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Classic Arena is a mess.

Classic Arena is a mess.

Mar 18, 2021, 16:2603/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 16:26(edited)

Hellhades posted this video: highlighting he current issue with arena. Inactive gold/platium tier players get pushed back to bronze tier where they stays as they cant be pused further down making bronze tier broken.

A solution someone posted which I find the best as of yet would be removing inactive accounts every reset (weekly) making arena especially bronze tier being the level of difficult as it should be, not the inflated mess with top tier / end game champions it is now.

Mar 18, 2021, 16:5803/18/21

Hellhades posted this video: highlighting he current issue with arena. Inactive gold/platium tier players get pushed back to bronze tier where they stays as they cant be pused further down making bronze tier broken.

A solution someone posted which I find the best as of yet would be removing inactive accounts every reset (weekly) making arena especially bronze tier being the level of difficult as it should be, not the inflated mess with top tier / end game champions it is now.

I just wanted to post this

Mar 18, 2021, 17:0603/18/21

Hellhades posted this video: highlighting he current issue with arena. Inactive gold/platium tier players get pushed back to bronze tier where they stays as they cant be pused further down making bronze tier broken.

A solution someone posted which I find the best as of yet would be removing inactive accounts every reset (weekly) making arena especially bronze tier being the level of difficult as it should be, not the inflated mess with top tier / end game champions it is now.

Weirdly, he completely ignores the system as it's described in-game (and has been for a year or more): 1) players get demoted into a lower tier if they've fought less than 20 matches in a week, and 2) players are taken out of the arena entirely if they don't fight any arena matches in a month (so it's not about whether they login to the game, it's about whether they fight in arena). He looks at those two players in his clan to which those rules don't seem to apply - one is still in gold 3 after 4 weeks of not logging in at all, which shouldn't be possible, while the one that's been gone for 51 weeks is still shown in silver. However, ARE those accounts actually in those tiers? Can anyone actually attack them still? It may show a certain arena tier because that's where they were in last time they logged in, but that doesn't prove that they're actually there and actually in the way of other players. 

If the arena does in fact work as the description says, a lot of what he says doesn't make much sense - yes, inactive accounts drop down and get in the way to some extent, but within limits, you wouldn't get such accounts in bronze because they'd be removed before they dropped that far. If the arena does NOT work as the description has been saying all that time, then obviously that would be a pretty big problem - but that remains to be proven. 

Mar 18, 2021, 19:5303/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 19:54(edited)

@Aedzy, you can upload directly here after you print screen, or you can use an image hosting site like imgur. 

@Tanreh Legendaries and Epics don't mean anything unless they're properly geared. I understand how intimidating those teams are, but they're just that- intimidating. They'd be in Gold (or even Silver) if their players knew how to compose a proper team with synergy, or if they had good gear. Also points you win/lose depend on that specific opponent's current arena points. If their points are significantly higher than yours, they'd sit at the bottom at the list. You'd get more points if you win against them, and you'd lose less points if you don't. Inversely if they have lower arena points than you, they'd be listed closer to the top of your matchups, and if you lose against them you'd lose more. 

A lot of the people commenting by suggesting that those struggling dont know how to play made their progress when the arena was different. My account is 160 days old, i understand the principle of newb nuke and hit Gold 1 a month or two ago, now i am sliding out of silver and into bronze- things have changed

I am not ftp, but i am not a whale either (i buy the gem pack monthly). Can you just confirm you consider arena to be working as intended? that way i can quit and spend my money elsewhere on a different game- since i have zero chance of getting missions done.


Mar 18, 2021, 20:0203/18/21
Mar 18, 2021, 20:03(edited)

A lot of the people commenting by suggesting that those struggling dont know how to play made their progress when the arena was different. My account is 160 days old, i understand the principle of newb nuke and hit Gold 1 a month or two ago, now i am sliding out of silver and into bronze- things have changed

I am not ftp, but i am not a whale either (i buy the gem pack monthly). Can you just confirm you consider arena to be working as intended? that way i can quit and spend my money elsewhere on a different game- since i have zero chance of getting missions done.


Im also wondering how it can be all of sudden everyone have gotten from being well aware of how arena works and being able to stay in silver/gold all of sudden cant get pass bronze tier and its a l2p issue? Im not wanting to post my champs because the fact is, my team should be sufficent enough to hang in silver. Im not asking for advice, im not asking for a team comp to beat gold or platinum. Im raising the issue that arena is a mess.

