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Arena is back to being ridiculous.

Arena is back to being ridiculous.

Jan 7, 2022, 18:3101/07/22

You may play the game however you want to. It's just like everywhere else, who puts in more effort has more success. That's the case in computer games and in non-virtual games. I used to play chess in my youth, and I lost most of my games - until I got some books about chess openings and went to the training in my chess club every week. After doing so, I won the youth championship in my district.

In most other games, time is the only effort you can really put in. Raid allows a shortcut, using money. But that is effort put into the game as well.

If the effort you put in is low, you don't reach the highest tier. Why would (or should) you get higher arena ranks than players that run Dragon all the time to increase their gear?

Jan 7, 2022, 18:3701/07/22

I would like the following acknowledged on record:

"Trips was both helpful and curteous (well, mostly), while Harley was the mean one"

Thanks and welcome to Bizarro World in 2022!

Jan 7, 2022, 18:4101/07/22

I would like the following acknowledged on record:

"Trips was both helpful and curteous (well, mostly), while Harley was the mean one"

Thanks and welcome to Bizarro World in 2022!

I acknowledge nothing.

"Farm dragon as much as possible" is good advice, very relevant to how people progress, and I stand by it.

Jan 7, 2022, 18:4601/07/22

I acknowledge nothing.

"Farm dragon as much as possible" is good advice, very relevant to how people progress, and I stand by it.

Hard to stay mad at you 2 funny people.

Yes dragon, dragon, dragon...................................................................................... and more dragon. 

I will go back to farming dragon and still keep whining just because I lothe Arena 😀

Jan 7, 2022, 19:2001/07/22

My  team  hovers  between  Gold  3  &  Gold  4  if  I  don't do  any  Arena  Battles.


This  is  my  Arena  Team

My  fastest  hero  is  my  Seeker.


My  Seeker  is  only  215.

So  who  says  you  need  to  be  300  to  reach  Gold  4?

Jan 7, 2022, 19:2601/07/22
Jan 7, 2022, 20:04(edited)

You realize that the game defends and protects players like YOU right?  Not me.  I'm the minority here.  These threads are the only voice that the minority has.

If they exist as a way of expressing a little frustration, where is the harm in that?

Also, these threads get some good discussion which leads to better game-play for players that are in that minority.

Not all of these threads are complaints.  

In fact, the majority of this thread was a good discussion about arena possiblities and strategies in my account.  It went a little sideways at the end, but again, that's because after all the relevant advice, it turned into a "run dragon a billion times and stop complaining" thread.

There's no chance you're the minority here, nor do I think the game wants to protect me. I am likely the minority.

What percent of the player base do you think there are that are low spend, beat most if not all endgame PVE content and and complete fusions pretty easily due to efficient resource management? Players that get 2x chests from NM/UNM CB everyday and grind through Doom Tower just print resources. I would guess that's a tiny % of the player base, personally. 

Sure, it's fine to get frustrated. However, many people on this forum - in this instance Quinn - see people get frustrated by roadblocks in the game and try to give them concise advice on how to improve in the content they're facing issues in. The stop complaining part didn't really come in until well, people started complaining again because perhaps the advice they were getting isn't what they wanted to hear, I'm not really sure. Unfortunately, that appears to continue to elude you.

Whichever direction someone chooses to go in arena, the foundation is, has and always will be: get better gear, then make good decisions in team comps/defense/offense/so on and so forth. Gear is the foundation, it's not complicated. 

The reason why these threads turn into this kind of meta is because what is fairly simple gets overcomplicated. You need gear. You grind for gear. You get better gear. You do better.


Jan 7, 2022, 20:5801/07/22
Jan 7, 2022, 21:05(edited)

There's no chance you're the minority here, nor do I think the game wants to protect me. I am likely the minority.

What percent of the player base do you think there are that are low spend, beat most if not all endgame PVE content and and complete fusions pretty easily due to efficient resource management? Players that get 2x chests from NM/UNM CB everyday and grind through Doom Tower just print resources. I would guess that's a tiny % of the player base, personally. 

Sure, it's fine to get frustrated. However, many people on this forum - in this instance Quinn - see people get frustrated by roadblocks in the game and try to give them concise advice on how to improve in the content they're facing issues in. The stop complaining part didn't really come in until well, people started complaining again because perhaps the advice they were getting isn't what they wanted to hear, I'm not really sure. Unfortunately, that appears to continue to elude you.

