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Arena is back to being ridiculous.

Arena is back to being ridiculous.

Jan 19, 2022, 10:2201/19/22

My Arbiter is also 335 AND then decrease the speed lead's TM with Hegemon. Sometimes the SECOND speed champ beats my 335 Arbiter, as just happened. Arena is just tough some days.

Yep it's very tough, I can stay in G4 comfortably but speeds have gone up, I use Kymer, Lyssandra, Serris and Kreela in my speed team, if that does not fit I have a tanky Duchess, Tower in shield set with 94k hp, Rotos and King

Jan 19, 2022, 11:2301/19/22

Not saying the Arena did not get harder because it has but....

My Arb is only at 290 speed and I do not have much issue staying in G4, there are enough Single champ teams out there for me to stay in Low G4 between 50 to 100 points in is easy for me.

Jan 19, 2022, 17:3301/19/22
Jan 19, 2022, 18:35(edited)

My arb is around 328 and I still win a lot of races against other arbs in g4, the second tm booster is who I usually have to worry about. So I avoid them unless I feel like subbing tormin back in. But that comp is boring 

Jan 19, 2022, 17:5201/19/22

My arb is around 328 and I still win a lot of races against other arbs in g4, the second tm booster is who I usually have to worry about. So I avoid them unless I feel like subbing tormin back in. But that comp is boring 

228? 328 maybe?

Jan 19, 2022, 18:0001/19/22

228? 328 maybe?

You forget Harbs is a WHALE!

He just spends his way out 😁

Jan 19, 2022, 18:0801/19/22
Jan 19, 2022, 18:08(edited)

You forget Harbs is a WHALE!

He just spends his way out 😁

No, he is probably just fighting the BOTS that he refuses to acknowledge exist!


Jan 19, 2022, 18:2901/19/22
Jan 19, 2022, 18:29(edited)

228? 328 maybe?

328 SORRY! 

Jan 19, 2022, 18:3701/19/22

328 SORRY! 

228 you mean.


Jan 19, 2022, 19:1001/19/22

328 SORRY! 

super sicrit go 2nd arbiter mod build?

Jan 20, 2022, 03:3001/20/22


Jan 20, 2022, 05:5801/20/22
Jan 20, 2022, 05:59(edited)

Seeing everyone talk about how fast their Arbiter is making me feel sorry for my poor Lyssandra and her measly speed of 278 😢

Jan 20, 2022, 09:3501/20/22

Seeing everyone talk about how fast their Arbiter is making me feel sorry for my poor Lyssandra and her measly speed of 278 😢

Speed sucks IMO.

I have been stuck at 290 for months now and farm dragon as much as a I can stomach and still have not gotten any better items 😠

Jan 20, 2022, 10:2001/20/22

I use Lyssandra because of the boost up and down who's at 339, Kymer has the 30% speed aura, Serris strips and def down and Kreela AOE's, if that isn't enough Kymer resets Lyssandra goes again, I'm on manual for this bit so Serris can AOE and Kreela can AOE or attack one followed by ally attack, if thats still not enough Kymar goes with AOE and buff remove

Jan 20, 2022, 12:2701/20/22

Speed sucks IMO.

I have been stuck at 290 for months now and farm dragon as much as a I can stomach and still have not gotten any better items 😠

I am lucky in that i am fairly stable in G4 up to now, but i think a lot of the comments are valid.

The one that rings true for me is by minim- asking if it is fun.

In an ideal world success in the arena would be determined by skill

In the real world its determined by who has spent cash and who has run    

999 million dragon and fireknight runs.

Obviously that will not change, plarium WANT you to have to spend hours in game, because then you wont play any other games and wont spend on other games.

I personally think missions and great hall should have completion methods outside of arena, but i know it will never happen.

It has to be up to the individual to decide if it is 'fun' but it wont change.

Jan 20, 2022, 13:2401/20/22
Jan 20, 2022, 13:25(edited)

I am lucky in that i am fairly stable in G4 up to now, but i think a lot of the comments are valid.

The one that rings true for me is by minim- asking if it is fun.

In an ideal world success in the arena would be determined by skill

In the real world its determined by who has spent cash and who has run    

999 million dragon and fireknight runs.

