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New F2P Players CAN NOT win in Arena

New F2P Players CAN NOT win in Arena

Apr 2, 2021, 14:3804/02/21

If you're a P2W player your opinion on this subject is pretty much worthless as you have ZERO perspective of what Raid is like to play w/o pouring cash in to overcome the roadblocks. I'm still under the 30 day mark and my perspective on the arena as a f2p player is dismal to say the least.

Basing my opponents on the cumulative strength of my champion roster is beyond dumb considering you can't use more than 4 at a time the entire rest of your roster is 100% meaningless. Considering how counter intuitive and plain out dumb this mechanic is most likely 90% or more of new players have opened WAY WAY WAY more shards than they should LONG before they even hear of how arena opponents are measured up.

I have ZERO legendaries and 4-5 epics and only my starting champion is at 5 stars but 90% of my opponent choices in the arena are stacked with epics/legendaries, many 5 star ascended, along with 5 star ascended rares. I haven't had nearly enough play time to even remotely match up with those teams and often I'm dead before I get a turn or two. Even tuning for speed is only slightly useful since my artifact ranks are in the 3-4 star range mostly (some less). Not to mention the additional time needed to farm this speed gear.

Bottom line is at no point should you see so many legendary/epic champions in BRONZE I tier. There is no explanation even close to remotely justifying why the starter tier is packed with so many players with advanced champions/gear. Starting tiers should mostly be for starting players who simply haven't had the time to build up no matter their strategy or tactics.

Apr 2, 2021, 16:3304/02/21
Laird Stuff

If you're a P2W player your opinion on this subject is pretty much worthless as you have ZERO perspective of what Raid is like to play w/o pouring cash in to overcome the roadblocks. I'm still under the 30 day mark and my perspective on the arena as a f2p player is dismal to say the least.

Basing my opponents on the cumulative strength of my champion roster is beyond dumb considering you can't use more than 4 at a time the entire rest of your roster is 100% meaningless. Considering how counter intuitive and plain out dumb this mechanic is most likely 90% or more of new players have opened WAY WAY WAY more shards than they should LONG before they even hear of how arena opponents are measured up.

I have ZERO legendaries and 4-5 epics and only my starting champion is at 5 stars but 90% of my opponent choices in the arena are stacked with epics/legendaries, many 5 star ascended, along with 5 star ascended rares. I haven't had nearly enough play time to even remotely match up with those teams and often I'm dead before I get a turn or two. Even tuning for speed is only slightly useful since my artifact ranks are in the 3-4 star range mostly (some less). Not to mention the additional time needed to farm this speed gear.

Bottom line is at no point should you see so many legendary/epic champions in BRONZE I tier. There is no explanation even close to remotely justifying why the starter tier is packed with so many players with advanced champions/gear. Starting tiers should mostly be for starting players who simply haven't had the time to build up no matter their strategy or tactics.

You know I don't think most of the people complaining want easier arena, we want a fairer arena.

People telling people that in order to play this game you can't play the game ,don't summon champs, don't do anything other than farm the campain till you eyes bleeds seems really counter to what the game came off to me as, which  was a summoning game and build your champs. Not summon a couple of champs and play them  and only them.

Oh well still playing but not spending becuase the arena part is not fun as  a new player, and last i checked this was entertainment, and if they don't want my entertainment money so be it.

Apr 2, 2021, 19:1804/02/21

You know I don't think most of the people complaining want easier arena, we want a fairer arena.

People telling people that in order to play this game you can't play the game ,don't summon champs, don't do anything other than farm the campain till you eyes bleeds seems really counter to what the game came off to me as, which  was a summoning game and build your champs. Not summon a couple of champs and play them  and only them.

Oh well still playing but not spending becuase the arena part is not fun as  a new player, and last i checked this was entertainment, and if they don't want my entertainment money so be it.

Exactly, as a new player I don't expect to jump into the arena and dominate from the outset but I do expect to be given opponents around my actual relative strength w/o being penalized because I explored the game and the champions I acquired instead of feeding them all to a select few champions.

