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New F2P Players CAN NOT win in Arena

New F2P Players CAN NOT win in Arena

Mar 31, 2021, 13:0503/31/21

New players can win, but you have to make sure that you level up champs to 6* only if you need to

infact i would say it is easier to reach silver 1 for new f2p players, all you have to do is to level up only 4-5 good champs and do not pull any shards. that way your power stays at a very low level. I have started a small account and it has 35k power and I intend to keep it that way. i will update once i reach silver 1

Mar 31, 2021, 17:1403/31/21

Not only new players, old players like me also got trouble in Arena, in my list all Arbiter lead. It's great when there are people keep complaining. 


I used to complain a lot in this forum (and reddit) last year (not only me but many other players) and Arena bots were made from that effort. 

Mar 31, 2021, 17:2103/31/21

Not only new players, old players like me also got trouble in Arena, in my list all Arbiter lead. It's great when there are people keep complaining. 


I used to complain a lot in this forum (and reddit) last year (not only me but many other players) and Arena bots were made from that effort. 

So your solution to fixing arena, instead of improving your team and getting Arbiter yourself since you're almost playing for a year, is to completely ruin any sort of competitiveness by adding literal easy mode bot pages?


You're wrong tho, they were not added because you were complaining. They were there as a legitimate bug, and shouldn't be there. Proof : Plarium doesn't even know these bot pages exist as per Hellhades video. 

Arena is a game mode like every other, and in order to progress you will have to build your teams accordingly. 

Mar 31, 2021, 18:0703/31/21

So instead of fixing the arena which is broken at the moment, your suggestion is to get Arbiter (for which you have to advance to Gold levels in Arena) to better compete in a broken arena?

You know..this is kind of reversed logic....

Mar 31, 2021, 22:1203/31/21

I could make a needlessly long counter post using my account as an example of why you're wrong, but I won't waste my time since it's obvious you're not here to help yourself, but just to complain.  You've been playing for 3 months.  You're not a new player anymore.  If you're still in bronze 1 after 3 months, that's on you, not the system.  

Apr 1, 2021, 03:1904/01/21

So your solution to fixing arena, instead of improving your team and getting Arbiter yourself since you're almost playing for a year, is to completely ruin any sort of competitiveness by adding literal easy mode bot pages?


You're wrong tho, they were not added because you were complaining. They were there as a legitimate bug, and shouldn't be there. Proof : Plarium doesn't even know these bot pages exist as per Hellhades video. 

Arena is a game mode like every other, and in order to progress you will have to build your teams accordingly. 

Plarium do not know ..... (as per Hellhades video) 😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.

You are so smart, so does Hellhades 😂 😂 😂 HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. 

Let imagine, let use your "so smart" brain, (in case Arena bots are bugs) if Plarium do not want it exist, how could it last ... a year.  


Before I complained for months, there were no bots. 

Apr 1, 2021, 03:4604/01/21

First of all,

I have access to the same knowledge sources as you do (youtube, various content creatores and websites dedicated to helping new players) and on my alt I have the access to the same amount of resources as the rest, since I have not spent a dime on it yet here are the results 


This is just after 1 month, on an account which I barely play on. Using proper team and wiping these on auto. 

If you took your time to do some research and focus on arena you could do the exact same, it's not hard at all.

Focusing on FW early is a mistake in itself, you won't be able to progress far and glyphs barely do anything early game - you can farm those up to stage 6 with 1 champ alone and the difference between level 2 and level 3 / 4 glyphs is barely worth ANYTHING.

Spreading your resources thin to focus on FW is a massive mistake on your part, and you should've known better - you're paying the price now for investing in champs you'll be replacing every month.  

"This is just after 1 month, on an account which I barely play on. Using proper team and wiping these on auto. " After you bought 5 lego at least and paid minimum 500 us dollar.

We want to see your roster

Apr 1, 2021, 04:2004/01/21

Balanced matchmaker ...


