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Most asinine clan quest system I ever seen in my life

Most asinine clan quest system I ever seen in my life

Aug 7, 2021, 06:2808/07/21

Good news everybody.  Plarium has responded to the criticism around the clan quests and shops at

Bad news though is that they don't actually address the underlying issue.  They are proposing to fix some of the harder quests, as well as make more quests available to start off with, but that is pretty much it.  Even these couple of fixes are apparently a few weeks away.

Actually they did not really respond. Actually they are trying to shift the blame on the wrong perception of the players. Most of the thing they announce is even more steps into the wrong direction and as always...they are very vague with statements like 'in the future..' 'We are reconsidering'..'checking analysis'.

They just do not play their own game and are very bad at anything else beyond trying to milk the costumer.

Aug 7, 2021, 19:4608/07/21

Airmaxxx said, "but can someone tell me, what in the world is the point of this system?"

I can buddy!  Just like every other change in this game it is revenue.  Just another revenue generator before they even finish polishing things like, Tag Team arena, making a matchmaker in the arena that actualy works (I mean seriously, they can only make it reasonable by using bots??????!!!!!).

It is the reason they keep making new content without fixing the old content.


While it isn't our fault Australian gaming giant Aristocrat paid $500 million to buy our Plarium.  But we are the ones paying for their mistake.  They really paid way too much...But it was to save their flagging gambling machine sales.  

Yeah, they are hurting from last years dismal economic performance so they must generate more revenue, through any means!  

Aristocrat profit down 46.7% in FY20 but digital growth drives solid revenue retention...Thems are the facts folks.  Struggling company with profits down almost 50% is gasping for money.  We are the cash cows.

wait, plarium doesn't own raid anymore?

Aug 7, 2021, 20:0308/07/21

wait, plarium doesn't own raid anymore?

No. And indeed nobody said that. Plarium owns Raid. Aristocrat owns Plarium.

Aug 8, 2021, 05:1808/08/21

No. And indeed nobody said that. Plarium owns Raid. Aristocrat owns Plarium.

oooohhhh. I see. Thx.

Aug 16, 2021, 08:2008/16/21

They should add trading to the game. Because  they haven't I do not want to play the game.

Aug 17, 2021, 12:3908/17/21

Clan Quest System is set up with Complete Stupidty , 

by a Complete incompetent brain dead block head

for some unknown idiotic reason

Quote of the month. Oath!

OracleCommunity Manager
Aug 19, 2021, 08:5808/19/21

Hi! We admit that there were flaws in the initial setup of the Clan Quest system, and we want to improve it for a better gameplay experience.

We need to collect more analytics data about the social patterns of the existing Clans to find out more about the distribution of players by their experience inside a Clan. 

Thank you for bringing that up!

Aug 19, 2021, 13:4308/19/21

Hi! We admit that there were flaws in the initial setup of the Clan Quest system, and we want to improve it for a better gameplay experience.

We need to collect more analytics data about the social patterns of the existing Clans to find out more about the distribution of players by their experience inside a Clan. 

Thank you for bringing that up!

Sorry, but for statements like this, I would like to have a downvote thumb.

Aug 20, 2021, 18:2108/20/21

Hi! We admit that there were flaws in the initial setup of the Clan Quest system, and we want to improve it for a better gameplay experience.

We need to collect more analytics data about the social patterns of the existing Clans to find out more about the distribution of players by their experience inside a Clan. 

Thank you for bringing that up!

Please stop the clan in-fighting over quests. That's the #1 problem right now. Everyone will rush to grab the easiest quests and then whoever can't log in right after reset will be left with the harder ones.

It's a stupid, stupid weird system that promotes "First come first serve" behavior and I, as a leader of my clan, will not be organizing and kicking people because of something like this, but it will only cause unrest. 

Please find a work around. 

Aug 21, 2021, 04:1608/21/21

Please stop the clan in-fighting over quests. That's the #1 problem right now. Everyone will rush to grab the easiest quests and then whoever can't log in right after reset will be left with the harder ones.

It's a stupid, stupid weird system that promotes "First come first serve" behavior and I, as a leader of my clan, will not be organizing and kicking people because of something like this, but it will only cause unrest. 

Please find a work around. 

Micromanaging everyone's quest assignments seems like it would be a nightmare, and as a clan leader myself, I am also not interested. I've just asked everyone to start with one that is harder for them to complete and leave the easier ones for their clanmates. So far, it's working but I don't know that it will forever.

