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thinking of giving it up

thinking of giving it up

Feb 6, 2021, 14:5702/06/21

OK, here is an example of what I'm talking about. Just lost twice to this team:

MY Team: Team Power-134





Opponent team: Team Power-87





I don't get it. Can someone explain to me how please? 

Feb 6, 2021, 14:5902/06/21
Wow you have great champions. "Miscreated Monster , Ma'Shalled etc.
that is to say that there is something wrong with the system ballance that you cannot win with this  

I just gotta say that champions are only half, if not less, of what you need for success in arena. Gear and team synergy, and experience (knowledge about game mechanics, champion/ comp counterplays) are also key factors. 

What  is this team synergy(what do I look for)?

Feb 6, 2021, 15:0802/06/21
Player J

Now that Philpara has showen me the rest of his roster.

I can see a very good team for him.

Leader: Skytouch Shaman - Health Aura 25%

1st move: Skytouch Shaman -----> Remove all Debuffs from Allies + Revive on Death + Block Buffs

2nd move: Psylar -----------------> AOE Decrease Speed + Reduce Turn Meter

3rd move: Tayrel ------------------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Candraphon ----------> AOE Nuke

Skytouch Shaman will need to be in Immunity gear or Untouchable gear.

Psylar will need to be in Shield gear or Stun gear.

Candraphon will need to be in Stalwart gear.

The only issue with this set up is they all have to be level 60.

You can't run a team which goes second with heroes level 50.

Your whole team needs to be able to brace for the enemy impact.

This means if the enemy is using level 60 hero for Big Hit.

You need all 4 of your heroes level 60 to meet the enemy hero Big Hit.

Otherwise, your team will die.

Ok, I'll work on that but wouldn't Ma'shalled be acceptable over Candraphon(he needs to be set up w/from the shadows,no)? Also, I thought speed was most important? I understand the mechanics of if I go second, I need to be able to take the big hit. Thanks for the advice, I really do appreciate it  :)

Feb 6, 2021, 15:3702/06/21
Feb 6, 2021, 15:43(edited)

How high is your biggest hit with M.King?

mine just hit 48.500
while I have little crit rate and C. D on him.

Feb 6, 2021, 16:0102/06/21
Feb 6, 2021, 16:16(edited)
Player J

Now that Philpara has showen me the rest of his roster.

I can see a very good team for him.

Leader: Skytouch Shaman - Health Aura 25%

1st move: Skytouch Shaman -----> Remove all Debuffs from Allies + Revive on Death + Block Buffs

2nd move: Psylar -----------------> AOE Decrease Speed + Reduce Turn Meter

3rd move: Tayrel ------------------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Candraphon ----------> AOE Nuke

Skytouch Shaman will need to be in Immunity gear or Untouchable gear.

Psylar will need to be in Shield gear or Stun gear.

Candraphon will need to be in Stalwart gear.

The only issue with this set up is they all have to be level 60.

You can't run a team which goes second with heroes level 50.

Your whole team needs to be able to brace for the enemy impact.

This means if the enemy is using level 60 hero for Big Hit.

You need all 4 of your heroes level 60 to meet the enemy hero Big Hit.

Otherwise, your team will die.

And that's the point, that's why a lot of people can't ride it in the arena, because they have multiple 50 level champions, and have to fight against all of them witch 60 level. And the gear that you recommend, these are not feasible for people with 50 chapions levels, because this Immunity gear or Untouchable gear is only available in the doom tower on hard. 

people without this gear are fucked and that is most difficult to achieve 

this is how you keep changing gear, that's not the right thing to do. There is already a lot of silver in the upgrade, and then you still have to pay to exchange. it is already so difficult to get all the right gear, and after upgrading it often turns out that it is not good enough. And should you replace it .

Feb 6, 2021, 16:1302/06/21

you  actually  dont  need  them  all  to  be  6  Star  to  win.  Speed  doesnt  go up  with  level.  You  lost  that  battle  because  Apoth  went  first,  then  warmaiden  put  decrease  defense  on  your  team,  then  spirit  host  increased  the  attack  of  the  enemy  team  and  then  Athel  killed  your  team.  The  only  champ  that  really  needed  to  be  6  star  in  that  team  was  Athel.  The  result  would  have  been  the  same  if  all  the  others  were  5  star  most  likely.  This  is  team  synergy....  Speed  boost  from  apoth,  makes  their  whole  team  go  before  you,  warmaiden  decreases  defense,  spirithost  increases  attack  then  Athel  nukes.  in  1  by  1  order  they  work  to  make  them  go  first  and  maximise  the  damage  from  Athel.  Thats team  synergy.  

