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Most asinine clan quest system I ever seen in my life

Most asinine clan quest system I ever seen in my life

Aug 30, 2021, 11:3208/30/21

If people pay more change was good (for plarium).

If people pay less this update need a fix.

Aug 30, 2021, 13:2608/30/21

There is actually no way to fix the curent system. You are pitting clan members against each other. Intentionally. For profit reasons presumably, clans splitting up means less UNM/NM down means less free shards and books means people might start to spend.

as long as rewards are to the indivuidual, clan quests will be a cause for strife among casual and semicasual (aka the vast majority) of clans. Since many expert quests are practically undoable for prctically anybody in these clans.

Dev's could really not see, that giving 20 quests to 30 member clans is a problem? Really?

Dev's could really not see, that "complete random dungeon with rares ofr andom facction" is practically undoable in most cases? Do the devs know anything about the game at all?

Yes, the bug fixing adresses the most presssing issues of clan quests exactly...not.

I am sure devs "investigate" and "do research" quite profusely, like with the dupe system. I am sure fixes to clan quests will be implemented as speedily and as throughly as the current duope system has been after careful "investigation£" and "research"..oh wait....

The 20 quests problem was gone after the first week.

The rares only was removed.

The clan quest system isn't perfect, but its more free stuff for little effort.  

Aug 30, 2021, 14:1408/30/21
Aug 30, 2021, 14:15(edited)

The 20 quests problem was gone after the first week.

The rares only was removed.

The clan quest system isn't perfect, but its more free stuff for little effort.  


The rares only restriction was only removed after massive otcry from the community and devs finally realissing they are impossible to complete after being told by the community. They never shoud have been made inb the first place. I am not even sure if it's possible to complete all dungeons on 20 with any faction...

Same with the clan quest numbers.

The curent system just introduces strife, sincce many expert quests will be undoable for most. I reuqires management on the clanleaders part. Casual and semicasual clans, which don't have that just had an additional friction point added.

"more free stuff" indeed. I bet you, that Plarium will rotate Yannica  exactly 5 months after the clan shop was introduced, not accounting for the faact,t hat 99.999% of clans needed a week or 2 to level to 5. And 99.999% of the player base aren't in tier 2 and above clans, which makes the aqcuisition of 500 clangold/week practically impossible. But I anm sur we will see Yannica shards popping up in  the shop soon after for unreasonable price, see Versulf fusion...And you can't get anything else for 5 months if you aren't in a tiered clan.

The introduction of clanquests at the point of introduction was merely for the purpose of creating strife and hopefully breakig clans cause we can't have so many downing NM/UNM daily and getting free stuff. Nothing else makes sense. You can't tell me a horde of people trained in game design could not come up with something that encourages working towards a common goal, which a clan is all about...

Aug 30, 2021, 14:3708/30/21

In our clan, the top people take the more difficult quests and let others have easier ones.  Can't blame Plarium if u have selfish clanmates grabbing 3 "easy" quests.  The first week was rocky, but our clan only missed out completing 1 ridulous rare dungeon last week and might miss one this week.  Not the end of the world, lol.  Someone farming 12.3 trying to get rare shields... lol, oops 

Aug 30, 2021, 17:0108/30/21

In our clan, the top people take the more difficult quests and let others have easier ones.  Can't blame Plarium if u have selfish clanmates grabbing 3 "easy" quests.  The first week was rocky, but our clan only missed out completing 1 ridulous rare dungeon last week and might miss one this week.  Not the end of the world, lol.  Someone farming 12.3 trying to get rare shields... lol, oops 

Gz, but you need understand your clan is only 1, lot  people have problem whit this sistem.

lack of quest, and 2 week for lvl 5 only in their dreams, most clan cant do it.

Aug 30, 2021, 17:1908/30/21

surely a system where everyone can do any quest, would be better.

Make the quests harder as clan player level increases, you have to do easier quests and work your way up.