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Live arena sucks

Live arena sucks

Jun 23, 2023, 23:2306/23/23

I play it just to improve my doom tower bonuses in area bonus, the disappointing thing for me is after improving my bonus 24 times it hasn't improved my score against the boss. 

Jun 23, 2023, 23:5206/23/23

I play it just to improve my doom tower bonuses in area bonus, the disappointing thing for me is after improving my bonus 24 times it hasn't improved my score against the boss. 

I think you might be mistaken as there's no Area Bonus for Doom Tower. 

Jun 24, 2023, 14:4506/24/23

Live arena is like walking through treacle, everyone you are matched against takes the longest time to choose their champs. Again I say if you cannot choose within your allotted time, it must by default go as a loss. Seema really quite pointless haveing time limits then going "hey it's fine if you take allmost double the time to make your choice." 

Jun 25, 2023, 20:2206/25/23

I think you might be mistaken as there's no Area Bonus for Doom Tower. 

My mistake, it was the Demon Lord.

Jul 15, 2023, 06:2907/15/23

It's still a grind.

What they should do is change the timeout rule and award points to the team that has the most champs left after 30 mins.

I have a muppet who has a champ with a self heal and only has a single champ left.  Like running the Paragon cheese.  I lost my nuker and my support champs just can't pull them down.  Letting my guys run on auto just out of spite.

Jul 15, 2023, 07:5907/15/23

While its rare the battle dragging issue is still there, there are folk in here who will blame your sets, stats, champs, auras, buffs while totally ignoring the issue, the ideas to prevent this are out there, suggested tens if not hundreds of times, i dont know why its so hard to implement reasonable updates, updates that majority of players want instead of some weak resetting champ filters lol

Jul 15, 2023, 14:3407/15/23

Guys does this happen to you in Live Arena that when you are about to win the game freezes and the only way you can leave is by cancelling the game in the multi task bar. I think losing player does something intentionally to cheat you of winning.

Jul 15, 2023, 14:4307/15/23

tried live arena again today , not done it for long time, im in bottom of bronze, my 5 fights were against 4 x lvl 100s and a lvl 99, im lvl 84, still to unbalanced, so wont be checking back on this content yet again for another 3 months, really liked the concept of what live arena was going/meant to be but its just failed content even after this many months. 

Jul 16, 2023, 19:2207/16/23

tried live arena again today , not done it for long time, im in bottom of bronze, my 5 fights were against 4 x lvl 100s and a lvl 99, im lvl 84, still to unbalanced, so wont be checking back on this content yet again for another 3 months, really liked the concept of what live arena was going/meant to be but its just failed content even after this many months. 

Only thing failed is your stubborn approach... result is you are failing to collect for pve upgrades and would be in silver 2 or 3 if you spent 10 minutes per day. But since it'd not as easy as classic arena you decide to spite yourself.  Doth protest falls on deaf ears...

Jul 16, 2023, 20:1607/16/23

Only thing failed is your stubborn approach... result is you are failing to collect for pve upgrades and would be in silver 2 or 3 if you spent 10 minutes per day. But since it'd not as easy as classic arena you decide to spite yourself.  Doth protest falls on deaf ears...

so im sat in the bottom of bronze being killed by lvl 100s and ur logic is i should push my self to s3 so i can then be killed by players with 5 + years of game play? and iv never asked for it to be easy, you should know more than anyone iv posted on this topic many times and my reason for doing so is for live arena to be balanced, there is no other game on this planet that has such an unfair matching system, if there is feel free to name it, and im not stubborn i tried again today and every single person was lvl 100.

but ya were months past the update now,  ranking should have more than eased, and im still against players in bronze rank with multiple years of game play, sorry but no matter what way you word this to me this is some of the most unbalanced pvp content iv ever seen on any game in my life, and iv played virtually everything.