Feb 6, 2021, 16:4702/06/21

you  actually  dont  need  them  all  to  be  6  Star  to  win.  Speed  doesnt  go up  with  level.  You  lost  that  battle  because  Apoth  went  first,  then  warmaiden  put  decrease  defense  on  your  team,  then  spirit  host  increased  the  attack  of  the  enemy  team  and  then  Athel  killed  your  team.  The  only  champ  that  really  needed  to  be  6  star  in  that  team  was  Athel.  The  result  would  have  been  the  same  if  all  the  others  were  5  star  most  likely.  This  is  team  synergy....  Speed  boost  from  apoth,  makes  their  whole  team  go  before  you,  warmaiden  decreases  defense,  spirithost  increases  attack  then  Athel  nukes.  in  1  by  1  order  they  work  to  make  them  go  first  and  maximise  the  damage  from  Athel.  Thats team  synergy.  

often it doesn't matter who goes first, even if it were, most chamions just seem like a block of concrete that can't be passed through. Or some chamions have an ability to suck you dead at ones. The next round

if you have a champion that has to start first and dies immediately by the opponent, your entire order is in tatters .

Feb 6, 2021, 17:0302/06/21
Feb 6, 2021, 17:19(edited)

In addition to the things tsdpool allready mentioned, your team has no synergy and is equipped the wrong way.

1. Ma'Shallad and Scyl both are best used to land control debuffs (stun and true fear) from their A2 on the enemy - but your champs don't have accuracy gear. Warmaiden from the opoonents team probably had accuracy gear and could land her decrease def debuff on your team. 

2. Your team is to slow. If only Apothecary is fast your opponent can interrupt. Even if your Apothecary goes first his Apo (instead of the rest of your team) will get the second turn, boost his team and let them do their show. 

Your Mountain King has only 137 speed. Your Mountain King will only get a turn if he survives the enemy nuke with his enormous HP - as a single surviver against 4. Your Scyl is even slower than your Mountain King.

Use speed boots on all champs in the Arena. Use artifacts with speed substats in addition to that.

3. The team of your opponent has a clear plan. Apo: speedbust, Spirithost: speedaura (!) and 50% Atk-buff, Warmaiden: decrease def debuff, Athel: nuke.

What is the plan of your team? You just took 4 champs that could be capable arena fighters. But there is absolutly no synergy. No one buffs a damagedealer, no one gives damage-enhancing debuffs (like decrease def or weaken). You just took any 4 Lvl 60 champs, and 3 of them are much to slow.

With better gear you could even use the same 4 champs you have. "Better" doesn't have to be 6* legendaries, but it should be the right sets with the right stats.

Imagine your Scyl and your Ma'Shallad would have much more speed from speedboots and from speedsubstats on the other artifacts. Imagine they would have accuracy gear. The fight would have been the following:

You Apo - speed buff.

Your Ma'Shallad: A2 - True fear on every enemy - (extra turn doesn't even matter, A1 attack)

Your Scyl: A2, Stun on 1 or 2 enemies

Opponents turn: Apo - Speed buff

Opponents turn: Spirithost: stunned

Opponents turn: Warmaiden: A3 - fail from true fear, no debuff on your team

Opponents turn: Athel attacks without decrease def debuff on your team and with only 25% atk buff she gives to herself instead of 50% Spirithost would give --> you survive

Your turn: Mountain King attacks Athel with his A2, shie dies. You will win the fight.

Feb 6, 2021, 17:3402/06/21

To  give  you  an  idea,  my  team  is  this....

Haruspex :  276  speed

Mausaleum  Mage:  252  speed

Tayrel:  230  speed,  crit  damage  gauntlets,  70%  crit  rate,  defense  every  where  else

Big un:  228  speed,  70%  crit  rate,  attack  and  crit  damage  on  every  piece  of  gear.

if  i  go  first  i  usually  win,  but  not  always.  

