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thinking of giving it up

thinking of giving it up

Feb 5, 2021, 02:0302/05/21
Feb 5, 2021, 02:06(edited)

Philparadowski4 roster is very difficult.

It is actually extremely shocking to believe, but it is true.

EB1972 has fewer Legendaries vs. Philparadowski4

EB1972 has fewer level 60 vs. Philparadowski4

However, EB1972 will have the better Arena team.

EB1972 has fewer heroes, but they synergize with each other very very well.

They can make a very strong Arena team.

Philparadowski4 - you are missing so many things.

My mind is exploding with different team compositions.

Every time I think of a team set up - I run into a dead end.

I am having trouble building a team for you because you keep missing like 1 key hero for the set up to be good.

For example:

All the champions you are showing me.

I see 1 hero with a Speed Aura.

High Khatun - 19%

I see 0 heroes with Increase Attack Buff.

I see 0 heroes with Shield Buff.

I see 1 hero with AOE Def Down.

Valla - But even her AOE Def Down isn't very good.

It doesn't have 100% chance to land.

Do you have heroes in your vault?

I feel like you got to have something.

Feb 5, 2021, 02:3402/05/21

here is the bottom half of roster and vault



Feb 5, 2021, 03:2002/05/21

So many good heroes phil. I think tayrel needs to come out of the vault 

Feb 5, 2021, 11:2902/05/21
Feb 5, 2021, 14:21(edited)

The gear for the champions is almost highly upgraded. And used the right champions, but unfortunately it doesn't work out. My rank has dropped much further to silver 2 in arena. it is hopeless. The opponents just keep beating me. 

because most of the chamions all have 60 levels. 

despite the big buf and a lot of hp from my M.King, they are almost destroyed in one fell swoop.

their team power is also much higher . And more known unbeatable chamions . 84 vs 147
i keep saying the arena is not well balanced.

Feb 5, 2021, 12:1602/05/21
Feb 5, 2021, 12:17(edited)

Here's my partial list, I'm a champion whore but I'm trying to figure out the mechanics of the game. I don't get the artifact thing(which sets are best for which champ) so I usually just go with the recommended. I appreciate all the feedback.


Wow you have great champions. "Miscreated Monster , Ma'Shalled etc.
that is to say that there is something wrong with the system ballance that you cannot win with this 

Feb 5, 2021, 12:5802/05/21
Wow you have great champions. "Miscreated Monster , Ma'Shalled etc.
that is to say that there is something wrong with the system ballance that you cannot win with this  

I just gotta say that champions are only half, if not less, of what you need for success in arena. Gear and team synergy, and experience (knowledge about game mechanics, champion/ comp counterplays) are also key factors. 

Feb 5, 2021, 13:1502/05/21

so the first 6 star Gorgorab, seeker, Apothecary, m.King ?


ore Rowan,, with stun, and Heal Reduction, for the
counterpart heals.

Which first 6 star? 

Your MK's gear really isn't good - it's not like you can just pump everything into HP and forget all other stats. He's a damage dealer, so where's his critical rate and damage? And while MK will never be very fast considering his low base speed, 120 speed is still way, way too low, not only for arena but also for other content. 

Part of the issue of course is that most of your gear is common, you could make him much better with some rare/epic/lego gear. As Trips said, you may have your good gear spread over way too many champions, which blocks your progress in farming dungeons for more good gear. 

Feb 5, 2021, 13:3802/05/21
Feb 5, 2021, 15:07(edited)

Your MK's gear really isn't good - it's not like you can just pump everything into HP and forget all other stats. He's a damage dealer, so where's his critical rate and damage? And while MK will never be very fast considering his low base speed, 120 speed is still way, way too low, not only for arena but also for other content. 