Jul 16, 2023, 20:2807/16/23

so im sat in the bottom of bronze being killed by lvl 100s and ur logic is i should push my self to s3 so i can then be killed by players with 5 + years of game play? and iv never asked for it to be easy, you should know more than anyone iv posted on this topic many times and my reason for doing so is for live arena to be balanced, there is no other game on this planet that has such an unfair matching system, if there is feel free to name it, and im not stubborn i tried again today and every single person was lvl 100.

but ya were months past the update now,  ranking should have more than eased, and im still against players in bronze rank with multiple years of game play, sorry but no matter what way you word this to me this is some of the most unbalanced pvp content iv ever seen on any game in my life, and iv played virtually everything.

Worst case scenario you lose every real match, and win 2 or 3 n/bot fights per day....  I challeneg you to post your 10 daily battles for 1 week.  I predict u win more than 50%.  The matching is completely unbiased and fair.  It may not be favorable to early game players but end game content is not designed for that.  But they made it very n00b firendly with a free path to gold for everyone.  Only catch is you actually have to play.  You don't even have to be good.... I'm almost to gold with a 57% win rate.

Losses don't matter, win pct just floats u up faster but really is irrelavant, just play.... trust me.  I quit out 3 to 5 of 10 within in 1st 10 seconds every day.  Only thing I dislike is the s;low pick phase.  Oh well.

Jul 16, 2023, 20:4707/16/23

Worst case scenario you lose every real match, and win 2 or 3 n/bot fights per day....  I challeneg you to post your 10 daily battles for 1 week.  I predict u win more than 50%.  The matching is completely unbiased and fair.  It may not be favorable to early game players but end game content is not designed for that.  But they made it very n00b firendly with a free path to gold for everyone.  Only catch is you actually have to play.  You don't even have to be good.... I'm almost to gold with a 57% win rate.

Losses don't matter, win pct just floats u up faster but really is irrelavant, just play.... trust me.  I quit out 3 to 5 of 10 within in 1st 10 seconds every day.  Only thing I dislike is the s;low pick phase.  Oh well.

im really not bothered if i lose a fight, id happily lose 10 fights a day and accept it if they were around my level, i dont think you can really call it fair when a person with 6 months game play can be pitched against a guy with 5 years of game play, again there is no other game i can think of where this scenario happens on a regular basis.

but really there is only 1 solution to such poor pvp match up system for me and thats me clicking "find opponent" and letting the game auto select for me and auto fight for me and hope i end up with 2 wins a day, which is one of the main reasons people hate live arena for lol, maybe if the system was balanced properly people wouldnt do this to begin with, but who knows.

Jul 17, 2023, 02:2107/17/23

im really not bothered if i lose a fight, id happily lose 10 fights a day and accept it if they were around my level, i dont think you can really call it fair when a person with 6 months game play can be pitched against a guy with 5 years of game play, again there is no other game i can think of where this scenario happens on a regular basis.

but really there is only 1 solution to such poor pvp match up system for me and thats me clicking "find opponent" and letting the game auto select for me and auto fight for me and hope i end up with 2 wins a day, which is one of the main reasons people hate live arena for lol, maybe if the system was balanced properly people wouldnt do this to begin with, but who knows.

I'm not going to argue the balance/fairness with you.  It's not supposed to be...

What I find comical is that many are not playing for the same reasons as you, and not realizing that you can only move up by playing.  And the only thing slowing down the overall progression is how many people are not supporting the inflationary economy created. 

I equate this lack of participation to everyone deciding to stop using solo defense in classic arena.... imagine what would happen to that economy. 

Jul 17, 2023, 04:0207/17/23

I'm not going to argue the balance/fairness with you.  It's not supposed to be...

What I find comical is that many are not playing for the same reasons as you, and not realizing that you can only move up by playing.  And the only thing slowing down the overall progression is how many people are not supporting the inflationary economy created. 

I equate this lack of participation to everyone deciding to stop using solo defense in classic arena.... imagine what would happen to that economy. 

When live arena first launched I would have argued the same - after all, I love world arena in Summoners War, though I'm an reasonably end game player there.

