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Arena Team Help

Arena Team Help

Jan 12, 2024, 20:4901/12/24

I missed Tagoar. I don't think the 7 turns matters much. Most arena teams don't go much beyond the 3rd or 4th rounds and with his roster you would want to take out the other team right after the revive. The big thing is that he will nead stoneskin gear which I doubt he has. 

His go 2nd team should be able to take out a silver level team pretty quick once he has the stoneskin gear. 

I made it to G5 in Classic arena without any stoneskin gear.  I have a go 2nd team.  I choose my fights carefully.  It takes a while but it is an effective strategy.  The only reason I still fight in Classic is to finish my Great Hall bonuses.  I have never built a champ just for either arena.  All the champs I use are from other battle types.  

Jan 12, 2024, 21:3401/12/24

With you champs is would suggest suggest sun wukong, kael, apoth, warmaiden.

Apoth for speed but he has to be the fastest champ on your team, warmaiden going second doing damage and dropping enemy team defense, then sun wukong going third to steal enemy buffs and doing damage and then kael to clean up the rest of the champs left alive

Jan 12, 2024, 23:0101/12/24

I made it up out of the basement, from bronze to Gold 5 and sometimes Platinum temporarily. It is not so hard but requires lots of patience and persistence (say time).

In a nutshell, you do not need to knock over much higher powered teams. Most of my opponents were cheapie champs up to 100k power. All you have to do is make a team, of 100k or more,  and just hit all the LPTs (low power teams) you see.  On each refresh of 10 there is usually one or two targets you can beat.  Believe me I have been doing this a long time.  Not only do I win enough gold bars for the GH but also win the arena tournament from time to time.

You may go a frew frefreshes without finding a target but then it evens out where you get 3 or 4 in a refresh.  I guarantee you if you try this approach you will be out of the dumps in no time.

Jan 15, 2024, 22:4201/15/24

I made it to G5 in Classic arena without any stoneskin gear.  I have a go 2nd team.  I choose my fights carefully.  It takes a while but it is an effective strategy.  The only reason I still fight in Classic is to finish my Great Hall bonuses.  I have never built a champ just for either arena.  All the champs I use are from other battle types.  

How do you know if a team will go first or second?

Jan 15, 2024, 22:4401/15/24

With you champs is would suggest suggest sun wukong, kael, apoth, warmaiden.

Apoth for speed but he has to be the fastest champ on your team, warmaiden going second doing damage and dropping enemy team defense, then sun wukong going third to steal enemy buffs and doing damage and then kael to clean up the rest of the champs left alive

I'll try that team out. I'm pretty sure I have Apothecary the fastest but I'll make sure.

Jan 15, 2024, 22:4701/15/24
End Is Near

I made it up out of the basement, from bronze to Gold 5 and sometimes Platinum temporarily. It is not so hard but requires lots of patience and persistence (say time).

In a nutshell, you do not need to knock over much higher powered teams. Most of my opponents were cheapie champs up to 100k power. All you have to do is make a team, of 100k or more,  and just hit all the LPTs (low power teams) you see.  On each refresh of 10 there is usually one or two targets you can beat.  Believe me I have been doing this a long time.  Not only do I win enough gold bars for the GH but also win the arena tournament from time to time.

You may go a frew frefreshes without finding a target but then it evens out where you get 3 or 4 in a refresh.  I guarantee you if you try this approach you will be out of the dumps in no time.

I do that, but also if they match me in power or if they have a bunch of 50 level champs.

Is this also helpful (picking the low power) if I end up changing my team to better new champs that need the experience? 

Jan 15, 2024, 22:4901/15/24

As others have said though, I would put your effort into other parts of the game. It will help you in the long run. One thing that players that have been around for a long time forget is how much effort and time it takes to get a full set of masteries on your first few champions. 

yeah, there is so much to do in the game that I get scattered. I do have some masteries on my top champs but nowhere near full sets. 

Jan 15, 2024, 22:5501/15/24

When i was in Silver and lower levels of Arena, I prioritised getting my turn order and speed on my lead as fast as possible, had speed substats on every piece of gear and Speed boots of course...things started to change once i got my Speed over 190+  i started going first and being able to take the initiative in fights.

my advise, make sure you can farm 20 Dragon, you levelled solid champs to 60.

I dont know what some of those champs you have do, 

But a solid starter team can be High Khatun, Sun Wukong, Uggo(his debuff ability is amamazing I was using Warmaiden before i got him) , then Kael last as  your nuker...

