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Most asinine clan quest system I ever seen in my life

Most asinine clan quest system I ever seen in my life

Aug 4, 2021, 11:4508/04/21

Most asinine clan quest system I ever seen in my life

Whoever thought that promoting clan competition between clanmates is a "good" thing should be momentarily fired, along with all the "YES MEN" who supported him and apparently never played any game, let alone Raid in their life and have their pension funds revoked.

This is unacceptable. Plarium probably thinks that we have beginners grouped with end game players in these clans, literal day 1 players with players who can finish FK with nothing but rare champs from a single faction ! LOL. 

Wrong. While there are clans like that out there, they are a vast minority. Players usually look to group with players of their own caliber, and this clan quest system is directly hurting the cohesion going between those groups as now each reset, people will have to basically "fight" over the best quests if they wanna progress. 

This is ridiculously stupid and nonsensical. 

Now, I am not a negative person, I always try and look at things positively, but can someone tell me, what in the world is the point of this system? Where 1 quest can be taken by a single clan member, and they are divided by the amount of points they give, while also there not being enough of quests for the entire clan? 

Incredibly dumb. Instead what should've been done is every quest gives same amount of Clan Shop currency, quests are not shared with clan members - you just pick the 3 that are best suited for you, with Basic Quests giving less EXP than the other two. That's it. Everyone contributes and everyone gets rewarded. 

What am I missing here? Are they really trying to ruin this game this badly with their sheer ineptitude ? 

Aug 4, 2021, 12:1808/04/21

Clan Quest System is set up with Complete Stupidty , 

by a Complete incompetent brain dead block head

for some unknown idiotic reason

Aug 4, 2021, 12:2408/04/21

Agree, this clan quest system does not do anything to bring clan members together.  People will jump on the quests that they can do, leaving the rest for the unfortunate ones who were late to the party.

I am surprised that they didn't at least let the clan gold be shared across all clan members.  If someone is able to finish a clan quest, then everyone should get the gold.  This will then allow team members to not feel like they are missing out on gold rewards by letting someone else take the quest, and everyone can work together to ensure that all quests are completed to gain maximum gold.

They could have easily adjusted either the gold rewards themselves or the the prices in the shop to take into account that it would be shared across everyone in the clan.  E.g. instead of giving 50 gold to a single person for easy quests, they instead give 5 gold to everyone in the clan, which encourages the clan to work together to finish every quest.  

Aug 4, 2021, 12:2608/04/21

Agree, this clan quest system does not do anything to bring clan members together.  People will jump on the quests that they can do, leaving the rest for the unfortunate ones who were late to the party.

I am surprised that they didn't at least let the clan gold be shared across all clan members.  If someone is able to finish a clan quest, then everyone should get the gold.  This will then allow team members to not feel like they are missing out on gold rewards by letting someone else take the quest, and everyone can work together to ensure that all quests are completed to gain maximum gold.

They could have easily adjusted either the gold rewards themselves or the the prices in the shop to take into account that it would be shared across everyone in the clan.  E.g. instead of giving 50 gold to a single person for easy quests, they instead give 5 gold to everyone in the clan, which encourages the clan to work together to finish every quest.  

That's actually a really smart suggestion. Everyone contributing towards eachother progress instead of having to compete and leaving clan mates in the dust by taking all the good quests we can finish early. 

Truly they should just fire whoever came up with this system and hire you, or anyone else who has more than 5 fully functioning neurons and has played Raid in the past. 

Aug 4, 2021, 12:4208/04/21

Agree, this clan quest system does not do anything to bring clan members together.  People will jump on the quests that they can do, leaving the rest for the unfortunate ones who were late to the party.

I am surprised that they didn't at least let the clan gold be shared across all clan members.  If someone is able to finish a clan quest, then everyone should get the gold.  This will then allow team members to not feel like they are missing out on gold rewards by letting someone else take the quest, and everyone can work together to ensure that all quests are completed to gain maximum gold.