Apr 1, 2021, 04:5404/01/21

Balanced matchmaker ...


There is PC version, why you need Bluestacks ? Using PC, you could run some help apps as well. 

Apr 1, 2021, 13:3704/01/21

The biggest issue is with the progress mission. The final mission for the first stage that new players go through is to complete some part of the campaign on normal.

Whereas the previous part immediately before that is to ascend to bronze 3.

Those two tasks are completely disconnected in terms of progress for a new player. 

To ascend to bronze 3 you easily need to level multiple 60s and be at least somewhat lucky with pulls after playing aggressively for many weeks.

Completing normal campaign can be done with level 30s within a couple of days.

The progression mission needs to be adjusted for the standards of the game today, not two years ago.

Apr 1, 2021, 14:5104/01/21

The biggest issue is with the progress mission. The final mission for the first stage that new players go through is to complete some part of the campaign on normal.

Whereas the previous part immediately before that is to ascend to bronze 3.

Those two tasks are completely disconnected in terms of progress for a new player. 

To ascend to bronze 3 you easily need to level multiple 60s and be at least somewhat lucky with pulls after playing aggressively for many weeks.

Completing normal campaign can be done with level 30s within a couple of days.

The progression mission needs to be adjusted for the standards of the game today, not two years ago.

Got to be honest here, i do believe you! and i know the frustrations are real, but i started my new account two days ago, farmed spirit host, farmed warmaiden, started with kael and farmed speed boots and accuracy gear as required

I am top half of b2 (2nd day playing) and should hit B3 in a few days (i have burned out a bit so taking a break) and while i see some stacked sides, i see enough teams  my level to avoid them

That is why i think it is player power matchmaking causing problem, i dont have any champions other than a support champ and my arena team so my player power is really low

If i had been playing a few weeks and had collected loads of champs i suspect i would be having your issues and be unable to progress, so the biggest advice i can give is eat your unused champs and get player power down. Its cheesy i agree.

Apr 1, 2021, 15:0204/01/21
Apr 1, 2021, 15:06(edited)

If i had been playing a few weeks and had collected loads of champs i
suspect i would be having your issues and be unable to progress, so the
biggest advice i can give is eat your unused champs and get player power
down. Its cheesy i agree. 

100% agree - this is my issue. I've got 650ish power because I collected and levelled characters - what this game is so supposed to be about - and am seemingly punished for that. So now have to eat a few hundred points of characters to get round it or spend weeks tweaking and fiddlign and hoping for lucky matchmaking. 

 I'm running Katun 50, warmaiden 50, Kael 60 maxed,  ursala (for attack down attcak up) or MM at 50 or 60.  All fully ascended. The classic (ish)  team with reasonable to good kit and struggling. Almost all matches I go first because I carefully pick and probably win at ration of  3 to 1 or so because some teams are just too tough, or have shields that you can't predict etc.  Then drop that many losses overnight  so back where I started.

Apr 1, 2021, 15:0504/01/21

If i had been playing a few weeks and had collected loads of champs i
suspect i would be having your issues and be unable to progress, so the
biggest advice i can give is eat your unused champs and get player power
down. Its cheesy i agree. 

100% agree - this is my issue. I've got 650ish power because I collected and levelled characters - what this game is so supposed to be about - and am seemingly punished for that. So now have to eat a few hundred points of characters to get round it or spend weeks tweaking and fiddlign and hoping for lucky matchmaking. 

 I'm running Katun 50, warmaiden 50, Kael 60 maxed,  ursala (for attack down attcak up) or MM at 50 or 60.  All fully ascended. The classic (ish)  team with reasonable to good kit and struggling. Almost all matches I go first because I carefully pick and probably win at ration of  3 to 1 or so because some teams are just too tough, or have shields that you can't predict etc.  Then drop that many losses overnight  so back where I started.

Completely sympathise and agree, i think people mistake the real issue which is that player power is a poor measure of arena strength.

