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Hydra Update FAQ

Hydra Update FAQ

Hello, Raiders!

We know many of you have asked for clarification about the balance changes coming to the Hydra, Shield buffs, and Trunda Giltmallet. In response, our Community Managers have gathered up some of the most frequently asked questions and passed them to our development team, so you can get answers directly from them. We’ve compiled all their answers in a comprehensive Hydra Balance Update FAQ! Check it out! 

  • Hydra just seems to become a harder boss for everyone, especially due to the modified Devouring mechanic, 100% DMG decrease for the [Serpent's Will], and limited HP bar for Hydra heads. Why did you decide to increase the level of difficulty? - These changes are intended, first and foremost, to cap the performance of teams that endure very long battles by abusing specific Hydra vulnerabilities, especially by decapitating new heads as soon as they grow back. Also, we intended the battles to finish with all the Champions either dead or devoured instead of reaching the turn limit. Thus, avoiding Champion devouring becomes increasingly more difficult. By the way, the limited HP bar for an exposed neck creates a good opportunity for Champions whose DMG scales up based on the enemy's Max HP.
  • My modest Hydra teams might be severely affected. Will I be able to achieve even minimal Hydra rewards? - The changes are specifically designed to cap immense amounts of damage certain teams dealt by far surpassing 100 turns, roughly speaking. It is the competitive aspect of Hydra Clash that we aspire to make fairer with these rebalances. If your team manages to deal enough damage for a certain Chest, we expect it to continue doing so with minimal adjustments.
  • Why not just nerfing one single specific Champion instead? -  We consider the issue of overpowered Hydra teams a complex one. By changing the boss's mechanics, we want to prevent new overpowered teams from appearing in the future. We aim for a better balance in this game mode in the long term.
  • Will Trunda become useless? - We want Trunda to remain a good and useful Champion, but at the same time, we want to bring her damage output against Hydra in line with that of other Champions.
  • Why change Shields? - We think that infinite Shields bring imbalance to the battle gameplay to such a degree that some cap is necessary. Still, we decided on a cap that would allow Wixwell to shine when fighting Demon Lord. However, we will be closely monitoring in case the Shield cap or any other change listed here needs any adjustments.
  • Why Change the way Taunt interacts with Mark of the Hydra? - As is briefly mentioned above, we intended Hydra battles to finish with all the Champions either dead or devoured instead of reaching the turn limit. That is why, for considerations of consistency, we are going to change the interaction between Taunt and Mark of the Hydra and also to make sure there are no specific strategies that provide a large advantage over the others or pave the way for abusing Hydra mechanics.

  • We might need to readjust some gear on our Champions after the rebalance goes live on October 16. Will there be anything to help us with it? - Yes, we decided to reschedule this month's Free gear removal event to October 16-20 so that you will have an easier time tweaking your Hydra teams, if necessary.
  • Will you reset Badge achievements after the rebalance is activated? - No, all your badges and achievements will remain in place.
  • Will there be changes to milestones for Hydra Chests or Hydra Clash Chests? - Most of the changes are designed to make a larger impact on the later stages of a battle, so it is scoring hundreds of millions of damage that is going to become more challenging. We expect that securing Hydra and Hydra Clash chests won't become considerably harder for those who have already been able to earn them. However, we are ready to reconsider Hydra Clash point multipliers if necessary.
  • Will the excessive damage dealt to an exposed neck count toward the total score? - Yes, if you manage to deal more damage to an exposed neck than it has HP in one blow, all the damage will count toward the total score.
  • In light of new changes, some players think Trunda will remain overpowered. Alternatively, others presume she will become nearly useless. What fate awaits Trunda, actually? - We never wanted to make Trunda irrelevant, but instead, we wanted to make her DMG capabilities correspond to those of other Champions across the board. For instance, we expect her A3 to become more relevant against Hydra due to HP burn, not dependent on Stun, and also in PvP due to an increased effectiveness against Stone Skin. If her damage is still far beyond the reach of any other champion, we will take further action to rebalance her.
  • Will the rebalanced [Serpent's will] with 100% DMG reduction make it harder to cease devouring a Champion by a newly grown Head, especially considering that devouring becomes increasingly more difficult to stop over the course of battle? - No. The [Serpent's will] buff lasts only one turn, and swallowing a Champion requires the Head to make a turn, after which it loses the protection of the [Serpent's will].
  • If two new Hydra Heads appear at once, only one receives the [Serpent's will] buff. But what if I manage to kill more Heads at the same time? - If you cut down 3 exposed necks at a time, 2 of the 3 new Heads will have the [Serpent's will] buffs. If you dispose of 4 necks at once, still only 2 of the new Heads will have the [Serpent's will] buffs. If you kill exposed necks one by one, this rule doesn't apply, and they might all end up with the [Serpent's will] buffs. However, we expect that facing all the 4 heads at once with the buffs will be a rare occasion.