Whichever direction someone chooses to go in arena, the foundation is, has and always will be: get better gear, then make good decisions in team comps/defense/offense/so on and so forth. Gear is the foundation, it's not complicated. 

The reason why these threads turn into this kind of meta is because what is fairly simple gets overcomplicated. You need gear. You grind for gear. You get better gear. You do better.


You and I aren't so different.  I also beat the majority of PVE content.  I got the most recent fusion fairly easily.

I still struggle on UNM CB and I can only get about 40% of the way through Hard Doom Tower.  Both problems, like arena, are mostly gear struggles.

I'm fully F2P, and I'm a casual player, and this is what puts me in the minority of influence.  Raid doesn't really care about me for those reasons.

Do you think I'd get this far in the game if I didn't manage my resources effectively and play the game with some focus?  Of course not.  I've achieved more in less time, with less money, than many other players.

The problems with Raid still exist, and just because people can overcome them does not mean that we shouldn't talk about them.

Jan 7, 2022, 21:1601/07/22
Player J

My  team  hovers  between  Gold  3  &  Gold  4  if  I  don't do  any  Arena  Battles.


This  is  my  Arena  Team

My  fastest  hero  is  my  Seeker.


My  Seeker  is  only  215.

So  who  says  you  need  to  be  300  to  reach  Gold  4?

Ok, so while I appreciate the post for its diversity of are swapping the "speed meta" problem for the "resistance meta" problem.  It might not be a meta, ok fine, but it's still part of the insane gear requirement.

I would argue it's probably easier to get a 350 spd Arbiter than it is to get a Seeker with your total stats (res included).

A great option for sure, and one that I would go know...if I had the gear 😎.

I'll stick with the billion Dragon runs I think.

Jan 7, 2022, 21:3501/07/22

You may play the game however you want to. It's just like everywhere else, who puts in more effort has more success. That's the case in computer games and in non-virtual games. I used to play chess in my youth, and I lost most of my games - until I got some books about chess openings and went to the training in my chess club every week. After doing so, I won the youth championship in my district.

In most other games, time is the only effort you can really put in. Raid allows a shortcut, using money. But that is effort put into the game as well.

If the effort you put in is low, you don't reach the highest tier. Why would (or should) you get higher arena ranks than players that run Dragon all the time to increase their gear?

You are right of course.

At the end of the day, we do not have to play if we do not want to endlessly run dragon.

But i do wish skill was a factor for more people.

When people have wide rosters, and lots of top gear, tactics are definitely part of the game, but for the vast majority of players it is just about grinding endlessly and not being a moron about how you gear champs.

Oh trips, when i first started playing - you were the polite one then as well :) 

I think as a brand new player i had advice off yourself and skadi, both helpful.

Jan 8, 2022, 03:0901/08/22

"Insane  Gear  Requirement"  doesn't  mean  anything  to  me.

I  don't know  why  people use  such  terms.

To  a  player  who  is  End  Game:

Insane  Gear  Requirement  could  mean  Full  Leggo - 6  star  gear  with  Quad  Rolls.

To  a  player  who  just  started  playing  the  Game:

Insane  Gear  Requirement  could  mean  Full  Uncommon  -  4  star  gear  with  +16  upgrades

5  Types  of  Heroes  in  game

-  Common

-  Uncommon

-  Rare  

-  Epic

-  Legendary 

6  Types  of  Gears  in  game

-  Common

-  Uncommon

-  Rare

-  Epic

-  Legendary 

-  Mythical  <---  Recently  Added,  It  probably didn't exist  when  you  was  beginner

6  Types  of  Star  Levels  in  game

-  1  Star

-  2  Star

-  3  Star

-  4  Star

-  5  Star

-  6  Star

You  KNEW  several  days  after  playing  RAID  that a Leggo  Hero  +  Leggo  Gear    +  6  Star  level  was  the  best  of  the  best.

Now  your  telling  people you  can't compete?

You  never  was  competing!

I  have  been  playing  for  3  years.

You  was dominated  on  day  1  when  you  started  playing  the  game.

You  just  never  faced  me  in  Arena  because you  are  not  strong  enough  to  face  me.

