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Arena is crap again

Arena is crap again

Mar 30, 2022, 16:2503/30/22

Arena  is  terribale  after  they  added  the  stupid  gold  5  part  seems  like  too  many  platinum  players  are  just  falling  down  and  staying  in  gold  4  really  bad.

Mar 30, 2022, 16:2503/30/22

Its  ridiculous 

Mar 30, 2022, 18:2103/30/22

That said - I do think the AI should just not revive if it sees a Lydia on the other team. Would be a simple fix and would work in most situations.

Do not recommend AI changes like this, bad AI is the only way to compete against whale teams in Tag.  Lol

But I'm serious.  AI "improvements " can be more harmful and actually make pve more difficult. 

Mar 30, 2022, 18:2603/30/22

Do not recommend AI changes like this, bad AI is the only way to compete against whale teams in Tag.  Lol

But I'm serious.  AI "improvements " can be more harmful and actually make pve more difficult. 

Too late. Already submitted the feedback.



Mar 30, 2022, 18:2703/30/22

It's not just G5, it's the points award now - if you get attacked by a lower ranked team you can lose up to 16 points - this will be why players across the board are complaining, just because a team is currently below you in points does not make them weaker.  In fact a good strategy would be to stay near the bottom of your tier till near reset so everyone is above you and you can shoot  up the tier

I got 3 points for a win earlier, after losing 14 points to the same team and making one team change, two battles one win each I'm 11 points down

This is actually a good strategy to get to platinum.  Don't get up in platinum where you will get smacked like chris rock in the last 20 minutes.  Sit just below cutline and will Smith your way up at the end.

Mar 30, 2022, 18:3003/30/22

Too late. Already submitted the feedback.



i just spent like ... way too long watching that clip. wonder what she's saying ...

Mar 30, 2022, 18:3303/30/22

i just spent like ... way too long watching that clip. wonder what she's saying ...

A sound effect to accompany each new heart <3

Mar 30, 2022, 22:5603/30/22

One thing that ive noticed the last few days is the amount of win points you get in G4 now seems to have dropped alot, im sure last week easy to find +9 +12s etc the last couple of days im finding my lists are alot more of +3 +4 etc than what im use to seeing.

Even on teams around 100 000 power up on me - yes power means nothing but if your beating those said teams i would expect you'd get better reward for effort as such.

Will be interesting to see if once the CVC ends if things change? weird anyone else noticed a drop in win points or is it just me lol 

Mar 30, 2022, 23:2903/30/22

One thing that ive noticed the last few days is the amount of win points you get in G4 now seems to have dropped alot, im sure last week easy to find +9 +12s etc the last couple of days im finding my lists are alot more of +3 +4 etc than what im use to seeing.

Even on teams around 100 000 power up on me - yes power means nothing but if your beating those said teams i would expect you'd get better reward for effort as such.

Will be interesting to see if once the CVC ends if things change? weird anyone else noticed a drop in win points or is it just me lol 

I know the list gives more points toward the bottom but they teams that are showing up for anything 10-15 point wins are not possible for me ATM. I've never seen points as low as 2 per win but that is what I'm getting this week is 2-4 per win. The 2 point wins are not even easy face rolls....they are good team comps anywhere from 190-300k team power. I know team power is t the best indicator but you can still get a lot of information from it.

Mar 30, 2022, 23:5203/30/22

agree - im punishing plenty of stronger teams by numbers for +4 then if lose for example see ya later 17 points ouch lol 

Mar 30, 2022, 23:5803/30/22

I know the list gives more points toward the bottom but they teams that are showing up for anything 10-15 point wins are not possible for me ATM. I've never seen points as low as 2 per win but that is what I'm getting this week is 2-4 per win. The 2 point wins are not even easy face rolls....they are good team comps anywhere from 190-300k team power. I know team power is t the best indicator but you can still get a lot of information from it.

The point system hasn't changed but the range is more dramatic. I've actually gotten 0 point wins multiple times.  Yes ZERO,  LOL.  But I've also got +18.  

I will say that as usual I was skeptical that difficulty level had increased, but I am finding both G4 and G5 more challenging this week. 

One account has gone from 2900 to 3200s after starting in g4.  Other has been right at 3500 all day. Both were Tpushing Plat or getting into plat by Thursday or Friday since G5 was added.

Mar 31, 2022, 00:0803/31/22

The point system hasn't changed but the range is more dramatic. I've actually gotten 0 point wins multiple times.  Yes ZERO,  LOL.  But I've also got +18.  

I will say that as usual I was skeptical that difficulty level had increased, but I am finding both G4 and G5 more challenging this week. 

One account has gone from 2900 to 3200s after starting in g4.  Other has been right at 3500 all day. Both were Tpushing Plat or getting into plat by Thursday or Friday since G5 was added.

I can't comment on the middle ground of G4, but the area around 2900 is definitely more competitive. But don't take this as a complaint. What's the point of the game if not for the challenge? :)

Mar 31, 2022, 00:2603/31/22

I can't comment on the middle ground of G4, but the area around 2900 is definitely more competitive. But don't take this as a complaint. What's the point of the game if not for the challenge? :)

I am sorry but I do not play GAMES to be fustrated until I am blue in the face.

Now call me weird , I play GAMES to have FUN and I do not call getting my arse handed to me for no other reason than they fixed something with the intent of makeing thing less crowded and all it did was make things 1,000,000 times worse than before the so called fix.

Now I know I need to GET GOOD!, but before their fix, my speed tuned team of Arb 320 speed Prince K, MS and Roto had no issues staying in G4 without haveing to spend gems to refresh now I am at 2650 and losing patience with this game as a whole.