Part of the issue of course is that most of your gear is common, you could make him much better with some rare/epic/lego gear. As Trips said, you may have your good gear spread over way too many champions, which blocks your progress in farming dungeons for more good gear. 

yes but I am not getting better gear. you still have to place a gear piece once. If you have enough speed, you may not have enough CD, or CR. or if you have enough cr then no CD, etc. But this M.King knocks everything down in Campain, his hit even reaches 42k .

even Kael has 100% cr, and 100 cd but doesn't beat as much as M.King
you can't just change gear, because you have to pay a lot of silver. that's also something so ridiculous 

but if gear switching were free, people would be less likely to give up. 

and there is no proper emulation calculator for the gear 

Feb 5, 2021, 14:5902/05/21

This  is  very  hard  to  get  over  in  writing  bit  i  am  going  to  try  abd  give  you  some  generic  ways  to  improve  your  arena  team.  

on  Gorgorab  -  only  speed,  take  it  of  any  champion  that  is  wearing  a  piece  of  speed  gear.  you  are  looking  for  double  rolls.

on  Apoth  -  divide  the  speed  you  got  on  gorgorab  by  1.15,  that  is  the  speed  you  need  for  apoth,  it  can  be  more  but  not  less.

Tayrel  or  warmaiden  (  i  suggest  building  tayrel  )  -  Accuracy/Def/crit  rate/crit  damage.  Divide  gorgorabs  speed  by  1.3.  This  is  what  tayrels  speed  should  be,  it  can  me  more  but  not  more  than  apoth.

Kael.  Crit  rate/attack/crit  damage.  Try  to  make  him  the  same  speed  as  Tayrel,  if  you  can  then  he  should  be  added  last  when  choosing  your  team,  or  have  him  1-3  less  speed  than  Tayrel  if  you  cant  get  him  to  the  same.  

There  is  your  speed  tuned  arena  team.  It  will  work  on  auto.  Farm  dragon  for  gear  overnight  on  an  auto clicker  for  better  gear,  and  please  dont  roll  up  anymore  common  pieces  of  gear  to  16  if  you  can  avoid  it.  

Feb 5, 2021, 15:1302/05/21

This  is  very  hard  to  get  over  in  writing  bit  i  am  going  to  try  abd  give  you  some  generic  ways  to  improve  your  arena  team.  

on  Gorgorab  -  only  speed,  take  it  of  any  champion  that  is  wearing  a  piece  of  speed  gear.  you  are  looking  for  double  rolls.

on  Apoth  -  divide  the  speed  you  got  on  gorgorab  by  1.15,  that  is  the  speed  you  need  for  apoth,  it  can  be  more  but  not  less.

Tayrel  or  warmaiden  (  i  suggest  building  tayrel  )  -  Accuracy/Def/crit  rate/crit  damage.  Divide  gorgorabs  speed  by  1.3.  This  is  what  tayrels  speed  should  be,  it  can  me  more  but  not  more  than  apoth.

Kael.  Crit  rate/attack/crit  damage.  Try  to  make  him  the  same  speed  as  Tayrel,  if  you  can  then  he  should  be  added  last  when  choosing  your  team,  or  have  him  1-3  less  speed  than  Tayrel  if  you  cant  get  him  to  the  same.  

There  is  your  speed  tuned  arena  team.  It  will  work  on  auto.  Farm  dragon  for  gear  overnight  on  an  auto clicker  for  better  gear,  and  please  dont  roll  up  anymore  common  pieces  of  gear  to  16  if  you  can  avoid  it.  

I think apothecary should be fastest, but I like that team (Gorg/Apo/Tayrel/Kael).  Probably avoid attacking heavy force teams.  Add Zelotah as 5th for Dragon.

Feb 5, 2021, 15:1502/05/21

This  is  very  hard  to  get  over  in  writing  bit  i  am  going  to  try  abd  give  you  some  generic  ways  to  improve  your  arena  team.  

on  Gorgorab  -  only  speed,  take  it  of  any  champion  that  is  wearing  a  piece  of  speed  gear.  you  are  looking  for  double  rolls.

on  Apoth  -  divide  the  speed  you  got  on  gorgorab  by  1.15,  that  is  the  speed  you  need  for  apoth,  it  can  be  more  but  not  less.

Tayrel  or  warmaiden  (  i  suggest  building  tayrel  )  -  Accuracy/Def/crit  rate/crit  damage.  Divide  gorgorabs  speed  by  1.3.  This  is  what  tayrels  speed  should  be,  it  can  me  more  but  not  more  than  apoth.

Kael.  Crit  rate/attack/crit  damage.  Try  to  make  him  the  same  speed  as  Tayrel,  if  you  can  then  he  should  be  added  last  when  choosing  your  team,  or  have  him  1-3  less  speed  than  Tayrel  if  you  cant  get  him  to  the  same.  

