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What is going on in the arena PVP??

What is going on in the arena PVP??

Jun 5, 2020, 16:5706/05/20

What is going on in the arena PVP??

What is going on in the arena ??? I will speak first in my name. I was in g4 and after last reset and updates i just slide down down like on slide barely hanging in g3. Question why? Not because i don't have good team for arena, but because all what i see are max best legendary s and epics. I have ignatius, relickeeper, mausoleum mage scullcrusher and how can my team fight against for example 4 max Martys lvl 60????!! Its like light category of boxing against heavy category !! You will never see this!!! Make pvp fair to everyone and i seen new players complaining to (its way harder for them) And i seen people in my team have real good legendary champs in arena and they also fall down and can not get back up! So, what the heck is going on? Make arena FAIR to everyone. Give to me reasonable explanation.

ps. I spend 100 of rubies just to roll pvp and could not find pvp in "my category" . And i earn this rubies fairly just to spend on pvp in faith to get at least my daily done?!!

Jun 5, 2020, 17:1706/05/20

I feel ya. I started playing this game when quarantine started and I dropped a good bit of money on it. I'm a little over two months in, and i can auto all dungeons on 20, have 3 starred up to brutal, and I'm working on 3 starring Nightmare (beaten Nightmare campaign already).  so yeah, I spent some money. The real focus for me is progress missions, and that's where Arena comes in. I'm currently stuck, needing to raise a Great Hall bonus to level 7, and after a week of grinding i don't even have half the medals I need. And, of course, these missions require I get the bonus up to level 10.

Arena is broken. I have a good crop of legendaries including Kymar and Lilitu, and some great lower ranked ones (MM, Gorgorab, Serris, etc) all built well. But I can't complete at all against these insane teams. Abandoned accounts are still sitting in the rankings, and I simply can't progress. It's not worth buying gem packs just so I can win one or two matches out of ten. Of course, all the medals i need have to be gold, too.

There just isn't a plausible, do-able way for me to advance further, and I'm certainly not going to spend any more time or money on the game when i'm completely stuck, not due to poor champs or bad builds, but because a fundamental part of the game is broken. Reddit is full of posts about Arena frustration as well. Plarium needs to fix this, or let the game die.
Jun 5, 2020, 17:2906/05/20

I am in the same boat. I am running a pretty good squad and can't even get to Gold right now.

High Katun




I also use Martyr depending on the situation. All of which are 6* 
Jun 5, 2020, 18:1706/05/20

Hi, thanks for the feedback. I believe this is being looked into.

In the meantime if you need help with your arena teams, just post your champions and stats here and people would be glad to help you out. 

Jun 5, 2020, 18:2406/05/20
Vicky said:

It's a free win for me. 👍
Jun 5, 2020, 18:4706/05/20

I am sure it is !! You are in platinum lol Did you read all what i post or you just look on the screenshot? I bet you would be way different meaning and thinking if you suddenly slide down in g3 ??  I mean man put yourself in other players shoes who don't have  the best pulls ect. And would you fight in real life against some "gorilla" even if you know you have 0% chance to win??

And i can put myself in the middle category but i will still stood up for players who doesn't have champs build yet and are on the missions ect! Not everyone is using plastic card btw. Justice for everyone ! Make pvp fair!
Jun 5, 2020, 21:5106/05/20
Vicky said:

What is going on in the arena ??? I will speak first in my name. I was in g4 and after last reset and updates i just slide down down like on slide barely hanging in g3. Question why? Not because i don't have good team for arena, but because all what i see are max best legendary s and epics. I have ignatius, relickeeper, mausoleum mage scullcrusher and how can my team fight against for example 4 max Martys lvl 60????!! Its like light category of boxing against heavy category !! You will never see this!!! Make pvp fair to everyone and i seen new players complaining to (its way harder for them) And i seen people in my team have real good legendary champs in arena and they also fall down and can not get back up! So, what the heck is going on? Make arena FAIR to everyone. Give to me reasonable explanation.

ps. I spend 100 of rubies just to roll pvp and could not find pvp in "my category" . And i earn this rubies fairly just to spend on pvp in faith to get at least my daily done?!!

