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Arena is back to being ridiculous.

Arena is back to being ridiculous.

Jan 11, 2022, 20:3601/11/22

If you make it into Gold, and especially Gold 4, first of all, congrats! 

However, your player level doesn't actually matter, as spending money on packs accelerates the strength of an account far beyond the player level would indicate. Player Level just shows how long you've been doing dailies, playing tourneys, and for people like me, I need every bit of XP and gem I can get to use on energy. Once you are above 50 or so, level can be very deceiving, and doesn't really tell a long term player much, if at all. If anything, seeing a level 55-60 player kicking butt in high Gold just shows me they have spent money on Raid, while I have not.

Bronze and Silver matchmake pretty much exclusively based on things like Player Power. Gold does not. Once you make it into Gold, you have to fight for your spot. And not becuase there still isn't matchmaking, cause there is, but becuase the quality of opponent goes up significantly. As you progress further and further up Gold4, into 4k and up from Friday onwards, you will see much stronger opponents than you are even talking about.

Also, I would DEFINITELY hit a 4 legendary, 540k power arena team. That's why I have a Yoshi and a Serris built! :)

Thanks but.... i am on G4 not because ive done something spectacular but only because system here is broken :(

To get G4 ( gold medals needed for Arbiter) I just refreshing pages for single team champs ( players that want to lower their Arena score for getting easier fights) and looking for teams that are on G3-G4 even if Silver4 is to much for them ( and there some).

In any other game ive played this was not possible because system block it .... here to get G4 is like stealing candy for a baby :) Because of that i said that picking fight is a wrong system !

Ive seen a 63 lv that was improved via CARD but still for me to be 90 or 100 player and to attack lv 60 one seems .... difficult to explain . In any game ive played my goal was to beat players better than me on some moment and not to go for easy victories - an in Raid that seems as national sport :)

I writte on some previous post - today I was attacked 14 times ( and only 1 player was lv 78 , rest from 88 up) and my friend (96 lv) only once . So as i said ... here people are looking for cheap easy victories .

I wont be see what will happen from Friday since in 2 days I will get Arbiter ( was a personal goal to get it before lv 60) ,  give up and leave the account to my friend.

Regarding that player wit all 4 legos 4+... is funny because my friend told me that he never actually saw in arena a player with 4 legos on 4+ so seems that I was really lucky  :) ( now i regret that i didnt made a photo with that page ) 

Jan 12, 2022, 04:5801/12/22

I don't know what it's like in platinum or gold IV

but gold I and II is nothing but a sea of shield sets, multiple life steals, and multiple healers/resurrectors. 

Jan 12, 2022, 12:3801/12/22

I don't know what it's like in platinum or gold IV

but gold I and II is nothing but a sea of shield sets, multiple life steals, and multiple healers/resurrectors. 

Daveytan  is  correct.

Shield  Set  become  extremely popular  for  Middle  Game  Players.

Silver  2  to  Gold  2  is  the  Arena  range  they  are  often  seen.

Most  Early  Game  players  (Bronze  1  to  Silver  1)  don't run  Shield  sets  because Fire  Knight  is  a  tough  dungeon  to  farm  starting  out.

Shield  sets  become more  popular  in  Middle  Game  because players  begin  to  be  able  to  farm  Fire  Knight  with  some  success.

Platinum  &  Gold  4  do  have  Shield  set  team,  but  they  are  not  the  same  as  in  the  lower  teirs.

Silver  2  to  Gold  2  -  Players  often  run  High  Shields  with  heroes  who  have  High  ACC

This  means  the  teams  can  Block  hits  with the Shield  +  Do  a  Debuffing  Counter  Attack

It  is  very  effective in  Lower  Tiers.

In  the  Higher  Tiers,  The  above  strategy doesn't  work.

The  issue  is  in  higher  tiers  players  begin  to  counter  High  Shield  +  High  ACC teams.

They  will  counter  by  using  a  faster  team  with  a  hero  who  removes  Buffs.

-  Madam  Serris  is  an  example


They  will  counter  by  using  a  faster  team  with  a  hero  who  does  Crowd  Control.

-  Shirimani  is  an  example

As  a  result  to  the  above  counters,  Players  change  the  way  they  build  Shield  teams.

What  often  happens  is  the  High  Shield  players  begin  applying High  Resistance.

-  High  Shield  to  block  enemy  hit

-  High  Resistance to  prevent  enemy  from  stripping  the  Shield  Buff  or  prevent  enemy  from  trying  to  do  crowd  control  lock  on  the  team

High  Shield  +  High  Resistance teams  are  effectiv,  but  they  do  come  at  a  cost.