Aug 21, 2021, 04:2208/21/21

Hi! We admit that there were flaws in the initial setup of the Clan Quest system, and we want to improve it for a better gameplay experience.

We need to collect more analytics data about the social patterns of the existing Clans to find out more about the distribution of players by their experience inside a Clan. 

Thank you for bringing that up!

Actually in the official announcement nothing of this kind has been admitted. It wsa all the "faulty player perception"...

Who could have thought, that giving 20 quests to clans when they can have up to 30 members and everyone can take up to 3 quests would be a cause for strife?????? That is completely unexpected!!!!!

Clans are about cooperation, see clan ranking milestones and clan boss. Clan quests are all about about lookinh out for yourself. There is no benefit to the clan as a whole for completeing clan quests.

With clanboss, everyone participating gets rewarded should the goal be achieved (clanboss down), assuming one reeaches the required damage treshholds.

With CvC evey clan member contributing reaps the milestone rewards.

With clan quests only the individual gets rewarded.

A proper clan quest system would have been:

A certain number of quests/week for eack member.

Enough quests so each member can take max amount of quests.

Half the quests individual and half cooperative (minimum x clan members completing dungeon x on minimum stage y or kill off dugneon boss of dungeon x on minumum stage y z times).  

Weekly limit for individual and cooperate quests seperately.

Each quest completed gives points to every individual, individual quests give some clan gold to an individual on completion. Points ar needed for milestones, each completed milestone gives clangold to every member which has completed quests at the end of the week.

Now that woud actually enourage clans to fill up, so that the max quests per week can be done. There would be not so much strife as eveyone will benefit from completed quests, so the small individual rewards don't matter so much.

Heck in 10 minutes of thinking about it I, who has no training in game design and other related stuff laid out a vastly better system, than the dev team which is supposedly traine din game design and paid tons of cash for this sort of thing. Very telling and depressing

Aug 25, 2021, 10:3108/25/21

I am just a newbie to RAID but as a new member I was frustrated with the Clan system. I entered the general Clan I was nominated for because I didn't know any better .  Now I know it's a dead beat Clan... with lots of people leaving it and for good reason. The Clan is not a Clan just individuals who appear to have no interest or make no no real attempt, to enter Clan Play quests or competitions. So even though I want to enter Clan contests my dud Clan is non-responsive and inept it appears.

To add insult to injury I'm now punished if I decide the Clan isn't for me given the reasons stated. If I leave lnow I am told that I will lose all XP earned since I started with  RAID... Good idea RAID masters; a good way that to lose me aor a game that makes more sense, is more equitable and failr.

Based on the current system I can't see any newbie like me staying unless they can get into a more active Clan. But then as this forum has pointed out there remains more issues even if you are an active Clan member!!!.

Sorry to Gripe but I had to let my frustrations out somehow.

Here's hoping management heeds the call and rethinks how they have set up this game... that is if they really want new players like me and to grow as a company?



PS: thanks for the comments RAID Gamers.

Aug 25, 2021, 11:3708/25/21

Hi! We admit that there were flaws in the initial setup of the Clan Quest system, and we want to improve it for a better gameplay experience.

We need to collect more analytics data about the social patterns of the existing Clans to find out more about the distribution of players by their experience inside a Clan. 

Thank you for bringing that up!

Just really sad that these have been out for 3 weeks now and have not seen much change on them.

How long does it take to fix something?

OracleCommunity Manager
Aug 25, 2021, 14:5208/25/21
Aug 25, 2021, 14:52(edited)

Hi guys! Thank you for describing your in-Clan experience! Of course, we take into account your thoughts and opinions, but I also have to mention that any substantial fix or change takes some considerable time to investigate, research, and finally to implement. As you guess, hastily implemented features often bring more bugs.

But we are gradually working on improving your experience. For instance, due to your reports, we noticed two important bugs - one is related to erroneous failing of the Quest (as if an assigned player has left the Clan) and another bug about not receiving Clan XP for particular Clan Quests. We managed to find out the origin of those bugs and today fixed those. 

More changes are on their way in upcoming updates.

Aug 26, 2021, 06:4108/26/21

Hi guys! Thank you for describing your in-Clan experience! Of course, we take into account your thoughts and opinions, but I also have to mention that any substantial fix or change takes some considerable time to investigate, research, and finally to implement. As you guess, hastily implemented features often bring more bugs.

