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Need major Spider Den help (not 20, intermediate levels)

Need major Spider Den help (not 20, intermediate levels)

Mar 16, 2020, 17:2703/16/20

Need major Spider Den help (not 20, intermediate levels)

Overall my dungeon progress is good, limited mainly by lack of roster depth and no heavy hitter. I get by on survivability and Brawler where appropriate.

Dragon: 19 (Brawler, Apo, Zelotah, Gorg, Doompriest) Don't think I can survive first two waves on 20. I'll be doing some gear upgrades tomorrow during the artifact enhancement event. Testing to follow.

EDIT: This team autos DRAGON 20

Ice Golem: 18 manual, 17 auto (Brawler, Apo, Gorg, Elhain, Zelotah)

Fire Knight: 16 (Alure, Skullcrusher, Fellhound 50, Apo, Gorg) First two waves will be tough at higher levels. Maybe upgrading FH to 60 and/or getting stun gear for him (will this make him viable for mid-game Spider)

Spider: Beat Stage 10 easily, but Stage 11 is force and as you see I have lots of Magic champs and Brawler is unusable in spider. Zelotah may be ok to manual 11.

I basically need to build a team that will be able to Auto 14, and hopefully have pieces that will be useful in 17/20.  I 100% know my roster doesn't have the 17+ team yet. But I'm thinking Fellhound at 60 in stun gear (have 3 of 4 pieces that are viable), Alure with some better gear (she is tough to keep alive), Elhain (improve ATK and CD), Armiger (just started leveling is @31/40) at 50, and maybe Apo for speed boost or Gorg for TM/ATK up? Grizz Jarl for block debuffs? Just spitballing. Not sure how to make SC work in CA approach.

All the videos I see are crap.  Either 3 coldhearts, or obtainable champs with ridiculous gear & full masteries. My 4 mastered heroes are Alure (GS), Doom/Jarl/Skullcruser (WM).

I have almost enough food for another 6*. I have 1000 gems. I have 12 legendary books, 0 epic books. I get Wurlim today in BP.

Mar 16, 2020, 17:3803/16/20
Mar 17, 2020, 05:1303/17/20
Mar 17, 2020, 14:5403/17/20

I am the god of sustain 

Golem and Dragon 20 done with no attackers. Slow but reliable. We shall see if my artifact upgrades today help.
Mar 17, 2020, 16:4203/17/20

hope it helps to beat spider 20 you need some one with HP Burn like Ultimate Galek and rest of them could be on defense best defense is aoe stun. you can try some different tactics like use some healers with aoe stun gear and champs to decrees turn matter for main boss. Unfortunately i cant see any good champs to help you in your storage. Try to get healer, 2 stun aoe and one dmg dealer and Decrease Turn Meter or 2 to decrease turn matter instead of damage dealer 

Mar 17, 2020, 18:3803/17/20

 Hi again

As soon as you get to Spider 13/14 (or even 12), mass AOE and blind attacks will not do. You need to understand 2 crucial mechanics of spider:

A. True for all boss: %HP damage does way more than any standard attack [Poison Stacks x3+] OR [HP burn AOE for spider - because each tick affects them all together - it spreads]

B. Spider: spiderlings to most of the damage and attacks your weakest champion based on mainly lowest HP

So given that, here are two strategies:

i. AOE the shit out of spiderlings before it consumes and eats (CA + AOE tank helps a lot), so that you win over time << easier but slower

ii. CC-lock out spiderlings and turn meter reduce boss whilst you nuke boss << need high ACC (200)

If you are not a high spender, don't 60 bad heroes just to try this boss. Battlepass revamped poisoners are fantastic. Occult Brawler should do to. You can literally have a team like this:

1. AOE on A1 tank - low heath (below 27k), high defence, high resist (180+ desirable) - (you may need lifesteal gear)

2. Counter Attacker

3. Healer + Speed

4. Poison / HP DPS (main damage)

5. Burst AOE dps / Group Survival << free to choose

Mar 18, 2020, 03:2903/18/20
Mar 18, 2020, 03:29(edited)

1. AOE Tank: Fellhound?

2. CA: Skullcrusher 

3. Healer/Speed: Apothecary 

4. Poison / MaxHP damage (have an armiger in vault, I don't think brawler works here)

5. Burst AoE: ??? Is this HP Burn?

So this is a strategy with no TM reduction?