Feb 6, 2021, 17:3502/06/21
Feb 6, 2021, 18:07(edited)

In addition to the things tsdpool allready mentioned, your team has no synergy and is equipped the wrong way.

1. Ma'Shallad and Scyl both are best used to land control debuffs (stun and true fear) from their A2 on the enemy - but your champs don't have accuracy gear. Warmaiden from the opoonents team probably had accuracy gear and could land her decrease def debuff on your team. 

2. Your team is to slow. If only Apothecary is fast your opponent can interrupt. Even if your Apothecary goes first his Apo (instead of the rest of your team) will get the second turn, boost his team and let them do their show. 

Your Mountain King has only 137 speed. Your Mountain King will only get a turn if he survives the enemy nuke with his enormous HP - as a single surviver against 4. Your Scyl is even slower than your Mountain King.

Use speed boots on all champs in the Arena. Use artifacts with speed substats in addition to that.

3. The team of your opponent has a clear plan. Apo: speedbust, Spirithost: speedaura (!) and 50% Atk-buff, Warmaiden: decrease def debuff, Athel: nuke.

What is the plan of your team? You just took 4 champs that could be capable arena fighters. But there is absolutly no synergy. No one buffs a damagedealer, no one gives damage-enhancing debuffs (like decrease def or weaken). You just took any 4 Lvl 60 champs, and 3 of them are much to slow.

With better gear you could even use the same 4 champs you have. "Better" doesn't have to be 6* legendaries, but it should be the right sets with the right stats.

Imagine your Scyl and your Ma'Shallad would have much more speed from speedboots and from speedsubstats on the other artifacts. Imagine they would have accuracy gear. The fight would have been the following:

You Apo - speed buff.

Your Ma'Shallad: A2 - True fear on every enemy - (extra turn doesn't even matter, A1 attack)

Your Scyl: A2, Stun on 1 or 2 enemies

Opponents turn: Apo - Speed buff

Opponents turn: Spirithost: stunned

Opponents turn: Warmaiden: A3 - fail from true fear, no debuff on your team

Opponents turn: Athel attacks without decrease def debuff on your team and with only 25% atk buff she gives to herself instead of 50% Spirithost would give --> you survive

Your turn: Mountain King attacks Athel with his A2, shie dies. You will win the fight.

All my chamions haves speedboots. But Apo haves now speed 200.  philparadowski4

chamions : M King haves the same speed like my M King. The problem is, it's kost a
fortune in silver to upgrade. you do not know in advance what properties the bonus of the gear piece has. That usually turns out to be what you have after the entire upgrade. but it costs a fortune to remove the gear pieces again. usually you don't feel like starting over. Then the question is the new gear pieces or good. you don't know that in advance. Ppaying for changing gear pieces makes no sense.

 that is discouraged from continuing the game.

The slowest M King stays in the arena the longest, he is better than the rest of the team. 

I am happy when I have a 5 or 6 star gear piece. with the right basic%

Plarium makes the most difficult by imposing too many restrictions. 

if that continues to happen with changing gear pieces and pay with it with silver. then I better stop, I don't feel like it.
critrate cannot be upgraded with Glyph, why is that?

Feb 6, 2021, 18:1002/06/21

If you have a lack of silver right now and cannot afford upgrading your gear, use High Khatun in addition to Apothecary. She gives a speed aura and you have two turnmeter fillings. Even rather slow damage dealers will get speed-boosted enough to take a turn that way.

The game is about finding solutions. Not enough speed, no silver to get speed-gear - use a speed-aura instead.

Feb 6, 2021, 18:2102/06/21

Me too.  My level  60  martyr  and  level  60  silphi  disappeared  from  my  account.  Support  claims  this  does  t  happened  and  i  used  them  for  food.  Supposedly  this  happened  while  i  was  asleep.  I  wont  spend  a  dime  if  they wont  fix.  Im  also  done  if  they  dont.

Feb 6, 2021, 19:3202/06/21
Feb 6, 2021, 19:35(edited)

If you have a lack of silver right now and cannot afford upgrading your gear, use High Khatun in addition to Apothecary. She gives a speed aura and you have two turnmeter fillings. Even rather slow damage dealers will get speed-boosted enough to take a turn that way.

The game is about finding solutions. Not enough speed, no silver to get speed-gear - use a speed-aura instead.