Ive seen builds with  an Apothecary second so the team doesnt get cut off, 

try to farm weaker teams and teams at your level or lower... check their player power and also their team power

when you spend more and more time in arena you will slowly start to see the match outcomes etc..

take some time to read your opponent's champs team will help you locate the threat and understand how their team runs.

you can cheese your way to Gold by being very careful what teams you takes a while though...

dont be discouraged by losses 

try to avoid matchups you know you will loose...

slowly start to tweak gear here and there as you farm and progress in other parts of the game... I mainly use a ton of gear i can craft and get from Clan boss etc compared to farmable gear from dungeons etc since i can manipulate the pieces I want from the Forge. 

How did you determine turn order?

Jan 16, 2024, 02:0201/16/24

Speed. There's more to it than just that, but essentially whoever is faster goes first.

Jan 16, 2024, 03:4501/16/24
Player 130261384

yeah, there is so much to do in the game that I get scattered. I do have some masteries on my top champs but nowhere near full sets. 

It is helpful to get full masteries on your best champ, which will be your farmer.  Then you might get green masteries on your dragon champs.  I made the mistake of putting full masteries on every lego I got.  Save full masteries for champs you know you will use for a while.  

Jan 16, 2024, 17:0001/16/24
End Is Near

I made it up out of the basement, from bronze to Gold 5 and sometimes Platinum temporarily. It is not so hard but requires lots of patience and persistence (say time).

In a nutshell, you do not need to knock over much higher powered teams. Most of my opponents were cheapie champs up to 100k power. All you have to do is make a team, of 100k or more,  and just hit all the LPTs (low power teams) you see.  On each refresh of 10 there is usually one or two targets you can beat.  Believe me I have been doing this a long time.  Not only do I win enough gold bars for the GH but also win the arena tournament from time to time.

You may go a frew frefreshes without finding a target but then it evens out where you get 3 or 4 in a refresh.  I guarantee you if you try this approach you will be out of the dumps in no time.

I never pay attention to the the team power. I mean if I see a team with a bunch of +3 champions on their team I will avoid them.  Team makeup is much more important and how my team matches up against them.  For instance, any team with Ma' Shallad I am probably going to defeat because I have Shamael. Any counter-attack team I am probably going to beat because I have WuKong. I tend to avoid teams with Sirris because she counters my go 2nd team. Same with WuKong teams. Although sometimes I can kill a go-frst team with her just by using Sniktraak, Kavalax, Drex, and UDK. The other team essentially kills themselves. 

 I regularly beat teams much higher power than my own. For one thing, resisitance for some odd reason is weighted very heavily when calculating a team's power. I don't worry too much about resistance given my team makeup. 

Eventually you can spot very quickly teams that can defeat you and teams that cannot. I also just avoid annoying teams. Even when I can cleanse, Mithrala just annoys me so I will avoid teams with her. My Fenax can defeat teams designed to survive through reserections but depending on the team it just isn't worth my time. If I ever fully develop Xena and Ugir that will change because I will then  be able to easily counter those teams. Once again, with those two champions the other team is essentially going to kill themselves. 

Jan 16, 2024, 20:5001/16/24

It is helpful to get full masteries on your best champ, which will be your farmer.  Then you might get green masteries on your dragon champs.  I made the mistake of putting full masteries on every lego I got.  Save full masteries for champs you know you will use for a while.  

Good to know. This game is definitely has a high learning curve (for me)

Jan 16, 2024, 21:2401/16/24

I never pay attention to the the team power. I mean if I see a team with a bunch of +3 champions on their team I will avoid them.  Team makeup is much more important and how my team matches up against them.  For instance, any team with Ma' Shallad I am probably going to defeat because I have Shamael. Any counter-attack team I am probably going to beat because I have WuKong. I tend to avoid teams with Sirris because she counters my go 2nd team. Same with WuKong teams. Although sometimes I can kill a go-frst team with her just by using Sniktraak, Kavalax, Drex, and UDK. The other team essentially kills themselves. 

 I regularly beat teams much higher power than my own. For one thing, resisitance for some odd reason is weighted very heavily when calculating a team's power. I don't worry too much about resistance given my team makeup. 

Eventually you can spot very quickly teams that can defeat you and teams that cannot. I also just avoid annoying teams. Even when I can cleanse, Mithrala just annoys me so I will avoid teams with her. My Fenax can defeat teams designed to survive through reserections but depending on the team it just isn't worth my time. If I ever fully develop Xena and Ugir that will change because I will then  be able to easily counter those teams. Once again, with those two champions the other team is essentially going to kill themselves. 

At this point in the game I can't really determine a lot besides champ level, rarity, team power and opponent power. There are certain champs at 60 I know I'll lose to such as Arbiter, Ronda, UDK, Artak (is that the right name?) and I never play against a mythical lol. 

I know I'll learn more as I go. Still early days.

