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Special Champ Training Tourny

Special Champ Training Tourny

Mar 21, 2022, 22:0603/21/22

You too, huh? Here's mine....


Mine has been running in the background today, so I *could* do a lot of work in the tavern later, but no way I am competing with that. 36k every 12 hours is, uhhhh, a thing....


Call and raise

Mar 21, 2022, 22:0903/21/22

Wow,  i'd  probably  be  in  despair  in  either  of  those  groups.    Hard  to  know  if  any  areholding  back  or  spending  all  right  now  but  as  it  is  i'm  neither  giving  up  or  thinking  it's  mine.    Lol  we'll  know  in  a  week.

Good luck Angwil! Win it for all of the Forum Scrubs Crew. (Cause I am def not able to challenge what is now 38k since my check in 45 minutes ago.. 0_0..... lol)

Mar 21, 2022, 22:1003/21/22


Call and raise

OMG. That is INSANE. Literal insanity.

At the end of this we need to collect high scores and then calculate backwards how many gems that would cost. I mean, all of the costs are known, so we can actually figure this out. lol

Mar 21, 2022, 22:2703/21/22

OMG. That is INSANE. Literal insanity.

At the end of this we need to collect high scores and then calculate backwards how many gems that would cost. I mean, all of the costs are known, so we can actually figure this out. lol

I mean ... we could always just look at the global rankings at the end, instead :) But yes, I am going to do some back-of-the-envelope to see how much it might have cost...

Mar 21, 2022, 22:4003/21/22

I want to know highest 2nd place score, aka biggest loser

Mar 21, 2022, 22:4003/21/22

I mean ... we could always just look at the global rankings at the end, instead :) But yes, I am going to do some back-of-the-envelope to see how much it might have cost...

I am interested more in the costs in our individual tournies than the global leaderboard. Hopefully there is SOME gap there, for some of us, but that is something we shall see. Otherwise, none of us will have come close to winning. XD XD

Mar 21, 2022, 22:4403/21/22

I want to know highest 2nd place score, aka biggest loser

You know there are gonna be some brackets with two uber-whale kraken boys who both just refuse to lose. Especially with the way the brackets seem to work.... Like the nonsense with the two teams that dropped 81.6 million and 61.4 million on the CvC two back, all for a couple 6 star accessories and a little gold trophy icon. XD XD

Mar 22, 2022, 00:1303/22/22

This is why I am cutting my play time way back.

What is the point if people are willing to spend this kind of resources for a champ they most likely have already.

Yes sour grapes here and proud of it.


Mar 22, 2022, 00:2403/22/22

This is why I am cutting my play time way back.

What is the point if people are willing to spend this kind of resources for a champ they most likely have already.

Yes sour grapes here and proud of it.



Stop worrying about the whale poop that has no impact on you whatsoever...

I don't think any low spenders have a chance in this, even Uber saver OP (i am rooting i am wrong).  But imagine using all those resources and finishing 2nd... 

I have 16 training points so far, but I will enjoy watching this thread from the bottom of my group. 

Mar 22, 2022, 00:3003/22/22


Stop worrying about the whale poop that has no impact on you whatsoever...

I don't think any low spenders have a chance in this, even Uber saver OP (i am rooting i am wrong).  But imagine using all those resources and finishing 2nd... 

I have 16 training points so far, but I will enjoy watching this thread from the bottom of my group. 

Oh I am not trying just not fun to never bother in all the tourneys IMO

Mar 22, 2022, 00:3903/22/22

could i put up 40-50k? yea. will i? nope. might grab the lego book though, purely because i need to use some chickens and level some champs.

first hour of this tourney showed how easily some people can pump out 20-30k points, so i expect to see people going off like crazy the last hour of the tourney.  and we're only like 15 hours in to a 7 day event...

as much as i'd love to have a krisk, the risk to reward here is a big nope.  I'm with trips, waiting to see who got 2nd place with 100k points.

Mar 22, 2022, 00:4503/22/22

My group is for mashalled. I already have him so I feel fine saving my energy for the upcoming fusion, not that I would ever stand a chance of winning. BTW the pre fusion freebie event is up.

Will be fun watching people go crazy during this training event though, as of writing this on the global leader board someone already has 150k points.

Mar 22, 2022, 00:4603/22/22

could i put up 40-50k? yea. will i? nope. might grab the lego book though, purely because i need to use some chickens and level some champs.

first hour of this tourney showed how easily some people can pump out 20-30k points, so i expect to see people going off like crazy the last hour of the tourney.  and we're only like 15 hours in to a 7 day event...

as much as i'd love to have a krisk, the risk to reward here is a big nope.  I'm with trips, waiting to see who got 2nd place with 100k points.

That has got to be a low estimate, 100k points, I would think.

And yeah, if people can jump to an easy 10k+ in the first hour, I would expect some tourney shenanigans and snipes here on day 7 of 7, final hour.

