Counselors Reports
Get so many reports that the ones i want to see / keep get lost in the sauce or fall off the map.
I would like an option to allow me to SAVE reports that i feel important and select. Would like to have the option to SAVE REPORTS.
warrior said:
Rosconz said:
this would help the spies get notified of the attacks on the beacon. Fortress i could agree.My suggestion is: when a league asset is attacked (fortress, beacon) all league members should get notified. Currently you only get notice if you have def in there.
Yep fair enough. It was really particularly the fortress I am concerned about. (If you haven't got Def in your leagues beacon/s, shame on you.)
My Suggestions :
I suggest like maybe all in the game have asked about many times before.. Lift up the requirement to look into beacons.. Kinda silly that is should be as lower as Guardian rank since "spies" have become a part of the game.
Example lift the option up to commander rank or let Marshal in the leagues filter what rank that have the option to look inside the beacons.
It's not fair for the new players in the league to stay as a recruit or soldier forever because leagues would not take the chance that info about example beacons or fortress comes into a league spy hands.
My second suggestion is adding a extra chat feature in the game for officers ( Example: marshal,captains and commanders) have there own chat to discuss league matters without having a spy getting info he shouldn't have.
We've already lifted the required Rank. Earlier it was all except neophytes, now - above Defender (if I'm not mistaken).
Almericus said:
I would like to see a check box alongside the offence, defense and spying options so I can quickly move any combination of troop types into the cats.
Example : move offence and spies into cats but leave out defence to meet an incoming attack or move off and def but leave out spies at end of play
You already have such option. Could you please specify your request?
I tried to add a picture but the link is broken for some reason.
At the moment I have the option to move all offence, all defence, all spies or everything to cats without have to mess with sliders
I was suggesting a check box alongside these options so that I could instantly send more than 1 group to cats, rather than sending everything and then having to recall the group I wanted to leave (see examples )
Warrior said:
warrior said:
By the way still see that a lot of Entertainment forum Post still seem to be open.. mostly dead or seemingly duplicate.
send a few links to Lord Oberon.. hope it helps.. putting the mail below so that some improvement in the forum can also be looked into.
Plus would request for some thought in the Entertainment forums since you would have the analysis for the number of post, number of players actively using the forum and other. This can be used to design the contest and the number of post before the closure can be done.
Hi! I'm not sure I understand this suggestion correctly. Could you please give me some more details?
Example would be 100 post in a week before the next week tournaments can be announced.. you could possible tell us we will post when it is feasible rather than giving an unrealistic targets
I think you need someone to look into the forum and the amount of time i am spending on this is more than what i could do and i hope this does not keep me highlighting the open posts every month
Sure, like the game everything has statistics, something that you can pull it out in a report and analyse. For example if you analyse the number of post in the forum and the number of players posting in a week and the number of unique players posting per week for a given time period you should be able to arrive at a number of post that can be used as a closure criteria for the posts in the Entertainment Section. This analysis can be narrowed down to the exact section in which these post happen and you should be able to most appropriately give a realistic achievable criteria that would be most suitable and all the post in the forum would be closed in time.
This would actually also help me since i keep sending Lord Oberon the open post in that should have been closed till now.
If you are not willing or it is not feasible to make the report and do the analysis then you could make a simple rule or report that can give you the open posts that have not been posted in for the last 7 days or post that were created 10 days ago or 7 days ago. This will help you guys close the forum posts effectively.
Just checking if you saw this.. was kind of crumpled in between..
I think it was a good step adding sketches to the development race, i would like to see them some more in tournaments. even if (and they should be) harder to get like soul stones. I am not asking for free giveaways of them, but a way for some players to EARN them by pushing their forces in tourneys. (this way higher level players that would use sketches have the opportunity to earn them) Also it would be cool to see them in top placings for some tournaments.. coiners can get them but also some low spenders and even free players.
Sketches will be added to different Tournaments.
So leagues that have a structure that works that gives DE based on defense amounts in the beacons will lose the ability to do this and players will remove defense from the beacons because they would lose the benefit of having extra there for the DE. No. Exercise control in your league, penalize people of abuse the privilege if they change leagues, so what, then you have not lost a good member you have lost someone who shows blatant disregard for the other members and leadership's rules. League rules are made to be enforced and if someone is a bad member and they move on you can warn the league they join and soon they will find themselves without a league or in a league that does not hold beacons.Jezebel said:
cat in the hat said:
That is why you promote Captains, if the Captains are not willing to help run the league then they should not be Captains, the Marshal does not need to do everything, also most leagues base DE allowances on how much defense a player has in the beacons, if there are set controls then it will not be a fair distribution, some might have 1/10 of the defense that others do so why should the person with more be penalized and only be allowed the same as someone who doesn't buildJezebel said:
When Marshal is not on enough to monitor everything its hard sometimes for new people to listen to others in command below marshal. Also needing to check darken history all the time is pain, make sense to have in the hat said:
Dark Essence needs to have a way to set limits to each league member that they can use on a daily basis.
I see to many people using more then asked to use and gets abused over and over. I guess people dont understand what others have contribute to a league to get beacons.