The mentioned rebalances will be applied starting from the next Hydra rotation on October 16.

Thank you for taking a look! We hope that the introduced changes will make Hydra a fair mode in the long run. However, we are ready to consider further tweaks if necessary.

Oct 11, 2024, 15:0910/11/24
Oct 15, 2024, 13:4910/15/24
Oct 15, 2024, 14:42(edited)

Я играю в Вашу игру с 2019 года.

Могу дать вам один неплохой совет, как мне кажется.

Начните играть в свою игру либо ее тестировать.

Есть другой вариант, увольте свой отдел тестирования, очевидно что они не справляются со своей работой.

Игра как будто все еще находится в Бета тестирование, вы выпускаете Героев и очень редко они сбалансированны. Неужели так трудно перед внедрением героя в игру, самим им поиграть на всех этапах игры и понять какие навыки работают не так как вы задумали ?)

Если вы сами не можете с этим справится, сделайте тест сервера где от игроков будет обратная связь.

Вы лажает раз за разом, это смешно. Выпускаете Героев и начинаете их фиксить после того как их прокачали и залили в них книги. Если вы их Фиксируете, сделайте откат по ресурсам. Потому-что это уже не тот герой которого вы продавали в осколках или слияние.

Что касается Гидры.

Я конечно понимаю что нужно продавать новых героев. Нужно нерфить старых.

Но это совершенно не выход, главное разнообразие. С 2019 года мне выпала только одна Трунда. У кого-то ее нет совсем. Должен быть Герой которого ты желаешь получить и это изменит твою игру.

Давайте говорить по правде, Трунда раньше был желанный герой для всего контента игры. Сейчас она настолько устарела ( это не из-за навыков ) Мета игры стала другая.

Сегодня единственное ее применение это Гидра и Войны Фракции.

Гидра - не настолько увлекательный контент, ты ставишь на авто и ждешь когда пройдет время до окончания битвы, если урона не хватает перезапускаешь, если бы вы играли в свою игру вероятно вы бы понимали это.

И поверьте смотреть как команда бьет гидру 30 минут на телефоне, это сомнительное удовольствие, если вы думаете что это мобильный гейминг.

Я сомневаюсь )

Это вынужденный этап игры, для улучшения своего прогресса аккаунта.

Заиметесь онлайн ареной, это тот контент который вернул игроков а не Гидра.

Нужны турниры.

Дружественные бои.

В игре очень мало коммуникации.


P.s Оживить игру можно новым контентом.

А не перебалансировкой старого, это не дает никаких новых ощущений.

Кроме удаления игры. Потому-что тебя заставляют делать одно и тоже, только правила меняют.

Oct 15, 2024, 14:3110/15/24

Thank you all for your feedback and for sharing your thoughts and concerns about the upcoming changes to Hydra and Hydra-related Champions. We’ve made sure your feedback is forwarded to the developers, and they will continue monitoring how these adjustments affect the mode. Your input will be taken into account and as soon as the changes go live, we will be also all ears to listen to your further feedback.

The goal of this rebalance is to make the Hydra mode more dynamic and rewarding for everyone, while encouraging team strengthening for higher results in a shorter time frame. This rebalance targets teams that were doing massive amounts of damage, reaching billions of points in Hydra Clash. The changes are meant to create more balance without diminishing the value of Champions like Trunda, who will still remain a strong Damage Dealer. However, teams using her won't reach the previous levels of billions in damage, allowing for more opportunities to outperform these setups.