Mar 22, 2022, 01:0203/22/22

I think you'd have a shot even in some of the tougher brackets just due to the resources you've got available, the food you had ready, and just your general prep for it. Krisk is one of those champs that depending on how you value them (I want him for one of the super goofy CB comps), worth really shooting for. Do you have a plan for him?

Looking forward to your future W, despite your measured take on the situation. :)

Tbh  I don't really have a plan. Other than to push for G5 or maybe even platinum. I'm not exactly sure who I'd match them with  yet.    

Mar 22, 2022, 01:0703/22/22

I want to know highest 2nd place score, aka biggest loser

Lol  already  seeing  my  future?  Jk  but  the  thought is definitely with me.

Mar 22, 2022, 01:1103/22/22

You know there are gonna be some brackets with two uber-whale kraken boys who both just refuse to lose. Especially with the way the brackets seem to work.... Like the nonsense with the two teams that dropped 81.6 million and 61.4 million on the CvC two back, all for a couple 6 star accessories and a little gold trophy icon. XD XD

Do you remember the two French clans?  They eath  scored like 30 million points in  CVC?  My clan got the exact same rewards as the winner in that contest by only doing  5  million points.  Lol

Mar 22, 2022, 01:4803/22/22

Tbh  I don't really have a plan. Other than to push for G5 or maybe even platinum. I'm not exactly sure who I'd match them with  yet.    

I honestly don't think krisk is all that great for high end arena.  Lady kimi destroys krisk defensive teams :) 

And no offense to anyone, but wasting any resources on goofy cb teams is the ultimate head scratcher to me.  I haven't touched my old school 2key skullcrusher tower comp in almost 2 years. 

Now I am guessing krisk is good for hydra, but I am a noob at that just collecting 3 chests a week with 3 quick runs.  But the passive has to be great for it.

Other than that I don't see where I would use. 

Mar 22, 2022, 02:2203/22/22

I honestly don't think krisk is all that great for high end arena.  Lady kimi destroys krisk defensive teams :) 

And no offense to anyone, but wasting any resources on goofy cb teams is the ultimate head scratcher to me.  I haven't touched my old school 2key skullcrusher tower comp in almost 2 years. 

Now I am guessing krisk is good for hydra, but I am a noob at that just collecting 3 chests a week with 3 quick runs.  But the passive has to be great for it.

Other than that I don't see where I would use. 

I think at some point in the game (if you're not pushing super end game PvP, trying to beat hard DT stages at the speed of light, etc.) then it's just about whatever you enjoy doing. Some people like seeing the high score go brrrr. But if we're talking efficiency of resources you're likely correct, for almost everyone. 

I'd want Krisk for Hydra/CB, but then again I haven't bothered with the Toragi/Brogni/etc. comp because I don't want to lock up my Brogni/Lydia/Valk/etc. (whichever direction I could go) in CB, versus having a Demy/Heir comp that already one keys. 

Mar 22, 2022, 07:0303/22/22

Do you remember the two French clans?  They eath  scored like 30 million points in  CVC?  My clan got the exact same rewards as the winner in that contest by only doing  5  million points.  Lol

I do. Silliness.

I also remember the fight even more recent where the two clans scored a combined 143 million trying to prove who could whale the most. And the winning clan got as many accessories as my clan did. The losing clan, who scored I think 57ish million more than mine, got less rewards than my clan did. Rough life, innit? XD

Mar 22, 2022, 10:3703/22/22

another event that will exacerbate the frustration of many players, rather than creating pseudo tournaments for whales, plarium should sell the champions directly.

this game becomes a permanent frustration, x2 or x10 which give nothing or while shitty champions that all players have double or triple.

an arena that has been zero for months and nothing is being done to remedy it.

the hydra is the most useless content of the game besides very few players are really interested in it.

the doom tower where on certain floors or certain bosses that can only be passed if you have 2 or 3 well-targeted champions in your team, otherwise it is guaranteed blockage.

in short, this game that I enjoyed at the beginning, is starting to bug me.


ce jeu devient une frustration permanente ,encore un event qui va exacerber la frustration de nombreux joueurs ,plutot que de creer des pseudo tournois pour baleines ,plarium devrait vendre directement les champions .

des x2 ou x10 qui ne donnent rien ou alors que des champions de merde que tous les joueurs on en double ou triple .

une arene qui est nulle depuis des mois et dont rien n 'est fais pour y remedier.

l'hydre est le contenu le plus inutile du jeu d'ailleur tres peu de joueurs s'y interesse vraiment .

la doom tower où sur certains etages ou certains boss qui ne peuvent etre passés que si on a dans son equipe 2 ou 3 champions bien ciblés sinon c'est le blocage assurré .

bref ce jeu que j appreciai au debut,  commence à me casser les noix.