Apparently collecting in this collection game is a bad idea. Now I'm finding out I need to ungear and get rid of any champion I'm not actively using just to have a hope of fighting somewhat fair teams.

Now looking at all the champion leveling tournaments/events they feel designed to make the game harder on you unless you're leveling sacraficial champs.

Apr 2, 2021, 21:1304/02/21
Laird Stuff

Exactly, as a new player I don't expect to jump into the arena and dominate from the outset but I do expect to be given opponents around my actual relative strength w/o being penalized because I explored the game and the champions I acquired instead of feeding them all to a select few champions.

Apparently collecting in this collection game is a bad idea. Now I'm finding out I need to ungear and get rid of any champion I'm not actively using just to have a hope of fighting somewhat fair teams.

Now looking at all the champion leveling tournaments/events they feel designed to make the game harder on you unless you're leveling sacraficial champs.

Well said, both of you. I have a couple accounts and neither can get out of bronze tag team despite having some pretty good champs. There is no reason anyone in bronze should see a wall of Arbiter teams that are 50% legendaries. It's demoralizing. Also how are your Classic Arena Takedowns going? Been up for almost a day now, I have maybe 2 wins/20 pts in one and am sitting at rank 12. That doesn't seem right.

Apr 3, 2021, 00:5004/03/21

I have no issue with the arena being "challenging" leave it that way if people want.

The core issue for me is the disconnect in the mission progression path between the arena quests and all other quests.

As a relatively new player I have no shot in making it to silver 1, I struggle to stay in bronze 3. Most of the teams I face are fully ascended 6 star, madames, monstrosities, legendaries all over the place.

The same quest chain has you do campaign on hard... or clear ice golem level 5... if you're in silver 1, you're way way past all that content.

The point of the progress mission is to guide you in your progression and give you much needed rewards to help you progress: shards, gear, skill times, ect...

I'm not asking to be handed an arbiter. But to access an arbiter I must first face all arbiter teams. It's a catch 22...

Do what you want with arena, but give new players a way to actually work on the campaign mission.

I'm currently pushing nightmare campaign, dragon 14, but I can't make it past the early progression missions due to silver 1...

Apr 3, 2021, 02:2404/03/21

>lol hundreds of thousands of players don't use the forums? do you think that everyone likes the price of $30 per legendary tome just because everyone isn't always making forum threads complaining about it? 

Since legendary tomes are available in abundance for free not everyone is here complaining about them costing $30, if they costed $30 per book and that was the only way of obtaining them there would be literally hundred thousand players here complaining about it.

>at the current time, on the first page of the general discussion forums alone, there are 7 threads complaining about the state of arena. i guarantee there will be at least 3 complaint threads on each page. it's the most discussed topic on these forums and in the content creator community. 

The amount of threads spammed by casual players due to their lack of knowledge proves nothing. And the few content creators I follow are fine with the arena difficulty and have proven time and time again that climbing is easy (Murder Inc even going as far to climb to gold using ONLY two champs - not even a full team!)

>surely you could tell that's not what i meant? the difficulty of each dungeon stage will always remain the same (not including balancing changes). 

I don't know what you meant, because the difficulty of arena will always stay the same as the good players will improve and push up in rank, while the ones with bad teams will stagnate and thus remain at lower ranks.

>regardless of how fast you can progress in arena, that doesn't prove what i said wrong. if you started playing this game when it released, none of the teams in the gold tiers would be as strong as the teams in bronze, because no one progressed that far in the game back then. 

Are you saying there was no legendaries in bronze / silver back when I was progressing in arena? Cause you'd be wrong. Arena difficulty is pretty much the same. In fact, on my alt I achieved silver in 1 week while it took me almost a month when I first started due to my lack of knowledge. The difference is back then there wasn't so many content creators and websites dedicated to helping new players, these are all available right now and the amount of information out there is astonishing. 

>because players progressed in the game, we are seeing full teams of lvl 60s in bronze. because players will continue to progress, the teams in each arena tier will continue to grow stronger. that is completely different than how dungeon stages work. that's why i called it out as a false equivalence. 

