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New F2P Players CAN NOT win in Arena

New F2P Players CAN NOT win in Arena

Apr 11, 2021, 21:3704/11/21

I have to agree with ksimpkins11. i got ripped out of gold tier and slammed to bronze tier and have barely been able to get to level two. It is all about the team and gear. just watch the videos from hell hades from playing this game it is all about accuracy, speed, defense and attack. but the crit rate needs to be high. If you have seen any examples of the player stats with artifacts then you would have seen some really crazy numbers. And if you are bragging about how great you are then either you are paying your way or you been here the whole time. We are supposed to be a community here if you don"t want to be part of it then just don"t talk.

Apr 11, 2021, 21:4304/11/21

Once you dropped below g1, you other arena alghoritm chosing your opponents, dont know exacly if is better or worst as never reached g1 yet :)

Apr 11, 2021, 21:4704/11/21

I have to agree with ksimpkins11. i got ripped out of gold tier and slammed to bronze tier and have barely been able to get to level two. It is all about the team and gear. just watch the videos from hell hades from playing this game it is all about accuracy, speed, defense and attack. but the crit rate needs to be high. If you have seen any examples of the player stats with artifacts then you would have seen some really crazy numbers. And if you are bragging about how great you are then either you are paying your way or you been here the whole time. We are supposed to be a community here if you don"t want to be part of it then just don"t talk.

A lot of it is also a lottery, if you pull a great turn meter champ, or a krisk for example then you can build a team around them

There are basic tactics involved and a basic understanding needed, but essentially arena success is luck (pulls) or money spent (to improve pulls and more energy for grinding) and grinding the hell out of dragon/spider etc until you want to shoot yourself. 

Apr 12, 2021, 00:3504/12/21

I've been watching this thread and others for a while now. I had been playing Raid for a couple of months and had 2 Elhain, 2 Bellowers, Frozen Banshee, Spirithost, Apothecary, Doompriest, Shaman, Scyl of the Drakes, High Kathun all lvl 60, with full masteries and a mix  of 4-6* gear. I could not get out of bronze III. I believed what many do here that arena is broken. 

Then a couple of weeks ago I lost my account because of the Google Webview issue. Anyway I've reinstalled with a new account. I'm at day 21 and in Silver I. I no longer believe there is an issue with arena. I took the advice of older players and I focused on a select group of champions, leveling up Kael to level 60 first. I then started grinding for Spirithost, Warmaiden and Valerie. Luckily I pulled an Elhain early on. Speed, Damage Debuff, Attack and Crit Rate/Crit Damage are all thats really needed to overcome the lvl 60 teams.

I only have 3-5* gear and not even full leveled up champions. My Rare team at much lower level is beating much higher level and geared teams. Why? Because my team has synergy. I go first, I lower the enemies defenses and I hit hard. Do I lose? Yes, but not often because I chose enemies that have poor synergy. The teams below have great individual champs, good stats, good passives but it doesn't do them any good if they never get a chance to use them.

I have peaked into Silver II and lost but its not becayse arena is unfair, its because the team I faced was faster so I have to be faster. There is a wall you hit on every level of every dungeon and every campaign. It sounds harsh I know but needing to get betrer is true and understanding the mechanics of the game.





Apr 12, 2021, 01:2204/12/21

Frostnfire, your logic have a problem, you have knowledge, new people dont. 

Most people enter in arena (first time) whit rare 30 or less, and see 50 60 epic leg.

what you think, their read (or see videos) or find a more friendly game.

Apr 12, 2021, 01:3204/12/21

Just got back into Silver II after upgrading some gear and actually beat a team  

People worry about the reviving champs but they are only trouble if there are two on the enemies team or if they have Unkillable gear. The worst team I've faced was Scyl of the Drakes, Shaman, Old Hermit Jorgg all in unkillabe gear and a Templar. It was a bronze team and they just pecked away at me.


Apr 12, 2021, 01:5704/12/21

Frostnfire, your logic have a problem, you have knowledge, new people dont. 

Most people enter in arena (first time) whit rare 30 or less, and see 50 60 epic leg.

what you think, their read (or see videos) or find a more friendly game.

Thing is I was a newbie just a couple of months ago, not quite three to be exact. Other people posting in this thread are saying they've played longer than me and are getting nowhere or were in Silver and now can't get out of Bronze. I had no knowledge three months ago and agreed that there was something wrong with arena. i srarted over using the knowledge given in this thread and a few others just like it and am now in Silver II. 

My logic is not flawed. All of the items you need to go from Bronze to Silver are available to all players for free, in normal campaign mode and the lower-mid dungeon stages. You do not need to open a million shards. Legendary and Epic enemies can be beat, even if they are maxed. You need to know the mechanics of the game and work with it. My logic is sound and a direct example of others advice here. You need an atrack team based on speed, with a champ that debuffs the enemies defense and then a couple of nukers. My team does this and it was all free. 

Spirithost (Leader) - team speed boost goes first and raises team attack

Warmaiden - lowers enemies defense goes second

Kael - nukes and goes third

Elhain - nukes last

Apr 12, 2021, 08:5004/12/21

Why is the solution always the same?