Live arena in Raid was fine at first - a challenge, but that's to be expected when everyone starts off the same - and gratifying when I could beat high end players. But the mental toll of constantly facing lvl 100 players just to lose has ground me down and I've since abandoned world arena in Raid. There is zero point and purpose in playing it unless you are a very end game player.

The irony is that Summoners War - which Raid is an effective copy of in most things - does live arena really well. Players start off with qualifying matches to determine their level, then end up in a suitable bracket which matches them against players of a similar level. There are seasons where you can win various rewards, you can easily move up or down by winning/losing, and it's generally fun to play and even to watch.

I don't understand why Raid has done things so different when it's otherwise copied so much from SW - Raid doesn't recognize players have different ability levels, and the points system forces everyone upwards together so that they are always fighting in the same pool. It makes no sense, and it's no fun for anyone unless they are lvl 100. 

Anyway, enjoy live arena as a lvl 100 player who enjoys playing other lvl 100 players. I'll maybe join you when I reach that stage, but in the meantime, it's too far end game for anyone else to enjoy.

Jul 17, 2023, 04:0607/17/23
Jul 17, 2023, 04:09(edited)

I'm not going to argue the balance/fairness with you.  It's not supposed to be...

What I find comical is that many are not playing for the same reasons as you, and not realizing that you can only move up by playing.  And the only thing slowing down the overall progression is how many people are not supporting the inflationary economy created. 

I equate this lack of participation to everyone deciding to stop using solo defense in classic arena.... imagine what would happen to that economy. 

ill try put it in context for you "why people like me" dont want to take part in the content, first of all u say its not meant to be fair, but actually it is, this is the whole point of a ranking system in the first place so that ur fighting people on a similar level to urs, not fighting a guy with years more progress on his account or a guy vastly lower level, 2ndly the match up system is literally a coinflip, im sorry but there really is no way to word this any other way, ur either going against a lvl 100, a guy the same lvl as u, or some poor bastard 20 levels lower than u, complete coinflip, this alone, this single factor alone makes people think "why do i bother" again i dont login runescape and go take on a level 120 + with my lvl 50, nor would i be forced to, i dont login new world on mid game account and go challenge a end game lvl 60 to a fight, i dont go into a ranked game on league of legends on my bronze 5 account and get paired against a plat 1 account, so why am i expected to fight people with 2 years account progression on me in bronze rank on raid?

really i know its easy to pin the blame on the people not partaking, but the fault really does fall on plarium for a really badly organized launch of new content, failing to fix obvious problems fast enough when it was launched,still failing to fix obvious problems even now and there method was and looks like it still is to painfully wait it out to balance its self but when u find ur self saying "it will even out dw"  months after its already been launched u know its past a point of salvage.

Jul 17, 2023, 05:0007/17/23

Live arena = Boring, Useless

Give bonuses ok, but all dungeon is separated need complete one by one.  Really ? :DDD

Separated all because they thinking that, the players waste more time there to boosting their dungeon stats one by one, but no FW boost, no DT boost,no Iron Fortress boost,no Sand Devil boost,no Shogun boost etc

Jul 17, 2023, 05:4807/17/23

live arena made me realize that there are way to many idiots in this world that could have been driving  brand new cars but spent that money on raid. It is actually hilarious that people would spend that kind of money on any game let alone a phone game.

That and the fact that every other match people need to sit there and wait the entire time to pick a champion, and somehow even after the time runs out it sits at 0 for another 15 seconds.

Im on my way out with this game. CvC has ruined a lot if it, ascending champions was a terrible update,  +1-4 champions was another ultra cash grab terrible update, hydra is a annoying pos that you need to waste hours a week on.

Gaming used to be good but now its nothing but milking money from dumb people and not just a few dollars but thousands. Stop buying pixels and buy things or do things that matter. Gaming companies would have to make decent products again if people stopped wasting their money on trash micro transactions.

Jul 18, 2023, 04:5507/18/23
Jul 18, 2023, 05:04(edited)

A lot of the posts here are git gud, you don't know how to play, you just need to do the grind, why should new players be able to challenge me when I'm just great, etc.