Mar 18, 2020, 10:0503/18/20

You need a poisoner / HP burn (even if not now, very soon)

I have seen 4 Armiger do it for the TM strategy -- not 1.  You better off with a good rare poisoner or epic HP burn 
Mar 18, 2020, 12:1003/18/20
Ethan said:

I have seen 4 Armiger do it for the TM strategy -- not 1.  
Not sure it works on auto.
Mar 18, 2020, 13:2603/18/20

Lol. I'm not building 4 Armiger. Need to figure out if 1 Armiger is a good piece to a final puzzle. I don't think you should be able to use multiples anyway, I have nothing against those that do though.

For the poisoner, maybe I can make Brawler work at low levels but his passive is wasted on the spiders generally.

Who is best rare poisoner?
Mar 19, 2020, 10:2603/19/20

The interesting part start from 10:10 min mark.

The things is that stats are just as important as the composition itself. Sometime you may have right team and lack right gear and stats - sets or quality wise. 

Mar 19, 2020, 14:3403/19/20

Thanks for the video. Gnarlhorn is interesting. Rhazin seems critical, ugh. The gear/GH are well ahead of my 90 day progress. I would like to see stats on entire team, SPD ACC RES ...

1) apothecary - check

2) armiger - have at naked 40

3) gnarlhorn - guessing this role is replaceable?

4) stag knight - have naked 40

5) rhazin - ugh

Without rhazin, obviously this doesn't work. The spider never gets a turn? The gear/Gh is probably months of arena & dragon farming.

My next steps for Spider progress:

1) Be patient, I am a ways away. Don't do anything stupid 

2) Save current food (2 6stars worth) gems (1300) until i use current shards. Reassess roster. Waiting for 2x event

3) Keep farming until training event over

4) Dragon20 and IG20 for gear

5) stay in Arena gold4, keep getting medals

My biggest gear problem is weak accessories, unfortunately this requires spiders... I can only beat 12 now. 

If anyone finds a video with Alure helping in anyway, even just at Spider 14 please share here. 

Thanks again everyone. 

Mar 22, 2020, 17:5403/22/20
Mar 22, 2020, 17:54(edited)

So I have miscreated monster almost 60 now this should be easier. Also have Armiger at 60.

I'm thinking






Should at least get me by Spider 14 right?

Mar 23, 2020, 07:5603/23/20

1. Rhazin is not critical. I have never done a single run with him or someone = to him.  He has AOE turn meter reduction on a really long CD, useful for a speed run maybe? You don't need AOE turn meter reduction, just dedicated to boss. 

2. Miscreated Monster (MM) is a beast. I have done 35min spider test with him, because his AOE shield scales with AOE attack, so whenever he nukes little spiders every 3 turns, he basically makes your team invulnerable for 2-3 turns.

3. Your team make up:   

A) Some reliable DPS, such as poison or preferably AOE HP burn (super Gaelik dude?)    

B)  Turn meter control, so you reduce the number of heals    

C)  A reliable (negative affinity) tank so you only need to gear 1 person in detail

D) [Free Choice] -- probably a healer with turn meter or speed <<< Apo is nice, but lacks TM control

E) [Free Choice] -- probably a survival with heal with AOE nuke <<< Miscreated Monster (!)

Mar 23, 2020, 16:1403/23/20
Mar 23, 2020, 16:16(edited)

Rhizans best ability on Spider is Def Down + Weaken for a nuke strat.