Obviously that will not change, plarium WANT you to have to spend hours in game, because then you wont play any other games and wont spend on other games.

I personally think missions and great hall should have completion methods outside of arena, but i know it will never happen.

It has to be up to the individual to decide if it is 'fun' but it wont change.

to me the big thing is this ( Arena ) fun would be the key question.

I have some ideas on improvemnet but do not know if any good.

1. clean out inactive teams, set a time limit 2weeks 3weeks 1 month if not active in Arean remove the defense team. this should help lower ranks out alot IMO

2. Along with the bottle of engry for using 5 Arena takens award 5 gold metals,Now to the nay sayers how long would it take someone to level up their Gh with 5 gold metals a day? forever is the word you should be looking for. This way weather you win or lose the 5 battles you have something to show for it.

3. rework your match making to something else not sure what but it is sorely lacking especially in Bronze and silver

Jan 20, 2022, 15:1601/20/22

I completely agree with arena being a rip off. My team with 2 healers/revivers loses to much lower level teams often. My teams power lvl Is 104, & I've lost to teams under 60. Thats bull!

Also the game over pushes white characters! All the human looking charcters are damn near all white! Game needs way more charcters of color!

Jan 20, 2022, 16:5001/20/22

Several things  I  wanted  to  say  to  the  recent people who  posted  in  this  thread:

@nanmzhao -  You  said  the  below  statement:

Arbiter  Speed :335 

Lydia the Deathsiren  Speed : 275

Madame Serris   Speed :260

Rae  Speed : 252 

Barely stay at Gold IV.

The game is on going over 2 years. You should update your gears and champions.IF you want to stay at Gold Level. Speed 300 + is a basic requirement.

1st:  I  made  underlines  in  your  comment  above  so  you  can  see  your  mistakes.  I  will  now  explain why  they  are  mistakes.

2nd:  Your  team  set  up  isn't Ideal

Lydia  &  Madam  don't belong  on  the  same  team.

You  should  use  only  1.

Madam  &  Lydia  do  Def  Down  which  is  their  main  function.

They  have  same  role  with  a  twist.

Madam  Def  Down  comes  with  Enemy  Buff  Strip  +  Atk  Down

Lydia  Def  Down  comes  with  Weaken  +  Block  Revive  Attempt  Passive

The  hero  you  use  will  be  based  on  enemy  team  you  face.

If  Enemy  team  has  Shields  or  Buffs,  You  use  Madam  &  Leave  Lydia  on  Bench

If  Enemy  team  has  Revivers  or  No  Buffs,  You  use  Lydia  &  Leave  Madam  on  Bench

Running  Both  on  your  team  is  a  grave  error  which  cost  you  hugely.

3rd:  The  mistake  in  having  2  Def  Down  heroes  on  the  same  team  has  caused  you  to  build  your  nuker  with  to  much  Speed.

What  you  ideally  want  to  do  is  add  in  a  secondary turn  meter  champion  which  could  provide a  Speed  Buff.

This  would  lower  your  nukers  speed  requirement  which  would  allow  you  to  put  more  damage in  the  nukers  build.

4th:  Players  can  stay  in  Gold  4  with  out  300  Speed.

300  Speed  is only  necessary  if  your  using  a  Speed  Team  in  Gold  4.  

Speed  Teams  are  Squishy  -  They  have  to  be  fast  +  1  shot  enemy 

If  the  enemy  is  faster  or  survives  a  Speed  Team  Nuke,  Any  Counter  Attack  is  Fatal  to  the  Speed  Team

Defensive  Teams  are  Sustainable  -  They  don't have  to  be  fast  +  can  handle  being  hit

Defensive  Teams  can  counter  Speed  Teams

I  showed  my  Defensive  Team  on  this  thread  or  another  thread  like  this  one.

My  fastest  hero  is  Seeker  with  215  Speed  and  my  team  slaughters  people every  day.

The  next  person  I  wanted  to  say  something to  is  @forrestleigh 

Forrest  said  the  following  statement:

Yep it's very tough, I can stay in G4 comfortably but speeds have gone up, I use Kymer, Lyssandra, Serris and Kreela in my speed team, if that does not fit I have a tanky Duchess, Tower in shield set with 94k hp, Rotos and King

1st:  I  made  underlines  in  your  comment  above  so  you  can  see  your  mistakes.  I  will  now  explain why  they  are  mistakes.

