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Arena is crap again

Arena is crap again

Apr 1, 2022, 04:5104/01/22

I mentioned it in the above post, but there is something amiss when on Friday there are only 4 people in Platinum. Expanding the tiers didn't make much of difference if only 20 people can get in there by reset....


Apr 1, 2022, 06:1804/01/22

Yes I kind of agree speed alone isn't enough. This is my standard go to speed nuke team I currently use. I have other options to slot in depending on what I'm fighting. It brings buff strips, speed and acc decrease, buff blocks, fears, and of course big boy cat to cheat if things go bad.

So yeah I guess to the extent you do need more than just being the fastest in some cases, bringing a lot of utility helps fill in some gaps.


Sry but this team instantly killed by a speed team, which has more speed than you. Just an example: Arbi,Deacon and a Genbo more than enough.

Apr 1, 2022, 06:4804/01/22
Apr 1, 2022, 06:49(edited)

^^^ while there are counters to the cat, he is a really good choice on attack, you pick on teams without a block buffs or ignore unkillable.

I spent half my evening pushing up past 3.2k and woke up back at 3k ... 

I am not willing to keep doing this, i have a life and better things to do than constantly 'work' on a mobile game for the sake of a developers KPI's.

Uninstalled, and re-installed final fantasy for my spare evenings.

Apr 1, 2022, 09:1204/01/22

Also, it seems the CCs have taken up this issue at this point:


So hopefully, with all the noise, and frank discussion, we will hear some kind of update soon.

TY Harle

I for one am not sure if this can be fixed for me short of retroactive of putting people back in the teir they were in before this whole G5 mess.

I am not sure if Plarium understands or cares how much Arena is not fun for alot of people.

Apr 1, 2022, 09:2904/01/22

TY Harle

I for one am not sure if this can be fixed for me short of retroactive of putting people back in the teir they were in before this whole G5 mess.

I am not sure if Plarium understands or cares how much Arena is not fun for alot of people.

Its the points deflation.

Before i uninstalled there were SIX players in the whole of plat on a friday, ridiculous.

Looking at my defence log, i was losing 15 points at a time, when getting 3 points a win that takes 5 wins to recover from.

I could also see in my logs it was quite common for the same person to hit my defence repeatedly until they win, often i end up losing points because of the scoring system even if i won 3 of the fights. The other player loses points too... he is desperate to find a winnable fight and keeps trying.

It all adds up to massive points deflation even before we take into account that all the excess points disappear at reset.

I have no idea if this is what the developers intended, and to be honest if people think this is entertaining that is fine we all like different things

But i feel much happier having uninstalled :)

Apr 1, 2022, 09:3004/01/22

TY Harle

I for one am not sure if this can be fixed for me short of retroactive of putting people back in the teir they were in before this whole G5 mess.

I am not sure if Plarium understands or cares how much Arena is not fun for alot of people.

Honestly, wish I could do more than just share feedback and debate reasons for things, and we could see changes now. But, it isn't an instant process unfortunately. :(

Apr 1, 2022, 09:4004/01/22

Honestly, wish I could do more than just share feedback and debate reasons for things, and we could see changes now. But, it isn't an instant process unfortunately. :(


Just not sure how much longer they can leave something that seems as broken as this is now.

I know I have stopped playing my Alt account and Now am only going to log in for CB, just so I do not getting booted from the clan I like in hopes that they fix this as quickly as they can with all that is going on over there.

Apr 1, 2022, 10:2504/01/22

I think Hell Hades is pretty much spot on!

He did miss the point however that as people tumble down the arena they end up loosing the stat bonuses for the arena tier they were previously in, this causing them all sorts of misery and failure in other areas of the game (CB, dungeon runs etc).

The intertwining of account progression and arena performance does not work in its current form, it just pisses people off!

People either need to be able to 'exploit' the arena to earn medals, keep stat bonus, unlock missions, etc. 'Exploting' via 'bots' (or whatever you want to call them), setting weak defense teams, refreshing opponents, etc.


All of the account progression needs to be removed from the arena and a players ranking in the arena can be a true reflection of their arena ability

You can't have both! 