It’s important to note that long-enduring teams will feel the impact of this rebalance more than those with shorter battle durations. This is aimed to give mid-game players a more favorable position compared to late- and end-game players. Early testing suggests that the changes will significantly reduce the damage output of those overpowered teams we targeted, while more typical teams that hit the necessary damage for a Chest should see minimal impact.

Thanks again for your input! Let’s wait for the update to go live, as your feedback will be really valuable moving forward. 


That is the wordsmithing slap in the face that we are offended by. We have taken note that, "long-enduring teams will feel the impact of this rebalance more than those with shorter battle durations." Given that in order to meet objectives, you have to have long-enduring teams because those that are not - don't earn you anything worthwhile. That is an absurd comment - just like telling someone to eat a soup that is served on a plate and not in a bowl.

Moving on to, "The goal of this rebalance is to make the Hydra mode more dynamic and rewarding for everyone, while encouraging team strengthening for higher results in a shorter time frame." Wrong - completely and absolutely wrong. The Trunda team, while severely nerfed - will still do enough damage to get 3B out of one key. While a team that did 425M on NM (1.7B) will now be degraded down to around 190M (760M). That team was not a Trunda team, and it was a F2P team. It took more than a year to build, tons of resources - time - patience - learning - and for what? For what? To get punished along with the Trunda team builders that will still outdo this other team?

No - those are hollow excuses and in line with the abusive actions of Raid to satisfy their greedy board of investors. It is important for the Raid developers to know that we are genuinely tired of everything. The lack of development for Siege and that gaggle that was and still is. The back-to-back-to-back exhaustive resource-consuming events/fusions/tournaments. The pitfall trickery of not keeping us informed in a timely fashion of events that are coming up so we can plan accordingly. Reducing the points in the Deck of Fates. Every single greedy and selfish thing that the Development team has done. 

So, No - we are not buying into these hollow excuses that you are pawning off as logical reasoning. A soup-poop-sandwich might look like gumbo, but it is definitely not gumbo. Pass it along to the Devs and the CMs. Make sure to share this in the Mod chat channel so that old mods can laugh and reach out to me and ask me how I am honestly feeling. Thanks. 



Oct 15, 2024, 16:1410/15/24

il ya des choses bizarre dans ce jeu , je ne sais pas l'expliquer étant donné que j'ai du mal de comprendre le jeu cela part dans tout les coins et toujours voir la page investir pour un poulet et autre chose. Moi je vais au marché et je sais ce que j'achéte, lol ! "NON, NOUS NE SOMMES PAS DES VACHES A LAIT !" j'ai du mal de  gagner ma journée.............

Oct 15, 2024, 17:1910/15/24
Morana Aktal

I'm into the game since Feb 2019 and have spent some money at the beginning. 

Soon I recognised the type of business concept which I experienced the first time in a game (gatcha and rng well wrapped). I did not quit because I liked the game. 

Nowadays I'm only a very, very low spender. I have a bunch of champs and keep going on only because of the progress I have made. 

With adequate artifacts I would probably be easily able to cope with every endgame content, but I have lost that intense feeling of wanting to make progress all the time. 

The offer of new champs after nerfing champs or changing existing content makes that loss even more intense. 

A game manufacturer perhaps thinks that these changes feel like new game content for the players, but it does not. Instead it is a more sophisticated tactic as like selling new champs directly which is often done to compensate decreasing earnings. Latter is only an assumption, but what other reason would Plarium have to act like this. Really to rebalance or to bind players to the game of shadow and to rule them? ;) 

It really feels more like loosing players.

Post Scriptum: Guys in my clan are playing up to 10 hours a day. Not a joke!!! This is insane. I am working 10 hours a day and playing perhaps one active hour a day. What's right, what's wrong? Help, I need some champs, help, not just any champ. :)

You are absolutely right.

Instead of introducing new interactive.

They just introduce bosses.

You start to pass them.

Instead of new stages.

Your team is simply broken.

And they offer to buy new champions.

And they call it a new experience in the game and balance.

You should not succeed with rare or epic heroes.

Because they pay for Mythic and gold rarity.

Tunnel game.

Just press the wallet button.