You  have  to  reach  a  certain  threshold  to  get  funneled  into  my  match  making  bracket.

The  game  tries  to  match  players  against people who  are  relatively equal  in  strength.

This  means  the  players  who  are  beating  you  are  of  the  same  relative  strength  as  you.

Strength  doesn't equal  Power.

Strength  includes  a  wide  range  of  things.

-  Heroes

-  Artifacts

etc.  I  will  not  list  all  the  stuff

So  if  you  can't win,  It  is  because you  have  failed  to  beat  your  peers.

I  got  a  metaphor  to  help  you  understand.

Image  Grade  School.

Image  being  in  the  first  grade,  but  remeber  when  you  was  in  first  grade  their  was a group  of  people  who  were  Sophomores.

You  was  in  1st  grade  and  someone  like  me  was  in  10th  grade.

Than  you  moved  on  to  2nd  grade  and  other  person  moved  on  to  11th  grade.

Than  you  moved  on  to  3rd  grade  and  other  person  moved  on  to  12th  becoming  a  senior.

In  your  mind,  you  think  you  as  (3rd  grader)  is  getting  match vs.  12th  graders.

The  sad  truth  is  that  isn't how  it  works.

Arena  list  often  have  10  players  on  list:

1st  Player  on  list  should  be  weaker  in  strength to  you  (Easy  Fight)

2nd  Player  to  8th  Player  on  list  should  be  equal  in  strength to  you  (Normal  Fights)

9th  &  10th  Player  on  list  should  be  challenging in  strength to  you  (Hard  Fights)

You  as  (3rd  grader)  should  have:

1  Fight  vs.  2nd  Grader

7  Fights  vs.  3rd  Graders

2  Fights  vs.  4th  Graders

If your  win  rate  is  80%,  it  means  you  are  losing  to  Challenging Players,  but  you  are  excelling  in  your  class.

If  your  win  rate  is  50%,  it  means  your  average  in  your  Class

If  your  win  rate  is 10%,  it  means  your  are  losing  to  your  Peers  and  your  preforming  below  grade  level.

Now  lets  use  our  brain.

If  your  opponent is  good  in  math  and  you  suck  at  math.

You  shouldn't try  to  fight  them  in  Math  Challenge  Quiz.

You  need  to  find  the  subject your  good  at  and  they  are  bad  at.

Than  challenge them  to  a  battle  when  you  have  home  field  advantage.

It  makes  perfect  sense!

Now  think  about  what  you  told  players  here.

You  said  your  fast  hero  is  273.

You  said  you  believe  the  enemy  your  facing  is  at  300.

So  why  are  you  trying  to  fight them  in  speed  race?

Another  Math  Quiz  they  are  going  to  dominate  in.

Change  the  subject  -  Diversity!

How  much  Resist  can  you  make  your  hero?

Do  you  even  know?

How  much  Accuracy does  your  enemy  have?

Do  you  even  know?

My  Seeker  has  insane  stats?  

No  because I  am  in  12th  grade  fighting  vs.  College  kids  &  11th  graders

You  are  not  in  the  same  bracket.

Your  enemy  doesn't own  same  gear  as  the  College  kids  or  11th  graders.

Your  enemy  gear  is  of  lower  quality because if  it  was  of  stronger  quality  they  would  no  longer  be  matched  with  you.

Which  means  you  have  the  power  to  put  their  gear  thru  rigorous  testing,  you  can  poke  &  prode  their  gear  for  weaknesses.

750  Resistance  is  the  Magic  Number  I  need  to  put  most  of  the  College  Grad-students  in  check.

500  Resistance  is  the  Magic  Number  I  need  to  out  most  of  the  Regular College  students  in  check.

In  fact,  the  Seeker  you  saw  in  the  picture  is  improperly  tuned.

I  have  475  Resist  on  Seeker  +  I  use  Rhazin  90  Resist  Aura  which  =  565  total  Resist

I  am  65  Resist  over  the  amount  I  should  be.

The  amount  I  should  be  at  is  500  because that  is  what  I  need  for  Average  College  Student.

I  should  try  to  replace  the  65  extra  Resist  I  have  for  something  else  like  more  Health  or  more  Speed  or  more  Accuracy.

Of  course,  the  toughest  person  your  fighting  is  4th  grader.

You  might  only  need  300  total  Resist.