Arena is a broken, its a fact. Arena wasnt like this few months ago. Something major happend and its causing the more casual / newer player base to suffer big time as we cant continue getting missions done because of the lack of silver medals. 

Instead of this can you post your team comp, or git gud can we actually get some insight from managment on what went wrong and if its any fixes incoming?

Mar 18, 2021, 20:1103/18/21

Im also wondering how it can be all of sudden everyone have gotten from being well aware of how arena works and being able to stay in silver/gold all of sudden cant get pass bronze tier and its a l2p issue? Im not wanting to post my champs because the fact is, my team should be sufficent enough to hang in silver. Im not asking for advice, im not asking for a team comp to beat gold or platinum. Im raising the issue that arena is a mess.

Arena is a broken, its a fact. Arena wasnt like this few months ago. Something major happend and its causing the more casual / newer player base to suffer big time as we cant continue getting missions done because of the lack of silver medals. 

Instead of this can you post your team comp, or git gud can we actually get some insight from managment on what went wrong and if its any fixes incoming?

Yup, my team was weaker a month or two ago when i hit G1, i dare say the people posting mean well but no it  isnt just a matter of 'git good'.

 Hellhades posted about how he is struggliing with his ftp account and cant get into silver- presumeably we can all agree he has a basic idea of how to play?

I just want to know if plarium intends to keep the status quo- if so i can stop wasting my time and find another game to pass the time on.

Mar 18, 2021, 20:4703/18/21

Im also wondering how it can be all of sudden everyone have gotten from being well aware of how arena works and being able to stay in silver/gold all of sudden cant get pass bronze tier and its a l2p issue? Im not wanting to post my champs because the fact is, my team should be sufficent enough to hang in silver. Im not asking for advice, im not asking for a team comp to beat gold or platinum. Im raising the issue that arena is a mess.

Arena is a broken, its a fact. Arena wasnt like this few months ago. Something major happend and its causing the more casual / newer player base to suffer big time as we cant continue getting missions done because of the lack of silver medals. 

Instead of this can you post your team comp, or git gud can we actually get some insight from managment on what went wrong and if its any fixes incoming?

You didn't really watch the video you posted very closely? As HH explained in it, arena has been broken for a long time, but for a number of months, until quite recently, the fundamental problems were masked by the 'bot' wins which pushed everybody higher than they'd otherwise be. Though Plarium always denied that those were bots at all (I never did see a credible explanation what they'd be otherwise). I suppose now the 'bots' have been phased out again or at least become very rare, hence we are gradually reverting to how things were before that. 

But since gold IV is still easy, easier than it really ought to be, you get all those reactions from people denying the problem. It looks like a few weeks from now, this may stop being the case and the outcry might become more general then... 

Mar 18, 2021, 20:5603/18/21

Yup, my team was weaker a month or two ago when i hit G1, i dare say the people posting mean well but no it  isnt just a matter of 'git good'.

 Hellhades posted about how he is struggliing with his ftp account and cant get into silver- presumeably we can all agree he has a basic idea of how to play?

I just want to know if plarium intends to keep the status quo- if so i can stop wasting my time and find another game to pass the time on.

What  i  am  noticing  now  is  that  a  few  weeks  ago  i  could  win  my  five  battles  a  day  and  that  would  be  enough  to  keep  me  in  gold  4  as  i  would  not  often  get  attacked.  Now  i  am  being  attacked  much  more  often,  so  something  is  deffo  different.  I  did  slip  to  gold  3  a  few  times  after  reset....  I  have  a  310  speed  arbiter  and  a  speed  tubed team  and  i  was  losing  the  speed  race  in  gold  3  quite  often.  So  yes....  it  is  definitely  harder  than  it  was  a  few  months  ago.  

Mar 18, 2021, 20:5903/18/21

And  if  i  am  losing  the  speed  race  with  my  arbiter in  Gold  3....  how  on  earth  are  players  supposed  to  get  to  gold  4  to  complete  that  mission.  Talk  about  the  chicken  and  the  egg.....  You  need  arbiter  to  get  to  gold  4,  but  you  have  to  get  to  gold  4  to  get  arbiter.  Yep,  you  could  build  a  different  type  of  team...  but  as  f2p.....  within  a  year?  I  very  much  doubt  it.  