Oct 15, 2024, 17:3710/15/24

im not a big spender, 100 to 300 dlrs a month, have not spend any the past 4 week...seems i will nor spend any from now on...will still play as F2P.....was buildin a cheap hydra team, took me month to get the gear, now all that work down the drain....not even mad, i can save for other real life endevours. let the whales carry the game.

Oct 15, 2024, 19:3110/15/24

Why change Shields? - We think that infinite Shields bring imbalance to the battle gameplay to such a degree that some cap is necessary. Still, we decided on a cap that would allow Wixwell to shine when fighting Demon Lord. 


Unless your test server is not correctly setup I dont see Wixwell shines against Demon lord

Oct 15, 2024, 19:5410/15/24

Why change Shields? - We think that infinite Shields bring imbalance to the battle gameplay to such a degree that some cap is necessary. Still, we decided on a cap that would allow Wixwell to shine when fighting Demon Lord. 


Unless your test server is not correctly setup I dont see Wixwell shines against Demon lord


Oct 15, 2024, 20:1110/15/24

Why Change the way Taunt interacts with Mark of the Hydra? -  "As is briefly mentioned above, we intended Hydra battles to finish with all the Champions either dead or devoured instead of reaching the turn limit."


As we see from your test server, there are still teams which reach turn limit with full heath, why taunt is changed then

Oct 15, 2024, 20:2110/15/24

Hydra has  been my favorite part of the game for years.  Building my teams and increasing my damage with new champion combinations. I am proud of my high score of 1.7 billion using 3 keys.

My taunt team was my best and favorite to build it took me forever to get nia to make an ever taunt. My best score was 230 million on brutal. 

The mega damage teams did effect our clan very often. The clans that underscore a rotation to take on weaker group the next week did and do and will.We are a free to join all welcome. 

I find your changes excessive and dishonest based on your previous messages stating that taunt was working as intended as well as Tundra and wixwell.

The president your setting is unsettling.  

So I'll  say liar liar pants on fire. 

Oct 15, 2024, 22:1710/15/24

I always thought hydra heads should be nerfed, while turn count maximum should be increased. 

I was ready to quit for this not happening . Now I am certainly quitting. If they don't like my money , it is ok. No hard feelings..

Any game getting money in excess of 300 dollars per player should be grateful. Even more so , when getting thousands of dollars . So, as I have said , if they can't protect my investment in the game , no more investment from me.

Oct 15, 2024, 23:2910/15/24
Oct 16, 2024, 00:18(edited)

Thank you all for your feedback and for sharing your thoughts and concerns about the upcoming changes to Hydra and Hydra-related Champions. We’ve made sure your feedback is forwarded to the developers, and they will continue monitoring how these adjustments affect the mode. Your input will be taken into account and as soon as the changes go live, we will be also all ears to listen to your further feedback.

The goal of this rebalance is to make the Hydra mode more dynamic and rewarding for everyone, while encouraging team strengthening for higher results in a shorter time frame. This rebalance targets teams that were doing massive amounts of damage, reaching billions of points in Hydra Clash. The changes are meant to create more balance without diminishing the value of Champions like Trunda, who will still remain a strong Damage Dealer. However, teams using her won't reach the previous levels of billions in damage, allowing for more opportunities to outperform these setups.

It’s important to note that long-enduring teams will feel the impact of this rebalance more than those with shorter battle durations. This is aimed to give mid-game players a more favorable position compared to late- and end-game players. Early testing suggests that the changes will significantly reduce the damage output of those overpowered teams we targeted, while more typical teams that hit the necessary damage for a Chest should see minimal impact.

Thanks again for your input! Let’s wait for the update to go live, as your feedback will be really valuable moving forward. 

Затронет команды, которые наносят гигансткий урон? Как насчет команды, которую в начале поста продемонстрировал JohnGotti. Она тоже будет занерфлена?? Как насчет других команд, о которых вы скорее всего даже не подозреваете, потому что их ещё не создали, они тоже будут занерфлены? И как часто такие нерфы будут происходить в будущем?? Что плохого в том, что у игроков есть несколько "стандартных" вариантов наносить урон Гидре? Да, кому-то не нравится, но это всего лишь жалобы тех, у кого нет нужных героев или тех, чьи герои одеты на порядок хуже, а возможно даже просто лентяев, которые не хотят качать/одевать нужных героев. Чтобы убрать жалобы, нужно пересмотреть саму идею турнира Гидры, то, за что, и главное как, в нём начисляются очки. А не ломать всё то, чего игроки достигли за долгие месяцы битв с гидрой.