Apr 1, 2021, 15:1904/01/21

This will sound harsh, but the facts are we know how the system works at least somewhat.  If it's not going to change then adapt to it.

Stop leveling up every champ you get.

Don't buy shards.

Focus on few, not many (this is important for a MULTITUDE of reasons)

Ignore FW, really, IGNORE FW. I don't care if you like it.  Seriously, shooting yourself in the foot here.

Sell, don't level crap gear.

Progress in dungeons for better gear, make more 6* not a bunch of 50s or FW 40s.


It has been proven what works and what doesn't, your choice which path to take.

Apr 1, 2021, 16:0404/01/21

This will sound harsh, but the facts are we know how the system works at least somewhat.  If it's not going to change then adapt to it.

Stop leveling up every champ you get.

Don't buy shards.

Focus on few, not many (this is important for a MULTITUDE of reasons)

Ignore FW, really, IGNORE FW. I don't care if you like it.  Seriously, shooting yourself in the foot here.

Sell, don't level crap gear.

Progress in dungeons for better gear, make more 6* not a bunch of 50s or FW 40s.


It has been proven what works and what doesn't, your choice which path to take.

Gear only adds to your player power when you're actually wearing it - just tested it. So the more important point with gear is to strip gear from champions you're not using anymore, there's no harm in just having gear in your storage, whether leveled or not. 

Apr 1, 2021, 16:1704/01/21

Gear only adds to your player power when you're actually wearing it - just tested it. So the more important point with gear is to strip gear from champions you're not using anymore, there's no harm in just having gear in your storage, whether leveled or not. 

Thanks for sharing this info! Good to know.  Don't think any of this impacts G4, but I will share the proper info with my clan.

Apr 1, 2021, 16:2904/01/21

So how is player power calculated? By the total number of Champs you have? By their rank, rarity, level, the level of their gear? 

So basically I need to get rid of Champs I've collected over the weeks?

Apr 1, 2021, 16:5104/01/21

So how is player power calculated? By the total number of Champs you have? By their rank, rarity, level, the level of their gear? 

So basically I need to get rid of Champs I've collected over the weeks?

Ungeared/unleveled champs add very little power, only gear up champs you are using if you want to keep power down.

Focus on quality over quantity, this will help you in ways far beyond keeping your power low.  Basically a benefit of playing the game "smart".  

Apr 1, 2021, 17:3004/01/21

So how is player power calculated? By the total number of Champs you have? By their rank, rarity, level, the level of their gear? 

So basically I need to get rid of Champs I've collected over the weeks?

After some testing, here are some numbers:

458 points for level 1 common, 703 points for level 10 common, 604 points for 2* level 1 common. 

876 points for level 1 uncommon (so yes, rarity makes a difference too), 1275 points for level 20 uncommon, 1376 points for 3* level 1 uncommon. 

29 points increase for a 1 level increase on a 5* rare. 

168 points when you equip a 5* rare level 1 piece on a champion (gear doesn't affect your score while not being worn), 545 points when you equip a 5* rare level 16 gear piece on a champion. 21 points increase to level a 5* rare gear piece from level 9 to 10. 

66 points increase for a tier 3 mastery being added. 

So basically, if you want to reduce your player score to get you easier matchups in arena, you should get rid of champions that you don't use and don't plan to use in the future; you should not level up/ascend champions that you want to keep for future use but aren't using now, nor gear them, nor get them masteries; when you stop using a champion, you should strip their gear, even if you don't go so far as to feed the champion. 

Apr 2, 2021, 03:4704/02/21

i cant win with my uber arbiter team haha, oh well problems at every level. im losing to people who happened to get "lucky" on speed upgrades. Sad when arena atm basically comes down to rng on speed gear. The problem is almost all teams involve an arbiter and or a turn meter reduction champ, def down and a heavy nuke. Honestly its boring and garbage and thats what needs fixing. There needs to be better ways to win and survive. Hopefully with the new gear but prob not