Most  heroes  can't  do  debuffs  at  that  point.

Jan 12, 2022, 14:5301/12/22
Jan 12, 2022, 14:54(edited)

with all things said and done, if you dont wanna spend half a months sallary on this game or "work" all day long, then you better be a Masochist if you wanna "enjoy" Arena in its current State.

At this point I am just thankful they did not made the so called "Tag Team" Arena (which it still isnt) mandatory because there its even worse!

Basically the message is this; if you think this is "F2P" or you can play "for fun" or "casual" then gtfo! Not a very "nice" message to give to your players imo!

Jan 12, 2022, 23:3501/12/22

with all things said and done, if you dont wanna spend half a months sallary on this game or "work" all day long, then you better be a Masochist if you wanna "enjoy" Arena in its current State.

At this point I am just thankful they did not made the so called "Tag Team" Arena (which it still isnt) mandatory because there its even worse!

Basically the message is this; if you think this is "F2P" or you can play "for fun" or "casual" then gtfo! Not a very "nice" message to give to your players imo!

I don't really agree with much of the first half of your post, unfortunately. You don't need to spend much if at all to do well in the vast majority of arena, even Gold IV. Also while there is work involved, I don't view it as an all day affair. In the end you can decide where you want to allocate your time in the game.

Depending on where you're trying to get in arena, I don't think it should be casual, either. The top ~1k players in arena (Gold IV + Plat) in all of Raid should likely have to do some work to get and stay there, if the game is competitive at all. 

Like I tell everyone who is unhappy with the state of arena in these threads, there are some very, very good players that frequent this forum and you can always give picking their brains for advice a shot. If their advice doesn't work for you, that's fine but at least you can say you tried. 

Jan 13, 2022, 00:2401/13/22

I don't really agree with much of the first half of your post, unfortunately. You don't need to spend much if at all to do well in the vast majority of arena, even Gold IV. Also while there is work involved, I don't view it as an all day affair. In the end you can decide where you want to allocate your time in the game.

Depending on where you're trying to get in arena, I don't think it should be casual, either. The top ~1k players in arena (Gold IV + Plat) in all of Raid should likely have to do some work to get and stay there, if the game is competitive at all. 

Like I tell everyone who is unhappy with the state of arena in these threads, there are some very, very good players that frequent this forum and you can always give picking their brains for advice a shot. If their advice doesn't work for you, that's fine but at least you can say you tried. 

I really appreciate what you are trying to do! Under different circumstances, I would completely agree with you but the main problem is not the skill of the players but that Arena IS broken.

Sure, you can always "gitgud", no doubt and I am sure there are endless strategies to manage even higher up teams, which I did couple of times but this is not what this is about.

The main problem is the "design philosophy" of Arena.

Let me try to put it differently. Imagine a Soccer Team that has been just founded and is starting in the lowest leagues. Such a Team surely does not have the best Trainer or the best Players initially right? (well, in most cases at the least), therefore they have to start on the very bottom. The bottom Leagues dont have the best Teams obviously, but since your own Team isnt very good, the competition is still quite fierce, since there are many other teams who just started and try to make it into higher Leagues. This would be "Bronze 1" in Raid.

Now some questions: should this Team, who just started and consists mainly of "rookie players" be put against Teams from Top Leagues? would fans consider this "fair"? Why would Top Teams even waste their time playing in rookie leagues where there is so much less for them to gain? Now imagine someone telling this "High School Team" to "gitgud" to beat the likes of "Real Madrid"! do you think they would accept this as "good advice" or declare the one telling it to them "crazy"?

You might think this does not apply to Gold but it does. Meeting Teams consisting of the best Legos this game has to offer with "+something" and "Godly Gear" as early as Gold 1 is like meeting a Team from Champions League as early as second or third League...constantly! Its no longer a "Challenge" to overcome but a Wall impossible to pass.

Nobody really minds the competitiveness in Arena, thats what its there for and nobody feels "entitled" to be in Gold or Platinum (well at least nobody with common sense). What players miss is a clear definition of what levels offer what kind of challenge to overcome. A player who just started and is building his first all rare Arena Team cannot be expected to "gitgud" against a Platinum Arbiter 400 Speed, Rotos +2, Siphi +3, etc. Team.

I really dont understand why players just can not acknowledge the OBVIOUS broken mechanics of Arena! I mean, what do you have to lose if Plarium is forced to find a Solution to make Arena more "balanced"? If you do have "mastered" the Arena and have competitive Teams that can easily reach the higher Stages, chances are nothing is going to change for you! Its the players on the very bottom, who start new or struggle with Missions and Great Hall who are complaining. Platinum Players should be just fine in any case!