210  Resist  on  your  hero  +  Rhazin  90  Resist  Lead  =  300  Total  Resist

Unless,  you  don't have  Rhazin.

Than  you  might  need  different  stats.

Jan 8, 2022, 03:1601/08/22
Player J

"Insane  Gear  Requirement"  doesn't  mean  anything  to  me.

I  don't know  why  people use  such  terms.

To  a  player  who  is  End  Game:

Insane  Gear  Requirement  could  mean  Full  Leggo - 6  star  gear  with  Quad  Rolls.

To  a  player  who  just  started  playing  the  Game:

Insane  Gear  Requirement  could  mean  Full  Uncommon  -  4  star  gear  with  +16  upgrades

5  Types  of  Heroes  in  game

-  Common

-  Uncommon

-  Rare  

-  Epic

-  Legendary 

6  Types  of  Gears  in  game

-  Common

-  Uncommon

-  Rare

-  Epic

-  Legendary 

-  Mythical  <---  Recently  Added,  It  probably didn't exist  when  you  was  beginner

6  Types  of  Star  Levels  in  game

-  1  Star

-  2  Star

-  3  Star

-  4  Star

-  5  Star

-  6  Star

You  KNEW  several  days  after  playing  RAID  that a Leggo  Hero  +  Leggo  Gear    +  6  Star  level  was  the  best  of  the  best.

Now  your  telling  people you  can't compete?

You  never  was  competing!

I  have  been  playing  for  3  years.

You  was dominated  on  day  1  when  you  started  playing  the  game.

You  just  never  faced  me  in  Arena  because you  are  not  strong  enough  to  face  me.

You  have  to  reach  a  certain  threshold  to  get  funneled  into  my  match  making  bracket.

The  game  tries  to  match  players  against people who  are  relatively equal  in  strength.

This  means  the  players  who  are  beating  you  are  of  the  same  relative  strength  as  you.

Strength  doesn't equal  Power.

Strength  includes  a  wide  range  of  things.

-  Heroes

-  Artifacts

etc.  I  will  not  list  all  the  stuff

So  if  you  can't win,  It  is  because you  have  failed  to  beat  your  peers.

I  got  a  metaphor  to  help  you  understand.

Image  Grade  School.

Image  being  in  the  first  grade,  but  remeber  when  you  was  in  first  grade  their  was a group  of  people  who  were  Sophomores.

You  was  in  1st  grade  and  someone  like  me  was  in  10th  grade.

Than  you  moved  on  to  2nd  grade  and  other  person  moved  on  to  11th  grade.

Than  you  moved  on  to  3rd  grade  and  other  person  moved  on  to  12th  becoming  a  senior.

In  your  mind,  you  think  you  as  (3rd  grader)  is  getting  match vs.  12th  graders.

The  sad  truth  is  that  isn't how  it  works.

Arena  list  often  have  10  players  on  list:

1st  Player  on  list  should  be  weaker  in  strength to  you  (Easy  Fight)

2nd  Player  to  8th  Player  on  list  should  be  equal  in  strength to  you  (Normal  Fights)

9th  &  10th  Player  on  list  should  be  challenging in  strength to  you  (Hard  Fights)

You  as  (3rd  grader)  should  have:

1  Fight  vs.  2nd  Grader

7  Fights  vs.  3rd  Graders

2  Fights  vs.  4th  Graders

If your  win  rate  is  80%,  it  means  you  are  losing  to  Challenging Players,  but  you  are  excelling  in  your  class.

If  your  win  rate  is  50%,  it  means  your  average  in  your  Class

If  your  win  rate  is 10%,  it  means  your  are  losing  to  your  Peers  and  your  preforming  below  grade  level.

Now  lets  use  our  brain.

If  your  opponent is  good  in  math  and  you  suck  at  math.

You  shouldn't try  to  fight  them  in  Math  Challenge  Quiz.

You  need  to  find  the  subject your  good  at  and  they  are  bad  at.

Than  challenge them  to  a  battle  when  you  have  home  field  advantage.

It  makes  perfect  sense!

Now  think  about  what  you  told  players  here.

You  said  your  fast  hero  is  273.

You  said  you  believe  the  enemy  your  facing  is  at  300.

So  why  are  you  trying  to  fight them  in  speed  race?

