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Your Suggestions

Your Suggestions

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 13, 2016, 13:3505/13/16

Your Suggestions

How to submit your suggestion

You can share your ideas and suggestions in this topic. Please follow these simple rules:

1. Check the thread with declined suggestions here.

If your suggestion has already been declined by our developers, please do not post it.

2. Check this topic for similar suggestions.

If you find that your suggestion has already been expressed by another player and the Community Manager responded, please do not post it.

3. Write a short summary of your suggestion in 5-20 words. Next, add any details to give us a better understanding of what you would like to see in the game.

4. Be precise and concise.

5. You are welcome to discuss other players’ suggestions, but please follow our Forum rules  and be polite.

Our Community Managers will comment on your suggestions in this topic.

Please do not create new topics for your suggestions in other threads.

May 14, 2016, 03:3005/14/16
May 16, 2016, 09:15(edited)

Suggestion: Improve the drop rate of keys. Since the inception of this new feature I believe I've received 4 keys (in total) from BG drops.

Declined. Rates are balanced, and the drop rate of Keys is lower than the drop rate of Chests, because you can always buy them at the Black Market.
May 15, 2016, 16:4805/15/16
Dec 29, 2018, 17:03(edited)

Can there please be a purge of old news in the news tab?

I'm quite certain events from January (not sure which year though) should not be there anymore.

Pwiddy pwiddy pwease, with sugar on top?

Thank you for a consideration,


Passed to developers. 

May 19, 2016, 09:0205/19/16
May 20, 2016, 07:56(edited)

I have a suggestion related to reviving units, which goes as follows:

An item named 'Elixir of Revival' for example, which revives a random amount/percentage of fallen units for free.

There's two additional ideas I'd like to share about that:

Idea 1- Division of Unit kinds

This'd mean that there's an Elixir for Infantry, Cavalry, Occult and Bestiary units separately. So whenever you seem to acquire an Elixir of Infantry Revival, you can consume that item and revive a percentage of your fallen Infantry units for free.

Considering Bestiary is rather expensive in reviving, the percentage of revived units will decrease the stronger your unit. For example:

  • Infantry - max 40%
  • Cavalry - max 30%
  • Occult - max 20%
  • Bestiary - max 10%

Why max? Because I think that if there's a random percentage for each, it'd be more 'challenging'. However, it shouldn't go any lower than 5%.

Idea 2 - Combination of Unit kinds

This'd mean that it's one Elixir which can be used to revive up to 10% of your fallen units for free.

The colours determine which is the best idea in my opinion. (Green = best, red = worst)

Acquiring the Elixir(s) should be done by either purchasing them at the market, or obtaining them as reward in tournaments.

I hope this'll be passed forth. 

Declined. Units revival is one of the basic game features. You have an opportunity to revive only a percentage of Units for free, and only under the condition if they were protecting your Castle. 

There could be several difficulties with such Item as determining the amount of Units to which the Item was not applied yet (otherwise, some players could revive all dead Units for free. That would be unfair). 

May 19, 2016, 10:3805/19/16
May 20, 2016, 07:58(edited)

How about introduce support units.

Support units could be such as battlefield medics (clergimen?) After battle revive certain amount of loss's (healed) based on the number of support units. Support units should have high build cost/upkeep, but shouldn't be in harms away. Like you wouldn't lose them in battle, unless you lose your entire army. 

Its very dangerous to suggest such because suddenly you see them on black market for the cost of 1k sapphires each. :/

Declined. Units revival is possible only in the Infirmary. We will not add more revival opportunities, because our game mechanics is not designed for that.

May 19, 2016, 13:3805/19/16
May 20, 2016, 08:01(edited)


hero capture 

in addition to raid/ siege / spy let there be a hero capture where you send your army to capture the enemy's hero

now the only way for my enemy to free his hero is either by attacking me or paying me a fee ( resources )

now a hero can remain captured for either as long as i want or for a very long time so the enemy pay the fee instead of just waiting

now i would love if i capture a hero that is attacking me lol it will make more sense( if i successfully defend my castle ) but i mainly want the offense options because if he already failed attacking me then the only way to free the hero is by a fee 

when the hero is captured it has no bonuses effect

make sure coiners or bullies dont take advantage of this by making the fee low if lvl 90 captures lvl 50 but high if the opposite happens 

i will leave the details for you


Declined. We have designed the Hero to give our players some constant Bonuses. We cannot take them back after each lost attack. Our players rely on that Bonuses and they musty be sure that they will remain even when they are AFK. 

However, we will continue working on Hero and we will introduce more features related to it.