I'm bashing my head on Spider right now, and its s huge pain in the ass.  I finally cleared 18 today and I think 19 should be easier once I make my apoth super tanky. Then on to 20!

For ever Spider past 15 you basically have to build a new team and tweak the shit out of it till it works.
Mar 23, 2020, 16:2503/23/20
Ethan said:

3. Your team make up:   

A) Some reliable DPS, such as poison or preferably AOE HP burn (super Gaelik dude?)    

B)  Turn meter control, so you reduce the number of heals    

C)  A reliable (negative affinity) tank so you only need to gear 1 person in detail

D) [Free Choice] -- probably a healer with turn meter or speed <<< Apo is nice, but lacks TM control

E) [Free Choice] -- probably a survival with heal with AOE nuke <<< Miscreated Monster (!)

I'm obviously going to build team around MM, so my 1st problem is Epic books and figuring out how to master him (not WM/GS! based on a video I saw; still not sure on defense or support tree).  My team is terrible for A & B. With AOE Burn, I think I would be set. I think trying to force Skullcrusher into my team is one of my problems. Unless he is my tank, which I guess will only work against Spirit/green Spider, then he doesn't add anything to the fight. Somehow my thinking was his CA/Ally protect and MM skills would protect Apo/Armiger/Alure from spiders and I'd get enough TM reduction (Alure+Armiger). MM is great everywhere already, but without CD booked his impact is limited. I need to book MM and find a replacement for Alure and SC. 
Mar 23, 2020, 17:2203/23/20
Spyder73 said:

For ever Spider past 15 you basically have to build a new team and tweak the shit out of it till it works.
LOL, that's encouraging. And 14(magic)/17(void)/20(spirit) have to be Auto.  The different affinities is going to be a problem.
Mar 23, 2020, 17:4703/23/20

Trips said:

I think trying to force Skullcrusher into my team is one of my problems. Unless he is my tank, which I guess will only work against Spirit/green Spider, then he doesn't add anything to the fight. Somehow my thinking was his CA/Ally protect and MM skills would protect Apo/Armiger/Alure from spiders and I'd get enough TM reduction (Alure+Armiger). 

MM is great everywhere already, but without CD booked his impact is limited. I need to book MM and find a replacement for Alure and SC. 

Skullcrusher (SC) is not you tank, he is the one that gives your tank CA (as he doesn't get CA himself). Why does your team need CA you may ask? CA gives you an extra turn for your own team after being hit by AOE, which is effectively more nuke than you can manage unless you have great 100% TM reduction from say Rhazin or Lua or Tyrael.

Now, if your tank has A1 AOE, then CA is going to be good because every spidering that hits it, every enemy gets AOE-ed. So 10-12 spiders = 10-12 AOEs per turn. Give it CA and that's 24 AOEs in 1 spider turn.

Granted your tank is probably weak affinity or void affinity, but it's still damn good.

To ensure that this A1 AOE tank is always the tank or 90% of the time a tank:

1. Only one with weaker affinity (weak or void) and everyone else is strong affinity or same

2. Have less than 27k health and not the highest defence (health matters more, unless it has stupid high defence).

To ensure your A1 AOE tank can survive:

3. Have high resist 160-200

4. Have support characters help it. Ally protect from MM and SC rotated correctly and shield from MM should  be enough even for long battles in Spider 20

So this is me showing Stage 4 because I don't have energy right now....

You can see that my DPS lead is AOE HP burn, CA is Martyr, and Weak Affinity Tank is Infero Baroness with a AOE A1 << She actually does 90% of the damage. MM is for protection.  Tyrael, Apo, whatever you like on 5th slot, just don't die -- MM can carry very long fights on auto (20-35min).  I don't have Coldheart -- new player.

Mar 23, 2020, 21:0603/23/20
Can you post your MM stats and masteries?
Mar 23, 2020, 21:2503/23/20

Trips said:

Can you post your MM stats and masteries?

Yes, the MM is built for CC + 30% Shield buff + 100% crit AOE for extra shield buff