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Champs max but not powerful

Champs max but not powerful

Oct 5, 2022, 18:0810/05/22

Can't. The tv is 1080p as is the laptop. 

i wonder if it's scaling. But can't change that if I want to see. Lol. Sheesh. 

Oct 5, 2022, 18:2310/05/22

Can't. The tv is 1080p as is the laptop. 

i wonder if it's scaling. But can't change that if I want to see. Lol. Sheesh. 

Yeah, this sounds like a job for Google search. 😭

Oct 6, 2022, 03:4810/06/22

it's on YouTube. Common issue. 

Oct 6, 2022, 13:3910/06/22
Oct 6, 2022, 13:40(edited)

So right now I'm doing brutal 12-3 to upgrade food to upgrade champs I use in faction war. Then this gets me coins. I do daily missions etc. When I get a bunch of coins I'll filter artifacts like krama suggested and upgrade to 16 that I can afford. But I'm waiting till I get maybe 15 mil coins or so. 

Oct 6, 2022, 18:3110/06/22

So right now I'm doing brutal 12-3 to upgrade food to upgrade champs I use in faction war. Then this gets me coins. I do daily missions etc. When I get a bunch of coins I'll filter artifacts like krama suggested and upgrade to 16 that I can afford. But I'm waiting till I get maybe 15 mil coins or so. 

Try to wait for artifact enhancement events. You'll get rewards for upgrading, which helps offset some of the cost. Also, I'd advise against upgrading faction war champs just for faction wars. Try to make sure that the ones you are upgrading also bring value elsewhere. Don't upgrade random faction champs just for FW - at least not yet.

Oct 7, 2022, 04:2510/07/22

Oh boy. That's too much lol. I don't know. I have a hard time with patience trying to figure out who for what with who etc. I just want to play lol. Not have to think. 

i don't mind the thinking etc. it's just hard for me to understand things. There's so many things. Tons of artifacts. Tons of stats an

Oct 7, 2022, 04:2510/07/22

Why does this site break my typing a reply? It freezes the text box here and I can't type or delete etc. 

Oct 7, 2022, 07:3010/07/22

i Agree krama. I'll wait till I have a bunch of coins and upgrade during an upgrade artifact event. Thank you. 

i don't know about stuff unless I look at HH and who's to say that stuff is right on? Reading his site makes see this chat box froze again. I can't use the back/delete button

Oct 7, 2022, 13:0810/07/22

Why does this site break my typing a reply? It freezes the text box here and I can't type or delete etc. 

You using it on mobile? The site has issues with some mobile devices.

Oct 7, 2022, 15:5910/07/22

Yep. Lol. It only started happening a few days ago and only sometimes. Does anyone have any ideas? Anyone that works for plarium or the guys who made the forum? Can we tell them and ask them to fix it?

Oct 7, 2022, 16:0210/07/22

Yep. Lol. It only started happening a few days ago and only sometimes. Does anyone have any ideas? Anyone that works for plarium or the guys who made the forum? Can we tell them and ask them to fix it?

Oh, this is a HUGE improvement from where it was.

But it is a known bug, yes, and on the list to be fixed.

If you are having extra trouble, it could be an update for your particular firmware causing the difference between before and now. Some people type their responses in a notepad style app and just copy and paste into the forum. I know that may not be a *fun* solution or the best one, but it's the one I know works at least.

Oct 7, 2022, 17:3810/07/22

i don't remember this happening before a few days ago. 

musing a note app is a good idea. Major pain though. 

Oct 7, 2022, 19:1010/07/22

I still use the notes app myself, but honestly this is a vast improvement over earlier this year :D

Just much easier to edit/say what you're trying to say then the convenient copy + paste. 

Oct 8, 2022, 07:5710/08/22

I wasnt posting earlier this year. I don't think. So I wouldn't know. 

But it's frustrating. 

So I'm trying to decide when to upgrade artifacts like Krama suggested to filter. I know during an upgrade event. But I'm not sure when. Like wait till I can upgrade a lot of them or what. Because it's costly. 

Oct 10, 2022, 11:0810/10/22
Oct 10, 2022, 11:09(edited)

Any suggestions?

Oct 10, 2022, 16:2310/10/22

I wasnt posting earlier this year. I don't think. So I wouldn't know. 

But it's frustrating. 

So I'm trying to decide when to upgrade artifacts like Krama suggested to filter. I know during an upgrade event. But I'm not sure when. Like wait till I can upgrade a lot of them or what. Because it's costly. 

I'd probably suggest just upgrading at each event. Reaching D20 is a really important milestone, much more so than any other possible optimization in terms of events/etc.

Just make sure you pick the right items to upgrade. If you're unsure, post it here first. Likely you'll only be able to do 4-5 per event, so make sure they're the right ones.

Oct 10, 2022, 17:2110/10/22

Thank you. Ugh. The right ones. 

why is D20 so important? whats so great?

Im a bit frustrated though. My Kael hasn't improved for months except when I mastered him according to HH. 

And I just don't get why I can beat D17 but only sometimes. So frustrating. 

Oct 10, 2022, 17:3010/10/22

Thank you. Ugh. The right ones. 

why is D20 so important? whats so great?

Im a bit frustrated though. My Kael hasn't improved for months except when I mastered him according to HH. 

And I just don't get why I can beat D17 but only sometimes. So frustrating. 

D20 is important for two reasons:

1) Higher levels mean better drop rates. That's always good. Energy cost of 16-20 are all the same, so the higher up you go, the better chance you have for useful artifacts

2) More importantly, though, at 20 specifically, 4* artifacts stop dropping. Considering 4* artifacts are pretty much universally a sell, that's a massive improvement in quality.

Comparing 16 to 20, for example, at 16, you have a 40% chance of getting a 4* artifact. That means you're almost doubling your potential useful artifact pool at 20.

As for why you can only beat 17 sometimes - I expect it comes down to affinity differences. D16 is void, which means you'll never face weak hits. 17, though, is magic - so any of your champs that are spirit will be having their damage significantly impaired, and, more importantly, having their likelihood of landing debuffs reduced by almost 50%. On top of that, they'll take more damage.

Oct 10, 2022, 18:0210/10/22

I believe kram meant energy cost of 17-20 are all the same, and from an energy efficiency standpoint 16 and 20 are just so much better than 17-19. 

16/20/24 are the big benchmarks to hit in Dungeon farming excluding CvC.

Oct 11, 2022, 08:2010/11/22

Why concentrate on rare champion? Because that is fare worst than Epic or Legendary ones. Maybe Khael is worth, but compare my list. I just really few rare champion raised to lvl60. I also started with Kael, and I get Ninja. But my first rare to lvl 60 vas Coldheart.

Only 4 lvl 60 character was: Coldheart, Pain Keeper, Aphotechary, Curpulent Cadaver ... but wait for a proper legos for endless shield team.


Do not waiste time for rares. You have great legos.