Full teams of lv60s I beat on my alt with just two 60's in my team consistently. LV60 doesn't mean the teams are well built or anything. 

>false. i still value and use lvl 1-2 glyphs today. on the other hand, even if i attain hundreds of bronze medals, they will do absolutely nothing for me. 

Do you have great hall maxed out? Cause if not, bronze medals would still be doing something for you (as much as those lv1-2 glyphs are to be exact)

>well fine. even if glyphs are more game changing, that doesn't change the fact that great hall bonuses are more difficult to acquire. 

I got Gold 4 about 1 year and half before being able to farm every faction stage 20 on auto, how are they more difficult to acquire? You need 4 champs for arena vs almost a hundred for FW. 

>no, not in the context that i presented:

>"you need to glyph the gear on each champion's gear you want the bonuses for.

>great hall bonuses straight out buff every single champion's stats."

>great hall bonus affects every single champion on the account. glyph on a gear only affects the champion that the gear is on. 

Glyphs affect every single champion on the account you put them on. Do you need the great hall bonuses for your food champs? Or the ones you have stored in the vault? What point are you trying to make here ? I don't understand

okay so arena difficulty aside, what do you think about the current state of arena medal acquisition? hell hades said it himself in one of his videos. he's been at the top of arena since very early in the game, and still hasn't maxed out his great hall.

so even if newer and weaker players can perform well in bronze and silver tiers, it would take decades for them to max their great hall. even if players could perform well in gold tiers, it would take well over 2.5 years to max out their great hall.

Apr 3, 2021, 17:4204/03/21

 it as a cause and effect from everyone learning more rapidly so now any pvp game aspects are going to be harder because good team builds are becoming common knowledge and how to defeats these builds is still scarce. I love a good chest match to pvp but i wish there was a way to auto save team sets and armor set builds in arena like decks of cards and be able to switch teams and armor sets quickly for different match ups. i hate paying silver to switch my armor sets to beat a certain teams in pvp its too much cost in that aspect. There should be way save limit number of sets for each champion( which can be upgradable through gems). That way we still have to item farm but each champion can have at least have two or more sets  to interchange through for each game mode. Masteries too maybe but those are just my thoughts on the matter. 

Apr 6, 2021, 10:3904/06/21

I agree with the orginal post.

I'm in the early game and mostly f2p but since the arena change i'm getting no where. I'm pitted against players months of game play ahead of me. 

Now don't get me wrong, i like a challenge and the arena should not be easy but there should be a balance. I grind away and watch tips online but the simple fact is i have not been playing long enough to build up a decent stock of the gucci gear/champs i am pitted against. 

As for the "get good" comments, the early arena is where you try and learn. However, learning the game mechanics doesn't help if you are against players who have already learnt the game PLUS have 3 x 6* legos in the their team against your rares (yes. i know some of the rares are end game capable) and a couple of B teir epics. Add into the mix your limited gear, you end up winning 2/10 battles. 

For me it sucked some of the joy out of the game. I don't want to fly through the ranks with rubbish tactics/stats/gear/champs but i do want to be able to compete.

Apr 6, 2021, 19:2604/06/21
Apr 6, 2021, 19:30(edited)

I agree. All of that teams are poorly build. The only reason why they can get some points at all is, that they use lvl 60 champs and it's hard for a newbie with only lvl 40 champs to beat that. There is no other way than getting a lvl 60 damagedealer by yourself. But if you do so, you will get easy victories from that poorly built teams, that belong exactly where they are, into Bronze 1.

A well built team with High Khatun, Spirithost, Warmaiden (all lvl 50) and Starterchamp (lvl 60) will win most battles you showed us here. 

