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The Team I use for Doom Tower Hard -DONE!

The Team I use for Doom Tower Hard -DONE!

Dec 27, 2020, 04:5812/27/20

The Team I use for Doom Tower Hard -DONE!

I plan to post the team that I am using in Doom Tower after I finish hard mode. But, I find that this will be more useful if I post this early to give other players idea how I finish the regular floors and boss floors. 

Now, final floor is done! 😁

For Regular Floors

I will discuss the team that I use and why I use them. I will not post a nuke team especially with Seer in it since this is not about how to clear the floor faster but it is how to clear them strategically.

My goal in every floor is to have more turns against my enemy. And CC as much as I can so they have less chance to get a turn. I will show my team below. You don't need to copy it, just look at their kits on what they do and look at the champions that you have and see if they have similar kit. 

My team comp consist of Turnmeter Reduction, Speed Debuff, Skill Reset, Provoke and DPS. The most important thing here is the Turnmeter Reduction and Speed Debuff. With these two, you will get more turns. Turn cycling is the key here. If you have more turns and you will cooldown your skills again and possibly prevent your enemies from getting a turn. My team has CC, not that crazy but very important in some floors. 

Here is the team that I am using:


And here are their stats and why I use them. By the way, most of this stats are overkill for doom tower. It is just that I am using them in arena/3v3 that is why I have the best artifact that I can give to them.



Her a3 that gives speed buff, increase turnmeter and decrease enemy turnmeter is so very important in my team. It allows my team to have more turns.



She, together with Lyssandra are too op for regular stages of doom tower. With her a3 of decrease enemies turnmeter and speed debuff. They further prevent enemies getting a turn. She is on stun set, I don't think it is a requirement in my team comp but it can help on CC.



I am lucky that I got him last month(?). Back in the day, I saw some players asking for a buff on him just because the meta before in arena is just speed nuking. So he is not considered S-tier in arena by many. His a1 has low chance to extend debuff so he is not usable in clan boss. But I know his potential even before the meta changed to tanky high resist team in arena. 

Anyways, in doom tower, his a3 that puts skills onto cooldown proves to be op in this content. This prevents enemies, IF they get a turn, they won't be using any of their special skills. Because they will be on cooldown. Plus this skill has 50% chance of aoe deplete turnmeter. Another decrease turnmeter champion.



In early stages of doom tower, I am using Arbiter instead of Maulie for more turn cycling. But in stages like Mortu-Macaabs where their passive skill can't be reset, it proves that having a CC champion like Maulie, with aoe provoke, is a must in these stages. There are two floors that have Mortu-Macaab that I remember, floor 72 and floor 86. The idea here is that In case enemy gets a turn, or my Warlord reset skill got resisted, or enemy have passive skill (can't be reset) like Mortu-Macaab, Maulie's provoke is there to prevent the enemies using their special skills.

My Maulie here is in Frost set. I do not advise to put her in this set because of Dark Elhain in some floors. It will prove to be a disadvantage in this floor. I replace her with Khoronar because of this reason.



She is just there for DPS nothing else. I chose her because she is void and she has aoe decrease defense and weaken, HP burn, and poison. But she is not required. She is there just to make floors finish faster. Basically, any dps should work because I am controlling the enemy with skill reset, provoke and little cc. It does not matter if your dps is squishy. 


If you have not read what I said earlier, I say it again. Stats here are overkill for doom tower. Don't be salty if you don't have the champions I use. What is important here are their skills. Don't just use your arena team or dungeon team and expect that you will finish all the floors easily. My strategy here is to use a lot of turnmeter reduction. If you are lacking of turnmeter reduction champions, try champions with aoe stun, like Scyl. If you don't have Maulie, Umbral Enchantress should work too.

For the stats, I was told that some floors have high resist so aim for at least 300 accuracy. Speed, my recommendation is to go for at least 200 speed. HP and def is not that important since your aim is to get hit less and not to tank damage. Of course if your dps is scaled to hp or def then go higher on these stats.

Boss Floor Nether Spider 90

I will start on 90 since this is the last time you will fight these bosses. Here is the team that I use.


Nether Spider will counter attack on every decrease turnmeter it receives and it's damage is proportional to how much you decrease turnmeter. Any my team, SO? I will use 5 champions with Decrease Turnmeter! Lol 😂 and Scyl's passive will continuously heal everyone, and she revive skill is useful as some of them may die while decreasing the spider's turnmeter. But this boss did not get a turn with this team. And this is on auto. The key strategy here is to constantly reduce the boss' turnmeter to at least less than 50% so my champions will not get hit hard.

