? These wall have their respective plots that don't intervene with anything else.

7. There should be a countermeasure to fireballs.

Please rest assured that It's being worked on.

We're also working to improve the friends functionality and overall game UI/UX. 
Jan 4, 2016, 11:0101/04/16
@Rsimon, note that need to play on the same server with your friends to be able to find them in the game 
Jan 25, 2016, 09:3001/25/16

Lady Sheila, I'm sorry to hear about your decision.

Thank you for bringing the issue to our attention, but could you elaborate on what exactly this issue with the game is? When we have information we may be able to fix it. Unfortunately, there's not enough information from you right now for us to be able to take any action. 

Jan 26, 2016, 10:1301/26/16
Jan 26, 2016, 10:24(edited)
apps101 said:

And i'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong? But, it would be "awesome" if we could actually have some animation for the battles, besieges, stealing and spying unfold? With the type of game it is, "it really is not that difficult. If that is true, that's messed up. And at the cost of jewels and all the specials that are run, you guys are making plenty of money.If thats true then i would say "GET TO WORK"!!! :) Legitimately asking if there is any or if i'm missing it?
My Lord, in this game you play as a supreme commander of your army and you do not personally take part in the battles, so you don't get to witness them. You're too valuable an asset to be subjected to any danger and about the battles you only get to know from the reports of your Grand Marshal and from the stories of the survivors. 
Jan 26, 2016, 10:2201/26/16
Jan 29, 2016, 11:32(edited)

Lord Oberon said:

apps101 said:

And i'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong? But, it would be "awesome" if we could actually have some animation for the battles, besieges, stealing and spying unfold? With the type of game it is, "it really is not that difficult. If that is true, that's messed up. And at the cost of jewels and all the specials that are run, you guys are making plenty of money.If thats true then i would say "GET TO WORK"!!! :) Legitimately asking if there is any or if i'm missing it?
My Lord, in this game you play as a supreme commander of your army and you do not personally take part in the battles, so you don't get to witness them. You're to valuable an asset to be subjected to any danger and about the battles you only get to know from the reports of your Grand Marshal and from the stories of the survivors. 

as with leaders in the real world of today, you are a leader that never put yourself on the line for any risk what so ever. Not like historic events like battle of Hastings and similar where kings and leaders bleed, fought and died with their men.

On another note, had actual leaders in the game, you could assign to lead your armies that would level up as they fought and had a inpact on your effectivity on your army. Would been nice. Of course, they should be risked lost as well.

Jan 28, 2016, 12:5401/28/16
In the black market to adding paragon points should automatically be added in Stormfall. Its aggravating when I have 10 or 11 points to be added and have to run back and forth do you want to apply this point! Will you please fix the problem?
Jan 29, 2016, 11:3501/29/16
Good suggestion, will certainly make life easier. 
Feb 5, 2016, 01:4002/05/16


Love the game.  I was thinking that it would be really handy to league members to be able to tell in the embassy who was on your friends list or not.  Seems like that would be a trivial programming job and extremely helpful to anyone who is a member of a league.

Thanks for listening,


2280, -1164
Mar 15, 2016, 02:0703/15/16

Have a touch screen but, can not scroll or adjust screen to the size. Like the game but can not increase my area of 168 x 168 to 172 x 172 why?

Never got instructions on the real way to play and been playing blind
Mar 15, 2016, 21:4303/15/16
I was hoping you were going to make it possible to login straight to the server you want, instead of automatically starting on one, and having to switch to the other. 
Mar 16, 2016, 19:0803/16/16
Could we see a new building to upgrade storage's? Something like forge or dungeon, but without scrolls. Maybe all storage's max to lvl 20 or something.
Mar 17, 2016, 16:3803/17/16
Spac said:
Can we do some thing about the reports? You can never see the whole report in the window. The top third of the window is wasted with just a little info. Its annoying to take three screen shots  for your league to see all that's going on.

Can we get a report sharing capability? Having to take multiple screenshots to share a report with someone is ridiculous. This should be a standard function!

Mar 18, 2016, 10:5803/18/16
Lady Nerium KT-S2 said:

Can we get a report sharing capability? Having to take multiple screenshots to share a report with someone is ridiculous. This should be a standard function!

I'll check what we can do about it, my Lady.
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