Build a speed nuker team but dont fight speed nuker teams.

Be HYPER focused on the arena and ignore the rest of the game.

yes i know i am being over simplistic but that seems to be the anwser most give.

I really think the arena should have its own set of quests challenges so forth and so on, or find a better way to balance it out in the lower teirs.

Apr 12, 2021, 10:3004/12/21

Thing is I was a newbie just a couple of months ago, not quite three to be exact. Other people posting in this thread are saying they've played longer than me and are getting nowhere or were in Silver and now can't get out of Bronze. I had no knowledge three months ago and agreed that there was something wrong with arena. i srarted over using the knowledge given in this thread and a few others just like it and am now in Silver II. 

My logic is not flawed. All of the items you need to go from Bronze to Silver are available to all players for free, in normal campaign mode and the lower-mid dungeon stages. You do not need to open a million shards. Legendary and Epic enemies can be beat, even if they are maxed. You need to know the mechanics of the game and work with it. My logic is sound and a direct example of others advice here. You need an atrack team based on speed, with a champ that debuffs the enemies defense and then a couple of nukers. My team does this and it was all free. 

Spirithost (Leader) - team speed boost goes first and raises team attack

Warmaiden - lowers enemies defense goes second

Kael - nukes and goes third

Elhain - nukes last

Read the tittle new people cant win, you restart your account, you are not new anymore.

Apr 12, 2021, 11:4504/12/21

The arena is broken. I've been playing for 2 years now, been to platinum multiple times with my arena team. But only in the last month, something happened and I can't get out of gold 1 now. Idk what it is, or what they did to it, but something happened and it's all fucked up now. 

Apr 12, 2021, 14:2204/12/21

Read the tittle new people cant win, you restart your account, you are not new anymore.

I didn't restart my account. I started a whole new account. New name, ip address, login, etc. I am using nothing from my last account. I don't think my last account even exists now because I never connected it to a facebook account or plarium account which is why I had to start over fresh. I started 22 days ago and just like any newbie,  I had to pick my starting champion and grind through normal mode in the campaign to aquire champs, items, silver, gems, etc. The only difference between me and someone who just started today is that I have read some of these forum posts and applied the suggestions of players who have more insight. 

As I said in my original post I had played for a few months with my other account and couldn't make it out of bronze III. I understand others frustrations. The arena may be very limiting in how it is designed and what teams succeed but all games have their design limitations. I believe the Plarium devs are designing for longevity and patient players. It's far from perfect or easy but if someone is looking for easy, they would be better off playing Candy Crush.

Apr 12, 2021, 21:2804/12/21



Free to play series, he will show you how he does  it on his free to play account. Watch it and get back to us

I don't know why people post comments like this.  I've watched all the f2p series.  Ash struggled horrendously.  His f2p account is far behind my f2p account and I started a month after him.  His videos prove that there is an issue in the arena.  For instance, here is his response to Plarium's response to the content creators:

Apr 12, 2021, 21:3204/12/21

Just got back into Silver II after upgrading some gear and actually beat a team  

People worry about the reviving champs but they are only trouble if there are two on the enemies team or if they have Unkillable gear. The worst team I've faced was Scyl of the Drakes, Shaman, Old Hermit Jorgg all in unkillabe gear and a Templar. It was a bronze team and they just pecked away at me.


Could you show us your builds?  Because 80k team power with those characters at that level is pretty high.  You said you have 3* to 5* gear so I'm curious at what pieces you could have.

Apr 13, 2021, 03:1604/13/21


Here are my gear builds. I select gear based on the main stats and sub-stats for the most part and not by sets, except for Spirithost who I wanted as much speed as I could get and the crit damage set for Elhain. Kael I wanted a lot of accuracy so I used a chestplate that's main stat is accuracy. My glyph enchants are mostly 1-2* but I did get a couple of 3* speed which I used on Kael's gear.





Apr 13, 2021, 03:4504/13/21
Apr 13, 2021, 03:51(edited)

don't u worry about speed. just pull 1 tormin to ruin my day

whats amusing is i find getting out of gold 3 harder than staying in gold 4

Apr 13, 2021, 07:4804/13/21
Apr 13, 2021, 07:50(edited)

I've been watching this thread and others for a while now. I had been playing Raid for a couple of months and had 2 Elhain, 2 Bellowers, Frozen Banshee, Spirithost, Apothecary, Doompriest, Shaman, Scyl of the Drakes, High Kathun all lvl 60, with full masteries and a mix  of 4-6* gear. I could not get out of bronze III. I believed what many do here that arena is broken. 

Then a couple of weeks ago I lost my account because of the Google Webview issue. Anyway I've reinstalled with a new account. I'm at day 21 and in Silver I. I no longer believe there is an issue with arena. I took the advice of older players and I focused on a select group of champions, leveling up Kael to level 60 first. I then started grinding for Spirithost, Warmaiden and Valerie. Luckily I pulled an Elhain early on. Speed, Damage Debuff, Attack and Crit Rate/Crit Damage are all thats really needed to overcome the lvl 60 teams.