May 23, 2016, 02:0805/23/16
May 23, 2016, 08:34(edited)
37  (Seems to be some inline image issues here lately)

Can we get a better icon for the Destroy Units Event? The image of clicking on an icon of picking up a bag of gold does not convey killing troops.

I have passed your suggestion to our developers. Thank you.
May 23, 2016, 05:0005/23/16
May 23, 2016, 08:37(edited)

Remove tax, or increase ratio of reward in BG's to actually make them rewarding and appealing to do.

You can trade up units by do BG's but you never get really rewarded, because you end up spend more resources than you get out of it.

I'm quite sure this get declined because "Be a fool and go spend more sapphires"....

Declined. Battlegrounds work exactly as they were designed to. Please remember that they are not the main source of Units.
May 24, 2016, 17:5305/24/16
May 25, 2016, 08:19(edited)

I have a suggestion related to Premium, which goes as follows:

With Premium you'll get nice in-game content in exchange for an amount of money each specific date. 

Information about premium:

Detail 1 - The Payment
There should be three ways of purchasing Premium: 

  • Weekly; You'd pay the least each week. 
  • Monthly; You'd pay medium each month. 
  • Anually; You'd pay decent each year. 

Detail 2 - The Bonuses
Obviously if you pay for Premium, you should get something in return. Hence the following examples/ideas of rewards.

  • Sapphires; You'd get an amount of Sapphires based on the way you purchased Premium which will arrive upon the day you amortise.
    (Example: You'd pay Weekly, so you'd receive an amount of Sapphires each week based on how much you pay)
  • Items; You'd get certain items from the Black Market each time you amortise based on how much you pay.
    (Example: You'd pay Weekly, so you'd receive a random item each week. Example 2: You'd pay Monthly, so you'd get more items than Weekly
  • Premium Power; You'd get, just like Paragon, a small bonus to certain stuff whilst being Premium. However, the bonusses of Paragon will remain too.
    (Bonus examples: +% Troop build speed, +% Defense/Offense, +% Unit Speed, etc.) 
  • Premium Castle Appearance; This appearance should be unlocked upon purchasing Premium. However this could be either removed when your Premium expires, or it could remain. 

Hope this is satisfying enough to pass! 

I have passed it to our developers. However, I'm not sure it will be accepted as our game if free-to-play, and you already have Paragon status. Moreover, you can buy cheaper Sapphires with bonus Items in our Special Offer. Premium seems to be a big feature, so there's no guarantee that we will implement it.

May 25, 2016, 08:2905/25/16
May 26, 2016, 08:53(edited)

SlopranoDark said:

I have passed it to our developers. However, I'm not sure it will be accepted as our game if free-to-play, and you already have Paragon status. Moreover, you can buy cheaper Sapphires with bonus Items in our Special Offer. Premium seems to be a big feature, so there's no guarantee that we will implement it.

Just wanted to point out, to whoever reviewed it and passed it forth, that Premium is completely optional just like all the other offers.



May 25, 2016, 19:1405/25/16
May 26, 2016, 08:57(edited)

4th slot in Santctum of Shards

valorize our troops, many ppl have 2 castle off-def.... penalizing other

Declined. This feature was designed to boost only 3 types of Units, so you need to consider which ones you need to boost most.

May 26, 2016, 10:1505/26/16
May 27, 2016, 08:05(edited)

allow us to determine how long we want the dragon bonuses active 

i know you would say ( just strategically choose your bonuses ) 

i would answer why not let us strategically choose how long i want my strategically placed bonuses to be active 


Declined. There are certain limits in our game, and the duration of Dragon Bonuses is one of them.
May 27, 2016, 20:3705/27/16
May 30, 2016, 08:57(edited)

Up the daily Paragon points reward for 90+days players, in the same way that the first 90 days rewards are increased. ie 91 days = 6 points, 181 days =11 points. that's fair for loyal regular supporters, coiners or not.

Declined. 90-day rewards are only for 90 days login. It's an incentive for everyday login, not for the long-term login.

However, our developers have accepted the idea to create some Achievements for long-term players. So we will see them in the future.
May 30, 2016, 08:5705/30/16
May 30, 2016, 08:59(edited)

exxxe said:

allow us to determine how long we want the dragon bonuses active 

i know you would say ( just strategically choose your bonuses ) 

i would answer why not let us strategically choose how long i want my strategically placed bonuses to be active 


Declined. There are certain limits in our game, and the duration of Dragon Bonuses is one of them.

As Im a bit of a tech geek as well, is it possible to know more about the techical aspect of that limitation and why its not possible?