Mar 18, 2021, 21:2703/18/21

Dude, this is insane, I'm stuck a Bronze II.... again Bronze II ... ! Come on, I have a team of 220-250-ish speed tuned with High Khatun 1st (50), Warmaiden 2nd (50) and Kael (60) and Athel (60) to nuke... but I'm in the second tier!!! second!! I dont want to get to gold yet, but getting to silver I is becoming impossible. You know? there is something wrong definitely, I should be getting up there at least to silver. Guess will be ok to get wrecked in gold cause you are getting close to the "end game", but... in bronze, fighting teams of 4 leggos, or teams with fully ascended madame, MM or those crazy pvp champs, damn... I'm getting discouraged.

Mar 18, 2021, 23:2603/18/21

Hell Hades acknowledges the issue.

I really appreciate the help from older players, it's been very useful, but I think you either forgot how hard it is when you're a beginner/not a whale, or it just wasn't that hard back in the days. It shouldn't that hard to progress from Bronze to Silver.

I've followed every advice, read all the posts, done all my fights everyday... When I'm lucky, I finish in Bronze III when I go to bed. When I wake up, I'm always back in Bronze I, below 950. And it takes me all day long, refreshing every 15 minutes to go back to Bronze III. The system is broken. Unless you spend zillions or spend 8h a day playing.

I have a Nuke Team with High Kathun 40, Seeker 50 (sometimes Drath, usefull when I can't nuke in one shot), Warmaiden 60 and Kael 60 (full masteries). I understand I still have a margin of progression (getting all my masteries, leveling up Seeker, better gear), but I feel like Sisyphus. It's absurd. 

Mar 18, 2021, 23:4303/18/21

(sorry, I hadn't seen the video had already been posted)

Mar 19, 2021, 00:3603/19/21

Look the ultimate team in BRONZE 3! and its full of that. Im stuck in Bronze 3 for more than one month. 


Mar 19, 2021, 00:5303/19/21
Mar 19, 2021, 00:54(edited)

Don't worry, soon you may be able to fight your way into the lower range of bronze 4 and party with these guys. Second one was 160-170k or so. None of the others were below 100k, though the middle one barely and I could probably have raised that minimum to 120k without that team. I even considered giving that one a go.


Mar 19, 2021, 01:0403/19/21

So, let us say I am one of those level 40 accounts that have fully ascend level 40-50 champions. I should not belong to bronze 3? Should I be promoted to gold automatically? That would defeat the purpose of pvp 😂

If you guys want change in arena, propose a "fix" then keep it posted here. Not just saying it is broken and show list of teams you can't defeat. 

Because right now, your problem is not the game. Your problem is with other players, that are probably not playing arena enough to push up in the rankings. 

One of my suggestions before is to put cap on stats and ascension bronze and up to gold 3. But even I not sure how will affect the game if the teams have the same stats, it could end up in a long battle. 

Another option that I think of is to give more points for bronze to silver in winning and less points in losing. So they can easily climb arena. 

Mar 19, 2021, 01:0703/19/21
Mar 19, 2021, 01:08(edited)

i'm in silver 3. Now i get opponents that are really much stronger and get more team power than me. The problem its not only in bronze. but I agree that 60 levels do not belong in bronze. that destroys the arena

Mar 19, 2021, 01:2103/19/21

So, let us say I am one of those level 40 accounts that have fully ascend level 40-50 champions. I should not belong to bronze 3? Should I be promoted to gold automatically? That would defeat the purpose of pvp 😂

If you guys want change in arena, propose a "fix" then keep it posted here. Not just saying it is broken and show list of teams you can't defeat. 

Because right now, your problem is not the game. Your problem is with other players, that are probably not playing arena enough to push up in the rankings. 

One of my suggestions before is to put cap on stats and ascension bronze and up to gold 3. But even I not sure how will affect the game if the teams have the same stats, it could end up in a long battle. 

Another option that I think of is to give more points for bronze to silver in winning and less points in losing. So they can easily climb arena. 

Those  would  be  solutions.

I  just  got  this...  Bronze  I  922  points.  Ridiculous


Mar 19, 2021, 01:5303/19/21

So, let us say I am one of those level 40 accounts that have fully ascend level 40-50 champions. I should not belong to bronze 3? Should I be promoted to gold automatically? That would defeat the purpose of pvp 😂

If you guys want change in arena, propose a "fix" then keep it posted here. Not just saying it is broken and show list of teams you can't defeat. 

