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State of Arena and Changes

State of Arena and Changes

Apr 4, 2022, 15:0104/04/22

State of Arena and Changes

From our CMs this minute:


Apr 4, 2022, 15:0204/04/22
In text form:
Since the current state of affairs in the Classic Arena raised various concerns, mainly as to Platinum Tier and the ability to progress in general, we want to give some updates on what we're planning to do to improve the situation.

1. Arena Points re-balance in Gold 5 and Platinum Tiers - requirements to reach both Tiers will be lowered.

2. General Arena Matchmaking adjustments. The changes will concern tweaking the matchmaking in Bronze and Silver Tiers. In addition, we will improve our system that prevents players from being demoted from the Gold Tiers too rapidly.

3. Progress Missions. Several Arena-related Missions will become easier to complete.

The first 2 changes are coming to the game this week, and we'll give you more detail on them closer to their release,  i.e. one of these days. As for the changes in the Progress Missions, they are on the way as well, but we’ll release them in a distinct patch a bit later.

We'll keep you updated on the whole process, so stay tuned :cheers:


Apr 4, 2022, 15:3104/04/22

all i write is my personal opinion, not information (and english is not my native)...concerns are not mainly in Platinium Tier...people there already end they Mission line...half of your player base mission progress are bound by PvP for years...there is a problems with many parts of PvP mechanic...speed-hack must be limited is some way, on turn may be...infinite combats must be limited too, after some round i suggest...may be they need some new stat too, made exactly for pvp (or additional mastery, talent system, glyph, rune, whatever), because they really need hero balance...too, half of champions are useless there or just mediocre, even some legos...rates and points for win and lose are even worst, but can easy be fixed, and it is best fast temporary solution, personally opinion...and i even dont want to start about matchmaking system and power...meanwhile they cannot even decide such simple thing about a years old problem "we are considering the idea of implementation of an official in-game built Mercy System Counter, but we need to make sure that such a feature will have a positive impact on the game itself" and i have two account lvl 92 and lvl 100 withouth single pulle void legos at all...seem to me, someone must wake them, sober up, give them coffee and then hit them with a zen-stick...too long they ignore visible problems...


Apr 4, 2022, 15:3204/04/22

Thank you for taking action.

Would like to point out that the problem seem to be points are vanishing from the system. As long as that happens I have a hard time understanding how the current system will ever be sustainable.

Apr 4, 2022, 15:3904/04/22

What about 0 points for a win - 16 points for a loss because the 'matchmaking' deems the team inferior to mine?,  can't attack teams above me they are too powerful, if I attack and lose to a team below me I get hammered for points, if I attack someone about my level I get 0,1 or two points

Apr 4, 2022, 15:4304/04/22

Waiting for.

With 19 battle and 100% winrate i sit 2905 point. LOL

And other thing Plariumn told it, higher ranks lose higher point. My defense team lost against 5 times from higher ranked teams and i lost 2 times -15 points, 2x times -10 points and one time -9 points,

All of this my enemies was higher rank than me!!! 

Apr 4, 2022, 15:4704/04/22

Personally will wait and see what they do ... the horrid, awful events in ukraine do put our problems in context and i understand many plarium employees lived there.

I do get the frustration, i too have won 14 matches with zero losses since reset (on attack), and im sitting on 2040 points.

Apr 4, 2022, 16:1604/04/22

well, I've one ZERO on both defence and offence.. The teams I'm up against in Silver 4 is insane! and they just stroll right through my defence.. what the heck..

The teams Im facing on offence isnt even in Silver 4, and are WAY too high to be where I am. IMO. But what do I know. I didnt feel like it were this bad last week on reset. I lost 150point in the last 2 hours.. puff


Apr 4, 2022, 16:2304/04/22
Frank Poulsen

well, I've one ZERO on both defence and offence.. The teams I'm up against in Silver 4 is insane! and they just stroll right through my defence.. what the heck..

The teams Im facing on offence isnt even in Silver 4, and are WAY too high to be where I am. IMO. But what do I know. I didnt feel like it were this bad last week on reset. I lost 150point in the last 2 hours.. puff


You do understand that almost everyone has been knocked down a rank or 2 which makes the lower ranks all that much harder.

Me as an example I have been in G4 for over a year and last week got knocked down to G2, and now I refuse to be in the game 24/7 just to do Arena so might even have been knocked down to G1 which then pits my G4 team against S4 people.

Apr 4, 2022, 16:2604/04/22
Apr 4, 2022, 16:27(edited)

Personally will wait and see what they do ... the horrid, awful events in ukraine do put our problems in context and i understand many plarium employees lived there.

I do get the frustration, i too have won 14 matches with zero losses since reset (on attack), and im sitting on 2040 points.

I think this is a very reasonable stance. 

I personally would like to stop seeing teams while in G3/G4 that are 15-20% less than my point total, followed by seeing absurd teams at the top of my range for points. Seen enough Rotos/Siphis combos to last me a lifetime. :)

I'm hoping for the changes to land in an impactful way, which I think they will. 

Apr 4, 2022, 16:4404/04/22

This picture tell everything. 23 win 100% winrate and 2905 point. +5 pont from to starting position.