Scyl of the Drakes


She is on relentless set but I don't think it is a requirement. It just happen that I have some good relentless set that I can give to her. Above 200 speed is important and good accuracy.



This Coldheart can be a lot better. Her artifacts (some if not all) that she have right now is I believe is what I have when I finish my first Spider 20 lol



I have to re-gear Alure in order to work better in doom tower. I made her 300+ accuracy and more speed.



I built this guy long time ago when I am still trying to climb up in dungeons. Then put him in vault since I already have better teams in dungeons and now he is out again proving that his kit is much better some legendaries that we have now lol. Again, I have to re-gear him to have at least 300 accuracy and a lot of speed.

Boss Floor Scarab King 100


I'll be honest, this is the most difficult for me because I am not really prepared for this boss. I tried to build my "own" comp but failed at this boss stage level. In lower floors of Scarab King, I can tank the damage of the boss and with the passive of Doompriest and Scyl, they were able to keep up with the healing, and cleanse from Doompriest. But my runs in lower floors are already not 100% consistent so I am skeptical that I will be able to defeat this boss at floor 100. 

So I tried the same team (my team at lower floors), and it fail. It one shots my entire team and did not last for 10s at the boss stage 😂

But before this time, I already have my plan B. I've seen videos of using Metalshaper as a continuous shield buffer. So I already build him at 5 star. I did not think of 6 starring this guy since I don't think it will matter much since his shield depends on level not on his stats. And by experience, when shield depends on level, the difference is not that big.

So now, I have Metalshaper, Alure, Coldheart and Armiger. But, I don't High Khatun. I never use this champion. And I am not at the point where I want to use her in faction wars. So I tried Lyssandra first. I have to nerf her speed (338 before) to be slower than Metalshaper. Metalshaper have to be the fastest.  I removed some of the artifacts. Then I observed how she performed in the boss stage. It is failing. I saw the boss getting a turn which you would not want to happen. Shield from Metalshaper is not enough to tank the boss' damage. 

I looked at the skills of High Khatun and Lyssandra. I saw a big difference. High Khatun is much better than Lyssandra at this boss level. Her increase speed buff is only 3 turn cooldown while Lyssandra's skill is 4 turns. And one big factor is High Khatun has decrease speed debuff which really helps prevent the boss from building up his turnmeter. 

So that's it, I build High Khatun right away and quickly enough, after first try I managed to kill the boss.

Here are the stats:

High Khatun


I wanted her to be above 225 speed. If I am correct, this is the speed of the boss. I put her on shield set in order to give my team more survivability on the waves.



I have to re-gear her to be in destroy set. I don't have good destroy set at the moment so I will go with this stats. Her speed is a bit low but with High Khatun aura, she has more than 225 speed. 



He does only need to have high speed and good enough stats to survive the waves. 

Boss Floor Magma Dragon 110


Nothing special in this boss stage.  The trick is now known by many. Just use champion with consistent provoke skill and you will be safe in your run. I use Warchief here for more consistency but I believe Seeker can work too. I use champions with heal to support Warchief and 1 dps. Arbiter is not required here. I just feel like that I can get extra damage for Venus if I have attack buff.

Here the stats of the champions:



My Arbiter is on Immunity set just for fighting Hegemons and Tomins in arena. Too slow for arena but good enough for doom tower.



I put her on relentless set because just to be sure Warchief received enough healing from her and Scyl.



I chose this guy because of his 3 turn provoke on his a2 and his a1 also has 35% chance to provoke, and because he is underuse in the game. I just made sure he is fast and have high accuracy to loand his provoke.

Boss Floor Frost Spider 120


This floor is too easy once you get the right accuracy for your HP Burn champion. After doing some research, I found out that the boss has 300 acc and 580 total res! Have millions of hp that I do not care to check, but one thing that is for sure it did not hit hard. Its spiderlings have only 250 acc.

So my plan here, is to put hp burn on the boss and spiderlings and let them kill themselves. Sure enough, it works!

I re-gear my champions for floor 111-120. Here are their final stats:



I have to nerf some of the stats on my Warlord in order to be a bit faster. If I remember it correctly the fastest in the regular floor is at 260 speed. I thought that If I will not upgrade my speed, my Warlord may not be able to keep up in a long battle. I have to cycle turns fast to keep resetting enemy's skills.



For Lyssandra, I nerf the speed a bit in order to have more accuracy and resistance. My plan on the boss stage is to resist debuff as much as I can, especially the spiderlings that give decrease defense debuff.