If you really think Scyl is necessary to win in arena, you are completely wrong. I will get her in a couple of days from log-in rewards, I don't have a Scyl yet. I'm a more or less f2p (spent exactly 3.49 €) and I'm still in Gold. It's possible - you just need to know what you are doing. Arena and Doom Tower are really hard parts of the game, you have to use your brain and build proper teams. My team that brought me into gold has only one legendary champ (Ghostborn) 2 epics (Sinesha and Deacon Armstrong, his def debuff is even redundant to Ghostborn, but I just need a second spd buffer) and a rare (Apothecary). I allready made Deacon lvl 60, ascended and booked before I pulled Ghostborn from a shard, otherwise I would use another champ. Still room for improvement, I don't need 2 def debuffs.

Don't say that it's impossible to go into gold as f2p. Don't say it's impossible without having 4 legendaries. Don't say you can't win without a Scyl. I watch out for teams that use Scyl, they are my prey in Arena. Sinesha, as a force affinity champ and acting last in my team, having an atk buff from Ghostborn while the opponents have a def debuff, makes dog food out of Scyl.

You wrote you just use one legendary - then you mention you got Deacon Armstrong. One of the best Arena Champions without doubt, it is a 5 Star arena champ. You don´t need legos, you just need good arena champs and plenty of speed, synergies and a good starter (24% Speed min.) I had been solid in Gold IV, i startet 5 months ago. I did not get Arbiter because i took the time to decide which void champ to ascend to 6 Star doing the last fusion. One of the very last missions. Then there was the change. Now i am facing 80% arbiter as starter. And i won´t get back to IV until i get 1-2 good arena champs (i am stuck in Gold III), level them up and get proper gear. I am fine with. The only thing i dont understand is; if you want to get your own arbiter, you have to beat plenty of arbiter teams. For me thats illogical. I dont think arena have to be changed, i think it should become easier to get your own arbiter (a clear arena changer). 

Apr 6, 2021, 20:0004/06/21
Apr 6, 2021, 20:03(edited)

FYI you can not get Laird Stuff and airmaxx to understand what you are saying. 

They are being elitist. The people in broze and low silver should suck because they are learning but its not about learning, the arena is broken, I know that the 2 of you will not agree because you are looking at it from an elitist view, 

I would like to remind you of this, if plarium keeps turning to the elitist and losing the causal player base then the game will die. The reason the game will die is because the cumlative amount that causal spends exceeds the elitist. If plarium keeps this model up, they will see.

To most people, seeing post after post of players complaining that arena is broken is alarming. Even Hell hades and ash on 4/2/21 posted a video saying how arena is broken. Are you going to say to them they are noobs and dont know how to play? I think in one of Hell Hades videos he is ranked 17 in platium classic arena. So yes I would say their opinion does matter. I would say thier opinion matters more then both of you because they mae most of the guildes players are watching. If you have the people that make the majority of the guides saying there is an issue, you should really take it serious. If Plarium does not, I will be the first to say that this is the nail in the coffin and the game will die within the next year or so. 

The key that the elitist are missing, they need to keep the new players playing or they will run out of money or the revenue will not off set the expenses. Also if the revenue does not stay high they will not have as much staff to fix things and add content because they dont hav ethe staff. 

Currently their support is one of the worst out there. I could post emails from them proving my point. II got one today that was to late, i had been having an issue and contacted support 10 times in a week peroid. I finally got a reply saying how sorry they were it took them so long to fix the issue but sorry to late.

Keep isloating the casual player it will even get worse. 

You ay say good bye and dont let teh door hit you were the good lord split you. Mark my word the game will not survive without the casuals.

Apr 7, 2021, 02:4704/07/21



Free to play series, he will show you how he does  it on his free to play account. Watch it and get back to us

Are you talking about this video where Ash says the arena is broken and shows off his f2p great hall level 4?

Apr 7, 2021, 02:5404/07/21

Non of those teams look frightening to anyone who has played more than a few weeks but can we not confuse that with the real problems some are having with matchmaking (if for instance they have built up faction wars teams and inflated their player power)

People should not be punished for playing part of the game, also in the case of the op- he might not even have any level 60's yet so yes that would look intimidating

I started an ftp newb account yesterday to see how it is for brand new players, i am 3.5 hours in and at bronze 2 but yes i am starting to see level 60's in the line up now and i have kept my player power to the minimum- and had to actively farm warmaiden and speed gear for her to go first (for defence down) to get any further onwards....3.5 hours into the game.

