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The Team I use for Doom Tower Hard -DONE!

The Team I use for Doom Tower Hard -DONE!

Dec 30, 2020, 09:0212/30/20

Wait.. I realize I still have a chance.

After observing a lot of loses in Siphi and Rotos stage, I realize I need more decrease turnmeter champion. 

My plan now is to kill the 2 Rotos first before Siphi. Since Siphi is not a problem since Warlord can reset her skills and will not be able to revive Rotos.

But, if I have to Kill Rotos, I must not let it get a turn or at least less turn if possible. If you can see the stats of my champions they are not really that tanky. Rotos can take up to 3 turns killing one of my champion.

So, the champion that give me the win in this floor (114 if I am not mistaken) is Rhazin and Alure! These two keep the turnmeter of the 2 Rotos to the minimum. Together with Rhazin and Alure, I sue Warlord, Psylar and Khoronar. I opt to use Khoronar because of two reasons. One is the enemies are so much faster now that I need more CC. Two, since I need CC he is on stun set. With his passive he will counter attack often.

After this floor. Since there are no more Tormins, I can use Lyssandra again. Other floors without Rotos and Tormins do not propose a threat to my comp.

In floor 119, there is Siphi and Rotos again. This time no Tormin. So I use Lyssandra, Warlord, Psylar, Khoronar and Rhazin. But on this floor, I needed a bit of RNG. Lyssandra's a2 should not land weak hit on the Rotos' in order to decrease turnmeter as I target Siphi first. Since if without Siphi, Rotos will not cleanse debuff on himself.

My team here is Lyssandra, Warlord, Psylar, Khoronar and Rhazin.

Now, I can finally confirm. CC and Decrease Turnmeter can win Doom Tower floor 111-119!

I will update my first post for my floor 120 team 🙂

Dec 30, 2020, 11:3012/30/20
Dec 30, 2020, 11:31(edited)


You have done the impossible!

It is a little funny.

The teams you are using to beat the Bosses are Uncommon + Rare.

Yet, the teams you need to reach the Boss are Full Leggo teams.

After looking at your stats/gears, I feel like my heroes need to do push ups. lol

I need to do tons more Dungeons runs.

Dec 30, 2020, 11:5112/30/20
Dec 30, 2020, 11:51(edited)
Player J


You have done the impossible!

It is a little funny.

The teams you are using to beat the Bosses are Uncommon + Rare.

Yet, the teams you need to reach the Boss are Full Leggo teams.

After looking at your stats/gears, I feel like my heroes need to do push ups. lol

I need to do tons more Dungeons runs.


I use champions that I need and not focus on who are the most obtainable 😊

Dec 30, 2020, 13:3912/30/20

Well done, Congrats!!

I am off to dragon for destroy gear for a month or

Jan 1, 2021, 06:3601/01/21

I did a test on Miscreated Monster in Scarab King of floor 100 hard. Same turn order. Miscreated Monster should go first. 


Jan 1, 2021, 06:4101/01/21

In Frost Spider of floor 120 in hard. I tried to use my Venus together with Doompriest in replacement of Drath and Lyssandra. My run is a lot faster. 


Jan 1, 2021, 18:2401/01/21


Thanks! 100 is defeated!

MM 241

Apo 228 (no lasting gifts!)

Alure 222 +18 whirlwind 

Armiger 203 +18 whirlwind (destroy gear)

Stag Knight 208 (destroy gear)

Took a few

HK would be better than apo, but mine only 40. I also don't have a CH still.  The masteries are IMPORTANT. 

Jan 2, 2021, 00:3601/02/21

Nice! I am amazed that you did it without High Khatun 😯

Jan 2, 2021, 00:5801/02/21


Jan 2, 2021, 00:5901/02/21

Another mortu wave at 109...this one is going to be tougher 

Jan 2, 2021, 01:0401/02/21

Another mortu wave at 109...this one is going to be tougher 

You finish it last time so you can do it again 😊

Jan 2, 2021, 01:2001/02/21

Speed is much faster, going to try and cheese it with astralith health swap and good 

Jan 5, 2021, 16:4901/05/21


Jan 6, 2021, 00:0801/06/21


Can you still finish hard mode?

Jan 6, 2021, 00:3501/06/21


Can you still finish hard mode?

110 & 111 were easy enough.  112 no chance.  3 tormins, wtf? My teams are too slow without duchess in lead + arbiter/seeker/apo for tm boost.  I can get through wave 1 which hits way harder than any wave to this point, but I have no counter for tormin especially since I need Arbiter to boost the TM which leads to almost instant death lol.  Maybe I should have fused pyx?

Jan 6, 2021, 00:5101/06/21

In stages where there are Tormins, I remove Lyssandra (so I will not get frozen) and depend only in Psylar's decrease turnmeter. 

Jan 6, 2021, 01:1001/06/21

I think I am as far as my gear & champs will take me.  We will see next month, I have 12 5* chickens farmed and ready.  Need to refill me silver this month and figure out who to rank up next.  I get drexthar this month, have elenaril at 50.  Figure one of those for the HP burn, using coffinsmasher currently.  I'll need to go through my roster again and see if I have any hiiden gems... 

Jan 6, 2021, 02:4201/06/21

Maybe focus on regearing Rhazin to be really fast ?

1 Duchess

2 Rhazin

3 Warlord (maybe make lead for resist aura, if I can get Rhazin fast enough to go 1st)

4 Skull Lord Var-Gall

5 Doompriest/Grizz Jarl/Scyl/MM  

LOL, I need to stop thinking about this.

Jan 6, 2021, 04:5001/06/21

What is the role of your Skull lord? If it just for provoke, Gnarlhorn does it better. Aoe provoke on a 3 turn cooldown. 

Can't really rely on Rhazin's decrease turnmeter alone as his skill has long cooldown. 

I don't have Duchess, so I am not sure if her veil will interfere with the provoke. 

I think Duchess plus Warlord already provides good support for your team so for your 5th member it can be a dps champion or another utility. 

The team I use in 112:

Warlord - lead

Psylar - decrease turnmeter plus speed debuff

Scyl - mainly for aoe stun, healing is not really needed. Warlord heal is enough since I cc them most of the time. 

Khoronar - aoe provoke (Gnarlhorn does the same, although I am not sure if he prioritize his provoke skill over his unkillable) 

Venus - dps (can be any other unit. Rotos can be good too with his block revive, you can cut the runtime a bit) 

You can try the team that you posted, I just doubt the usefulless of Skull lord. 

Jan 10, 2021, 03:1901/10/21

In boss floor 50 Scarab King of Hard, the waves now consist of Jizoh, Broadmaw, Basilisk and Krisk. 


If you are using the same team with me, with Alure and Armiger, if would be best if you kill Jizoh first and then the Basilisk. 

Jizoh first because you don't want it to cast its counter attack buff. If it does a team without sustain will almost likely yo fail. 

Basilisk, because when it revive it will have block damage buff. If they are the ones left with block damage buff, you Alure and Armiger will keep on decreasing its turn meter and you will not be able to kill them. 

The goal is to kill them early then let them gain their turnmeter until they exhaust their block damage buff. While they are on block damage buff, pray for rngesus that Alure will not hit them often. 



After the waves, boss is not that much of a problem as long as you can keep it from gaining a turn. 