Scyl of the Drakes


Same with Scyl, I put resistance chestplate on her in order to increase resistance.  I also added more accuracy on her for floor 111+. Some of resist of enemies there, If I remember it correctly goes up to 320.

Rector Drath


This beautiful lady, is my key champion in Knight Revenant 21. The difference of the difficulty in that stage without and with her is like night and day. However, in this final stage of doom tower, she is not really the best for my team. She gives constant healing, yes she helps a lot in terms of healing, but I think It could be much better if I use Doompriest instead.

Drexthar Bloodtwin


So, they said Frost Spider boss has 580 resist. No problem! I can put my Drex in 654 accuracy! Drext is my first legendary and I got him when I was level 20+. Everyone said that he is just an A or B tier legendary. Well, during my early days he is my nuker in area. One shots everyone and if some manage to endure the damage, there is a chance of provoke that will keep enemies in just using their a1.

Anyway, back in doom tower, All I need for him is to have 600+ accuracy and tankiness. I don't need speed on him since he can apply hp burn passively. And let the boss kill itself! 🙂


That's it! Doom Tower Hard is DONE! One last thing, here are the stats of Rhazin and Khoronar when I use them in regular floor levels.

Rhazin Scarhide


Nothing special on him. I just put at least 350 accuracy on him. Don't need a lot of damage since his role is for turnmeter reduction.



He is on stun set for added CC potential. I put good accuracy on him in order to help decreasing turnmeter. I want him to have more res than this since, I believe, he can get frozen on Tormin stages once he cast his provoke and put his buffs.

Dec 28, 2020, 05:2812/28/20
Dec 28, 2020, 05:35(edited)

I updated my post. I added info in my experience in floor 100 of hard mode. 

I stages 91 - 99, my decrease turnmeter team is still working. 

Stages where there are Turvold and Harvest Jacks, showed a little threat to my strategy. I noticed that enemies speed here are a bit faster or maybe I am just imagining it 😂. Turvold hits hard even on his a1 and Harvest Jacks can steal buff, so if I have immunity from my Warlord and Harvest Jack steals it, my run will fail. Good thing is that my Maulie is tanky and has high resist.

I focus on the Turvolds first, they are the threats in my comp. I also need to turn off auto when I am about to finish a wave, so I will have all my skills off cooldown when entering the next wave. On other stages, it shows no problem at all in autoing all the waves.

Dec 28, 2020, 10:3612/28/20

Man I just gotta say Warlord is insane 

(Great post btw, hope this helps someone!)

Dec 28, 2020, 12:4212/28/20

Man I just gotta say Warlord is insane 

(Great post btw, hope this helps someone!)

Thanks, I hope too. 

Dec 28, 2020, 14:5712/28/20


Your gear looks far better than mine :)  Mind sharing your overall player power and how long you have been playing?  I am 13 months (I think) and 3.3M power

Dec 28, 2020, 16:2412/28/20


Your gear looks far better than mine :)  Mind sharing your overall player power and how long you have been playing?  I am 13 months (I think) and 3.3M power

Currently at 4.9M but I think if I feed the rares that I currently have I will be only around 4.5M

I believe I started sometime around February or March last year, stop for a month then resrarted to a new account. 

Dec 28, 2020, 16:5812/28/20

Nice, that makes sense u have 50% more power.  Gear requirements are getting ridiculous, lol.  But I am further along than I thought I'd get.  Thought I just beat 98 (45 minutes, mostly auto except end of 1st 2 waves and alot of 3rd wave) but I guess I hit the turn limit. Ugh.

I used Duchess MM Tower Jarl and Warlord.  Have to do some more thinking and try again tomorrow, lol.

Good luck, hope you finish!

Dec 28, 2020, 17:5612/28/20
Dec 28, 2020, 17:57(edited)


Yes it is getting harder. I just learned that Frost Spider at floor 120 has at least 600 res. Don't know yet on how will I defeat the boss lol. It seems Ignatius/Elenaril and Lydia, together with a support makes this floor easy but I don't have them. 

But before that I have to deal with floor 101 to 110 tomorrow. 

Yeah, 45mins is too long. Really need to add damage in your comp. Or, like in my comp, little damage but my team can move 3 or probably up to 4 times before enemies can get a chance to get a turn

If I can't finish doom tower hard, I will ask for a nerf lol jk 🤣

Dec 28, 2020, 18:1712/28/20

My new secret weapon is Astralith (unbooked, few masteries).  Got to wave 3 again, but bad rng killed me.  At least I wouldn't have hit turn limit.  Though got real lucky getting there as well, lol

Dec 28, 2020, 18:2512/28/20

I have Elenaril at 50, no gear or anything. Another one to put in my list I guess.  Don't have the other 2.