Sorry for the long reply but I just wanted to make this as clear as possible.

Jan 13, 2022, 01:4801/13/22

I really appreciate what you are trying to do! Under different circumstances, I would completely agree with you but the main problem is not the skill of the players but that Arena IS broken.

Sure, you can always "gitgud", no doubt and I am sure there are endless strategies to manage even higher up teams, which I did couple of times but this is not what this is about.

The main problem is the "design philosophy" of Arena.

Let me try to put it differently. Imagine a Soccer Team that has been just founded and is starting in the lowest leagues. Such a Team surely does not have the best Trainer or the best Players initially right? (well, in most cases at the least), therefore they have to start on the very bottom. The bottom Leagues dont have the best Teams obviously, but since your own Team isnt very good, the competition is still quite fierce, since there are many other teams who just started and try to make it into higher Leagues. This would be "Bronze 1" in Raid.

Now some questions: should this Team, who just started and consists mainly of "rookie players" be put against Teams from Top Leagues? would fans consider this "fair"? Why would Top Teams even waste their time playing in rookie leagues where there is so much less for them to gain? Now imagine someone telling this "High School Team" to "gitgud" to beat the likes of "Real Madrid"! do you think they would accept this as "good advice" or declare the one telling it to them "crazy"?

You might think this does not apply to Gold but it does. Meeting Teams consisting of the best Legos this game has to offer with "+something" and "Godly Gear" as early as Gold 1 is like meeting a Team from Champions League as early as second or third League...constantly! Its no longer a "Challenge" to overcome but a Wall impossible to pass.

Nobody really minds the competitiveness in Arena, thats what its there for and nobody feels "entitled" to be in Gold or Platinum (well at least nobody with common sense). What players miss is a clear definition of what levels offer what kind of challenge to overcome. A player who just started and is building his first all rare Arena Team cannot be expected to "gitgud" against a Platinum Arbiter 400 Speed, Rotos +2, Siphi +3, etc. Team.

I really dont understand why players just can not acknowledge the OBVIOUS broken mechanics of Arena! I mean, what do you have to lose if Plarium is forced to find a Solution to make Arena more "balanced"? If you do have "mastered" the Arena and have competitive Teams that can easily reach the higher Stages, chances are nothing is going to change for you! Its the players on the very bottom, who start new or struggle with Missions and Great Hall who are complaining. Platinum Players should be just fine in any case!

Sorry for the long reply but I just wanted to make this as clear as possible.

Because it has been broken for so long people are used to it and accept it for what it is, that my theroy at least.

Jan 13, 2022, 01:5501/13/22

i see how you are, I post this Idea I am a Quack, someone else posts it and it is great 😢

I would love to see other ways to get medals. Sometimes I just NOT in the mood to Arena.

So if you said it, I agree with you too. :)

Jan 13, 2022, 10:4001/13/22

Yup... sliding again against 100k power teams which are all uber fast and powerful .. was gold IV .. now gold II and dropping

Jan 17, 2022, 18:2901/17/22
Jan 17, 2022, 18:34(edited)

It is humiliating to see people with power 200, 300K to fight with players under 100K. This means that the game, is fooling us. Plarium is unable to hear the players and does not let us enjoy the game. Why someone with team power to be with me when i am new and i have only 70K? Plarium  must be shame because or your programmers needs to be fired or the second and most belivable is that you care about only how to earn money. If you want to be a good and fair with the players organize this or shut down the game. For God Shake. I am tired to see over 200K players to choose me to fight.



Jan 17, 2022, 19:0501/17/22

Repeat with me: team power does not determine (on its own) your likelihood of victory. There is no correlation between the two.

Jan 17, 2022, 19:1801/17/22

You mean my team with 70K can win these player?

Jan 17, 2022, 19:2801/17/22

You mean my team with 70K can win these player?

If your 3v3 team has 70K power in total - then I would suggest it's too early for you to be worrying about 3v3.

Jan 17, 2022, 21:5101/17/22

Repeat with me: team power does not determine (on its own) your likelihood of victory. There is no correlation between the two.

Team power does not determine, on its own, your likelihood of victory. There is no correlation between the two. 

Jan 17, 2022, 21:5701/17/22
Jan 17, 2022, 23:56(edited)

You mean my team with 70K can win these player?

Krama is correct. 3v3 is very difficult content and is meant to be. There is not a lot of "skill-based matchmaking" in 3v3. You will fight many different power levels within your 3v3 Tier, and it is quite difficult to progress. I am only in Silver, for example, and can push Plat in regular Arena.

