What is the role of your Skull lord? If it just for provoke, Gnarlhorn does it better. Aoe provoke on a 3 turn cooldown.
Can't really rely on Rhazin's decrease turnmeter alone as his skill has long cooldown.
I don't have Duchess, so I am not sure if her veil will interfere with the provoke.
I think Duchess plus Warlord already provides good support for your team so for your 5th member it can be a dps champion or another utility.
The team I use in 112:
Warlord - lead
Psylar - decrease turnmeter plus speed debuff
Scyl - mainly for aoe stun, healing is not really needed. Warlord heal is enough since I cc them most of the time.
Khoronar - aoe provoke (Gnarlhorn does the same, although I am not sure if he prioritize his provoke skill over his unkillable)
Venus - dps (can be any other unit. Rotos can be good too with his block revive, you can cut the runtime a bit)
You can try the team that you posted, I just doubt the usefulless of Skull lord.