That's fair and I get that... I probably wasn't being clear. My point was that once you know the strenghts and weaknesses of your roster you can punch above your weightclass and the 2nd is that WuKong can win matches on his own.
I will go back to my original statement though. Just fighting the one-person teams and putting all of your eggs into the WuKong basket will get him to the next tier. WuKong is cheap to develop because you don't have to stack too much defense, resistance, and nothing for crit. You don't even have to worry too much about speed. Attack, accuracy, and some speed. Just enough so that when he dies he popps back up with a full turn meter and kills the other team. He could make a two person team that would work for almost everything that he needed for now. WuKong and one person that can survive the initial attack of the other team.
I've never tried a one or two person team. But Wukong is my strongest champ. So how do I know if I have enought attack, accuracy, and speed? Like, what numbers am I looking for?