Raid does have problems with the Arena and I don't think they can fix it.  They never really did with Classic Arena the GH and stuff locked in Missions behind content etc.  Classic used to be really bad for those who remember the match ups and being stuck in Bronze.

I've posted this in here a few times.  They actually can't really make it fair as there are multiple issues they have with the game that I don't think they have answers for.  Part of the reason you are slowly progressing as the point score is you win slightly more than you lose with the bots.

Reasons it can't be fair is it is far too random in champs and gear.  There isn't any way to target them.  I've pulled quite a few dupe legos. With the number there are the chances are slim and yet it still happens.  When you have dupes of champs that are generally no good in the game content you can't really use them.  Especially as you get toward the end.  Gear is also in the same category. 

Certain champs are awesome and if you don't have them in your roster you have a problem and same goes with gear.

You either build your champs fast or strong and teams running multiple revivers in stone skin...... You can't regear and you really are commited to a path once you start. Masteries are either PvP or PvE.

The silver cost to regear and upgrade and the grind to farm.  When you pull rubbish and it's completely random how it rolls......

Too much content so you have to have a large collection of champs to do all the content with specific builds for the content along with masteries.  Too much variation and too much time.  Plus you are forced to do too much content to get the daily resources that take too much time.

This all has to run real time and you can't run it in the background.  Now if you had to do a time grind for gear  and silver and let it run in the background.......  But then the amount of auto battles and what you can do with it is also a problem.

They will eventually kill the game with the amount of content and the time it takes to play the content.  

Now a novel thing they could do but won't is to allow you to run dungeons, etc with teams with a time and then run multiple sets of auto battles with multiple teams and come back at X time later and collect the rewards.  But you would have to have the team with the gear you used in the roster.  But that would be too hard for them and doesn't make them money.  So eventually the game will burn out because of greed.

Jul 18, 2023, 07:4307/18/23
Jul 18, 2023, 07:46(edited)

tried again today, finally for the first time in probably 15 arena battles iv been pitched against someone on a fair level, hell yes, i beat him in the first 2 mins but he has UDK left standing, i still have 3 champs left, problem is he block revived my fenax with his mortu, so now im stuck in a 20 min loop to lose a battle i should win, what great content.

plarium really need to think of away around the shitty system they have, there has to be another factor calculated into winning(only if both teams are left standing of course) and not just letting crap like this happen constantly. really plarium, this is the 3rd arena you created now, maybe you should ensure it actually turns into a success instead of dead content?

i was also told an update happened over a week ago now that cuts the time down from 30 mins to 15 mins? total bullshit iv been in this fight i should win for 18 mins now(ya thats right the other guy being salty and wont surrender, but who can blame him when plarium give him the power to do this)

Jul 18, 2023, 14:1407/18/23

tried again today, finally for the first time in probably 15 arena battles iv been pitched against someone on a fair level, hell yes, i beat him in the first 2 mins but he has UDK left standing, i still have 3 champs left, problem is he block revived my fenax with his mortu, so now im stuck in a 20 min loop to lose a battle i should win, what great content.

plarium really need to think of away around the shitty system they have, there has to be another factor calculated into winning(only if both teams are left standing of course) and not just letting crap like this happen constantly. really plarium, this is the 3rd arena you created now, maybe you should ensure it actually turns into a success instead of dead content?

i was also told an update happened over a week ago now that cuts the time down from 30 mins to 15 mins? total bullshit iv been in this fight i should win for 18 mins now(ya thats right the other guy being salty and wont surrender, but who can blame him when plarium give him the power to do this)

So, when you see UDK you either need to make sure you have the power to bring him down or ban him. I occasionally run into defense teams in Live Arena but not many. For those, if I have time, I put the match on auto and let it run the full 30 minutes. I don't want to reward players running these sorts of teams. 

If you don't want to do that just pass and move on. Don't take it personally when you lose. Look at it like everything else. A path to getting to assets to upgrading your champions. Do it in the most efficient way possible. Long match -- drop and go onto the next one.