Because right now, your problem is not the game. Your problem is with other players, that are probably not playing arena enough to push up in the rankings. 

One of my suggestions before is to put cap on stats and ascension bronze and up to gold 3. But even I not sure how will affect the game if the teams have the same stats, it could end up in a long battle. 

Another option that I think of is to give more points for bronze to silver in winning and less points in losing. So they can easily climb arena. 

Plarium has done a pretty good job of defeating the purpose of PvP on their own. Either way, no, you don't belong in bronze 3 with a level 40 account with fully ascended 40-50 champions, at least not according to the mission progression. Setting aside the fact that it's not my job to fix the game, though I'll certainly give it a go if you can convince Plarium to pay me, I actually have proposed some things, but since any unofficial response has pretty much completely ignored anything I've said in favor of parroting the same old things about team composition and how easy it is, and any official response has been remarkably divorced from reality, I don't really see why I should bother.

But let's run through a few options quickly then, shall we. Base matchmaking on your arena points only, period. The current system is inane and open to gaming. Push strong inactive teams up, not down. There are numerous ways to do this. Alternatively, or in addition to, remove inactive teams from the matchmaing. Not after months, not after weeks, days. Acknowledge that the arena is end-game content, increase the entry to I dunno, level 60, and remove arena missions from progression or push them much further down the line.

The core issue is this. Plarium has at some point built a system that may or may not have worked at the time. Things have changed, but Plarium refuse to adapt. Apparently they've tried some bandaid solutions, or so I've been told, but either it didn't really work or they removed them. This creates a situation in which players, especially new ones, are presented with features that they are explicitly told by the game to interact with, yet they have no ability to do so realistically. Good luck getting a great hall bonus to level 4 before you can get 3 stars on the hard campaign. Although, you can do it and I nearly did (unfortunately I wasted silver medals on level 2-3 upgrades in the belief that I could get more), because the matchmaking is idiotic. Ironically, all that friendly advice you get from veterans that tell you how easy it is and what you should do is directly counter-productive to that end, at least for the lower tiers of the arena. Sure, set up a spirit host/warmaiden/khatun/starter speed-nuke team, but ignore everything else. I had more arena success doing the exact opposite of what I'm now told I should be doing, with a team that was much worse than what I have now. It probably won't carry you to gold, but S2 definitely and probably a bit higher (unfortunately, I screwed over myself by starting to play the game rather than play the system before I got more than halfway to S3).

Plarium either have no clue what they want to do with the arena, or they have no clue how to get it to do what they want. Unless what they want is to create the worst ranking system I've ever seen and as a bonus locking out progress in unrelated parts of the game. In that case, mission accomplished I guess.

Mar 19, 2021, 01:5603/19/21

I've been G1. 

I've specifically lowered my rank because I considered bronze tiers in my great hall would feel more "affordable" by paying with Bronze tokens. I set my defence team to a 2star champion so I can lose my rank as fast as possible and just kinda float around. 

Why did I think this was okay?? because I went from B2 to G1 in a day. lmao. And I never had an issue with bronze before.

and for some reason, every single enemy team I was against did not start first. I'd have expected them to, and yes I did lose some matches. But I always went first. 

Now?? No way will I go first. Im up against lvl 40+ champs. Not even max level, still 6 star. but not max level.. and I still don't go first. My Teams average over 200 speed. My fastest is Apoth, he boooosts speed.

I can never get a first turn when this happens. 

Plarium's obviously giving teams stats for the AI system and making it another wall. why they do this I couldnt tell you. but its just as massive a kick in the face as their senseless moneygrab events.


So, to get back on topic you're going to be stuck in Bronze until you get a lucky day for some reason.  Their system is flawed and it should be dumpstered. Thanks for coming to my TED talk

The System should be set to... "If that account is bronze.. it should be who youre up against." If you are lvl 56 and youre in Bronze. You should get less rewards, and climb faster until you are in the rank you should be in. Because by that time you should have a decent set list of champions that would allow you to have a team for that rank anyways.

Lower the cost of Great Hall, and give players more incentive to play PVP. Stop killing your game.

Mar 19, 2021, 03:0303/19/21

Fix the Arena or let us buy the bonus points in great hall with gems. Its impossible complete that.