Perhaps the curve for absoloute brand new players is a bit rough (although i do accept the argument that it should take a few weeks to progress in arena is a valid one) - but it is a completely different topic to matchmaking issues based on player power.

Personally i would factor in great hall development when matchmaking since it is the best indicator of a players experience in arena.

Yeah, I have no idea why in a character aquisition game they decided to punish players for character aquisition.  The great hall development is an infinitely better baramator of the sort of team you can field than player power is.  Heck, when someone first mentioned that player power was a determining factor in matchmaking (to be pooh-poohed by those who claim there is no issue at all with the arena), I went to pull 10 mystery shards to see what it did to my player power.  Apparently Plarium thinks 7 commons and 3 uncommons make my account more powerful although why anyone in their right mind would believe that is beyond me.

OracleCommunity Manager
Apr 7, 2021, 10:3804/07/21

Thank you for the feedback! Yes, we are aware of the difficulties that players have on the Arena, in particular in Bronze and Silver, and so we keep working on the matchmaking system in order for it to be more new-player-friendly.

I would like to emphasize, that ultimately the decisive factor for the best performance on the Arena is not getting more Legendaries, but rather the most efficient application of the Champions that one already has. Going back to the original post, the key to winning in the Arena is to find a perfect synergy and to strengthen it further by artifacts, not to field a bunch of strong champions with an intention to overwhelm an enemy with sheer brute force.

Still, I appreciate you putting forth your points and will communicate your opinion to the game-design team.

Apr 7, 2021, 13:3804/07/21
Apr 7, 2021, 13:39(edited)

Thank you for the feedback! Yes, we are aware of the difficulties that players have on the Arena, in particular in Bronze and Silver, and so we keep working on the matchmaking system in order for it to be more new-player-friendly.

I would like to emphasize, that ultimately the decisive factor for the best performance on the Arena is not getting more Legendaries, but rather the most efficient application of the Champions that one already has. Going back to the original post, the key to winning in the Arena is to find a perfect synergy and to strengthen it further by artifacts, not to field a bunch of strong champions with an intention to overwhelm an enemy with sheer brute force.

Still, I appreciate you putting forth your points and will communicate your opinion to the game-design team.

Thanks for your advice. please tell me if i'm wrong: 

Arbiters passive is 30 % Speed Aura for arenas, right? 

Arbiter has a ground speed of 110, right?

Which is the percentage of Arbiter / Kymar (103 Spd) lead-teams in arena III/IV?

Maybe >35 % gold arena III / > 50 % IV?

Its not the team - one single champion can change the meta. Obviously you need the gear (speed and more speed) and a good synergy, but please dont say you dont need legendaries, cause most of the best arena char are a few epics and the legos.  

If arena is for late people, i am fine with. Change the Arbiter missions instead so you can fight with equal weapons when you get yours. And change the method to get your Hall upgraded. 

As many people mentioned before. If matchmaking is based on general power, collecting champs will inflate your account. 

Said this, i want you the best for your task as community manager. 

Have fun. 


Apr 7, 2021, 14:2904/07/21

Thank you for the feedback! Yes, we are aware of the difficulties that players have on the Arena, in particular in Bronze and Silver, and so we keep working on the matchmaking system in order for it to be more new-player-friendly.

I would like to emphasize, that ultimately the decisive factor for the best performance on the Arena is not getting more Legendaries, but rather the most efficient application of the Champions that one already has. Going back to the original post, the key to winning in the Arena is to find a perfect synergy and to strengthen it further by artifacts, not to field a bunch of strong champions with an intention to overwhelm an enemy with sheer brute force.

Still, I appreciate you putting forth your points and will communicate your opinion to the game-design team.

One of the best things would  be to not caunt into player power any champs that are in vault.

This will make sense of vault to exist and expand if needed.

Apr 9, 2021, 14:5504/09/21


Campaign needs silver 1 arena to progress.... 