But we are gradually working on improving your experience. For instance, due to your reports, we noticed two important bugs - one is related to erroneous failing of the Quest (as if an assigned player has left the Clan) and another bug about not receiving Clan XP for particular Clan Quests. We managed to find out the origin of those bugs and today fixed those. 

More changes are on their way in upcoming updates.

Downvote button needed:

If the only thing you got out of the massively negative feedback is what you mentioned, I seriously consider you are concentrating on the wrong stuff.

If you are really missing the central critics, that the Clan Quests should unit the Clan and that the current system is dividing the Clans...I can only assume that oyu are doing this on purpose. 

And please, do not mock us with telling us you need considerable time to investigate, research and implement. Every single proposal here is done within 10 minutes and miles better than your system. And considering that with this the inverstigation and research is already done...the implementation does not really look complex or time-consuming.

I know, it is your job to communicate with us and to let Plarium appear in a positive way....but...please do not sell us as being dumb and naive. 

Aug 26, 2021, 09:1708/26/21

Downvote button needed:

If the only thing you got out of the massively negative feedback is what you mentioned, I seriously consider you are concentrating on the wrong stuff.

If you are really missing the central critics, that the Clan Quests should unit the Clan and that the current system is dividing the Clans...I can only assume that oyu are doing this on purpose. 

And please, do not mock us with telling us you need considerable time to investigate, research and implement. Every single proposal here is done within 10 minutes and miles better than your system. And considering that with this the inverstigation and research is already done...the implementation does not really look complex or time-consuming.

I know, it is your job to communicate with us and to let Plarium appear in a positive way....but...please do not sell us as being dumb and naive. 

Took em 5 days to "research, investigate and implement" the garbage Clan vs Clan changes nobody asked for lol 

Aug 26, 2021, 10:2308/26/21

The only research they do is trends in player spending, and to be fair, that does take a bit of time. The idea that there's a need to analyze "clan social patterns", or whatever the latest excuse was, is ridiculous. At best, the social aspect introduced is nothing but a nuisance, an unnecessary administrative hoop that adds nothing of value, and at worst directly destructive.

You know, I can live with changes being made for profit. I understand it's a business, though I'm still not particularly impressed with predatory practices. What gets me though, is the steady stream of lies and gaslighting. Despite the fact that I'm still playing the game that would indicate otherwise, I'm not an idiot. I'd appreciate if I wasn't treated like one.

Aug 28, 2021, 15:4508/28/21

Can I send your code to invite a friend in the game Raid sha

dow legendsz
Aug 30, 2021, 06:5908/30/21

Hi guys! Thank you for describing your in-Clan experience! Of course, we take into account your thoughts and opinions, but I also have to mention that any substantial fix or change takes some considerable time to investigate, research, and finally to implement. As you guess, hastily implemented features often bring more bugs.

But we are gradually working on improving your experience. For instance, due to your reports, we noticed two important bugs - one is related to erroneous failing of the Quest (as if an assigned player has left the Clan) and another bug about not receiving Clan XP for particular Clan Quests. We managed to find out the origin of those bugs and today fixed those. 

More changes are on their way in upcoming updates.

There is actually no way to fix the curent system. You are pitting clan members against each other. Intentionally. For profit reasons presumably, clans splitting up means less UNM/NM down means less free shards and books means people might start to spend.

as long as rewards are to the indivuidual, clan quests will be a cause for strife among casual and semicasual (aka the vast majority) of clans. Since many expert quests are practically undoable for prctically anybody in these clans.

Dev's could really not see, that giving 20 quests to 30 member clans is a problem? Really?

Dev's could really not see, that "complete random dungeon with rares ofr andom facction" is practically undoable in most cases? Do the devs know anything about the game at all?

Yes, the bug fixing adresses the most presssing issues of clan quests exactly...not.

I am sure devs "investigate" and "do research" quite profusely, like with the dupe system. I am sure fixes to clan quests will be implemented as speedily and as throughly as the current duope system has been after careful "investigation£" and "research"..oh wait....

Aug 30, 2021, 10:5608/30/21

Based on no updates from Plarium around this since the first commentary back on the 6th, I think we can safely assume that nothing is going to change.  Plarium recognizes that everyone hates the current system, but have chosen to ignore that feedback and just let us all deal with it.