I have been on a constant slide as well..They changed something no doubt..Funny thing is that this happened right as I need G4 for Arbitor chain advancement..Please fix the pvp it is unplayable right now..Every enemy team goes first now it seems..
Jun 5, 2020, 21:5806/05/20

Arena in this game is a joke. Unless you have the right champs you will not progress in arena with the way it is now.

This puts newer players in a disadvantage, Hellhades had a great idea about if you haven't been active for like 14 days your

arena team got set back to bronze 1.  Plarium is the most money hungry company I've ever come across due to the idiots(whales) that spend so much money on this game.

Jun 5, 2020, 22:2706/05/20
People should be removed from Arena ranking completely when inactive. Otherwise Bronze just becomes hell for everyone.
Jun 6, 2020, 00:4506/06/20

I don't think even hell is a strong enough word. Finally broke through the hell of bronze 3.

Looks like Bronze 4 is going to be even more fun /s 

Honestly dread to think what silver is like. I wouldn't mind if mission progress wasn't tied directly into arena progress.

Jun 6, 2020, 02:3806/06/20

I agreed with you 100% and you should not see something like that in bronze!

Thats why i address this problem here and the moderator wrote "I believe this is being looked into." HOPEFULLY NOT ONLY LOOKED INTO! But done something to resolve that insane "problem"!!

Jun 6, 2020, 08:1506/06/20
Jun 6, 2020, 08:24(edited)

People are way too sensitive even at the slightest joke that is not even directed at them. I can't blame you, the situation at the moment obviously gives you enough cause for irritation, and my post was not intended to annoy you further. 

However, if you think you're the only one who's struggling at Arena, you're probably wrong. It's just that different people find different ways to deal with the problem.

 And, yes, there's a problem obviously, but there is no point looking for it where there is none. We're all in the same boat. 

And, btw, not that it matters, but I'm completely f2p and I'm aware of how difficult the game can be. It's not like I'm trying to disprove your position or I'm against you.

Jun 6, 2020, 12:1606/06/20
Jun 6, 2020, 12:21(edited)

Hi Vicky,

I am noticing the same phenomenon:

Two weeks ago, I used to stay in Gold 4, having constantly between 2900 and 3100 points.

But since two weeks approximately, I slowly but surely slide down. Now, I am in Gold 1, having 2090 points and absolutely no clue how to get up any more. BTW: I went up to Gold 4 with a team having a power of about 80k-110k. I stayed in Gold 4 with a team power of around 120k. And now, I go down having a team power of 132k !!!

Luckily, there are still lot other things to complete in this game which make more fun - otherwise I would think about quitting Raid after 6 months of daily gaming!

Jun 6, 2020, 12:3906/06/20
HanSolo77 said:

But since two weeks approximately, I slowly but surely slide down. Now, I am in Gold 1, having 2090 points and absolutely no clue how to get up any more. BTW: I went up to Gold 4 with a team having a power of about 80k-110k. I stayed in Gold 4 with a team power of around 120k. And now, I go down having a team power of 132k !!!

Comments like these do make me wonder just what gold 4 was like until a few weeks ago, because those are the kind of power levels that you'd normally see in silver 2-4 (not that power means much obviously, but it gives some idea). It kind of seems like a lot of people in lower gold 4 were not at all stronger than the people in silver 4, simply lucky to have climbed the ranks months earlier? In that regard maybe it's not such a bad thing that the rankings are getting rearranged a bit. 
Jun 6, 2020, 13:4606/06/20

L9753 said:

Comments like these do make me wonder just what gold 4 was like until a few weeks ago, because those are the kind of power levels that you'd normally see in silver 2-4 (not that power means much obviously, but it gives some idea). It kind of seems like a lot of people in lower gold 4 were not at all stronger than the people in silver 4, simply lucky to have climbed the ranks months earlier? In that regard maybe it's not such a bad thing that the rankings are getting rearranged a bit. 