Actually there's too much power team to reach this level... So that pvp block any try to climb campaign... Developers must balance this... 

Apr 9, 2021, 16:5204/09/21

Thank you for the feedback! Yes, we are aware of the difficulties that players have on the Arena, in particular in Bronze and Silver, and so we keep working on the matchmaking system in order for it to be more new-player-friendly.

I would like to emphasize, that ultimately the decisive factor for the best performance on the Arena is not getting more Legendaries, but rather the most efficient application of the Champions that one already has. Going back to the original post, the key to winning in the Arena is to find a perfect synergy and to strengthen it further by artifacts, not to field a bunch of strong champions with an intention to overwhelm an enemy with sheer brute force.

Still, I appreciate you putting forth your points and will communicate your opinion to the game-design team.

Everyone who has spent the time to try to get better in the arena know various steps we can take long-term to get better in the arena.  The issue is that the low levels are ludicrously harder than they should be for new players who want to learn the game at their own pace.  The issue is that player power is a horrendous way of determining potential team power.  The issue is that the great hall (which helps you in PvE which is the reason why some of us started playing) is gated behind a game design that anticipated that accounts that struggle to get into silver right now would be comfortably farming Gold.  Newer accounts with 6-7 level 60s which are less than 100 days in are going to struggle when they are going up against end-game teams.  They don't have the characters, they cannot instantly level all their characters, they don't have the gear.  None of that would be an issue if they didn't have to face these end-game teams VERY early in the arena but they do.

Apr 10, 2021, 19:5104/10/21

It's not just new players that are shafted,  I was gold iv now silver iv and have won only a few arena games.  They better switch it back to the way it was or I'm not spending any more money and I spend quite a bit 

Apr 10, 2021, 21:4904/10/21

agreed! But now noobs like me have to wait 6 months to start developing the great hall! i am 3 days away from collecting scyl and if she does not help male a big difference i am done with this game! everything in this game is too hard to get to progress champions like books and artifacts. And why should i have to spend silver to swap out artifacts i already own???!!! lets touch oo one last thing also, clan boss has 5 or six different levels of difficulty and doom tower only has two?? what a rip off! I beat the nether spider last cycle and this cycle i used the same team and i cant even touch the spider!!! this game is rigged for big spenders and content creators. the rest of us are just chum for the whales to feed on. 

Apr 11, 2021, 13:2304/11/21

I think you miss the point. Remember when you first started this game the best gear you got was from Plarium. 7 days later you got your first fair gear. The stats were not so good but it had to do because your still in farming mode. The grind starts... get that starter champ to 60. With the gear your picking up along the way you do with what you can find. Remember you carefully chose which gear you upgrade cause silver is precious. Did you find alot of blue gear? Are you close to 60 with lack of double exp and potions to keep you going? Or has it been so long ago you forgot what that was like? So these lego are poorly built you say... You might be right but what about the gear your finding, and silver it takes to level it up. Some of you are doing pretty good at 30 day mark. Remember Alot of people dont play past 30 days because the silver not enough and gear drops are poor. You following arbiters mission? How about the grind in the first two areas finding 3 star artifacts which only drop one in 30-50 tries.. Did you forget about that. Now you want to say get gud? Finally when you get to play in the arena you win a few cause the system generates bots. You wont be getting out of bronze 1 for awhile. Its up and down. Lets go find better gear remember how that felt ? You sit and say its all about getting gud. Did you ever see a lego in your firsts 30-45 days? Remember your trying not to spend you want to be FTP. Some of you lost touch with Reality. Dont get me wrong there are always going to be Exceptions to the rules. You just roll back time and remember if it is so easy to do, share some of your exp with the rest. I have seen streamers give up FTP its To much a grind and it was because that arbiter mission was impossible to progress. Thats where I draw the line. Is it impossible... No however everyones pain level is not the same. Deal with it and allow others to express thier pain without you telling everyone how great you are and how you can stand in the current arena and beat these champs with your knowledge,, BS I say. BS