Oct 16, 2024, 08:5910/16/24

Have you at least thought about the return of funds for players invested in heroes? Energy spent on pumping talents, invested books in the hero, buying souls from 1 to 6 *. If you send heroes to the warehouse, then return the resources invested in the heroes. Think about it.

Oct 16, 2024, 10:5210/16/24

A "very very big thanks" for making Hydra stronger, this fight is now useless for me (and many others)!

Oct 16, 2024, 13:2610/16/24

Hello. I wont be speeking here of Trunda, champions but of you as company. All reasons you did write for rebalance of hydra are pure lie. Lets start from begginig. True some dummy acc you did show us Togron-Yanica combo just before wixvell fusion(accidentally LMAOOO) and later say i is a bug , how Togron is adding Hp to shield what was a lie coz I have use Valk wich shield scales from defence. Than you have "fix" Togron and few days afther we had Wixvell fusion who does exactly what Togron was doing. Now you are nerfing Wixvel and with all writen before you did push ppl to go for Wixvell. Withthat it is understabe pppl was building new teams and invest in many  chaampions books, energy, dust, dust ores, silver.... And this is true reason why so called rebalancehas arived. Did ever cross your mind it would be fair to give back invested to ppl coz now  he have champs witch will stay in a vault?? Lett me aswer it, in fact I will not coz any1 with any brain know reason. Further more, We now hve nerfed teams but requirements stay as before.  If there is any justice in this world you would be banned and prosecuted. Have nice rest of lifes living them in LIE.

Oct 16, 2024, 16:2810/16/24

you got 2 days remaining to issue me a full refund as stated in my email, before I will escalate further and start building case for fraud and scam as you proved now mutliple times - you manimuplate game mechanics for your own future financial benefit and you change products sold to pepole to your own liking after purchase was made

Oct 16, 2024, 16:3510/16/24

ok its now official our clan will not have 2 daily chest anymore from cla,n boss, little accounts even lost the one key, for some the 2 key as well ...

good job on this !!! hope for you that it ll be profitable !!

gonna leave this game, should ve never spend a single coin in it ! 

Oct 16, 2024, 17:0110/16/24

Hydra has been my favorite part of the game. Everything is did was to improve my teams.

Just ran Hydra normal got 95 million  was 450 million. 

I'm disgusted. 

I consider myself a little past midgame. 

I watch several content creators videos on Tundra teams and when it failed they said they would just  go back to their old dbl acrizia or such.

This nightmare didn't effect them. Except they can't run those teams to the same Scores. 

Will they still get max Personal rewards..yes

Will it change the strategy of throwing matches to drop down a level to blow out weaker groups.. no

There is no reason to play the game if you don't enjoy it.

Right now I don't enjoy your game. 

I don't find the changes challenging. I find the changes excessive for a minor issue.

I suggest make the changes to nightmare only and put a 9 or 10 billion cap total on the other 3.

Cheaters are going to cheat not much you can do about that.

Oct 16, 2024, 17:2210/16/24

Okay, Hydras, but why nerf Wixvell on the clan boss? It was fan content to deal a lot of damage to any color, now only 125,000 damage to UNM ... It's a shame. I invested so much in him. And trunda on the Hydra is unplayable now. 

Oct 16, 2024, 18:4010/16/24

Even if everything you say and think about Hydra is true, why would not allow players to restore the resources that they have invested into champions that have now been changed and do not perform the way they did prior to your changes?

Oct 16, 2024, 18:5610/16/24

I ask you to return my personal time, wasted due to your fault. I do not need your game compensation.

I need financial compensation, you owe me $5,000 for damages and wasted resources. And you must contact me to transfer game data. I no longer want to participate in your fraud!!!

I hope that all players will do the same and are ready to return your accounts to you, and you give us money for the time wasted!!!!😠