Another  Math  Quiz  they  are  going  to  dominate  in.

Change  the  subject  -  Diversity!

How  much  Resist  can  you  make  your  hero?

Do  you  even  know?

How  much  Accuracy does  your  enemy  have?

Do  you  even  know?

My  Seeker  has  insane  stats?  

No  because I  am  in  12th  grade  fighting  vs.  College  kids  &  11th  graders

You  are  not  in  the  same  bracket.

Your  enemy  doesn't own  same  gear  as  the  College  kids  or  11th  graders.

Your  enemy  gear  is  of  lower  quality because if  it  was  of  stronger  quality  they  would  no  longer  be  matched  with  you.

Which  means  you  have  the  power  to  put  their  gear  thru  rigorous  testing,  you  can  poke  &  prode  their  gear  for  weaknesses.

750  Resistance  is  the  Magic  Number  I  need  to  put  most  of  the  College  Grad-students  in  check.

500  Resistance  is  the  Magic  Number  I  need  to  out  most  of  the  Regular College  students  in  check.

In  fact,  the  Seeker  you  saw  in  the  picture  is  improperly  tuned.

I  have  475  Resist  on  Seeker  +  I  use  Rhazin  90  Resist  Aura  which  =  565  total  Resist

I  am  65  Resist  over  the  amount  I  should  be.

The  amount  I  should  be  at  is  500  because that  is  what  I  need  for  Average  College  Student.

I  should  try  to  replace  the  65  extra  Resist  I  have  for  something  else  like  more  Health  or  more  Speed  or  more  Accuracy.

Of  course,  the  toughest  person  your  fighting  is  4th  grader.

You  might  only  need  300  total  Resist.

210  Resist  on  your  hero  +  Rhazin  90  Resist  Lead  =  300  Total  Resist

Unless,  you  don't have  Rhazin.

Than  you  might  need  different  stats.

That's a whole lot of BS that basically means you can build a Seeker with 565 resistance.  And an insane "gear requirement".

Jan 8, 2022, 03:2501/08/22

I  mean  if  you  think  my  Seeker  is  insane  with  565  Resist.

Wait  until  you  meet  my  Wurlim  with  750 Resist with  the  Aura.


He  isn't even  using  Legendary Gear.

This  is  certainly a  causal  build.

Jan 8, 2022, 03:2801/08/22
Player J

I  mean  if  you  think  my  Seeker  is  insane  with  565  Resist.

Wait  until  you  meet  my  Wurlim  with  750 Resist with  the  Aura.


He  isn't even  using  Legendary Gear.

This  is  certainly a  causal  build.

You NEED to re-evaluate your definition of the word "casual".

Jan 8, 2022, 04:4301/08/22

It's really not as impressive as the number indicates, TheDude. The champ is running a full set of level 16 items, yes, but two are 5*, and four are rare. Reaching the 650 RES means every single one of his items has RES substats, probably with at least two substat rolls on them, and running an RES chest and banner. He's also using six pieces of RES set, which boosts further, and likely has the Lore of Steel mastery.

Yes, the 650 RES is abnormally high - very unlikely debuffs will ever land on that champ. But on the flipside, Wurlim is a DEF-based champ, and he's running only 3700 DEF and 30% CR. That means the champ is going to hit like a wet noodle. It's also running only 130 ACC, which means the A1 will pretty much never freeze. All it'll do is place the strengthen and DEF up, and that's it.

I'm sure that J has a reason for building it like this, but no, dismissing this as not being possible for casual is a silly thing to do. It's very possible for a casual player to do - I would daresay it's very *easy* to do.

Jan 8, 2022, 10:2401/08/22
Jan 8, 2022, 10:34(edited)

It's really not as impressive as the number indicates, TheDude. The champ is running a full set of level 16 items, yes, but two are 5*, and four are rare. Reaching the 650 RES means every single one of his items has RES substats, probably with at least two substat rolls on them, and running an RES chest and banner. He's also using six pieces of RES set, which boosts further, and likely has the Lore of Steel mastery.

Yes, the 650 RES is abnormally high - very unlikely debuffs will ever land on that champ. But on the flipside, Wurlim is a DEF-based champ, and he's running only 3700 DEF and 30% CR. That means the champ is going to hit like a wet noodle. It's also running only 130 ACC, which means the A1 will pretty much never freeze. All it'll do is place the strengthen and DEF up, and that's it.