Mar 31, 2022, 01:0803/31/22

I am sorry but I do not play GAMES to be fustrated until I am blue in the face.

Now call me weird , I play GAMES to have FUN and I do not call getting my arse handed to me for no other reason than they fixed something with the intent of makeing thing less crowded and all it did was make things 1,000,000 times worse than before the so called fix.

Now I know I need to GET GOOD!, but before their fix, my speed tuned team of Arb 320 speed Prince K, MS and Roto had no issues staying in G4 without haveing to spend gems to refresh now I am at 2650 and losing patience with this game as a whole.

I'm not speaking for you. I'm speaking for myself. And my personal opinion is that the change is a good one. I'm enjoying it.

Mar 31, 2022, 07:0903/31/22
Arena is crap again

Always was. But I second this, right now it's even more crap.

With the changes to matchmaking and the introduction of g5, no longer you see single character defences, no longer can you farm easier teams and no longer do you get many beatable teams on the list anymore. 

Yesterday I woke up to find out to my amusement that I lost 200 points overnight -> straight into the beginning of g3 while having a full party defence up. 


(My clan is not much into CvC so I don't have amulets or banners but all four have CvC rings.)

Then, for the first time in my 1,5 years of playing, I had to spend gems on Arena to get back to g4, ~500 of them. Keep in mind, I got Arbiter when the "they are not bots they are accounts from a different server segment please don't call them this" were not yet active. While climbing, I found out that accounts in G2 (I was offered those in the beginning in the top positions on the list) not only all have Arbiter, but also at 350+ speed pre aura (yes, mine is slow at 349, not a single time did I get the first turn). Not even speaking about g4 accounts, those are supposedly even faster so I switched to def/res team and, in 5 hours, managed to grind back to g4. 

After playing all this time, my Great hall is not far away from being all golden with several level 9 and 10 slots, I have a number of decent gear pieces (proven by having Lydia, kinda), a huge number of Arena-specific champions (Lydia, Wythir, obviously Arbiter, Lilitu, Vogoth, Sandlashed, Valkyrie, Riho, Deacon Armstrong x3 two of which are arena-built, Genbo against Leoruses, Big Un against Rotoses, etc - all maxed and most fully booked. The only top tier arena champion I don't have which isn't a void legendary is Madame Serris so I had to replace her with a 500 acc. Kymar 😢). I can choose a counter team for many Arena team archetypes, like "here Hegemon - need immunity or res team, here Warlord - need res team, here stoneskin Cardinal - Lydia def, here speed nuke - might toss a coin to see who's faster". Newer players don't have this luxury, their only strategy is "attack an Arbiter team and see if my High Khatun in 4* gear is faster". 

Thing is, I'm neither complaining (I expect nothing good from this game so I'm never disappointed whatever happens) nor bragging but I cannot even imagine how hard might it be for a newer player to participate in Arena right now, considering that I, with all the resources at my disposal, am struggling to win against not only g4 but also g2 teams. Also, the recent traditional "this is silver X now" posts switched from "why are there 4 legendary teams with a no aura lead in s4" to "why are all 10 defences is s3 Arbiter teams" so I guess it's not only Gold that was hit. Recently you could get points by attacking single defences - the introduction of g5 got rid of those. Recently you could safely attack teams of your progress/power level or lower - now you get 2 points for winning and God forbid you lose once. Recently you could find "attemptable" (not beatable, but at least looking like you have a chance of winning) teams on each refresh - now you could do several refreshes only worsening the picture.

Conclusion/tldr: current Arena system is DOA to begin with but recent changes managed to make it even worse, requiring your account to be strongly developed and you to have extensive knowledge of Arena strategies and champions to be competitive enough to keep your position not even speaking about progressing; thus making it much harder for newer players to achieve their goals (in progress missions of GH building). Nothing will be done of course but my opinion is something should be done asap.


What's the point of the game if not for the challenge? :) 

Challenge begins when your GH is maxed out and you're competing in Platinum. Before that Arena is just another PvE grind, this time for gold medals, and the only challenge in it is maintaining a 100% winrate and using all of your attack tokens every day. Also, what challenge is there in a mode where your productivity depends on casino mechanics - in shard pulls, artifact acquisition and artifact leveling.

Mar 31, 2022, 07:0903/31/22

I'm not speaking for you. I'm speaking for myself. And my personal opinion is that the change is a good one. I'm enjoying it.

YHeah but you're end game, you've done it all, for the majority of players who are trying to progress these changes have made it 100% more difficult, and it's not just a question of 'get good' thats what everyone is doing all the time, but with so many missions locked behind arena/great hall it's no suprise that especially after this latest 'update' people are hugely frustrated and if my clan is anything to go by leaving the game

Mar 31, 2022, 08:0203/31/22

Personally the problem with this sort of extra 'challenge' that makes it 'not' fun for me is that in order to stay in g4 i dont have to 'improve my skills' or anything like that...i have to spend more time in arena compensating for the extra hits.

I already find the game eats up too much time without having to do even more arena to stay in G4.

Mar 31, 2022, 09:4803/31/22

Is there any offical word on the arena?

Is it working as intended now?

I've been half looking for an excuse to stop playing, maybe slipping out of G4 after 2 years is it

Mar 31, 2022, 09:5203/31/22

This fusion is also feeling a little impossible now due to the arena <fix / breakage - delete as appropriate>

Mar 31, 2022, 11:5203/31/22

I was just trying a different arena team as an experiment

I lost the fight

I lost 17 points

Then I tried my normal team and won

I won 4 points

So I'm now 13 points down from wining 1 and losing 1

That seems real broke to me! 

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