Jan 17, 2024, 16:4501/17/24
Player 130261384

At this point in the game I can't really determine a lot besides champ level, rarity, team power and opponent power. There are certain champs at 60 I know I'll lose to such as Arbiter, Ronda, UDK, Artak (is that the right name?) and I never play against a mythical lol. 

I know I'll learn more as I go. Still early days.

Are you able to win against bomb teams? They are my nemesis as I don't have a great mass cleanser.  At some point I will build a team to go against bomb teams but right now it just isn't worth my effort. I am going to try making a Bommel team out of Buringiri with really high resistance, Blizzar, WuKong, and Rhazin. that team could be really really annoying for bomb teams that do not have a block revive. 

In live arena, when I feel masochistic and play live arena, I will sometimes use Skytouched Shaman against bomb teams but most of the time that just delays the innevitable. 

Most  mythicals are not all that great in arena to be honest or at least there are better non-mythical options. There are a couple for to watch out for though. 

Jan 17, 2024, 17:1401/17/24

Below is a really good example of a showing first; how WuKong can be a god for people in arena, and how just controlling the match-ups means everything. In rock, paper, scissors, my team is the rock to his scissors. Go-first teams are going to struggle against this team because of Siegrund and Go-second teams will struggle because of Ma'Shalled continuously fearing them. Shamael on my team deals with the fears, Sun Wukong kills everyone and then can cleanse the block damage when Siegfrund revives the entire team. I think that Dhukk is kind of a dumb choice for his team even on defense. He is putting all of his cards on Ma'Shalled for killing the other team. Maybe he was hoping to swap crowd controls between Ma'Shallad. That could get really annoying but Drex and Yakarl are better options, both of which I am sure this person has in their roster. 


Jan 17, 2024, 17:3401/17/24

He can't win against any of these teams, shibb. His account is still far too new for that.

Jan 17, 2024, 17:4901/17/24
Jan 17, 2024, 17:50(edited)

He can't win against any of these teams, shibb. His account is still far too new for that.

That's fair and I get that... I probably wasn't being clear. My point was that once you know the strenghts and weaknesses of your roster you can punch above your weightclass and the 2nd is that WuKong can win matches on his own. 

I will go back to my original statement though. Just fighting the one-person teams and putting all of your eggs into the WuKong basket will get him to the next tier. WuKong is cheap to develop because you don't have to stack too much defense, resistance, and nothing for crit. You don't even have to worry too much about speed. Attack, accuracy, and some speed. Just enough so that when he dies he popps back up with a full turn meter and kills the other team. He could make a two person team that would work for almost everything that he needed for now. WuKong and one person that can survive the initial attack of the other team. 

Jan 17, 2024, 20:2701/17/24

When i was in Silver and lower levels of Arena, I prioritised getting my turn order and speed on my lead as fast as possible, had speed substats on every piece of gear and Speed boots of course...things started to change once i got my Speed over 190+  i started going first and being able to take the initiative in fights.

my advise, make sure you can farm 20 Dragon, you levelled solid champs to 60.

I dont know what some of those champs you have do, 

But a solid starter team can be High Khatun, Sun Wukong, Uggo(his debuff ability is amamazing I was using Warmaiden before i got him) , then Kael last as  your nuker...

Ive seen builds with  an Apothecary second so the team doesnt get cut off, 

try to farm weaker teams and teams at your level or lower... check their player power and also their team power

when you spend more and more time in arena you will slowly start to see the match outcomes etc..

take some time to read your opponent's champs team will help you locate the threat and understand how their team runs.

you can cheese your way to Gold by being very careful what teams you takes a while though...

dont be discouraged by losses 

try to avoid matchups you know you will loose...

slowly start to tweak gear here and there as you farm and progress in other parts of the game... I mainly use a ton of gear i can craft and get from Clan boss etc compared to farmable gear from dungeons etc since i can manipulate the pieces I want from the Forge. 

So champs like High Khatun need speed over 190? What about the others?

Jan 17, 2024, 20:3101/17/24

Are you able to win against bomb teams? They are my nemesis as I don't have a great mass cleanser.  At some point I will build a team to go against bomb teams but right now it just isn't worth my effort. I am going to try making a Bommel team out of Buringiri with really high resistance, Blizzar, WuKong, and Rhazin. that team could be really really annoying for bomb teams that do not have a block revive. 

In live arena, when I feel masochistic and play live arena, I will sometimes use Skytouched Shaman against bomb teams but most of the time that just delays the innevitable. 

Most  mythicals are not all that great in arena to be honest or at least there are better non-mythical options. There are a couple for to watch out for though. 

Dumb question but what is a bomb team?

Jan 17, 2024, 20:3301/17/24

He can't win against any of these teams, shibb. His account is still far too new for that.

He being me (OP) or someone else? Because if it's me I'm a she no he lol. But you are right, I wouldn't win against those teams...