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Champs max but not powerful

Champs max but not powerful

Oct 11, 2022, 17:2810/11/22

Why concentrate on rare champion? Because that is fare worst than Epic or Legendary ones. Maybe Khael is worth, but compare my list. I just really few rare champion raised to lvl60. I also started with Kael, and I get Ninja. But my first rare to lvl 60 vas Coldheart.

Only 4 lvl 60 character was: Coldheart, Pain Keeper, Aphotechary, Curpulent Cadaver ... but wait for a proper legos for endless shield team.


Do not waiste time for rares. You have great legos.

Respectfully, I don't see what this has to do with OP at all. He doesn't have your quality of legos, nor gear. Would love to get him using Kymar at some point but that's going to take gear and books. 

So we're focusing on a team that includes one rare (the one you mentioned, even), and furthermore there are many epics/legendaries that would be worse investments for buggs relative to the best rares. 

I would also say Coldheart being the first rare to 60 is going to be a massive mistake for most players beginning in the game given that she can't campaign farm, has fairly high stat requirements, doesn't help us progress in CB, is going to be worse in Dragon.

Oct 11, 2022, 18:1510/11/22

I like Kymar. But my gear. Ugh. I have Kymar on my team sometimes. 

I have already posted my Dragon team. I switch one of the champs for others to see if it helps. It don't. i keep everyone except Kymar, Magnarr. Those two I have tried. So I keep Kael, Ninja, Miscreated Monster, Kymar I think for revive, then Magnar. I switch Magnar with I don't know. Dhukk or something. But nothing helps. Maybe I should switch someone else. Maybe it's just bad artifacts to progress in Dragon. 

I have no clue. But I'll post my current Dragon team again tonight. I'm in bed now. 

Oct 11, 2022, 18:2310/11/22

Scyl, Not Kymar I use. I don't know Kymar. I have him though I think. 

So here's my D16 team. 



Oct 11, 2022, 18:4110/11/22

I would like to get Dhukk in there with Kael/Ninja/Scyl as the core of that team. Ideally we can get Scyl fast and tanky enough to keep your team alive. I think defense down would go a long way to speeding up runs. Magnarr won't be as useful on Stage 20 due to affinity issues, too.

Oct 11, 2022, 19:3710/11/22

That team can win D17 but not always. And I have no idea how I did D16 under 1:30. 

So I have put in Dhukk instead of Magnar with no difference in outcome. 

So I'm confused now how to consistently beat D17. 

Oct 11, 2022, 20:0810/11/22

I would farm 16 and get upgrades for your team right now, I think that'd be my approach. Then we're just trying to get to 20 with a team that can beat and farm it consistently. 

Oct 11, 2022, 21:3110/11/22
Oct 11, 2022, 21:32(edited)

Your team is fine for D20, once you get the gear. Eventually, you'll be dropping Miscreated Monster from the team, as Ninja and Scyl will be more than enough to keep the waves CC'ed, and you'll likely replace him with someone like Dhukk for AOE DEF down.

But the thing is, D17 is blue - and Magnarr is one of your biggest damage dealers, especially for waves. On blue, he's going to suffer enormously. On the flipside, the entire rest of your team is blue, and they gain no benefit at all on blue vs on void.

D19 is your sweet spot with that team. It's green, which means all your blue champs will do much more damage. On D20 you'll be replacing Magnarr with a blue-affinity or red-affinity nuker.

Oct 11, 2022, 22:3610/11/22

Will D16 artifacts improve my team from the artifacts they're using now? I'll show the artifacts tonight/tomorrow for the team above. 

im also farming 12-3 Brutal for coins to upgrade arti krama suggested to filter for. I'm using food to upgrade champs to use in FW. 

im not sure who's good elsewhere or even in FW. I'm just doing this to get coin as I'll need a ton to upgrade artifacts and at the same time upgrade champs for FW. 

Oct 12, 2022, 09:4810/12/22

Just got this from D16. Is it good?


Oct 12, 2022, 10:2210/12/22

Just got this from D16. Is it good?


I would sell this piece.

You're looking for Crit Rate or Crit Damage main stat on most all your gloves. HP% on gloves for your tankiest support champs that don't do damage.

If those gloves had crit rate and attack switched, it would be a fine piece, although if I was being super critical, I would still regret it not having a speed substat.

Oct 12, 2022, 14:5610/12/22

Thanks. How about these?




Oct 12, 2022, 15:1710/12/22

The boots are great. Not perfect, but given your other gear, 100% worth upgrading.

Both weapons are also solid. Worth taking to 12, but probably not to 16.

Oct 12, 2022, 15:2110/12/22

But I have to look at Kael and see what he's got. 

16 is better then 12 and I can always get coin. So when people say not up max champs and arti don't get it. 

Oct 12, 2022, 15:2510/12/22

Should I replace the boots?


Oct 12, 2022, 15:4810/12/22

No question, yes, you should. The extra speed is worth it. See if you can drop some CR on your other gear, now that you'll be over 100% CR. In fact, given Kael's A2 has a CR bonus, I'd say you should consider seeing if you can find CDMG gloves instead of CR gloves.

Oct 12, 2022, 15:4910/12/22

But I have to look at Kael and see what he's got. 

16 is better then 12 and I can always get coin. So when people say not up max champs and arti don't get it. 

If you're using the weapons on DEF or HP champs, upgrading to 16 yields no benefit on the primary stat, since they gain nothing from ATK. So all you get is a small amount of extra substats. It's not useless, but there are better uses of your silver.

Oct 14, 2022, 02:0110/14/22

Lol duh. ^^^ I didn't think of that. For the arti def when atk makes no difference etc. duh haha. 

putting those boots on lost Kael hp. So I'm almost concerned he can't solo as good anymore. But as long as I stick with 12-3 brutal for now he's ok. 

what good is an extra 10 speed in this case? Vs losing over 1k hp. 

im glad so much he's finally 100% crit. 95% ain't too shabby. 

Oct 15, 2022, 18:1810/15/22


Oct 15, 2022, 20:0910/15/22

Lol duh. ^^^ I didn't think of that. For the arti def when atk makes no difference etc. duh haha. 

putting those boots on lost Kael hp. So I'm almost concerned he can't solo as good anymore. But as long as I stick with 12-3 brutal for now he's ok. 

what good is an extra 10 speed in this case? Vs losing over 1k hp. 

im glad so much he's finally 100% crit. 95% ain't too shabby. 

The goal for most dungeon teams is to just not take damage. You do that either by clearing the waves before they can damage you, or by CCing them, or both.

The dragon boss does very little damage. Most of the time you'll be dying to waves, if you die at all. Your team has three AoE CC moves, so the waves really shouldn't be damaging you at all. Hence, you shift all your focus towards clearing them fast. 10 extra speed means you get to cycle through turns faster, which lets you get your A2 and A3 back faster, which in turn lets you clear the waves faster.

Oct 16, 2022, 07:1310/16/22

The Dragon boss is what kills me. I always make it to him. He's nasty ha.