2nd:  Your  Speed  team  set  up  isn't Ideal.

What  on  earth  are  you  doing  Forrest?

I  feel  like  you  been  in  the  Forums  as  long  as  I  have.

You  should  be  a  Master  Arena  Tactician!

What  the  Crap  is  Serris & Kreela  doing  on  your  team?

Lyssandra  &  Kymar  together  create  a  Strategy which  was  Pioneered  by  Platinum Players  to  Deactivate  Enemy  Teams  Reaction  Accessories.

The  Strategy  involves  the  following:

Leader:  Kymar  -  30%  Speed  Aura

1st  move:  Lyssandra  ---->  TM  +  Spd  Buff

2nd  move:  Kymar  ------->  AOE  Buff  Strip  +  Sleep

At  this  point,  you  want  all  4  of  the  enemy heroes  to  move  in  between  your  2  remaining  heroes.

It  will  deactivate the  Reaction  Accessories +  they  will  do  no  damage due  to  the  sleep.

What  makes  no  Sense  is  you  chose  Madam  to  go  3rd?

Madam  Buff  Strip  in  this  position  has  no  value  because Kymar  should  have  already  do  it.

Madam  Atk  Down  in  this  position  has  no  value  because you  want  to  1  shot  enemy.

The  only  thing  Madam  is  providing for  you  is  Def  Down  which  isn't enough!

You  could  have  a  Def  Down  hero  which  provides  more  Value  in  this  position.

-  Ghostborn  -->  Def  Down  +  Increase  Atk  for  your  Nuker

-  Lydia  ------->  Def  Down  +  Weaken


To  your  Credit,  Kreela  is  a  pretty  clever  hero  choice  by  you.

Your team  Lyssandra  -->  Kymar  -->  Madam  doesn't have  Increase  Atk  Buff.

You  chose  Kreela  has  your  nuker  because she  can  self  Increase  Atk  Buff  before  she  AOE  nukes  and  her  AOE  hit  is  Strong  hit  with  good  multipliers.

Nevertheless,  Kreela  isn't the  greatest  Nuking  option.

Kreela AOE hit  is  considered  Strong  and  not  Godlike  because of  her  Base  Atk.

Kreela  Multiplier  are  equal  if  not  slightly  higher  vs. other  Godlike  Nukers.

Kreela  just  suffers due  to low  base  ATK  1200  vs.  Godlike  Nukers  at  1500-1600 base ATK

Again,  Forrest  can  stay  in  Gold  4  comfortably.

I  am  just  being  nitpicky.

However,  It's  important to  be  nitpicky  &  critical  of  your  Arena  teams.

This  is  how  people improve.

Lord  Shazar  does  Self  Increase Atk  Buff  +  AOE  Godlike  Nuke  +  Bombs  for  good  measure

Does  Forrest  own  these  champions  I  am  saying?

Maybe,  he  does


Maybe,  he  doesn't 

You  never  really  know  what  a  person  has  in  their  Vault.

People pull  heroes  from  Shards  and  are  unsure  about  them  all  the  time.

Jan 20, 2022, 17:4101/20/22

Instead of a champ that can self-buff his attack, Magnarr could be a great choice for teams that don't have a spot for increase attack buff. His damage is insane, 0.22 x hp x 2 (double hit) and 30% from books.

Jan 21, 2022, 10:4101/21/22

three times now i have had the game freeze while loading an arena team and had a token lost and loss registered

Do not punish players for the games instability

Jan 21, 2022, 13:0801/21/22

I specifically said Arb + second speed booster. Make sure you set up your defense team to look scary - arb + deacon + serris + nuker or w/e, so that people just don't try fighting you.

My point though is, if you don't find it fun, then just don't bother trying? Like, what's the middle ground you're hoping for? That it'll be easy to stay at your current rank without needing to put any effort into building teams that'll let you stay there?


That's my defense team and they get picked on like a bad stepchild.  I have no idea how people seem to know my team isn't fast enough...oh but they know.  I figured Serris/Trunda after 2 speed champs would keep me safe...nope.

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