Please make a chart to set how much each league member can use per day that wont let them go over that limit's simple to remedy abuse of DE, if it's abused you can remove their ability to use DE for a reasonable amount of time
It's up to the league leadership to decide how much members can use, we base our DE allowances on how much defense a member has in the beacons
Have your leadership decide whats an appropriate amount and send a league wide mail, include in the mail that abuse will result in losing the use of DE or expulsion from the league, if a league has one beacon DE allowance will be a lot lower than if a league has six beaconsRequests for more control of Dark Essence are all over the forum and really the issue needs to be addressed or dismissed. It really dosent matter how many Officers are monitoring DE usage, once the damage is done, it cant be undone. Penalising offenders often leads to them changing leagues, taking the enhanced troops with them, causing even more upset among the honest members. Personally, I would like to see limitation control passed to League Officers, at the very least a cap on daily use so it is impossible for a single member to empty a beacon of DE or if this is truely not a feasible feature, then dark troops should revert to their normal state upon leaving the league.
Ragnar Lothbrok said:
My Suggestions :
I suggest like maybe all in the game have asked about many times before.. Lift up the requirement to look into beacons.. Kinda silly that is should be as lower as Guardian rank since "spies" have become a part of the game.
Example lift the option up to commander rank or let Marshal in the leagues filter what rank that have the option to look inside the beacons.
It's not fair for the new players in the league to stay as a recruit or soldier forever because leagues would not take the chance that info about example beacons or fortress comes into a league spy hands.
My second suggestion is adding a extra chat feature in the game for officers ( Example: marshal,captains and commanders) have there own chat to discuss league matters without having a spy getting info he shouldn't have.
We've already lifted the required Rank. Earlier it was all except neophytes, now - above Defender (if I'm not mistaken).
You didn't lift the Rank high enough. I agree that if you can't/won't make the view-able level set by the Marshall, it should be only seen by Marshall, Captain and Commanders as Ragnar Lothbrok, and many others, have suggested. Its a fact of life that spies are a danger to a league's security, and the only way to safeguard it is to not promote. It makes a joke of your ranking system.
would it be pocible we have a item that cancels 1 personal quest and pop another bicose theres some anoying quests and if we feeling like do quests and we get 1 quest we cant do or dont have much time to do, like kill units that one takes alot time to do need spy ppl etc or do a seartain lvl bg that one we cant have units ready to do the high bg that will give us a good payout or we may do lower one and lose our bg bank if we get a payout, so i think we could have a iten to cancel thoes kind of quests we cant or dont like do.
PS:could it be bought with soulstones if so maybe?
What kind of Quests you don't like?
SUGGESTION: Add a way to be able to have 3 or 4 way private chat. It gets annoying forwarding information to other players not in league, getting wires crossed, and having to repeat everything. If we can start a private chat, inbox message and have the option to add friends to the conversation, it could be a HUGE time saver, as well as reduce mix ups. Not everything belongs on a public open chat.
We'll consider this idea.
SUGGESTION: Be able to send, and trade items like warps, keys, equipment, sapphs, troops, and Fireballs. Some folks end up with an excessive surplus that won't get used, and want to share with smaller growing Lords to help out the league.
Declined. They are your personal gain. Also, could be abused by Alts.
SUGGESTION: Chest keys could be combined or sold. As one levels up the class 1 and 2 keys pile up excessively with no way to dispose of them. They could be used to trade up or combine like the crystal shards.
Passed to devs some time ago.
Thank you for the consideration :)
Please include the Fortress in the Grand Marshal setting for the beacons so we can eliminate the spam reports from single unit hits on the fortress
Passed to devs.
You can "save" your reports by copying them to the clipboard and pasting them in the program of your choice (Word, Notepad, Google Docs, etc.)Counselors Reports
Get so many reports that the ones i want to see / keep get lost in the sauce or fall off the map.
I would like an option to allow me to SAVE reports that i feel important and select. Would like to have the option to SAVE REPORTS.
Declined. It would require additional space on the server.
Juglar del Viento said:
Hi all
my suggestion. actually buildings we have to purchase troops are all on level 1. Why dont u add the posibility of upgrade them in such manner that every upgrade can make the time of purchasing be reduced .
thanks in advance
I like this suggestion
also an addition build queue for amulet troops would be nice
we have an additional queue for imperial units but it seems good discounts (60% or higher) to build those have basically become extinct :(
include the amulet troops in those queues it would be really helpful
Has anyone suggested that we be able to arrange our contacts and friends in the bottom of the screen in a way to suit to our liking rather than descending by level?
There are people who I like to keep additional tabs on who I have to scroll through to many others to try to find. I understand the alliance option is supposed to "solve" this. but doesnt. Any way to make it so we can set the order ?
Add a verify button when upgrading with sketches and/or when canceling said upgrades.
I just accidentally upgraded then accidentally cancelled and lost sketches due to lack of checks when dealing with these very rare and EXPENSIVE resources.
This is a very uncommon issue. I'd like to hear more opinions from players.