The match making is much better now as the whales have floated to the top. In Silver III, I still run into 1 or 2 matches where I ask, "What the hell are you doing here." I assume that is because they rarely play Live Arena and have not moved up the charts yet. You essentially get match up against people with the same win loss percentage as yourself.
You really shouldn't be spending more that 30 minutes doing it unless you want to do so. I think for the time vested the rewards are pretty good. How much time and effort is spent trying to get the next best piece of gear that makes you a little faster, or has more defense, or accuracy to use in CB? This is no different with the exception that instead of one piece of gear you are giving all of your CB champions a boost to defense, or speed, etc. It is way more worth your time than Iron Fortress IMHO.
I was agreeing with you 100pct... until your last sentence 😆
Unless you are really new, in which case the content is too difficult, this is a must do every day imo.