I only have 3-5* gear and not even full leveled up champions. My Rare team at much lower level is beating much higher level and geared teams. Why? Because my team has synergy. I go first, I lower the enemies defenses and I hit hard. Do I lose? Yes, but not often because I chose enemies that have poor synergy. The teams below have great individual champs, good stats, good passives but it doesn't do them any good if they never get a chance to use them.

I have peaked into Silver II and lost but its not becayse arena is unfair, its because the team I faced was faster so I have to be faster. There is a wall you hit on every level of every dungeon and every campaign. It sounds harsh I know but needing to get betrer is true and understanding the mechanics of the game.





By starting a new account and focussing on arena from the start you completely bypass the matchmaking issue people run into.

Anyone commenting on this thread could probably start a brand new account and hit silver in a couple of weeks.

Tiers are supposed to get easier as you drop, the whole idea of progression in a game is the same content gets easier as you get more powerful - and you move up to harder challenges

With raid, because matchmaking is a mess- you get more powerful, but are punished for doing so in this mode of the game, which is why it is so easy on a new account to progress, but so much harder on a mature account that decides they want to progress on arena. Or new players that do not focus on arena from the start

Apr 13, 2021, 13:4504/13/21


You could be right but it could also be that the game isn't designed to have players move as fast as the players might want. All I can attest to is being able to progress in arena without having to spend real money or have a bunch of epic or legendary champs. 

Apr 13, 2021, 17:4504/13/21


10% speed aura with no speed boosters with 171 and 181 base speed on your nukers with that level of attack on Kael and crit damage on both of them?  You sure you didn't move some items around because I have an extremely hard time believing that with the setup you just linked, you are winning in silver.  It took me getting my High Khatun to 235 base to even go first frequently enough to get into silver.  It took a second speed booster to get my Kael (who was higher than either of your champs) to go fast enough to be able to nuke.  Your defense is nonexist so you aren't surving strikes.  Let's just say that Plarium is giving you very different opponents than most of us faced if you can win anything at that level.  I am also flabberghasted that your team power is that high with such low stats.

Apr 13, 2021, 18:1504/13/21
Apr 13, 2021, 18:16(edited)


10% speed aura with no speed boosters with 171 and 181 base speed on your nukers with that level of attack on Kael and crit damage on both of them?  You sure you didn't move some items around because I have an extremely hard time believing that with the setup you just linked, you are winning in silver.  It took me getting my High Khatun to 235 base to even go first frequently enough to get into silver.  It took a second speed booster to get my Kael (who was higher than either of your champs) to go fast enough to be able to nuke.  Your defense is nonexist so you aren't surving strikes.  Let's just say that Plarium is giving you very different opponents than most of us faced if you can win anything at that level.  I am also flabberghasted that your team power is that high with such low stats.

He is in Silver 2, as the posted pictures show us. And you really think he swapped some items just to give you a missleading hint? Why should he do that? Probably he is just picking his opponents while using his brain, avoiding faster speed teams. Look at the teams he defeated: 

Teela, Scyl, Ultimate Galek, Relickeeper. 

Galek, Duchess Lilitu, Shaman, Scyl.

Galek, Lord Champfort, Teela, Shaman.

No speed-buffer or spd-aura.

Apr 14, 2021, 14:4304/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 14:57(edited)


10% speed aura with no speed boosters with 171 and 181 base speed on your nukers with that level of attack on Kael and crit damage on both of them?  You sure you didn't move some items around because I have an extremely hard time believing that with the setup you just linked, you are winning in silver.  It took me getting my High Khatun to 235 base to even go first frequently enough to get into silver.  It took a second speed booster to get my Kael (who was higher than either of your champs) to go fast enough to be able to nuke.  Your defense is nonexist so you aren't surving strikes.  Let's just say that Plarium is giving you very different opponents than most of us faced if you can win anything at that level.  I am also flabberghasted that your team power is that high with such low stats.

As skadi said above I specifically select teams to fight that don't have a speed lead. I try and make the best guess I can as to how the enemies team works as a whole. I think I said in a post earlier that individual stats on a champ doesn't really matter if they never get a turn to use them. 

My stats are exactly as I posted, I have no reason at all to mislead you. Im a level 43, 233k player and am in my 24th day of play on this account (see below). On my last account I had champs that were better equipt and at two months in I couldn't get out of bronze III. There was a lot I was doing wrong. I had Warmaiden and never used her because I didn't really understand why the defense down debuff was all that. I had Bellower with his defense down and attack down and he wasn't at all impressive. I didn't know that Warmaiden's defense down ignores shields and only a very high resistance stat will stop it, which is why I have Warmaiden accuracy as high as I can get. Below is Elhain's gearing.

Now my stats may be higher than expected because I have all masteries done on Elhain and Kael. I hoarded gems and used those for maxing out their masteries instead of grinding Minotaur forever. 

Oh and your right I don't survive many direct strikes. My gear as I said before is built around what each individual champ needs. Elhain's gear is focused on attack, crit rate & crit damage for main stats and sub-stats with also some speed sub-stat on almost every piece and speed as the main stats on her boots. Kael is more of a compromise becuase I wanted high accuracy so his attack is lower as a result. 