Dec 28, 2020, 21:3512/28/20


That was painful.

At least 99 was easy.

I need to read the strat for 100 closer.  I get instawiped at boss

Dec 28, 2020, 21:5712/28/20

At least it is done now 😊

Dec 28, 2020, 22:2512/28/20

Do you think 100 can be done without destroy gear?  I have no coldheart, and only 1 armiger currently.  And frankly probably not a decent set of destroy atm.

Dec 28, 2020, 22:5512/28/20

I think it can but it will take a lot longer without at least one with destroy set. In my opinion, if no Coldheart, build at least another Armiger. 

Dec 29, 2020, 03:5012/29/20

I think I will need to build a 2nd armiger.  Tried somewhat of a variation of your strategy, but after 10 attempts gave up. Lol

Apothecary instead of hk (have at 40)

Mm (instead of metalshaper)

Alure and armiger (350+ acc and still getting resisted)

Stag knight 

Weak hits cause fail or i think Apothecary might have gone too fast and outran the shield once? I couldn't get monster faster than Apothecary. In theory I think it still should work if only 2 slower. Should never get lapped right?  

Either way without destroy set, I think 1000 limit is inevitable. 

Dec 29, 2020, 03:5712/29/20

Updated my post for Magma Dragon floor 100.

In the regular floors, my runs are still the same except, I have to be careful in floors with Skytouched Shaman together with Mortu-Macaab. There are waves that have two of them. 

In my first try, I target the Skytouched Shamans first because they can heal with their passive up to 80k hp. But when they team up with Mortu-Macaab, I noticed that Mortu-Macaab is fast enough (even with all my decrease turnmeter plus slow debuff plus provoke) to get out of CC and 1 hit my Venus. 

So I changed my targeting. I focus on Mortu-Macaabs first. The runs took a bit longer, around 9-10min run compaired to my usual 5-6mins run.

Tomorrow, I will start my runs in 111-120. I might change my usual team for regular floors when fighting Tormins. And I found out that they have 345 res. So my Lyssandra with her stats will not work. Even if I manage to improve my Lyssandra's accuracy, my team can get frozen by Tormin when she buffs. My provoke champions, Maulie and Khoronar, will also not work because they put buffs as the cast provoke. So I have to think of something, else I call quits 😁

Dec 29, 2020, 04:1012/29/20
Dec 29, 2020, 04:11(edited)

I think I will need to build a 2nd armiger.  Tried somewhat of a variation of your strategy, but after 10 attempts gave up. Lol

Apothecary instead of hk (have at 40)

Mm (instead of metalshaper)

Alure and armiger (350+ acc and still getting resisted)

Stag knight 

Weak hits cause fail or i think Apothecary might have gone too fast and outran the shield once? I couldn't get monster faster than Apothecary. In theory I think it still should work if only 2 slower. Should never get lapped right?  

Either way without destroy set, I think 1000 limit is inevitable. 

Yes, the shield buffer should be the one to move first. I also tried Apothecary, it did not work. The boss was able to move. I found that High Khatun's slow debuff is very important and it should land asap after she uses her increase turnmeter and speed buff skill.

I have runs that the slow debuff did not land, and the boss moves and destroy my champions shield.

I have not tried Miscreated Monster, but looking at his cooldown, yes it should work. I am not entirely sure though.

Dec 29, 2020, 04:1512/29/20
Dec 29, 2020, 04:19(edited)

and also, give your Miscreated Monster 5-8 speed more than your other champion with higher base speed. Because his base speed is slow, and if the speeds are close together, your turn order might change when you use speed buff.

Dec 29, 2020, 16:3812/29/20

That's it, the speed boost...which I need, need a big increase on MM to account for that.  I still probably need armiger in destroy gear.  Otherwise rng will get me or 1000 limit.  Be farming dragon for a while.... and spider for better banners  

Dec 30, 2020, 03:3912/30/20

basic speed 90, add 144, such hard work. 

This game is kind of broken, when speed rule. 

Dec 30, 2020, 04:0712/30/20

I think this is the end for me on this doom tower for this month. 

I prepare for the next stages, giving everyone in my team at least 380 accuracy with 300+ resist after Warlord aura. 

Everything is fine until Rotos and Siphi stage. I forgot that with Siphi, Rotos cleanses all debuff and will take a turn. I am not prepared for this. Without this passive my team should still work. 

And even everyone's skill is reset. Rotos can basically move 2 times with his a1 getting his 2nd skill out of cooldown. 

I can see why nuking these stages with Seer is the most logical and "easy" way.