I'd generally agree with you. But it's a some kind of unfair to let you enter Gold 2, 3 and 4, let you stay there for some time - and then letting you drop down again. In that case, if would have been better not to let you push up so far.

On the other hand: How then achieve some of the missions, where you need Gold level for - whereas I have a couple of other non-arena missions that are almost finished since a long time ago...

In my eyes, the whole balancing of the game got a bit out of control...

Furthermore, just as you mention: That power level is almost useless in the arena: I kill teams at my power level +20k much easier than others between 65-100k, which mostly eliminate my team faster than I can watch...

Of course, I "know" why: They perfectly pushed their teams into the "only one" direction... but if that is really the intention of the arena game, to force players to build up the "one and only" combination of champions, powers and attributes... hmmm...
Jun 6, 2020, 16:5506/06/20
Daering said:

People are way too sensitive even at the slightest joke that is not even directed at them. I can't blame you, the situation at the moment obviously gives you enough cause for irritation, and my post was not intended to annoy you further. 

However, if you think you're the only one who's struggling at Arena, you're probably wrong. It's just that different people find different ways to deal with the problem.

 And, yes, there's a problem obviously, but there is no point looking for it where there is none. We're all in the same boat. 

And, btw, not that it matters, but I'm completely f2p and I'm aware of how difficult the game can be. It's not like I'm trying to disprove your position or I'm against you.

I am sry but if there is some problem like this i do not make jokes! And yes me and i can tell a hundreds of people are irritated stressed out because of that. I just fall in g2 . Me personal pvp for benefits  and medals to be able to build great hall and i can tell this "Very strong" pvps are already build in great hall masteries ect. So, how can people like me do all that if there are Gorilla bricks on the way ? Already on silver how much i hear? And one more thing---> TAKE THE PVP FROM DAILY OUT! If you can not fix it why should people lose just to finish daily??! No common sense no logic 
Jun 6, 2020, 17:0606/06/20

Daering said:

However, if you think you're the only one who's struggling at Arena, you're probably wrong. It's just that different people find different ways to deal with the problem.

Next time please dont put words in my mouth. If you read all what i wrote you will know i am standing up for ALL people not just myself! They should RESOLVE the PROBLEM and not covering it with bunch of excuses!
Jun 6, 2020, 17:1506/06/20

I have been stuck on the "advance to silver in the arena" mission for a month now. My GH is level 15! I'm still in bronze 4. No matter how carefully I select my opponents, I cannot enter silver. 

I was so excited to 6s my MM because I really thought that would propel me to silver. NOPE! It's just slightly easier to stay in bronze 4. 

Please, PLEASE, remove the arena missions from the main progress mission. I have looked ahead and have accomplished every mission in front of reaching silver, but cant access them due to this one mission.

When it was put in as a required mission, I'm sure it made sense, but for new players now it is almost a game breaker. I have seen tons and tons of newbies quit due to the poor early placement of that mission.

To all the veterans that will laugh and say, get good noob, I strongly encourage you to create an alt and see how many end game teams have fallen into bronze now. 

It makes arena absolutely infuriating and wasteful.
Jun 6, 2020, 18:3506/06/20

Vicky said:

Next time please dont put words in my mouth. If you read all what i wrote you will know i am standing up for ALL people not just myself! They should RESOLVE the PROBLEM and not covering it with bunch of excuses!

No, I didn't put words in your mouth, I made a joke that wasn't addressed to a particular user, it wasn't a joke with the intention of insulting someone or with an idea to downplay what you're talking about here. My second post confirmed this. Then you took it personally  and you decided to deal with me personally, instead of continuing your struggle for the sake of all of us. 

Don't feel obligated to answer to me, I won't bother you anymore in this topic.

Jun 6, 2020, 19:0706/06/20
"Bona fide verum veritas" Amen!
Jun 6, 2020, 20:2506/06/20

Wonder to who i should give "possibly" free pass ?