Is Seeker or gorgorap
also good instead of high katun ?

Change M. King speed to 143 have changing gear pieces HP glovs from HP to Critrate, and shield with speed set.

Feb 6, 2021, 20:0202/06/21

Is Seeker or gorgorap
also good instead of high katun ?

Change M. King speed to 143 have changing gear pieces HP glovs from HP to Critrate, and shield with speed set.

I just mentioned High Khatun, because she is a daily login reward, so every player in the game can use her. I didn't know that you have a Seeker or a Gorgorab for that job.

High Khatun is probably the best one if it's just about speed. Seeker has 30% tunrmeterfilling, but no speed-aura. Gorgorab has a speed-aura, but the tunrmeterfilling is only 15%. On the other hand, Seeker  and Gorgorab both can do usefull things beside speedboosting, while High Khatun has no other function.

I think, most players prefer Gorgorab. Revive all is a nice way to turn around fights that have a bad start for you.

Feb 6, 2021, 20:3402/06/21

Ok, I'll work on that but wouldn't Ma'shalled be acceptable over Candraphon(he needs to be set up w/from the shadows,no)? Also, I thought speed was most important? I understand the mechanics of if I go second, I need to be able to take the big hit. Thanks for the advice, I really do appreciate it  :)

Ma'Shalled will not work.

Ma'Shalled is for a team designed to fast & go before enemy team.

Candraphon is for a team designed to slow & go after enemy team.

Watch the below video:

The people Stew was fighting in the video was against Fast Teams.

They try to go first and kill enemy in 1 shot.

Most of the people in the video had speed on there champions.

They could have speeds ranging from 350 to 200 Speed.

Stew was using a Candraphon with like half the Speed on a team designed to go 2nd.

Feb 6, 2021, 20:5602/06/21
Feb 6, 2021, 21:01(edited)

If you want to see how a Speed Team should be played, You can watch the below video:

At the time frame of 33:00 to 37:00 

You can see how a Speed set up functions.

The enemy will never get a turn.

Feb 6, 2021, 21:5602/06/21
Feb 7, 2021, 01:26(edited)

There is also no emulator for gear in game that you can load gear into champion without paying silver 

problem is now i changed the speed and crit rate and critical damage,
by other gear pieces the acc has decreased. no change to see, only now there is a lot less hp. Now M.King dies much faster, and that's why now I keep losing to.
this just cannot continue like this  to keep adjusting artifacts, and losing a lot of energy, and silver for nothing. 

have put my old gear back, works better. So gear switching can also be very negative 

Think I'll quit 

I will start again  if  i not have to pay silver to switch gear .

How dare plarium even dropping in nightmare gear with 3 stars.  

Feb 7, 2021, 20:3702/07/21

This is the set up EB1972 should be using:






My Kael isn't even built for Arena.

Lifesteal gear on Kael is good for Dungeon's or Clan Boss.

Lifesteal gear is bad for Arena.

The gear build you see on my Kael is for Dungeons.

C.Rate Gloves - HP% Chest - Speed shoes.

It's kind of a Joke really.  

My Kael should have Savage or Cruel gears on for Arena.

My Kael should have C.Damage Gloves - ATK % Chest - Speed Shoes.

How did my team with 3 rares + 1 epic even win vs. other guy.

I don't even understand how that other guy is in Gold 4.

I don't even understand how people struggle reaching Gold 4 when there are people like the above guy in Gold 4.

Feb 7, 2021, 21:1602/07/21
Feb 7, 2021, 21:42(edited)
Player J

This is the set up EB1972 should be using:






My Kael isn't even built for Arena.

Lifesteal gear on Kael is good for Dungeon's or Clan Boss.

Lifesteal gear is bad for Arena.

The gear build you see on my Kael is for Dungeons.

C.Rate Gloves - HP% Chest - Speed shoes.

It's kind of a Joke really.  

My Kael should have Savage or Cruel gears on for Arena.

My Kael should have C.Damage Gloves - ATK % Chest - Speed Shoes.

How did my team with 3 rares + 1 epic even win vs. other guy.

I don't even understand how that other guy is in Gold 4.

I don't even understand how people struggle reaching Gold 4 when there are people like the above guy in Gold 4.

Almost exactly the same as my builds, only better in stats, (better gear)