They could have easily adjusted either the gold rewards themselves or the the prices in the shop to take into account that it would be shared across everyone in the clan.  E.g. instead of giving 50 gold to a single person for easy quests, they instead give 5 gold to everyone in the clan, which encourages the clan to work together to finish every quest.  

Thats a great suggestion but it would require Plarium to use their noggins for once in their life and do some thinking :D

Aug 4, 2021, 12:5908/04/21
Aug 4, 2021, 13:03(edited)

Plarium has some real problems with inventing fun clan activity

CVC = total disaster and one of the most horrible clan vs clan activity I've seen in any mobile game. Resources against resources that can be bought with real currency... MAXIMUM STUPIDIY... NOT FUN AT ALL!

Clan Quests = Another disaster. 

Even with discord the distribution is hard. All the active members do use discord, but all 30 members on a clan, NOT. I know that propably the top 200 clans have all dedicated members where the distribution works, but what about the rest of the over 1000 clans. Also only 20 members can currenlty get a quest before we hit clan lvl 5. So the rest 10 are not involved. Nice!

Members in different timezones, officers and leaders have no control over anything, everyone not using discord, chat is a total joke. No clan bulletinboard with over 180 character textbox... 

It seems that all new clan related activity is making being in a clan less enjoyable...

A Complete failure in the clansystem, IT IS NOT FUN what games should be about.. Way to go plarium

Aug 4, 2021, 13:3108/04/21

Agreed. This is, perhaps, the dumbest possible way they could've implemented it. I actually assumed that completing a quest would give the whole clan the reward, since it'd promote actual coordination and cooperation. Alas, I should just accept that when it comes to Plarium, we should just come up with a new version of Occam's razor: the dumbest explanation is usually the correct one.

Aug 4, 2021, 13:3308/04/21

This Clan Quests are way beyond prove this...please have a look at my example:

There is an expert quest to block revive on IG20+ 50 times.

Let's say I am able to do this and achieve to block revive the once per run...

I would need 50 runs for this, which equals at least 800 energy....

Now I look at the Clan Shop and the rewards and see that I need 300 medals to get a 3* chicken.

The expert quests nets me 150 medals so I need to do the quest twice.

That equals an investment of 1600 energy to get a 3*chicken.  Even under the optimal conditions, I would need 800 energy to get this chicken.

And this is without considering the immense amount of time I would need to invest.

1600 energy equals 200 runs in 12-3 thos runs I can bring about 24 3* champs to level 30...transforming 6 of them to 4 * food...

So the ratio of investment is about what? 100:1 against this clan shop?

Aug 4, 2021, 13:3708/04/21

makers can destroy every good game :( shit happens always :(

Aug 4, 2021, 13:3908/04/21

This is a bit of a strange complaint thread.

First - as clan goes up in levels, more quests become available. The decision to open with so few was an odd one, but the problem will eventually go away.

Second - specifically RE @Matrim - 50 IG20+ runs is no problem at all when you are doing an IG tournament. And 50 block revives is plenty easy to do as well. Your complaint doesn't really make sense. You're not expected to just do IG for the quest - you do it when you are completing something else at the same time.

However - I will agree that yeah it would have been smarter for the completion of the quests to give points to everyone, and not just the person completing it.

Aug 4, 2021, 14:0308/04/21
Aug 4, 2021, 14:04(edited)

Okay, I'm sorry, but the more I think about this, the worse I think it is, and my opinion started out pretty low as it is. I'm sure the exlusivity of the quests will be okay for some clans that are very active and organized, but a lot of clans are not. For casual players, it'll just be a first-come, first-serve thing. Even for those clans that are organized enough to divide the quests up, it's another hoop to jump through and unless there are 90 elite quests at the highest level, even they will feel somewhat limited, although at least they may not feel it's inherently unfair if they can agree on taking 1 quest from each tier to complete, or whatever the quest limit dictates. I suspect for the vast majority of the playerbase though, this will only lead to toxicity with intra-clan competition for the best rewards.