I would suggest you focus on getting your first 5 60s and get to your Dungeon 20s and at least NM clan boss top chest before stressing about 3v3. Just complete your advanced quests, start learning what kind of teams you see and what they do, and focus on building your account for now.

Jan 17, 2022, 23:3201/17/22

Krama is correct. 3v3 is very difficult content and is meant to be. There is not a lot of "skill-based matchmaking" in 3v3. You will fight many different power levels within your 3v3 Tier, and it is quite difficult to progress. I am only in Silver, for example, and can push Plat in regular Arena.

I would suggest you focus on getting your first 5 60s and get to your Dungeon 20s and at least NM clan boss top chest before stressing about 3v3. Just complete your advanced quests, start learning what kind of teams you see and what they do, and focus on building your account for now.

While this is very sound advice.

The issue becomes people see the missions and challenges and think this is where their progress should be when a mission or challenge assigns them a task.

They do not think  I was assigned this mission/challenge and now I need to grind for a month before i can complete it.

Jan 18, 2022, 00:0901/18/22

While this is very sound advice.

The issue becomes people see the missions and challenges and think this is where their progress should be when a mission or challenge assigns them a task.

They do not think  I was assigned this mission/challenge and now I need to grind for a month before i can complete it.

I know. I appreciate that.

It definitely is hard to want to take a step back and go back and farm for a month or two, completing other quests, events and things while you are working on a main goal. But the best thing I ever did for progressing my account, and becoming competitive, was realizing I needed to take huge steps back to take even larger steps forward. It took a while to finally admit it was necessary, but once I did, I was able to work on teams for a few months, then come back stronger.

Sometimes that was building up a champ that was in my vault, leveling, ascending and booking, plus finding and leveling good gear for. Sometimes that was farming for a long time, like how I needed to farm and level abunch really good regen pieces to build some sets to swap around to finish Faction Wars. Once, before that, it was focusing down and finishing Arbiter so I could finally be competitive in Arena.

So, my goal here is to be honest with the advice I share, using what I did as an example on how to progress. Not everyone may want to do the things I did, or play the way I do, and that is okay. Everyone should play the game how they want to.

But if someone is playing the way you want to, and not achieving my or someone else's results, they shouldn't be angry or upset. For example, not wanting to farm gear, or not wanting to rank up champs, or not wanting to learn what resist means, well, in most cases you aren't going to progress as far as someone who does these things. 

And frankly, I just want people to progress and have a good time playing. So I share what enabled me to do that.

Jan 18, 2022, 01:0801/18/22

I know. I appreciate that.

It definitely is hard to want to take a step back and go back and farm for a month or two, completing other quests, events and things while you are working on a main goal. But the best thing I ever did for progressing my account, and becoming competitive, was realizing I needed to take huge steps back to take even larger steps forward. It took a while to finally admit it was necessary, but once I did, I was able to work on teams for a few months, then come back stronger.

Sometimes that was building up a champ that was in my vault, leveling, ascending and booking, plus finding and leveling good gear for. Sometimes that was farming for a long time, like how I needed to farm and level abunch really good regen pieces to build some sets to swap around to finish Faction Wars. Once, before that, it was focusing down and finishing Arbiter so I could finally be competitive in Arena.

So, my goal here is to be honest with the advice I share, using what I did as an example on how to progress. Not everyone may want to do the things I did, or play the way I do, and that is okay. Everyone should play the game how they want to.

But if someone is playing the way you want to, and not achieving my or someone else's results, they shouldn't be angry or upset. For example, not wanting to farm gear, or not wanting to rank up champs, or not wanting to learn what resist means, well, in most cases you aren't going to progress as far as someone who does these things. 

And frankly, I just want people to progress and have a good time playing. So I share what enabled me to do that.

This is great. 

I think for people who aren't willing to put in the work to get to certain parts of the game - which is fine - it's important to reframe their expectations and approach. 

I hope people that are struggling in the game and/or feeling negatively towards it take the time to read it.  

Jan 19, 2022, 00:1501/19/22

My composition: 

Arbiter  Speed :335 

Lydia the Deathsiren  Speed : 275

Madame Serris   Speed :260

Rae  Speed : 252 

Barely stay at Gold IV.

The game is on going over 2 years. You should update your gears and champions.IF you want to stay at Gold Level. Speed 300 + is a basic requirement. And 273 speed Apothecary is useless. 

Jan 19, 2022, 04:1401/19/22

My Arbiter is also 335 AND then decrease the speed lead's TM with Hegemon. Sometimes the SECOND speed champ beats my 335 Arbiter, as just happened. Arena is just tough some days.

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