Other thing what i dont understand. The G4 league starting point is 2900 point and i see G3 ranked points there at my opponents ???? With 2600, 2700 2800 ranking point. What they feel when they need to battle with one class higher opponents with mostly losing battles ???


Apr 4, 2022, 17:0404/04/22

They have made it untennable to fight in the arena and attack - I generally get three or four teams higher than me, usually really strong teams, one maybe two at my level so no point in fighting them, five below my level but all really good defences - and lets not kid ourselves with the introduction of some new champs defence is becoming better than speed - so what do I do?  Fight teams I probably won't beat, fight teams on my level and get 0 - 2 points or fight those below me, even if I have a 60-40 win I could get about 30 points for 6 wins but I stand to lose 50+ losing 4 

Nowhere do I see them recognising this as a problem

Apr 4, 2022, 17:2404/04/22
Apr 4, 2022, 17:25(edited)

I'm sliding down through the Gold tiers atm.

I dont really see how this helps me.

This is feeling more and more like the time to step away from Raid.

Apr 4, 2022, 18:0504/04/22

Going to have to wait to see, but I fail to see how this is going to help. Something that has been pointed out since I've been playing is that the arena point system is deflationary.

Every week on Monday all points just vanish and sit everyone back at the bottom of their tiers.

They can keep playing with algorithms and the size of tiers, but the problems will always come back because of the giant point syphon each week.

There should be no algorithms anyways, it should be elo based or a simple ladder.

Apr 4, 2022, 18:0904/04/22

Unfortunately the real ladder is what we had last week. No bots combined with the deflationary point system.  Not only the loss of points from reset, but rematch losses remove the zero sum aspect. 

Apr 4, 2022, 18:0904/04/22
Apr 4, 2022, 18:10(edited)

Since I haven't seen anyone post it on that other long thread which got shut down, arena didn't suddenly get harder.  Some of us have been talking about this since November (with the normal "git gud" responses) since they removed the bots.  Copied accounts from lower tiers which don't effect the original account ARE bots by the way no matter how much people want to be dishonest about it.  The issue is point degredation.  Most games spend lots of money to hire folks who are very good at math to manage their PvP to make sure that points remain in the tiers they should.  Plarium (beyond going with the terrible idea of having account power be a large component of matchmaking in Bronze/Silver) has a system which is more or less designed for a certain number of newer players coming into the arena which hasn't seemed to have been happening correctly since early 2020.  I'm sure the person who did the work initially was aware of how many new people needed to come in to make the system work but I don't think they have any clue now about why it isn't working now.  The reason they had to add bots twice before is because the incoming players did not match the original math.  For our current situation since they removed the bots starting in the fall, HGCenty has a great post.  Yes Gold 5 didn't do much (we were all telling them to at least quadruple the tiers) but this is an issue which has been building for months:

Apr 4, 2022, 18:1604/04/22

This picture tell everything. 23 win 100% winrate and 2905 point. +5 pont from to starting position.


Other thing what i dont understand. The G4 league starting point is 2900 point and i see G3 ranked points there at my opponents ???? With 2600, 2700 2800 ranking point. What they feel when they need to battle with one class higher opponents with mostly losing battles ???


What is your defense? I am getting hit but not enough to zero out 18 wins. Unless u are only attacking the weakest teams. I start at bottom of list to find at least one +15 i can beat.  Then pick on the weaklings :)

Apr 4, 2022, 18:2104/04/22

I've seen pictures where someone's defense gets hit 4 times by the same person, win 3, lose 1, net score is negative points... even though their defense won 3/4 matches against them.

Too much RNG in arena for the points system to be like this.  It's turned it into a grind, cause you know... this game needed more grind.  It's what we've all been asking for.

Apr 4, 2022, 18:3104/04/22

Unfortunately the real ladder is what we had last week. No bots combined with the deflationary point system.  Not only the loss of points from reset, but rematch losses remove the zero sum aspect. 

my ladder is defective.  It has no rungs!!!

Apr 4, 2022, 18:3504/04/22

Unfortunately the real ladder is what we had last week. No bots combined with the deflationary point system.  Not only the loss of points from reset, but rematch losses remove the zero sum aspect. 

But does this make for  FUN game for most?

Apr 4, 2022, 19:0504/04/22

Going to have to wait to see, but I fail to see how this is going to help. Something that has been pointed out since I've been playing is that the arena point system is deflationary.

Every week on Monday all points just vanish and sit everyone back at the bottom of their tiers.

They can keep playing with algorithms and the size of tiers, but the problems will always come back because of the giant point syphon each week.

There should be no algorithms anyways, it should be elo based or a simple ladder.

I find that it's rarely possible to find beatable opponents before Wednesday or thereabouts, so I'm usually in Silver IV for the first half of the week.  Then I spontaneously pop back up into Gold I as my defenders start winning more than they lose.  Then I have a couple days of reasonably competitive play until I get up to around 2150 points or so and hit a wall.  

It's frustrating that the Great Hall (i.e. 95% of the reason I even play in the arena) exacerbates this problem, as it lets the "haves" buff their teams quicker than the "have-nots", entrenching the existing population of the higher tiers.

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