Apr 1, 2022, 13:4404/01/22

Sry but this team instantly killed by a speed team, which has more speed than you. Just an example: Arbi,Deacon and a Genbo more than enough.

Yes? Speed nuke vs speed nuke generally the faster team wins. I was responding and showing my current set up, I did not claim to be unstoppable in fact I was showing that even with a strong speed nuke comp with decent speeds I like others am struggling in G4 currently.

At the same time maybe for others giving ideas on other utility than speed to try to get a edge.

Apr 1, 2022, 14:0504/01/22

fact is, when you play every day and every week you see very quickly when things change in a game. When a whole bunch of people come out and say something is wrong it usually is.

Basically arena is a mess right now, we can all see it. ITs worse when for many people its all thats left in the game, its killing peoples reason to play i guess

Apr 1, 2022, 14:5704/01/22

all they need to do is remove arena from progression missions and GH and boom, problem fixed. they can make the players that like the challenge happy as clowns by making each win +1 point and each loss -1000 points and the rest of the playerbase can forget it even exists.

and people won't hit those RNG brick walls and quit.

Apr 1, 2022, 15:0104/01/22

all they need to do is remove arena from progression missions and GH and boom, problem fixed. they can make the players that like the challenge happy as clowns by making each win +1 point and each loss -1000 points and the rest of the playerbase can forget it even exists.

and people won't hit those RNG brick walls and quit.

I don't think that'll happen, though, because it's clear they want arena to be an important part of the game. Removing it from missions would strongly decentivize participation.

I'm generally very happy that they are experimenting with arena algorithms. It's important for them to constantly be doing this, because they'll never get it right the first time - it's virtually impossible to do so.

One thing that would be nice, though, is that when they make big changes like they did this week, just make it so that for the next few weeks, while they observe the changes, they remove the arena daily/advanced quests. Yes, people will be somewhat blocked on mission progress, but if they're transparent about it (which, by design, they'd have to be, since it'd be pretty obvious when the quests stop showing up), I think the community will generally be okay with it.

Apr 1, 2022, 15:1104/01/22

I don't think that'll happen, though, because it's clear they want arena to be an important part of the game. Removing it from missions would strongly decentivize participation.

I'm generally very happy that they are experimenting with arena algorithms. It's important for them to constantly be doing this, because they'll never get it right the first time - it's virtually impossible to do so.

One thing that would be nice, though, is that when they make big changes like they did this week, just make it so that for the next few weeks, while they observe the changes, they remove the arena daily/advanced quests. Yes, people will be somewhat blocked on mission progress, but if they're transparent about it (which, by design, they'd have to be, since it'd be pretty obvious when the quests stop showing up), I think the community will generally be okay with it.

This is a good idea Krama. Very much so. I will bring it up. :)

Apr 1, 2022, 17:4804/01/22
Apr 1, 2022, 17:50(edited)

Honestly, just scrap the pvp aspect of arena. fill the entire thing full of bot teams for players to defeat and climb the rankings of. What we have now is an apalling system that can only ever get more difficult to compete against, which is extraordinarily counter productive, disincentivising and frustrating for 99.99% of players.

Then go make a real time pvp game mode that has absolutely no relation or impact on progression in other game modes.

Apr 1, 2022, 19:4804/01/22

I  went  from  G4  now  to  1  and  will  probably  fall  to  silver  next  week.  The  thing  i  dont  get  is  how  are  the  same  BS  pain  in  the  A$$  teams  in  all  levels  shouldnt  they  be  rising  or  falling?  fix  the  F'ing  pvp  for  the  live  of  god!  You  can  make  a  new  charater  every  2  weeks  but  you  cant  fix  PVP ?  BS!

Apr 1, 2022, 21:2504/01/22

there is currently 1 person in plat.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 

Apr 1, 2022, 21:3104/01/22

there is currently 1 person in plat.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 

Really?! Screenshot it please, for posterity's sake! 😂

Apr 1, 2022, 21:3304/01/22

there is currently 1 person in plat.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 

1 person in Plat, 399 empty spaces. OMG. lol

Apr 1, 2022, 21:3704/01/22

If anyone is going to push Plat this time, pretty please with a cherry on top : send me a link, I will watch it - even if I die, I'll watch it from Hell! 😂😂😂😂

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