I'm sure that J has a reason for building it like this, but no, dismissing this as not being possible for casual is a silly thing to do. It's very possible for a casual player to do - I would daresay it's very *easy* to do.

Ok you long term or 24/7 players have very different definition to words than i do.

650 Res is easy 😂  this might be easy in a sense that all it is  grinding for gear and silver till you have the right rolls but how many months would that take considering Player J has been playing almost 3 years and by his words has been awesome sauce since day 1 😁

My Definition of easy, I am in Bronze1 for tag I put up 1 person defenses so that all my matches are click and auto, not on those missions yet and may never care to do them with as much as I loathe the matching for PVP in this game

I really do like all the help provided by most here but the definitions from long term players to newer players can really be a big differense in discusions IMO.


I like grinding so that is not the issue for me, but to me games should be fun not fustrating and for me Arena is Fustrating so not fun.

Jan 8, 2022, 18:5001/08/22

I noticed it as well - dropped from level IV gold to IV silver and dropping.

Jan 9, 2022, 15:3401/09/22

Kramaswamy is  💯 %  correct.

In  addition  to  what  Kramaswamy said,  I  have  few  other  things  to  add.

My Wurlim  is  running  Resist  Masteries.

The  Masteries give  an  extra  +60  Resist

My  Wurlim  has  extra  +80  Resist  from  my  Great  Hall.

My  Great  Hall  is  Maxed  for  Void  Resist.


Kramaswamy is  💯 %  correct  again  about  my  Wurlim  stats.

My  Wurlim  should  ideally  have  4k  defense for  better  damage  mitigation.

I  just  haven't been  able  to  bring  it  up  as  of  yet.

My  Wurlim  C.Rate  is  low,  but  I  did  this  intentionally.

My  Wurlim  isn't the  nuker  on  my  team.

My  Wurlim  is  more  of  a  set  up  hero  /  protector  on  the  team.

Jan 9, 2022, 21:0101/09/22

All rants aside. I have to agree with OP that arena is back to getting ridicolus. 

The last time this happend someone made some analysis that I sadly can not confirm. But was something about the amount of points got cut down from week to week so the classic arena system aint self-sustaining.

But something is wrong when half the people in low gold IV have avartars from having completed doomtower hard. But I guess casual players will just have to get used to the idea that arena is not a game aspect for them.

All of the new artifacts coming are specificly designed to be an invisible force of randomness getting thrown in that you can not predict. Stone skin, reaction, swift parry.

2022 is the year of pvp, gotta hope Plarium does something rigth with it. But I would definately hope they would seperate pvp and pve some more. Seperate the benefits from missions and great hall so there is fore example a pvp and pve mission tree a pvp and pve great hall. Champion reward specific for pve and pvp.

Jan 9, 2022, 21:4401/09/22

All rants aside. I have to agree with OP that arena is back to getting ridicolus. 

The last time this happend someone made some analysis that I sadly can not confirm. But was something about the amount of points got cut down from week to week so the classic arena system aint self-sustaining.

But something is wrong when half the people in low gold IV have avartars from having completed doomtower hard. But I guess casual players will just have to get used to the idea that arena is not a game aspect for them.

All of the new artifacts coming are specificly designed to be an invisible force of randomness getting thrown in that you can not predict. Stone skin, reaction, swift parry.

2022 is the year of pvp, gotta hope Plarium does something rigth with it. But I would definately hope they would seperate pvp and pve some more. Seperate the benefits from missions and great hall so there is fore example a pvp and pve mission tree a pvp and pve great hall. Champion reward specific for pve and pvp.

This is exactly what I would like to see, if I had any input.  

Arena is exceptionally hard for casual players, and it probably should be, so I just hope they separate it from the normal progression missions.

Let casual players get smaller rewards and stay interested in the game when it comes to PVE.  If they want to jump into PVP, then they have to get uber serious about the game to progress there, and everybody wins.

Jan 9, 2022, 22:2601/09/22

You think this is a good marketing tool?

Step Right Up folks, get your hard arena here! You will all be in the Tin levels below bronze!! Enjoy Enjoy!!

Can someone tell me the marketing phi;osophy behind this?   Seems to me they want accolades at the Golden Globes for making it a hard game?

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