There  is  your  speed  tuned  arena  team.  It  will  work  on  auto.  Farm  dragon  for  gear  overnight  on  an  auto clicker  for  better  gear,  and  please  dont  roll  up  anymore  common  pieces  of  gear  to  16  if  you  can  avoid  it.  



Feb 5, 2021, 15:4402/05/21

Looks  good,  roll  those  speed  boots  up  to  16  on  both  champs.

Feb 5, 2021, 15:4602/05/21

Btw  the  way,  you  have  a  frozen  banshee  there,  get  her  to  60  and  put  her  in  lifesteal,  all  you  need  to  do  is  get  her  to  the  dragon  and  she  can  solo  it.  Better  to  get  your  whole  team  there  but  she  can  solo  the  dragon.  

Feb 5, 2021, 15:4702/05/21

and  also  if  you  get  them  both  gully  ascended  you  can  equip  a  banner  which  can  also  have  a  speed  substat  which  will  help.

Feb 5, 2021, 15:5302/05/21
Feb 5, 2021, 15:55(edited)

Btw  the  way,  you  have  a  frozen  banshee  there,  get  her  to  60  and  put  her  in  lifesteal,  all  you  need  to  do  is  get  her  to  the  dragon  and  she  can  solo  it.  Better  to  get  your  whole  team  there  but  she  can  solo  the  dragon.  

banshee  haves lifesteal, have 2 banshee's one with no gear, one with gear.


Feb 5, 2021, 18:0502/05/21
Feb 5, 2021, 18:14(edited)

personally i think gorgorab is dead quickly, and brings few times chamions to life, cardinal is better at that, many multiple times. Although I saw one in the arna that gorgorab did bring the chamions to life many times quickly.

Warmaiden is all the way quickly dead to. Thats not great for a long fight in the arena.

Feb 5, 2021, 22:5702/05/21

Wow you have great champions. "Miscreated Monster , Ma'Shalled etc.
that is to say that there is something wrong with the system ballance that you cannot win with this 

Its not like I lose all the time, I just don't understand how I can whip through gold4 and then lose 7 in a row in gold3 against much weaker opponents.  I need to learn more about this synergy idea, I don't quite understand  :(

Feb 6, 2021, 02:3202/06/21

If  you  play  a  solid  2  hours  per  day  and  yet  cannot  level  And  ascend  a  champ  to  60  with  masteries  and  60  stars  within  a  month  then  the  game  is  broken.  Thats  only  12  lv  60  per  year.  If  you  cant  book  them  in  another  month  ,  then  again  yhe  game  is  broken.

So  yes  the  game  is  beyond  broken.  A  year  ago  with  the  available  content  and  champs  that  was  rough  but  acceptible  but  no  longer    and  its  got  so  much  worse  as  far  as  rewards  for  time  spent.  

I  have  played  way  too  much..i  have  spent  way  too  much  and  yet  i  feel  very  dissatisfied  as  i  dont  get  to  enjoy  the  content  or  champs  as  its  become  such  a  grind

Feb 6, 2021, 03:2102/06/21

I agree that the arena rating is messed up,  it seems it's the same unbeatable combination every time.  There's no Imagination or structure.  It needs to be rebalanced. Spending money isn't the key,  though it can help depending on what you choose to spend it on.  I hate how much it costs to simply swap armor.  I get upgraded costs, but just to trade is expensive. 

Feb 6, 2021, 04:1302/06/21

Now that Philpara has showen me the rest of his roster.

I can see a very good team for him.

Leader: Skytouch Shaman - Health Aura 25%

1st move: Skytouch Shaman -----> Remove all Debuffs from Allies + Revive on Death + Block Buffs

2nd move: Psylar -----------------> AOE Decrease Speed + Reduce Turn Meter

3rd move: Tayrel ------------------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Candraphon ----------> AOE Nuke

Skytouch Shaman will need to be in Immunity gear or Untouchable gear.

Psylar will need to be in Shield gear or Stun gear.

Candraphon will need to be in Stalwart gear.

The only issue with this set up is they all have to be level 60.

You can't run a team which goes second with heroes level 50.

Your whole team needs to be able to brace for the enemy impact.

This means if the enemy is using level 60 hero for Big Hit.

You need all 4 of your heroes level 60 to meet the enemy hero Big Hit.

Otherwise, your team will die.