Wait.. I realize I still have a chance.
After observing a lot of loses in Siphi and Rotos stage, I realize I need more decrease turnmeter champion.
My plan now is to kill the 2 Rotos first before Siphi. Since Siphi is not a problem since Warlord can reset her skills and will not be able to revive Rotos.
But, if I have to Kill Rotos, I must not let it get a turn or at least less turn if possible. If you can see the stats of my champions they are not really that tanky. Rotos can take up to 3 turns killing one of my champion.
So, the champion that give me the win in this floor (114 if I am not mistaken) is Rhazin and Alure! These two keep the turnmeter of the 2 Rotos to the minimum. Together with Rhazin and Alure, I sue Warlord, Psylar and Khoronar. I opt to use Khoronar because of two reasons. One is the enemies are so much faster now that I need more CC. Two, since I need CC he is on stun set. With his passive he will counter attack often.
After this floor. Since there are no more Tormins, I can use Lyssandra again. Other floors without Rotos and Tormins do not propose a threat to my comp.
In floor 119, there is Siphi and Rotos again. This time no Tormin. So I use Lyssandra, Warlord, Psylar, Khoronar and Rhazin. But on this floor, I needed a bit of RNG. Lyssandra's a2 should not land weak hit on the Rotos' in order to decrease turnmeter as I target Siphi first. Since if without Siphi, Rotos will not cleanse debuff on himself.
My team here is Lyssandra, Warlord, Psylar, Khoronar and Rhazin.
Now, I can finally confirm. CC and Decrease Turnmeter can win Doom Tower floor 111-119!
I will update my first post for my floor 120 team 🙂