Unfortunately, I don't have such information. However, I can ensure you that game balance is calculated by several departments and all game limits are based on calculations and analysis.
May 30, 2016, 09:0105/30/16
May 31, 2016, 11:29(edited)

Could the daily loyality login, be changed to actual days logged into the game, rather than how many days in a row you logged in?

There is A LOT of account sharing going on, just because of this. People need to go out of town for a few days, give their account details to another league member to babysit etc.

Or an "away/vacation mode" so you can set yourself in an away mode where this counter is paused.

Declined. You've got a point here, but this is the reward for daily log in, and we are unable to remove this feature from the game.

May 30, 2016, 21:5305/30/16
May 31, 2016, 11:31(edited)

1. Have chat window stay put when you activate it. It is annoying when it goes away when clicking on another game area. sometimes i want to refer to the chat window. Also a chat message from a league ember may ask me to check something, I would like to be able to do that without the window disappearing. 

   1a. Allow copy/paste of any text in the chat, and set up the ability to send photos to other players. example. yesterday someone in my league asked me what scrolls I needed, it would have been nice to take a screenshot of my house of scrolls and send it to them.

2. The friend list: many times it scrolls back to the original start position when I don't want it to. please stop this auto reset behavior. makes it tedious when visiting all the castles in my friends list. Put a back and next arrow at top of screen to visit the next castle with one click...

3. BUG: arrows to select view of other resources does not work...goes to paragon instead.

1. Declined. Our game interface allows you to open Chat window with one click, and close it by clicking on something else when you need to get back to the game. Making our players close it with additional clicks is not what our players would support.

2. Accepted. this feature will be added with the nearest update.

3. It has been reported to our developers. They will resolve this issue soon.
May 31, 2016, 16:2105/31/16
Dec 29, 2018, 17:08(edited)

In regards to today's interface change, can there please be a way to switch between this and the original one? I'm sure there will be people who prefer this one to the old one, and I don't mean to enforce my personal preference (the old one) on anyone. Then again, I understand there may be limitations to the game engine preventing this.

The display of castle's defence and counterespionage bonuses outside Town Hall is nice indeed. Thumbs up.

Switching the position of resource bars and the hero's portrait / experience feels wrong - the resources that change constantly and dictate what can be built / done at the moment should be the main part of the HUD, right in top middle where they used to be, as opposed to the hero experience that is not really that important to keep close track of.

Current resource bars do not display the warehouse capacity used, this was a very nice feature of the old ones (also a visual reminder of whether one needs to spend resources because the storage is full).

Impossible to zoom out with mousewheel in the castle view outside fullscreen mode - kind of inconvenient when collecting tributes from friends' castles.

Kind regards,


Declined. It is the original interface. And unfortunately, we are unable to implement two game interfaces simultaneously.

As for the scroll option, you can use it in the Full screen mode.

Storage Capacity is displayed when you hover your cursor over the amount of Resources.
May 31, 2016, 17:0705/31/16
Jun 1, 2016, 11:23(edited)

I suggest that Forum Moderators should have a review of all forum comments in text form. Opening all forum discussions and checking out are there new comments takes a lot of time.

Declined. All threads which contain new topics/Comments are highlighted. so it's easy to define them.
May 31, 2016, 17:2505/31/16
Dec 29, 2018, 17:08(edited)

Suggestion: In every battle report (Grand Marshal Counselor), add the distance (miles) between the locations, maybe near the battle coordinates. 

Could you please show it visually on a screenshot?
Jun 1, 2016, 13:2606/01/16
Jun 2, 2016, 08:03(edited)

remove some alts and make the game credible, alts team included

always the same people and you always find in the rankings with their 300 castles

ps give me back 50 skull runes of dragons production boost now that you have changed the system bg and destroy totally my strategy of mounths

Please be aware that such issues should be directed to the technical specialists from our Support Team. Unfortunately, we are unable to help you on Forum.

Please follow this link and submit a ticket:

Jun 1, 2016, 14:1706/01/16
Dec 29, 2018, 17:06(edited)

Helder Lopes said:

Suggestion: In every battle report (Grand Marshal Counselor), add the distance (miles) between the locations, maybe near the battle coordinates. 

Could you please show it visually on a screenshot?

or just, like, give the option to show or not to show the distance, maybe near the coordinates or somewhere else, just not to go to the coordinates, then check the distance, and go back again to the reports. (Easier and faster)

     Suggestion: In the forum, have the option to attach files. (Or you dont have that option because reasons?)

     Love the game!

Thank you for the screenshot. I have passed your suggestion to our developers.

And yes, unfortunately, we don't have an option to attach files. only pictures with the direct link. But our Forum is still in development, so it's possible that we will add such option in future.

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