Just about anything else would've been better. Shared rewards for completed quests. Quests that the entire clan contribute towards. Perhaps individual quests for a small personal reward that count towards a clan-wide goal just so those that are extra active won't feel they have to carry everyone and get nothing for it. You can still make it difficult enough that some level of coordination is required to get the best rewards, i.e. an informal agreement that some people focus on one set of quests while others focus on another.

There are so many ways to do this better. I'm just... utterly baffled by how Plarium has managed to pick possibly the worst possible option out of all they had available. Why would you ever think that having members of the same clan in direct competition for rewards would be a good idea?

Aug 4, 2021, 16:3008/04/21

As far as I can tell, they felt they hadn't caused enough tension in clans with CvC because a lot of clans were basically ignoring it.  Since tension->X->profit, they decided to implement a system that would cause strife in all clans.  Now they are still working on that X part, but it probably involves convincing people to leave the game and... ok, they'll get back to you on that one.

Aug 4, 2021, 18:1508/04/21

I didnt see this until i had posted.

I honestly dont think whoever produced this understands that clans are supposed to be about teamwork for the common good.

Aug 4, 2021, 20:1108/04/21

Before I've read this thread, I thought shared reward would actually be the way it is implemented. 

We have less quests than clan members, so it's actually not working together as a clan, but grabbing the best pieces for the fastest, a little bit like Wolves or Lions eat their prey. And even if I admire these animals, a wolf pack is no blueprint for human society. 

Another big problem is the distribution of the quests to the different tiers. Getting all masteries for a rare champ is a basic quest. That means getting a rare to lvl 60 and spend either 800 gems or do the minotaur a billion times is a basic quest - while putting 50 decrease atk debuffs on the dragon is an expert quest. Lol. Sports training, basic quest: Iron Man Triathlon. Expert quest: walk to the local park.

Aug 5, 2021, 06:4608/05/21

We need our voices heard and we need action taken as soon as next patch.

Fix this stupid system immediately. I can already feel rifts starting to happen within my clan. 

As a clan leader of a top 200 clan this is extremely disheartening and pushing me off from the game, and that is on top of having to deal with CvC every 2nd week. Ridiculous! Plarium, do something ! 

Aug 5, 2021, 08:3308/05/21

Agreed. Here showing my support for it being a terrible system.

Aug 5, 2021, 10:4908/05/21

This should not be called clan quests, it should be called WELCOME ALL GREIFERS!

Had some people already leave the clans I am in, and in some cases they had picked up clan quests and now no one else can pick them up.

I really hope they do not wait weeks to fix this mess and fix it in days.

Aug 5, 2021, 10:5008/05/21
Aug 5, 2021, 11:06(edited)

and why cap of quest is 3 per person ???

At least taken quests should be shared accross all members so everyone could participate to finsh quests

Aug 5, 2021, 13:1208/05/21
Aug 5, 2021, 13:26(edited)

Airmaxxx said, "but can someone tell me, what in the world is the point of this system?"

I can buddy!  Just like every other change in this game it is revenue.  Just another revenue generator before they even finish polishing things like, Tag Team arena, making a matchmaker in the arena that actualy works (I mean seriously, they can only make it reasonable by using bots??????!!!!!).

It is the reason they keep making new content without fixing the old content.


While it isn't our fault Australian gaming giant Aristocrat paid $500 million to buy our Plarium.  But we are the ones paying for their mistake.  They really paid way too much...But it was to save their flagging gambling machine sales.  

Yeah, they are hurting from last years dismal economic performance so they must generate more revenue, through any means!  

Aristocrat profit down 46.7% in FY20 but digital growth drives solid revenue retention...Thems are the facts folks.  Struggling company with profits down almost 50% is gasping for money.  We are the cash cows.

Aug 6, 2021, 23:3408/06/21

If I'm in a low-level clan, why can all 30 of us not have an Easy quest to work on? Why can only 10 of us have a quest?

Aug 7, 2021, 03:2508/07/21

Good news everybody.  Plarium has responded to the criticism around the clan quests and shops at

Bad news though is that they don't actually address the underlying issue.  They are proposing to fix some of the harder quests, as well as make more quests available to start off with, but that is pretty much it.  Even these couple of fixes are apparently a few weeks away.